To all those who have been waiting for me to continue writing, I’m sorry it’s taken me this long. Hopefully, this will tide you over until the next one, which I will try and get out to you ASAP. As a note, all are legal in this story (naturally) and this is BDSM. There is also a bit of interracial interaction so if you don’t like that, please don’t read it. Enjoy!
Minutes seemed to pass like hours to Sarah as she waited for Little Sam to appear. She couldn’t rightly recall if her Master had stated whether Sam was a boy or girl. Although Abby’s less than stellar treatment of her Sarah decided she’d prefer Sam to be a woman. It would be easier to accept her humiliation at the hands of a woman than a man; at least then her nudity wasn’t that much of an embarrassment. Her gaze gradually began to move around the corral. She realized it must be in the back of the property, away from the wandering eyes of the road. Even if it had been, though, Sarah knew that this roadwasn’t all that well used, remembering easily the numerous pockets and cracked pavement she had passed over on her way here.
The sound of footsteps drew Sarah from her reverie and she felt dismay fill her at the sight of a short, squat middle-aged man. Where Marcus, her Master, had a mature, refined grace around him Sam seemed to be in league with pigs. Shorter than her by probably an inch, his belly hung out from beneath his shirt, over his pants a bit. Fine black hair covered the suspended flesh, matching the thick mat of it slicked back with what she hoped was water but Sarah suspected grease. Unshaven and with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, Sarah barely managed to suppress the gag that rose to her lips. She watched the man pause a few feet before her, saw how his dark eyes looked at her bare body, starting with her feet and going to her head, traveling back down to stare pointedly at her wet, pink pussy.
Sarah knew that it was still flushed from Abby’s oral attentionand the slap Marcus had set to it. With a blush filling her cheeses, she shied away, turning and bending one leg to try and hide that part of her nudity from Sam’s greedy gaze.
“Here Sam, I brought these for you.”
Sarah’s head swung around at the sound of the warm tenor voice, her lips parting a moment as she watched a hulking man of muscle step out of the shadows of the barn. Oblivious to the equipment he held, Sarah stared at the towering man. His dark skin was soft in the sunlight, a rich contrast to the plain white t-shirt he wore stretched taunt over thick muscles. Her gaze continued to eat up the sight of him, taking in the tight ass and huge legs. She realized this was Danny and she felt herself growing flustered, attracted to him like no man she had seen before. Danny didn’t even pay her more than a passing glance as he handed over the handful of rope and a long stick covered in leather to Sam as he spoke. “Marcus wants me to ride out to town with him and drop off the delivery truck. I’ll be back shortly after that to come help if you need it.”
“No,” Sam stated, his voice gravely and deep, as if his low status made an impact on it. “I think I can break this little filly here by myself. Marcus has already stated how quick she is to bend.”
Danny only nodded and turned, treating Sarah with the full view of his front. He gave her a shy, Warm smile that made Sarah suddenly realize Danny was no older than her, if not just eighteen. She watched him walk back through the barn, her jaw slack. She didn’t pay Sam much attention, which was her mistake when she suddenly felt the hot presence of him near her, the tang of old sweat and male filling her nostrils in an unpleasant mixture. Unconsciously Sarah wrinkled her nose, her gaze down on Sam’s hands as he began untangling the mess that Danny had brought him. Just as he managed to shake the ropes free and set the leather covered pole to the side he caught sight of her look of disgust. Sarah watched as an angry flush soon came to cover Sam’s face, white spottle forming at the corners of his mouth as he jerked her collar and forced her down on her knees before him.
“Don’t you ever give me that fucking look again, bitch! Do you hear me! I will whip your fucking ass until it bleeds next time you do!”
Paling at the sudden anger she was faced with, Sarah shrank back and gave a meek nod to his words before dropping her gaze. Her body sat trembling as she waited for some blow, understanding now that Sam was not a man any girl would want to mess with.
Sam calmed himself down as he stared at the young beauty bowed before him. He had to quell the urge to show her just how much lower she was than him, his cock already rock hard and straining against his jeans with the need to do so but he knew what Marcus wanted came first and his needs second. With a rough movement, Sam brought Sarah back up to her feet once more, his movements just as equally rough as he forced her tostep into the loop made by the ropes and dragged them up her body until he could tighten it to perfection around her waist.
“These are silk ropes. So there won’t be any biting into your pretty white skin.” Sam stated as began to fix what Sarah figured was a thong into place. The rope was golden in hue, the knots around her hips meant so that the length could be tightened or loosened as need be. Caught between Her legs was a second rope, which Sam adjusted so that a trio of knots were soon lined up with her asshole, her clip and the mouth of her pussy. With the rope so snug she realized that each step she took would cause the knots to rub against her already sensitive skin in a teasing manner, never enough to fully please her.
