(Note from the author: This story contains references to forced incest of a minor. If this bothers you, please do not read. There are no graphic descriptions.)
Alicia sat in her favorite chair and looked around. The chair itself, almost a throne, had a ring on each leg, but tonight no leashes were attached to them. She had given her leash away and had yet to buy a new one. The tree, so beautifully decorated, sat in a corner with a few small packages underneath. A few strings with cards hanging from them stretched from hook to hook near the ceiling, supporting thoughts and memories instead of a submissive.
She witnessed as she looked at the few packages. This was her first Christmas alone in over ten years. She didn’t have a lot of friends, though there were plenty of people she would hang out with. Her mother had sent a small something, maybe a book or some item to put on a shelf, her father had sent his usual nothing. She couldn’t blow him. They hadn’t spoken since she was 14 and her last words to him could not be repeated in polite company. His last gift to her, though, she remembered, because it had influenced her direction in life and helped make her who she was today. What she could not forgive was how he held her down and ignored her protests while he pushed into her, telling her it was a way to keep her from getting pregnant.
Now she was grown, in her 30s. Almost six feet tall, shaped in general, and muscle in detail. No man was going to hold her down again without a hard battle, and if she got the upper hand, he was going to pay dearly. Walnut colored hair was cut fairly short, with short bangs in front, ears half exposed, and straight hair that hung like a curve over the back of her neck.
Tonight she wore soft clothes, a large t-shirt and loose fitting cotton workout pants. Again, it had been a long time since she wore soft clothes on Christmas Eve. Usually, she was in leather, enjoying whatever gifts her slave offered her. This year all she had was a very large, handmade card hanging up. Conner had met somebody at a bondage party.
It was her fault, really. She ordered him to help with the service of drinks for the dominants and he somehow ended up helping a slave named Irene. They had time to talk, because she hadn’t gagged him, and they got to know each other. On the way home, he called out from his cage in the back of her van asking if he could see her again. She could have said no, but something inside her melted, and she agreed.
She loved Conner more than her previous two slaves. They were simply slaves. Conner was a companion, though never enough of a companion to be in her bed as an equal. She took sex from him, never allowing him to give, and yet his devotion to her was such that anything she took was still given. Conner had been her slave for over three years, but Irene’s Mistress was moving because of her job and Conner looked so sad at losing his love that Alicia let him go, after talking with Irene’s Mistress to make sure they would be together.
That was just two weeks ago. Conner had done the decorating, insisting he perform that task for her one last time. When he was finished, he went to her and kissed her feet with love. She was moved like never before and bent over, urging him to stand. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled his head into her soft breasts, holding him there for many seconds While struggling his hair and telling him how much he had meant to her. Then he crawled into his cage for the night. The next morning he showed, dressed, and waited for Mistress Ida to pick him up. Alicia insisted he never call her, knowing it would reopen the sense of loss she felt as the door closed behind him.
On a whim, she took a pen and paper from her desk and wrote a quick note.
“Dear Santa,
Please bring me a new slave, as devoted and good as Conner was. And also a new leather harness with a clip for a slave’s lean.
Ali / Mistress Varda”
Smiling at the silliness of it, she put the note into an envelope and addressed it to the North Pole. The envelope was dropped on the kitchen counter near her keys, as if she would mail it. Why would she? Tomorrow was already Christmas. There was no way it could reach Santa before he delivered all his goodies. She smiled, thinking of Santa bringing her a leather domme harness.
As she prepared for bed, her thoughts once again went to Conner. It bothed her that she was feeling so sentimental. Slaves are property, after all, not real people. She had rescued him. He was working in a shop and offered to help her. She noticed the look in his eyes that told of a story behind the look. She told him she would be back when he took his break and she wanted to know his story. Her firm voice refused to let him decline and she found out he had been married to a woman who one day walked out holding hands with another man, laughing about his size and manliness. A week after that itlk, he was selling everything and moving in with his Mistress.
It was his devotion that made it so easy to grow close to him. She put him into chatity, of course, only letting him out once a month to relieve stress, and he always tried to put on a show that pleased her when he had his moment of freedom. She controlled his finances, clothes, food, everything. He became such a good service that she would rent him out to clean the homes of friends, always asking many questions later to make sure he had been properly treated.
