Chapter III
Alice’s arms slowly started tingling as the blood had a harder time climbing up to them. She didn’t quite know how much time had passed since she had been left chained to the tree by Clair but it felt like it hadn’t been longer than half an hour. She noticed the rough ground under her, slowly transitioning from grass to dirt to bark almost like a soft gradient. Small pebbles sharply pressed against her bare feet that were now a bit dirty from all the dancing she had done while being flogged. Luckily the sun was shining in a way that Alice was covered in shadow which was very convenient considering it was the middle of July.
She pulled on the chains again just to reassure herself that she was still chained to the tree and completely in Clair’s control. It gave her that pleasure rush she loved so much. Still, she Wondered for how long she would be chained there. Even though being immobilized by someone like that was quite a turn on for her it can get pretty boring with nothing to do.
After another ten minutes, she started to wish Clair could just run up to her and punish her all over again just so something would happen even if it would hurt.
“CLAIR!!” shouted Alice.
“CLAIR PLEASE!!” she shouted even louder just to again get no answer.
Clair surely could hear her wherever she was she just didn’t want to respond. After a short break, Alice decided to try again.
“I’M SORRY!!!”
Still nothing. “Now that’s just cruel” thought Alice to herself thinking about what she might say for Clair to finally let her go.
It wasn’t wise to speak out like that but at this point she just wanted anything to happen. It didn’t work. Alice’s hope of ever being unchanged was beginning to dwindle.
“Fuck…” she said to herself getting more and more desperate.
It felt good, really good, to scream things like that about herself out loud. Of course nobody could hear that but it didn’t matter. She liked it, and she wanted to do it again.
“I’M FUCKING STUPID, OK?!” she screamed as loud as she could prepare like she didn’t love doing that. “I’M YOUR PATHETIC SLAVE DO YOU HEAR ME!?” she added starting at the tree bark before her. “YEAH, I AM YOUR PROPERTY AND YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT TO ME!! I’M SO FUC-“
“You can stop now.” said chuckling Clair tapping screaming Alice on the shoulder. Being chained facing the tree and focusing on humiliating herself she didn’t even notice Clair singing up on her.
Clair couldn’t help herself and she burst out laughing.
“Oh you should have heard yourself Hahaha!!”
“Oh Clair finally!” energeticly said Alice.
“What was all that about?” said giggling Clair as she started to remove Alice’s restrains.
“I just wanted to get your attention” mumbled Alice.
“I wouldn’t release you anyway, I had a timer on my phone silly” answered Clair removing the last cuff and freeing Alice. “But it sounded like you had a great time screaming all of those things.” she added chuckling.
Alice let her hands down and she felt the blood finally rush through them. She dropped to her knees to ease her weary legs.
“Oh, already kneeling for me?” Clair said mockingly. “Come on, we have to get back to the house. Grab your dress and cover yourself.”
Alice crawled to her dress and put it on after slowly standing up. Her legs felt like she had just squatted a hundred times.
They Both started walking in the direction of the house. Alice was just behind Clair and couldn’t help but check out her girlfriend from time to time throwing glances at her. As the both of them entered the house a wall ofpleasant cool air hit tired Alice.
“Oh my, you are going to dirty the whole house with that filter you are bringing in on your feet. Well, you are going to clean it anyway.” Clair said as she sat on the beach right next to the front door. “Now take off my boots.” she gently commanded.
Alice knelt before her and delicately grabbed her right leg lifting it and started untying her ankle-high leather boot. She tenderly slide it out revealing a slightly sweeped white sock.
“Kiss.” harshly ordered Clair.
Alice gently pressed her soft lips against Clair’s foot. She noticed the faith cent of her Mistress while looking deeply into her cold eyes staring back at her.
“Take off the sock and kiss again.” commanded Clair looking down at her slave.
Alice Carefully took off Clair’s sock and held her lightly damp foot to her lips again maintaining eye contact with her Goddess.
“Good. The other one now.”
Alice very slowly placed Clare’s foot on the ground and grabbed her left boot.
“Kiss.” another firm command shot out of Clare’s mouth.
Alice lifted the boot right to her face and kissed the top of it.
“The sole.”
Alice slowly looked up into Clare’s eyes again and the bleak gaze that stared back pierced through her body. She lifted the boot even higher and positioned the sole right in front of her lips.
