Sylvia's Bondage Date

Sylvia seldom went home with random men that she met in bars. Not only did it seem slightly dangerous, she didn’t particularly enjoy one-night stands. She enjoyed sex – a lot, as a matter of fact — but she preferred it to come with a light touch of relationship, even if it was just a casual friends-with-benefits relationship rather than any sort of long or even medium term commitment. She just did’t have the energy to get to know a man whom she would likely never see again. So why was she in the passenger seat of Jason’s Corolla heading to his apartment?

It had started quite enough. She had dropped in to her favourite corner pub after work, and, not happening to see any of her work friends there, was sitting at the bar by herself with a mostly-finished drink, wondering whether she should order another one or just cut losses and walk home. From over her shoulder, she heard the familiar pickup line, “Can I buy you another one of those?”

She turned around and surveyed the man behind her. He was good-looking enough, if not movie-star handsome, with a neighbor brown bear and a well-proportioned face, no hat (rather than the classic ball-cap-on-backwards look that Sylvia considered rarely low-class), medium height, medium build – nothing really special, but somehow looking comfortable in his nothing-specialness.

Sylvia was tempted to do her usual polite-but-firm brushoff, but to tell the truth, she didn’t really feel much like going back to her empty apartment, heating up some leftovers for dinner and spending the evening in front of Netflix. On impulse, she said, “Sure. Why not?”

The man gestured to a nearby small table that held his own half-finished drink. “Care to join me at a more comfortable Venue?”

She told the barman that she was moving so the bill could follow her and accepted the man’s offer. They exchanged names and made small talk for a while, and discovered that they had a number of things in common. They were both middle-level professionals who had been in their jobs for several years and enjoyed them. They both liked hockey, and agreed that Canada’s nail-biter win over the U.S. in the Four Nations Face-Off was the biggest sports rush they had experienced for a long time. They didn’t much care for office politics, but usually managed to ignore the petty squabbles at work and get on with things. And they disliked approximately the same Things about the Government of Alberta. Sylvia found herself liking Jason as much as she could like anyone she’d only known for half an hour.

They ended up ordering some food to go with their drinks, since neither of them particularly felt like going home to rummage for leftovers. As the afternoon turned into early evening, the discussion gradually got more personal. They discovered that neither was attached at the moment, and they agreed that stepping into someone else’s relationship, an experience that they had each had more than once, was risky business and seldomworth the trouble.

Then somehow the conversation got onto the topic of sex. Afterwards, Sylvia couldn’t remember clearly how the conversation had ended up getting that personal, but at the time it had seemed like a natural progression from whatever they had been talking about before, and Sylvia wasn’t the least shocked when Jason asked, “So, do you like to do anything kind of kinky, or do you prefer your sex to be nice and vanilla?”

Slyvia reached over and helped herself to another nacho while she thought about her answer. How much did she feel like revealing right now? Maybe it was the fact that she was part way through her third drink, but she surprised herself by responding a lot more frankly than she expected to.

“Well, I don’t much care for being fucked in the ass. I’ve tried it a few times, and it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as I expected it to, but it doesn’t do a lot for me. I do enjoy giving head, though. I don’t know why, but I really like the feel of a guy’s dick in my mouth and even down my throat.”

“You must have good control over your gag reflex. Not a lot of women can handle deep throat.”

“I guess my gag reflex has never been all that strong to begin with, and I’ve practiced the breathing rhythm you have to set up to get past the feeling that you’re going to choke.”

“I like going down on women too. There’s something exciting About being able to bring a woman to climax with just my fingers, lips and tongue.”

“It’s good to hear you say that. Some guys I’ve been with just seem to want to stick their dicks in me without ever thinking about what they might do that I’d like.” Sylvia was beginning to like this guy more and more.

Jason seemed to be in the mood to open up more and more as well. He stirred the ice in his drink and said, “Well, that said, I confess that I do like being kind of dominant in bed. I’m not especially interested in rough sex, spanking, choking, all that shit that you see in porn, but I can feel in

charge without forgetting that there are two of us who should end the night happy.”

Sylvia contemplated exactly how far she felt comfortable taking this conversation. It seemed to be providing a good opening for her to talk about her ultimate kink if she felt sufficiently daring. She decided to go for the gusto.