Oh well, she thought, gone now. He was the closest she had ever known to a true lover, and yet they were never intimate. It had been an amazing ride, but now he had Irene and his Mistress reported that she was amazed at how well he had transitioned. And by how devoted he was to his new Mistress.
Alicia got into bed and checked the clock. It was just past 11, later than she had planned. She gave one more look to the large, empty cage against the wallNear the heating vent, then turned off the light and lay back, closing her eyes.
She woke, grocgy, as she felt the blankets pulled off of her. “Wake up, you sleepy bitch, you don’t want to miss your punishment.” The man’s voice started her a bit. She looked at her clock as she sat up and saw it was one in the morning. Who the hell was in her house in the middle of the night?
She slide off the side of the bed. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” she challenged.
“Ho ho ho,” came a deep, familiar voice. “Alicia, who else would be in your house on Christmas Eve?” She dimly saw an arm move and adopted a defendive posture, but suddenly the lights came on. “Surely you recognize me now?” The voice was still deep and filled with jolly laughter.
At first the bright light made her squint, but her eyes adjusted and she stood, surprised. Six feet away from her stood a man about her height, very round, in the traditional Santa suit. She tensed to make a move towards him, but he was astonishingly quick. His hand reached into a pocket and pulled out a short piece of a belt. He throw it underhand and there was some sparkling before she felt it on her neck, circulation it, and then clicking. She stopped to pull at it and found there was a ring for a lock in the buckle and there was an actual locked lock in that ring. Santa had collared her? That was impossible, there was no Santa.
“What the fuck are you doing?” she screamed at him.
He laughed again. “Such a potty mouth, little Ali. And so dangerous looking. I need to take care of that.”
Angain his hand dipped into a pocket. There was more sparkling and Alicia saw four objects flying towards her. She tried to dodge them but they found her anyway. Quick compressions at wrists and ankles followed by clicks gave her an unsettled Feeling in her belly. A flash of sparkles and she heard a whole series of click. She knew the items were locked on, sealing what were apparently leather cuffs, but thenshe felt her arms pulled back and her wrists were locked together.
Ok, she thought, this has to be a dream. There is no Santa, and there is no magic, so the only way she could be getting locked up was if this was all out of her imagination. It just seemed very real, except that it could not be real.
“Let’s get you where you can be properly punished.” He once again reached into his pocked and pulled out what looked like a short piece of rein. With a snap of his wrist, it seemed to extend and then connected to the front of the collar.
“Hey,” she protested, “stop this. What are you doing?”
He spoke not a word, but turned and started pulling her out of her bedroom. She tried to resist, but found her feet just slipped on the floor. A floor that felt oddly cold, like ice. She was taken down the stairs, never bumping as she was pulled downward, and into the living room. There was a large sack near her fireplace and the clock over the mantel showed, amazingly, one in the morning. No time had passed?
They stopped moving and Santa turned to face her. “Now, you’re far too dressed for how hot this room is.” Before she could ask or protest, he crossed his arms in front of himself before throwing them wide apart. As his arms opened up, her clothes were torn from her body.
“Pervert.” She was looking at him, but amazingly he seemed to show no real interest in her body.
Somehow Santa always seemed to smile and enjoy himself. “You talk too much, my dear. You should be addressing me as Sir Santa.” He reached towards the tree and moved his arm forward. An ornament flew through the air and lodged in her mouth, a piece of tinsel following, piercing the ornament, and becoming a strap the hold the ball in place.
She mmmpf’d loudly, surprised at how well it filled her mouth. She also pulled at the straws holding her wrists, wondering how they were locked as they were.
Santa moved up and tapped the ornament gag. “You should be careful notto fight too hard. That ornament was a gift from Conner, wasn’t it? I’m sure you don’t want it broken.”
Alicia stopped struggling so much, staring at this guy. Of course her dream Santa would know those details, but there were so MANY details he knew.
“Ahh, you wonder how I know about Conner. Dear Alicia, I know about everybody. Irene is pregnant, due in seven months. They just found out and Mistress Ida hasn’t even had a chance to let you know yet. Your kindness will make for a wonderful family, but you were rude to me and need to pay.”
