Sylvia Seeks Spankings

John Harrison witnessed. Once again Sylvia, the new lab technician, had not provided all the chemicals needed for his practical lesson. He was going to have to have a word with her about it. And while he was about it discuss her poor time keeping. He sent her an email saying simply “Sylvia, see me after classes finish. John” and adapted the lesson as best he could.

When she came to collect the equipment at the end of the lesson she said “I saw the email, was anything wrong?”

“Yes there was — you failed to provide the copper turnings for the distribution reactions. We’ll discuss it after school.”

“I’m really sorry.”

John was sure she was. The attractive 30 year old tried hard but she seemed out of her depth in a busy school science department. “We’ll discuss it later.”

At four p.m. she nervously entered his room and took a seat at one of the benches. He pulled up a stool and sat opposite her. “Sylvia, your work performance leaves a lot to be desired. You fRequiredly miss off important parts off requirements and your time keeping is very poor.”

“I’m sorry but I’ve never worked in a school before and I’m entirely on my own. Other schools have at least two technicians.”

“I’m aware of that and I’ll keep pressing for an extra post but your frequent lateness underines me. SMT have already said that if you worked your hours there wouldn’t be a problem. We both know that’s not true but it does give them a cop-out. They’re more likely to instigate disclinary proceedings than appointment another member of staff.”

She smiled “I wouldn’t mind being distributed by you!”

He stared at her. “I’m not sure what that’s meant to mean but you need to understand that your continued employment here is at stake. I can arrange for training for you but you need to meet me half way by keeping to your hours. Can you do that.”

“I can.”

“Good, off you go.”

When he got home later that evening he flopped onto the sofa next to Jennifer and surprised heavily.

“Rough day?”

“You could say that. Still having problems with the technical.” He gave her the gist of the conversation.

“Interesting! Do you think she’s one of us?”

“Could be.”

“Do you think you’ll spank her?”

“I would love to, to be honest but if I did and she complained I’d be out for sexual harassment.”

“True. If she generally does want to be spanked she’ll say something again. Keep your phone in your pocket on record mode. And don’t instigate any spanking conversations yourself.”

Two days later he had another meeting with Sylvia to discuss her training needs. She had at least given it some thought and had already identified a number of short courses that would be useful. As they finished Sylvia cleared her throat nervously and said: “I’m sorry about my flippant remark about discipline the other day.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just think about what you say before you say it. I don’t know what you were thinking; I dread to think what senior management would make of a comment like that.”

“I was just thinking about old fashioned school discipline used to involve the cane.”

“That was abolished nearly thirty years ago and even then it wasn’t used on staff!”

She looked at the floor. “Do you think it should have been?” She looked up again.

John met her eyes. “I don’t think this is an appropriate conversation for the workplace. If you want to continue it meet me in the independent coffee bar on the High Street at four thirty on Friday.”

“Yes sir!” She practically skipped out of the laboratory.

Jennifer’s school had a parent’s evening that day so John cooked when he got home. He made jerk chicken which he personally thought was not as good as that prepared by his Jamaican mother-in-law but Jennifer was always complimentary about it.

He greeted her with a glass of wine as she arrived half an hour later than planned. “How was it?”

“Oh, the usual. Notenough time to say everything that needs to be said and the parents I really needed to see were no shows.” She sipped the wine. “How was your day?”

“I discussed Sylvia’s training needs with her. I have to say she is making an effort now and it’s not entirely her fault, her experience isn’t in schools. With the salary SMT wants to pay for her job we can’t get experienced applicants. Oh and — ” He pulled out his smartphone and played the recording of their conversation.

Jennifer listened with interest. “Wow. She is definitely angling for a spanking!”

“Well, we know some youngsters like it. I’m just surprised she wants to be spanked by an old goat like me. I’m sure she could find a spanker her own age.”

“You’re only sixty and still pretty hot!”

He grinned. “Thanks but she’s only thirty. Chanisse’s age.”

She shrugged. “Some spankees like to be dealt with by someone older. Remember those fit young men who enjoyed being spanked and coulded by yours truly atthe last party?”

“Good point. Anyway, we’ll see if she turns up on Friday.”

“Since she’s brought up the subject of caning in schools, maybe she should get an old-fashioned caning.”

“That’s an idea!”

A few minutes before the appointed time John sat at a table in the coffee bar. Twenty minutes later he had finished his coffee and was about to leave having decided that Sylvia must have changed her mind when she rushed in.

“Sorry I’m late but Helen came in with a requestition for Monday morning.”

“Well, you’re here now. What would you like?”

“Americano with milk. No sugar”

When he returned with the coffees he said: “I’ll have a word with Helen about late requests. It can’t help.”

“Would you? People interrupting me with extra requirements means I have to do several things at once and it’s why I make mistakes.”

“You should have said.”

“I thought I might sound like I’m blaming other people for my faults.”

“It is their fault if they’re late.”