“That’s interesting. I’m the opposite, in a sort of complementary way. I like being More submissive in bed.” She took a deep breath, then added, “In fact, I really get off on being tied up when I’m being fucked.” There, she’d said what she had never said before outside the safe confines of an S&M bar.

She waited for the remark to drop like a chunk of lead. Instead, Jason replied, “Cool. I’ve never tied a woman up, but I have to admit that I’ve fantasized about it enough times. Sometimes I get off on watching bondage porn, as long as it’s not torture porn.”

Sylvia relaxed. “Good. Like bondage doesn’t imply that I want to be beating up, even with a bunny flogger or whatever. I just like the feeling of surrendering control.”

Once the conversation had slid that way, they got even more personal. “How do you feel about being gagged?” Jason asked.

Wow, thought Sylvia. This guy was up on his Boundhub, wasn’t he? “Weirdly, I love being gagged. I don’t know whether it’s an oral fixation, or just that not being able to speak multiples the helplessness even more. But bit gags and ball gags are a bit dumb because you can still sort of talk around them. I like having my mouth really filled with something.”

After that exchange of intimate details, it didn’t take much of one thing leading to another for Sylvia to find herself in Jason’s car, heading towards his apartment. She feel her pussy moistening and her nipples hardening in anticipation. It had been a while since she’d had sex of any kind, other than with herself, and longer since she’d had proper bondage sex.

She put her hand on Jason’s right leg and squeezed gently, feeling the firm muscles under the thin fabric. He reciprocated by putting his hand on her left knee, then sliding it up under the hem of her shortish office skirt until his fingers were resting on the damp crotch of her panties. She shifted in her seat so she could part her legs more and give him better access.

Sylvia wondered whether he’d try to slide the crotch of the panties aside so he could finger her bare pussy, but he was content just to give her a gentle feel through the material. Good thing, she thought, since he needs to pay attention to driving. She wondered whether the popular image of a man getting a blow job in a moving vehicle was ever real, and if it was, how many of those adventurous people were still alive.

They pulled into the underground garage of a new-looking apartment complex in the Beltline, not far from where the new Calgary Transit LRT line was scheduled to be built. “This is going to be convenient when they finish the Green Line,”she commented by way of continued small talk.

“Yes. I can almost walk to work downtown, but it’s really a bit far. I tried it a couple of times, and I always arrived sweaty and late. And I definitely don’t want to try it when it’s -20 out and the wind’s blowing.”

They entered his apartment on the twelfth floor. As people do out of habit in a prairie city subject to dirty snow in winter whether it’s currently winter or not, they both automatically slipped off their shoes and left them in a little row on a mat beside the door. Sylvia didn’t go on an apartment tour, but she looked around and liked what she saw. Tidy, without the clutter of dirty socks and beer bottles that sometimes greeted her in bachelor’s apartments. Fairly minimalist but tasteful modern-style furniture. Small balcony with a nice view of the city, the Calgary Tower in the distance. Two bedrooms, one being used – as she saw through the open door – as a home office. Good – no roommate to turn upat awkward moments. The other was presumably the main bedroom; she was pretty sure she’d be seeing that soon enough.

Jason took off his jacket and hung it neatly in the closet. If he had been wearing a tie at work, he had already removed it before he entered the bar. The effect impressed Sylvia – still some professional-looking, but casual enough to be appropriate on a Friday night with female company.

He mixed her the same thing she had been drinking at the bar: Vodka and tonic with a squeeze of fresh lemon. She noted that he had fresh lemons in the fridge although he didn’t take them with his Scotch and soda. Makings for visitors – a nice attention to detail.

They sat beside each other on the couch and picked up the small talk they had been pursuing all evening. Sylvia went along with it for a little while, then impulsively grabbed Jason’s hand and pressed it to her right breast. He looked surprised for a second, but certainly showed no signs of wanting to yankHis hand away. On the contrary, he squeezed gently, savouring her medium-sized, firm roundness through the material of her shirt and bra.