Her eyes opened as he again held his hand toward the tree and five strands of tinsel flew into his open palm. As he closed his hand and shook them, she saw a handle appears and the tinsel turned into five silver colored leather Strands. Her “What the fuck” was so muffled it could not be understood, but Santa laughed because he knew what she said.
“Angain you are being naughty. Time for your punishment. The domme becomes the slave.”
His hands moved and her hands were pulled to her front and locked again, a piece of tinsel flew over and wrapped through the rings in the cuffs, and she was pulled back to the wall. As she backed up, her arms went up and she realized she was being put on one of the rings. Finally, her arms were above her and she looked straight up to see the other end of the tinsel had extended and wrapped around the ceiling ring. A click reached her ears and she felt her feet pulled together.
Santa swished the flogger a few times as he walked over. “Now, Domme turned bitch slave, do a bond dance for me.” His first flick of the wrist lashed her across her breasts, leaving a series of pink welts. She screamed. “Oh dear, you are such a softy. For that you get more.”
The lashes seemed to grow a few inches longer and he swung again. Alicia twisted, taking the strike on her hips. He swung again and again, catching her as she turned and twisted, leaving welts on her breasts, belly, back, ass, thighs, and finally scoring a direct strike on her pussy that left her knees weak.
“Hah!” Santa exclaimed. “Now that you’ve had some pain, let’s go to pleasure before we turn that into pain as well.” He reached towards the fireplace and a log came flying over, landing in front of Alicia. The lock on her ankle cuffs released and her legs were spread, the log lengthened, and she was attached to hooks that suddenly appeared in the end of a much more narrow log. Alicia felt more pull on her arms as her legs spread out.
Santa dropped the flogger and pulled a candy cane from his pocket. “Now this,” he said, “is designed for pleasure. How much of it can you take, my girl?” As he spoke, the candy cane grow longer and fuller until it was about 10 inches long and an inch and a half wide. “Hold your breath, Ali, this is just the beginning.”
He waited for her full reaction, then moved his arm in an underhanded arc. She felt it slide into her pussy, all in one quick motion,until he hand touched her pussy. She gasped, and gasped again as his hand touched her pussy.
“Ho ho ho, let’s see how excited you are.”
The peppermint in the candy cane was warming her up, literally and sexually, as he pumped the candy cane into her again and again. She began twisting as much as she could and an occasional moan escaped around the gag. He pulled out the candy cane after a couple of minutes and held it up in front of her.
“It looks as if you are really enjoying this, so let’s give you even more.” He gave his Santa laugh and showed the dildo with glitter of some sort. As Alicia watched, wide eyed, the candy can grow longer and thicker. This was then returned to her pussy. “It’s been a long time for you, hasn’t it, little girl? It’s ok, you are allowed to show any pain this time. It’s just you and me here.” His hand was moving like there was no effort at all required.
Alicia looked at him with an odd expression. What he had just said brought back memories from when she was 13 and her father had first held her face down on the floor, ignoring her screams and telling her to shut up, using a shocker on her ass when she didn’t. Was that what this guy means? How would he even know about that?
“One more time, Ali. Or is that Ali Cat?” The dildo grew once again, now at least a foot long and almost 3 inches in thickness. She shook her head furiously, having never taken anything that large in her. And she wondered was that just a random guess, or did he somehow know what her father called her when she struggled too much for him and he used pain to control her?
All thoughts were forced out of her head when the head of the candy cane dildo sank into her pussy and just kept sinking. She had never felt so full before, and it was uncomfortable, ruining the wonderful feeling she had been feeling before this, what the hell was it, a candy cane? It started growing huge and getting shoved in and out of her. A small tea formed in the corner of her eyes.
“There you are,” Santa told her. “Just you and me, I’ll remove your gag, and you cry as hard as you want to. You’ve lost your slave, as a mistress you feel empty, and you have your filthy father on your mind. You never cried after he started shocking you, did you? Cry now, and soon, you’ll cry in a more comfortable way.”