Sarah flushed with her new understanding, standing meekly as Sam took his time fixing the ropes and the way her ass and labia clung to it. He gave her a pat on her ass as he came back in front of her, looking pleased with the image as well hornier than before. She tried not to flinch as his thick, blunt fingers came up and grasped her breasts, the rough pads of his forefinger and thumb catching hold of her nipples and lightly twisting them between his fingers until they were long and drawn out. “Too bad Marcus denied me clamps. You would have looked very pretty with a chain attaching these two buds together, weights making them stand out proud.”
He smiled as he looked up at her face, seeing her pallid features and the flush of humiliation on her cheeses. “Don’t worry though, sooner or later he will. You’ll learn to love me for them too.”
Finished with his torque, Sam released her breasts, paying only a minute amount of attention to the still hard nipples as he collected her lead and the pole. “Now, Marcus said you’re going to run two miles, so let’s get started.”
The pole in his right hand he gave it a shake, a slender rope of leather coming free to show that it was actually a whip. Seeing the look of horror on Sarah’s face he chuckled softly. “Now, now, don’t you worry; this is more for encouragement than punishment.”
He moved to stand in the center of the corral, the base of the pole in his right hand, her lead in his left. Giving an expert flick of the whip towards her ass he barked out the order. “Run!”
Startled by the snap of the whip so close to her body, Sarah didn’t waste a second in doing as told. However, she soon found the act of running harder due to the fact her hands were still bound behind her. With a look of panic, Sarah starred blindly ahead, hearing the snap of the whip behind her, sometimes sliding against the curve of her ass. The continued orders from Sam were lost on her ears as the pounding of her blood and the crack of the whip was the center of her attention, but soon she began to realize something else… the wet slide of her juices against her thighs.
Too frightened by the whip to realize it, by the time Sarah had made one circuit of the corral her body was up in flames with need. The rope moved against the movements of her body, toying with her clip, teasing the muscles of her ass and slit. She felt the low ache of desire burning in her belly. By the time she had run one mile, her head was swimming with it. She ached with the want to be fucked, to feel more than just the toying rub of the rope between her tights.
The crack of the whip was beginning to frighten her less, Sarah too lost in the sea of need to be aware of it. It was then that she felt the first nip of it at her thighs. Realizing she had been slowing down, Sarah gave a groan as she began to pick up the pace, trying to outrun the whip as her body began to burn hotter from the pull of the rope. By the end of the third round her body had become oversensitive and Sarah was growing winded. She could feel the sweat coating her body, sing her eyes as it mixed with her juices. Her pussy flinched with each pull of the knot against her clip, her ass feeling numb thanks to the knot back there.
As she was halfway through her last lap, she noticed Danny leaning against the gate of the corral, his dark brown eyes watching with appreciation as her breasts swayed and her body moved. She felt a fresh wave of need fill her, causing her juices to flow all the more as she limped through the last of the lap and came to stand on trembling legs where she had started.
With her eyes closed and her mouth open she panted from the exercise, her body trembling with exhaust. Sam came to her then, the whip set to the side and his hand coming to peel back her labia. Sarah trembled roughly as she looked up at his face, watching him lick his lips as he looked over the deeply flushed flesh. “God, you’re so fucking wet.”
His voice was rough and Sarah turned her head away in disgusted humiliation. He didn’t seem to care but turned to look at Danny, who had slide between the rails of the fencing to come join the pair. “Look at her. Marcus’ was right.”
Danny gave a nod and reached for the lead. “She needs to be walked after such a run.”
Sam gave a shrug then offered a light slap to Sarah’s ass. “Get moving. Walk one lap around the corral then we’ll give you a bath.”
Sarah moved at the slap, unable to look either man in the face as she walked away from them. Walking with the ropes still tied around her was worse than running, her body now overly sensitive and able to take in the sensings without the drive of the whip to distract her. She could feel the sticky feel of her sweat and juices all over her body, the gritty feel of the dirt coating her feet and clinging to her skin in a faith covering from the dust she had kicked up in the run.
She was still panting by the time she came back to the waiting men, Danny offering a sympathetic look as he likewise stared down at the ropes. “Ready for your bath?”
Sarah could only glance up at him in a shy, uncertain manner, her heart beat hard just from having him near. She wasn’t paying much attention to Sam so it was with a brief surprise that she felt the ropes being removed from around her waist. Looking down, she stepped out of the loop without being told, flushing as she saw just how soaked the ropes actually were. He smiled as he glanced to Danny. “These will have to be given a through washing too.”