His other hand slipped around her back and slide up the outside of her shirt to her bare neck. Then he let go of her breast and slide both hands up to cup her face. His hands felt strong but gentle as he brought her face forward to meet his. He tipped his head slightly to avoid a nose collision and met her lips.

In seconds, they were locked in a password kiss, as if they were both starving and had suddenly been offered food. His bear was neatly trimmed but long enough to be soft rather than scratchy, and when his tongue went into her mouth, he just used it to meet hers without trying to push it halfway down her throat.

Her hands went up to cup his face the way his were doing to hers, then she wrapped her arms around his body and held him tight while they explore each other’s mouths with their tongues. Then they broke the kis and learned back. Jason hands went to her top button and undid it, then worked their way down until her short-sleeved shirt was unbuttoned all the way. He gave a gentle pull to untuck it from her skirt, then slipped it back. She arched her shoulders back slightly and shimmied them to let it slide all the way off onto the couch behind her.

Jason leaned back to admire her breasts where they peeked out around a lacey black bra. Then he reached around behind her back and expertly unclipped it – she could tell that he had had some practice undoing bras without being able to see when he was doing. Another little shimmy and the bra dropped into her lap, revealing creamy breasts with small pink areolas and large nipples, now standing significantly at attention. He held them in both his hands and ran his thumbs over her nipples, causing little sparks of pleasure to run through her body.

Sylvia’s nipples weren’t the only things that were standing significantly at attention. She reached down to Jason’slap and expertly unbuckled his belt and unhooked his pants, then pulled his zipper all the way down to expose his bulging underwear. She took the waitband of his underwear and pulled it down enough to let his rigid penis pop free like a coiled spring that was suddenly released. She noted that it was circularized, clean-looking, and a nice intermediate size, not a giant cunt-ripper like most men, and few women, wish for.

Sylvia bent forward, her breasts swingling out from her chest as she did so, and delicately took the tip of Jason’s cock between her lips. It smelled and tasted as clean as it looked. His public hair smelled pretty of a day’s worth of sweat, but mostly a hint of whatever he’d showed with that morning, a very pleasant combination. She ran her tongue over his cock-hole, prying it open a few millionmetres with the tip of her tongue, which she ran back and forth across the delicate tissue. Then she took his penis in a bit farther so she could run her tongue around behind his glans where it met his shake, exploring the sensitive junction between the two parts of his instrument. Jason placed a hand on the back of her head, just encouraging her but not trying to force himself deeper into her mouth, and letting her take her time doing what she was obviously expert at doing.

Jason leaned his head back and closed his eyes, savouring the sensing of her lips and tongue on his cock. She pushed forward More, taking more of him into her warm, wet mouth and running her tongue over the underside of his shake. She began bobbing up and down, pulling her mouth almost off him and then going down so his tip was at the very back of her mouth at the entrance to her throat. He began breathing deeply and raggedly as the pleasure of her strokes filled his body.

She reached into his underwear and took his balls in her hand, just holding them While she worked up and down the length of his cock with her mouth. Then he pushed gently on her forehead and pulledhis cock out of her mouth, a single string of saliva joining his tip with her lips. She reluctantly let go of his balls and pulled her hand out of his underwear.

“I think we’d better slow down a little. I’d love to blow my load in your mouth, but I want to save some for the bedroom.”

Sylvia could certainly see his point. She wiped the string of saliva off with the back of her hand, stand up, and waited expectedly. Jason reached out pulled down the zipper and the side of her skirt, unhooked the waistband, and let the skirt fall to the floor. Since the weather was warm, she wasn’t wearing stockings or pantyhose, so she was now standing naked before him except for the black lacey panties that matched her bra.

Jason admired her nearly nude body for a full minute, running his eyes over her firm, rounded breasts, slender wait, and long, tanned legs. Then he reached out, hooked his fingers into the elastic of her panties, and slid them to the floor so she could step out ofThey. She moved her feet slightly apart so he could admire her neatly trimmed pussy, with a little patch of auburn hair above what was visible of her slit.

He stood up as well, but rather than letting her finish striping him, he took his own clothes off. He let his pants fall to the floor and stepped out of them, then pulled his underwear down and off. He stood a moment, his rigid penis pointing at her like a gun barrel, then slowly unbuttoned his shirt, striptease style, undid the cuff buttons, and slipped it off. Now they were looking at each other’s totally naked bodies.