This guy was bringing up memories she had tried to suppress, but wasn’t that exactly what he was telling her? Everything she had done as a worker, manager, Mistress, just plain dominant, was done with memories of her father in her mind. She could never really be as intense as she wanted to be, afraid of creating a trauma in her victim or slave that would cause them terrible memories like the ones she now had. The dam broke and she started crying. Suddenly the ornament was out of her mouth and she was shaking with the intensity of her crying.
Gradually, another feeling started to take over and she realized Santa was still pumpingthe massive dildo in and out of her. The pain was gone and it was feeling good. Then he turned it on her, again.
His face was almost sad looking and he rubbed her cheek with his mitten. “I’m sorry, little Ali, but you need to release it all and there is only one way for that to happen.” He held up the candy cane again, sprinkled more glitter on it, and it shrank to about half. Somehow the red and white spiral was still as clear and obvious as ever, even though the thing was obviously wet. His hand went up and made a circle. Without doing anything, Alicia felt herself getting turned around and realized what was going to happen.
“No, please, no. Please, don’t do this. I can’t handle it.” She was terrified, begging as if her life depended on it.
Now Santa’s face was soft, peering at her over her left shoulder, his black leather mitten caresing her breast. “Alicia, sweet Ali Cat, this is the gift you should have been asking for every Christmas. I can help you a little, but you must face this.”
Glitter flew in front of her eyes and suddenly in her mind she was back with her mother. It was Christmas and although her mother was struggling to keep the house and keep food on the table, she had gotten her daughter an MP3 player for Christmas. Knowing the sacrifice, Alicia hugged her mother and felt so very close to her. Her mother knew something was wrong and asked her daughter to share it, but the trauma was too deep, and Ali had simply said she would never talk about it. Except this time, in her mind, she told her mother about the abuse her father had done to her.
Her mother simply nodded, kissed her teenage daughter on the forehead, and held her close while the younger woman began crying uncontrollably. And again, Alicia, dangling at the end of, was it tinsel? was once again shaking as tears ran down her face. And then she felt it. The prodding, the slow, steady entry at her anus. What was missing, though, was the hand holding her down, and the threat of electric shock. What was missing was her father’s coarse grunting as he picked up speed, fucking his daughter in the ass. This time, as glitter passed across her vision, she twisted so that she looked her father in the eyes and told him to go to hell. She spoke the words again, this time out loud, and the dildo was gone, her father was gone, and Santa was fondling her breasts, keeping them aroused.
“How did you know?” Alicia was no longer twisted around, but she looked over her shoulder, still sniffling from her recent crying.
Santa smiled. “Little Ali, I’ve watched you since before your Barbie doll started tying Ken to chair legs. As angry as you’ve been, though, you were always afraid to go too far with your slaves or submissives. Now, you’re free. You know the limit. Let them enjoy what you do.”
She looked at the clock to see how much time had passed and shook her head in surprise when it still showed one.
“Ah, that’s right, honey, this has all been magic. No time has passed, but I must get back to my route. There is one thing left for you.”
He pulled on her lean and the tinsel released her wrists. She padded along behind him as he took her to her bedroom. More glitter and she was laying on her back on her bed, tinsel flying through the door and attaching to her cuffs, then to the bed, holding her spread. With a sudden spreading of his arms and a flash of light, Santa was naked, his hard, fairly long cock standing out free and proud.
Alicia pulled at the tinsel holding her, but she really didn’t pull very hard. She knew it was pointless, and, well, Santa had gotten her pretty wound up with that dildo a little earlier. Santa’s cock (did she really think that?) was a good size without being really big. It was perfect. Then it hit her. Of course it was perfect. Everything he had done was perfect … for her.
He got between her legs and lowered himself, slipping his cock into her wetness without a pause. Immediately going to full length, steady thrusts, she was surprised by how little he disturbed the bed. It was as if he weighed half what he looked like.
She was already heated up, he was moving at a steady, walking pace, but when she felt the fires really began to build he picked up his pace. Still going full length, Alicia was soon gripping the bedding, then tension, and tension more. And tension more. When she finally released her climax, it washed over her like nothing had ever hit her before and she thrashed and twisted and squirmed for several minutes while one climax after another peaked and broke.
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