“Kiss.” she commented again, now with a bit more intensity.
Alice calmly yet firmly pressed her lips against the rubber sole of Clair’s boot. She could feel the dry and rough dirty covering the underside of the shoe with her lips.
“Now lick.” almost angrily said Clare, yet you could still feel a bit of gentleness in her harsh voice.
Alice’s tongue slipped out of her mouth and tasted the bitter dirt and rubber. As she moved up her shoe she could sense every groove in the sole until she was at the very top and she hidden the tongue inside her mouth.
“Again. Start lower this time.”
The dull taste of dirt settled on her tongue once again. She slowly moved up as her mouth was beginning to dry out from all the dust she’d been licking. She reached the top.
“Again.” again said Clare accentuating the first letter with all gentleness gone from her piercing voice.
This time Alice moved her mouth to the very bottom and started from there very carefully tasting the whole shoe while maintaining eye contact with Clare the whole time. Submitting willingly to such humiliation thrilled Alice. To her it felt much better than being forced to do it although she wouldn’t mind the latter. She not only allowed it, she wanted it to happen, for it to be done to her, and would go out of her way for that to happen. And with Clare she got what she always wished for. There wasn’t a lot she wouldn’t do for her. Alice’s trust in Clair made her feel completely safe with her, never afraid to be judged while doing such embarrassing tasks.
“Take it off now.”
Another boot foundIts place on the floor as Clair stood up commanding Alice to do the same and follow her. They walked to the end of the hallway.
“Oh look at all the mess you’ve made with your dirty slave feet.” Clare opened the wooden closet door and pulled out a rag and a empty dented metal bucket. “Fill it with water and clean up after yourself. You have twenty minutes.” finished Clare and went upstairs after lightly slapping Alice’s butt still a bit sore from the beating she had gotten earlier. Alice walked into the kitchen with her bucket and squeezed it into the sink to fill it up with water. She took a quick sip from it to clean her mouth and came back into the hallway struggle to hold up the heavy bucket now full of water. The girl dropped to her knees and started mopping the floor holding the old rag in her hands. It took her about 18 minutes to clean the whole floor and reach the front door.
“Clair, I’m finished!” She yelled and heard a door open upstairs and someone walking downtairs.
Clair emerged at the other end of the hallway and examined the floor and Alice.
“I see you are done, good job, come here.” Clare tried Alice who as commanded walked to Clair..
“Oh no, look! You’ve made a mess again. Well I guess you’ll have to clean it. Again.” Let out Clair with a almost singing voice.
“But Godde…”
“CLEAN.” Ordered Clare with death in her eyes.
Alice had rarely seen Clair so serious, she of course knew she was acting a bit but it still conveyed the message.
“I’m sorry Goddess, right away…” whispered Alice quietly, letting her head down.
“I am going to look.” stated Clair sitting down on the stairs and followed Alice with her gaze as she walked over to her bucket and started scrubbing the Flood again, this time starting from the front entrance side.
Clair stared at her slave working tirelessly for her and after a dozen my minutes the floor was cleaned again.
“Good. Walk over to the door and comeback to me.”
“But I will dirty the floor again-“
“That was an order. Just do what I fucking told you to do”
Alice knew there was no point in arguing unless she wanted to get shut up again so she did as she’d been told and walked across the still wet floor.
And Alice began scrubbing the floor again. They repeated this two more times until Clare was satisfied.
“Alright, enough cleaning, pour out the water outside and come back to me”
Alice was relieved to finally hear those words. She grabbed the bucket with still some water inside of it and outside on the porch. Leaning over the railing she emptied the contents of the bucket and carefully squeezed the water out of the rag.
“Stash the bucket where you took it from” she heard Clare command her from the living room.
“And then come back here sweetie” she added after a while.
Tired Alice came to the living room and kneeed in front of her Goddess.
“You have done a really good job so far Alice, you know that?”
“Thank you, Goddess.”
“I’m so very very proud of you”
Alice couldn’t help but blush a little.
“Th- thank you. I’m very happy that I pleased you Goddess”
“Alright, drop it. Come here” very gently said Clare opening her arms waiting for Alice to accept her embrace. And she did, They fell into each other and sat like that, just enjoying and appreciating one another for an hour, maybe two, who knows, they’ve lost track of time anyway. It didn’t really matter. It was just the two of them, and nobody else.
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