Giving a nasty chuckle, Sam dangled the ropes in front of Sarah’s face. “Unless you think we should gag her with them. She’d look pretty in a bridle coated in her juices.”
Sarah flinched back even as Danny drew her away from Sam, using the pretense of changing the leather lead back out for one of rope. “Let her be, Sam. She’s had a rough day already and it isn’t even half over.”
Dread filled Sarah at those words and she starred in mute horror at Danny’s back as he led her into the cool reprieve of the stable.
Danny tied Sarah up to one of the center support beams within the aisle of the stable, moving behind her to gatherup the tack that Sam had left outside. Rope gone from his hands Sam came over to her, a scowl once more on his face as he lifted a hose and twisted the nozzle.
Before Sarah could even understand what was happening, a spray of icy cold water began to strike her skin, causing her to cry out as she jumped up and down. With a shake of her head she cleared her face of water enough to see Sam’s malicious look of glee as he continued to wash off her body. She gasped as he directed the spray to more tender areas, one of his hands gripping the left cheek of her ass and lifting it up so he could send the spray up against her pussy.
And Sarah cried out, sobbing as he made the water spray for a long moment of her clip, his thumb crudely rubbing over her asshole, which seemed far more accepting of any attention than before. Sarah felt drained when Sam finally finished up, a cotton towel soon brought out and used to dry off her body a bit then her hair. She was standing there in mutemisery as she heard Danny’s voice as he approached once more. “Her stable is clean again.”
Realizing that he must have had to clean out the soiled hay, Sarah finally gave in to the urge to break down in sobs, her head hanging down as she was brought to knee down in front of the bale of hay she had earlier been punished on. She didn’t know who had held of her and she didn’t care, even as gentle hands gathered her hair and brushed it free of tangles before braiding it into a neat tail to hang down her back. She felt the gentle stroke of a large hand on her head, the pull on her lead light but enough to turn her around and guide her to lay her head against the jean clad tigh. Watery eyes looked up at Danny’s face as he continued to gently pet her head, hearing the murmured words he offered to soothe her. She feel her tears dry up and watched in awe as he smiled down at her. “See, it wasn’t so bad, was it? You did a good job. Marcus will be proud of you.”
Sarah had been so wrApped up in the delight of Danny and his gentle touches after Sam’s crude treatment that she had forgotten all about Marcus, her Master, and his granddaughter. Swallowing, Sarah ducked her face back down against Danny’s inner thigh, giving a soft scar as her body relaxed once more. She could still feel arousal like a hot ember, deep in the pit of her lower belly. Sarah lifted her eyes to see the crotch of Danny’s jeans and soon all she could think about was the thick, large cock he must have. With the pretext of nuzzling in acceptance and pleasure at the tender attention he was giving her, Sarah soon worked her face up between his legs, her motions growing more frenzied as her mind caused her need to grow once more into a fevered pitch.
Danny gave a jerk of surprise at Sarah’s sudden actions, shoving her back so she fell on her ass as he stood up. He stared at her with shock, seeing the flush of arousal once more staining her cheeks, her nipples pebbled with want, and the smell of her juices wafting from her freshly cleaned body. Giving a shake of his head, he reached down and drew her to her feet. “You shouldn’t have done that. No matter how needy you get, you never do anything like that unless you’re told to.”
He gave a sight of resignation, making Sarah realize through her haze of lust that he was going to tell Marcus and she would be punished for it. The mere thought had her body cooling down again, fear gripping her as she wondered just how he would punish her for that; certain that no spanking with his fingers in her cunt was in her future for this one. Caught up in her thoughts, Sarah didn’t realize Danny had brought her back to her stall until he was tying the rope off on the hook in the wall. She looked up at him, watching as he reached up to remove a bucket from higher up on the wall and walking out with it.
Sarah stood there numbly with the sweet smell of hay surrounding her, watching where Danny had disappeared to until he came back. Setting the bucket of water down at her feet, he gave her a smile. “Someone should be out to feed you soon. Why not get some rest and relax while you wait.”
He gave another pet of her head, her fingers gliding over her cheek briefly before he left her, this time locking the stall door as he did. Sarah listened to the sound of his footsteps until they faded away, leaving her once again in the silence of the stable, with the Faint echo of bird calls coming out through the open doors which lead to the corral. With a sight, Sarah knelt down and drank some of the fresh, cool water before wiggling in the hay to get comfortable, once more leaning against the wall, tucked in the corner so that she might sleep.
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