“Thanks.” She squeezed his thigh under the table then left her hand resting there. John felt the beginnings of arousal. She took a mouthful of coffee and swallowed. “Well…” she paused. “We both know why we’re here but it’s hard to come out and say it.”

“Your interest in corporate punishment?”

She flushed and nodded. “It’s hard to admit out loud that you like it. In fact you’re the first person I’ve admitted it to.”

“You seemed to have no problem bringing it up in our meetings.”

She flushed again. “I’d been thinking of you in that context.”

He smiled. “I’m pretty sure I’ve never been the subject of anyone’s erotic fansies before. Well, maybe my wife.”

She stroked his thigh. “Probably noone’s admitted it.”

“And you want me to spank you?”

“I’d love it. Would you be willing to?”

“I would. Have you ever been able to?”

She Shook her head “Hand, slipper and belt.”

“Would you like to try an old schoolcaning? And maybe get spanked later?”

“I would!”

“Let’s go then.”

She hooked her arm in his as they left. “I can’t quite believe I’m doing this! Does your wife know?”

He nodded.

“And she’s ok with it?”

“We spank other people at parties. This is no different.”

“Spanking parties! Wow!”

“Would you like to go to one?”

“Maybe. Will she be at home now?”

“Yes. In fact she’ll be participating.”


“She’s going to can you.”

“Oh. I was hoping you would.”

“You seemed interested in school style canings. When we had CP girls were only ever caned by women teachers.”

“Oh. Will you still be there?”

He nodded. “And I’ll spank you afterwards if you’re up for it.”


Jennifer was already home when they arrived. Sylvia smiled nervously as John made the introductions.

“Lovely to meet you Sylvia. I’ll just go upstairs and get into Headmistress mode. I hope you enjoy it.”

“Me too. I think I will though…” she trailed off and wiped her palms on her jeans.


Sylvia nodded. “A bit. I have been spanked before but never coulded.”

“I see. Are you familiar with the traffic light system of safe words?”

Sylvia shook her head.

“Green means proceed, amber means pause and red means stop now. You’re in control of this.”

“Thank you, Mrs Harrison.”

“Jennifer, please. Except when I’m Headmistress obviously.”

“Yes, Jennifer.” When the older woman had gone upstairs, Sylvia put her arms around John’s wait. “I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.”

John hugged her. “It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

“I know. I admit I was a bit nervous when you told me your wife would be taking part but she makes me feel wonderfully safe.” She looked up. “I’m still looking forward to being spanked by you though.”

She stepped away as Jennifer entered the room. She was wearing a severe business suit, her degree robe and mortar board and was carrying a junior cane and a medium rattan.

“I normally fully role play Headmistress at parties but since you just wanted an introduction to old school caning I thought we’d be a bit less formal.”

“Not that informal!”

“Sorry miss.”

“Better!” she swished the junior cane. “Sometimes the cane was given on the palm. Hold Your right hand out, thumb tucked in.”

Sylvia did as instructed, then gasped and pulled her hand back when the cane was brought smartly down on her palm. “Ow! That stings!”

“And we’d get extra for that! Left hand please!”

Sylvia did as instructed and received the second stroke. She wrung her hands as the older woman continued:- “More usually, the cane was applied to the bottom. Clothed you’ll be pleased to learn. Go and bend over that hard back chair!”

Sylvia smiled and walked slowly to the chair, bent over, placing her palms on the seat and presenting her denim clad rear. “Green.”

Jennifer tapped the rattan against Sylvia’s bottom, then swished it down.


The second stroke landed.


Jennifer smiled. “Normally the moans weren’t of pleasure but in these circumstances I’m glad you appear to be enjoying it.”

“I am. It’s nice. How many am I going to get?”

“I think we’ll stick to the traditional six.”

“Thank you miss.” She wriggled as she received the third stroke.

Jennifer slowly administratored the remaining three strokes. As Sylvia stood she said: “And extras were given for standing without permission!”

Sylvia bent over again. “Green”.

The rattan struck the underside of her buttocks hard, twice.

“Now you may go and stand in the corner. Face the wall, hands on head!”

John stroked Jennifer’s bottom as they watched. “Well, she seemed to enjoy that.”

Jennifer smiled, “She did.” They watched Sylvia’s bottom wriggle as the sting and heat of the caning sank in. After five minutes Johnasked her if she was ready for her spanking.

“I am. I usually get spanked through my knickers or on the bare. Shall I take my jeans off?”

“If you would. Then come here!”

Sylvia wriggled out of her tight jeans then draped herself over John’s lap. He was sitting on the middle seat of a three-seater sofa so she was able to stretch out and relax. She witnessed with pleasure as John stroked her bottom, “Green.”

He began to slap, gently at first. Sylvia squirmed as the slaps re-ignited the sting of her caning. John increased the intensity as he alternate left and right, up and down. After a couple of dozen he paused and rubbed her bottom.

“Ooo! That’s lovely!”

