Chapter II
Alice was digging her eyes into the sheet of paper laying on the table, repeating all the rules one by one in her head. She had no idea how much time had passed since Clair left her alone but it felt like the hour was almost up. Then she heard the main door open and someone stormed in.
“Alice!” shouted gently Clair bursting through the living room door. “Oh, there you are sweetheart. So, let’s check if you remember anything. Leave the page on the table and knee before me, quick!” commanded Clair dropping on the must yellow couch in the living room.
Alice left the piece of paper and eagerly shuffled to Clair and knelt as ordered.
“Third rule.” coldly ordered the dominant woman.
“I must comply with any orders given and fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities Goddess.” received Clair looking down at Clair’s knees.
“Good girl, now the fifth one.”
“I must comply with any punishments given Goddess.”
“A- anddo not question them.” answered promptly Alice.
“I should have warned you beforehand. For every wrong answer you will be flogged 5 times. That was your first mistake. Now rule number one”
“I must not wear any article of clothing not approved by my superior Goddess”.
“Good, the last one now”
“I must ask for permission before doing anything that doesn’t benefit completing my duties Goddess.”
“You must ask for permission before doing anything that does not benefit completing ONE OF your duties. You missed a word there, your count goes up to ten. Second rule.”
“I’m sorry Goddess. I must not leave the premises of the property.”
“That was an easy one, fourth now.”
“I- I must-” stuttered Alice with fear in her eyes. “I don’t remember Goddess I am really sorry” she added after a long pause.
“You know what that means.”
“Yes Goddes I know.” quietly answered Alice lowering her head so low she wasn’t even looking at Clair’s feet but at the old wooden floor which was starting to hurt her knees.
“It would be fair if I gave you only five more floggings for forgetting a whole rule would it?” asked Clair with an emotionalless voice.
“No, it would not be fair Goddess…” answered ashamed Alice closing her eyes.
“Then I’ll add fifteen more to the count”
“Yes, Goddess.”
“Look at me Alice.” sturdily commanded Clair.
Alice slowly lifted her head and looked directly into her girlfriend’s brown eyes. Her whole body was beginning to weaken.
“Now repeat after me. I must trust in my superior.”
“I must trust in my superior.” repeated Alice after Clair.
“See? Wasn’t that hard, was it? You’ve got only one last to go, I listen to you.”
“I have a right to stop ant activities taking place any moment.”
“At any GIVEN moment darling, five more to a total of thirty. And remember that last rule, I don’t want to hurt you.” gently said Clair as she lifted herself off of the couch. “Stand up and follow me, we have to execute your punishment now.”
They both left the house and Alice followed Clair to the massive oak she admired an hour ago. Now she could spot metal hooks drilled into the tree about two and a half meters above the ground and spaced a bit over a meter apart from each other. Clair grabbed two chains with wrist restraints at the end of them lying on the ground next to the tree.
“Take off your lovely dress now.” said the brunette as she climbed a little step in order to attach the chains to the tree.
Alice compiled with the order and completely naked walked to the oak.
“Put your back against the trunk and lift your hands up” ordered Clair and attached Alice’s wrists to the tree.
The chained girl could feel the rough bark scratching against her back. She pulled on the chains but there was no way of breaking out of them. She was now completely exposed to her girlfriend standing in front of her. Completely helpless and at her mercy, she retired this feeling. At this moment she was on top of the world. Tho completely helpless she felt safe and fulfilled.
“Well, I’m waiting” proudly stated smiling Alice in anticipation.
Clair walked up to her and pulled a flogger out of her bag. “I can see you’re enjoying yourself. Unfortunately not for long. Count every stroke out loud. If you lose count we will start over, understand?”
Clair took a step back and smoked Alice across her bare chest with the flogger.
“One!” quickly answered Alice.
“Two!” After another three Alice’s chest started to become red.
Smack Smack! Clair whipped Alice two times in a row.
“Seven Miss!” shouted Alice with a sour expression on her face.
“What is that face supposed to be? Straighten yourself right now! Lift your head up! Twenty-three more to go!” screamed Clair angrily looking at her slave.
Another three quicked smokes from Clair sounded out.
“Ten!” loudly said Alice trying her best to not disappoint her Mistress and stand up straight.
Clair slowly walked up to the chained girl and grabbed her throat squishing it gently.
“Spread your legs.” she commanded.
Alice quickly fulfilled Clair’s wish and got scratched on both of her inner thighs.
“T- twelve Miss.” Alice was looking into Clair’s eyes with fear and pain written across her face.
“Three quick more.” said Clair giving three firm smacks to Alice’s inner thighs and crotch. The girl instinctively tried to cover her intimate areas crossing her legs.
“Th- thank you, Goddess…” said Alice crawling in pain.
Clair climbed her step again and unattached the chains from the tree.
“Rotate.” ordered Clair holding on to the chains and then reattached them once Alice positioned herself correctly. She was now facing the oak and her back and ass were exposed to the brunette.
“Spread your legs a bit dear” said Clair and hit Alice across her butt.
And another quick one.
“Seventeen Miss!”
“And how many more to go?”
“Good, I see you are quick at maths.” replied Clair hitting Alice across her back.
“I’m going, to be honest with you I tried to throw you off the count with that last question but you Did pretty well.”
Another two strong smacks across the back started to paint red marks on the naked girl’s body.
“T- twenty Mistress…” Said Alice in pain.
“You’re holding up pretty well, just ten more. Oh, come on what is that face supposes to mean? You should be taking your punishment proudly. You full well know you deserve it.”
“Yes Mistress!” Said Alice lifting her head up.
“Say it!” Coldly and loudly commanded Clair.
“I deserve it, Mistress…” quietly answered Alice.
“That one doesn’t count. More conviction or I will smack you again do you understand Slave?”
“I deserve it, Misstrain!” loudly proclaimed Alice.
“Come on, scream it out loud, nobody is going to hear you here anyway.”
“I DESERVE IT, MISTRESS!” Screamed Alice after taking a long deep breath in.
“Wow! You almost made me go deaf. Good slave. I’m removing five smokes from your punishment for that, you can be proud of yourself.”
“I don’t deserve that Missstress!” confidently responded Alice.
“You’re right you fucking don’t. ten more. COUNT!” ordered Clair.
Two loud smacks bruised Alice again.
“And thank me for every one, do you understand or is that too hard for you?”
“THANK YOU FOR EVERY TIME YOU DISCIPLINE ME!” screamed Alice a bit quieter than the last time.
“Good fucking slave!” tried Clair “aren’t you forgetting about something!?”
Fear rippled across Alice’s body “Twenty-two Mistress, I am sorry!”
“I’m going to forgive you for that little mistake since you are being so good today.”
“Thank you Mistress!”
Alice endured the last ten smacks making sure to loudly thank for each and every one as they sent shiprs and singing pain down her body. By the last one her whole body was twisting like a worm that you just throw salt on. The expression on her face looked as if she had just eaten something really sour. Her arms were pulling on the chains making them taut.
“Th- thirty Miss… Thank you!…” replied Alice in a weak voice for the last time.
Clair slowly moved towards Alice and grabbed her neck.
“What do we say?” gently asked Clair.
“Thank you for punishing me Mistress, I deserved it, I’m sorry for disappointing you.” said Alice breathing heavily.
“Oh, you think your punishment is over?” quietly said Clair “You know I’m really sure your apology was all that since… Think about your behavior a little,” she whispered into Alice’s ear and walked away leaving naked Alice all alone, helpedlessly chained to the tree.
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