Jason came around behind Sylvia and cupped her breasts again, this time more firmly, and pressed her body back against his. She could feel his penis, now flipped up against his lean belly, pressing along her asscrack as he pulled her back into him. Then his left hand slipped down between her legs and a finger went between her pussy lips, feeling the warm, incredibly moist space of her vulva. He curleda finger and stroked her clip repeatedly for a minute, drawing even more moisture and a long, shuddering sight.

“Just stay like that and don’t move,” ordered Jason. A little thrill went through har at his dominant, commanding tone–not barking orders, but letting her know in no uncertain terms that he was in charge.

He walked away and disappeared down a hall. She heard a closet open, the one he had hung his jacket in earlier, and a sound of rummaging. In a minute, he returned with several neighbor skeins of rope.

“I wasn’t expecting this, so I don’t have a nice collection of restraints. But I like camping, and you always need rope to put your food in a tree or hold your tent up.”

She stood unmoving, her hands at her sides. He came around behind her again, took her wrists, and put them Together behind her back. She saw him double the rope over and then it disappeared behind her. She felt the loop go around her wrists and then the rope being wound loosely several timesaround them. Then he felt Jason wind more rope between her wrists and around the middle of the loop that was joining her wrists. Then she felt the two ends of the rope being pushed through somehow–she couldn’t be sure without being able to see what he was doing–and being tied off.

She tested the restraint. It wasn’t at all tight around her wrists, but with the turns of rope held snugly in the middle, there was absolutely no way to slip her hands out. Nice. For a bond newbie, Jason was good–he’d obviously been watching the technique demonstrated in his bondage videos. She felt his fingers going between the rope and her wrists to check that it wasn’t going to cut off circuitry. Thoughtful guy.

Jason came around in front of her and admired her body again. Unconsciously she arched her shoulders back a little, making her breasts stand out from her chest even more. She noticed that his cock, which had come down a little bit after she had finished sucking it hard, was achingly stiff again from the erotic excitement of tying up a woman for the first time,

Jesus, she loved being tied up. She didn’t know exactly why, but somehow the feeling of being helpless lit a fire under het naturally submissive streak to make any sexual activity twice as intensity. And with a partner she’d just met, there was the added spice of an element of danger. Somehow she trusted Jason completely, but she knew From experience that a confidently kind manner like he displayed could conceal an undercurrent of violence that could make her deeply regret her choice. Still, here she was, naked with her wrists securely bound behind her back. There wasn’t much she could do about it now.

Jason reached behind her and used her bound wrists to push her forward towards the bedroom. When they got to the bad, Jason left her standing for a minute while he peeled the covers all the way off, leaving only the bottom sheet in place. “On the bed. Face up.” Sylia compiled, lying on her backin the middle of the bed and waiting for instructions.

Jason looked at her for a few seconds, then took her by the wait and slide her a bit further down the bed until she was as close to the foot as she could be and still be entirely on it. He uncoiled another skein of rope and wound an end around her left ankle several times, again loosely, and tied it off with a hit. She knew that a hit wouldn’t slip and tighten, and Jason ran a finger under the turns of rope to make sure there was a bit of slack. Still, just like her wrists, there was no way her feet were getting out of those loops of rope.

Jason balled up the end of the rope, throw it under the bend, and then went around to the other side to retrieve it. He pulled it taut under the bad, pulling her left ankle out to the side. Then he gripped her right ankle and pulled it towards him, forcing her legs into a wide V on the bed. He wound the end of the rope around her right ankle and tied it off with another hit, thenstood at the foot of the bed to look at his captive.

From his vantage point at the foot of the bed, he could stare right up her pussy, totally exposed by her widely spread legs. She could feel that her pink pussy lips were pulled slightly open by her position, and she had no doubt that he was taking in the sight of her vagina and cliporis revealed between them. Her clip especially was hard and erect, and she knew that it was unusually large when erect and was poorly poking lasciviously out from between her labia. She struggled experimentally, and was not surprised to find that all she accomplished was making her tits rock back and forth.


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