She raised her hips as he peeled down her knickers. He noticed the crotch was quite wet. Her bottom was already pink, with deeper red streaks where the cane had struck. He resumed spanking and tightened his grip round her waist as her squirming became more vigorous. The sound of his hand on her bottomechoed around the room. After spanking her four a couple of minutes he paused to rub her bottom again. He resumed spanking, increasing the intensity and tempo. Sylvia squirmed and surprised, her breathing became heavier.

After a few more slapsed. “I think that’s enough. You can stand up now.”

She stood slowly and rubbed her bottom. Her face was flushed as she said “I think I need the loo.”

“Upstairs, first door on your left.” She pulled up her knickers and dashed out.

Jennifer sat down besides him. “Well, she certainly seemed to enjoy that! And I enjoyed watching, made me want one!”

John put his arm around her and drew her close. “I’ll be happy to oblige after she’s gone.”

Jennifer kissed him and rubbed his crotch. She raised her eyesbrows. “You clearly enjoyed it too!”

“I did. And you’ll reap the benefit!”

“Cheeky!” She stood as they heard the loo flush and a tap running in the bathroom and went to the kitchen. She returned with abottle of chilled white wine and three glasses as Sylvia came down the stairs. “Would you like a glass Sylvia?”

“I’d love one. Thank you.” She picked up her discarded jeans and wriggled back into them while Jennifer poured. She sat in an armchair and wriggled. “Ooo! That feels lovely and warm! Best spanking I’ve had.”

Jennifer sat back down besides John and rested her head on his shoulder. “We’re glad you enjoyed it dear. And now the question I always ask; what got you into spanking?”

Sylvia took a sip of wine. “My mum and step dad used to spank me regularly. When I hit puzzle I started to get turned on by it. By the time I was sixteen they must have realized I was enjoying it because they stopped.” She smiled. “A bit frustrating.”

“Anything since?”

“Occasionally by a boy-friend. There’s no-one at the moment though.”

“You should come with us to a party, perhaps you’ll meet someone suitable. There’s always more men than women.”

“I’d like that.When’s the next one?”

“Not until July I’m afraid.”

“That’s disappointing.” She drank more wine. “Until then, can we do this again?”

John and Jennifer exchanged glances. “I don’t see why not.”

“Thank you. Now can I ask you how you got into spanking?”

John smiled. “Of course you can. As you might surmise, it’s connected with the fact that corporate punishment was still a thing when we were at school.”

Jennifer nodded. “We were able or got the ruler for all kinds of infections and, like you, at puzzle I started to enjoy it. I was purely a bottom when I was younger but I’ve got more toppy as I got older.”

“Did the teachers realize you were enjoying it?”

“Quite possible. In Any event I’m sure some of them enjoyed giving it. I had a lovely bum as a girl.”

John smiled. “You still do now. And still as spankable as ever.” He turned to Sylvia. “In my case I never enjoyed getting it but I remember being really turned on when a girl I fancieddescribed getting the cane for smoking. The thought crossed my mind that I’d love to cane her myself. Of course, there was no internet then so I thought I must be really perverted and kept my thoughts to myself. It wasn’t until I discovered spanking magazines as a student that I discovered there were others like me, and that there was more to it than just a quick six of the best with the cane.”

Jennifer resumed the story. “We met and started dating at my first job. Mixed relationships were a lot less common in the mid 80s and I was more than half convinced he was just after a notch on his bed post so I wouldn’t sleep with him and kept sassing him. Until one day he had enough, put me over his knee and gave me a good spanking.”

“What happened then?”

“He got the best shag of his life!”

They all laughed. John continued: – “I knew I’d met my soul mate and we’ve spent the intervening thirty two years exploring the spanking world.”

“Sounds wonderful. You’re verylucky.”

“We are.”

After Sylvia had gone, John took Jennifer’s hand. “Ready for your spanking now?”

“More than ready!”

They went upstairs and undressed, John placed some toys within reach then sat on the edge of the bed. Jennifer drew herself over his lap. He stroked her back, buttocks and tighs before smacking her bottom. His palm, already tingling from spanking Sylvia, began to get hot. He kissed and caressed her bottom then picked up a leather paddle. Jennifer wriggled in pleasure as the leather impacted her bottom. He reached under with his left hand and fingered her clip as he continued paddling her.

“Oh! I love this!”

“I know darling.”

As her breathing growing heavy he stopped. She got off his lap and lay on the bed. He climbed on top and pushed gently in. She told pleasure as his thrusts pushed her hot bottom into the mattress. After a few vigorous strokes they both orgasmed.

Sylvia stripped off and photographed the reflection of her bottom in the wardrobe mirror. She also took pictures of the cane mark on each palm. Then she turned on her lap top and opened the “Sylvia’s Spankings” blog. She entered the PIN, password, uploaded the pictures and began typing:

“Well, I finally received a non domestic spanking! Slacking at work bore fruit before I got fired! A colleague took me home where he and his wife spanked and coulded me. I lost count of how many I spanks I got but I received one with the cane on each hand and eight (yes eight!) on the bottom. (See photos.) Throughly turned on and had to relieve myself in the toilet.”

She clicked the “Publish” icon.


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