The woman seemed to be bent over some kind of contraction similar to the sawhorses I’d seen construction workers using. Her bottom half was sort of naked, long slim legs clad in only sheer stockings with the suspenders from a garter belt running along the upper thighs. If there were panties, they were very very small and I could not see them at all; there probably were no panties though as I’ll explain in a minute. Since she was side-on to my line of sight, I could see her upper half as well and that too continued the same theme. Her upper body was covered with a strappy bra-like garment, very form fitting, but again, this was unlike any bra I had seen before. For one thing, there were no cups to hold the breasts. They dangled from her horizontal chest, large and plump and very white, ringed by the dark fabric of her garment. The pink nipples seemed to be covered partially with some dark material and there were twin cords of some sort and leading from them. Her upper body had no supports other than a second sawhorse out in front of her. She held on to it with both hands, fingers barely reaching. The device seemed to be padded and covered with some soft material for her fingers were able to sink partway into them.
The black man that stood between her arms was pulling on the cords attached to her nipples and jerking them occasionally while he plunged his cock into her mouth with alternating slow and fast movements. Saliva dribbled from her stretched mouth and dripped slowly in log strands down to the floor. I could see his buttock muscles clnch and unclench, his clearly defined thighs flexing and relaxing as he moved back and forth. Every few back and forth motions would rock the sawhorse behind his back. His dark cock emerged partially from her big ‘O’ of a mouth, glistening with saliva. Even from where I stood, I could see it was a large specimen and that she was having some trouble deep throating him. Tears had streamed from her eyes as she sucked—yes sucked, I could see her cheeks hollow out every time he plunged in, this was no mere face fuck—and her mascara had streaked down her cheeks.
The paunchy white man behind her had his khaki shirt unbuttoned and flapping on his pale body, trousers puddled around his ankles. He slammed into her, clearly fucking her with slow languorous strokes, but his cock was concealed by the swell of her buttocks. I could not see his face because of his large cowboy hat. He took long drags from his cigarette as he fucked her and blew the smoke al over her ass and back. He slapped her ass repeatedly with his free hand and the ass-flesh jiggled, but not too much. The woman was toned. He exchanged a few words with the black guy in front, but everything was in silent motion. I could not hear anything from where I stood and doubted I could even if were right outside the window.
Cigarette! That brought me back to the present in a hurry as the stub started burning my finger. I’d sneaked out in the dark Connecticut winter night to sneak a smoke. It was quite an undertaking—I had to shrug into my overcoat and run out into the backyard carefully stepping in only the plowed areas. My usual location to smoke was just beyond the reach of the motion activated lights over the garage, and as it turned out, behind one of the large ornamental pines that bordered our neighbor’s property. The houses were built on a slight rise—the locals called it a hill—and as a result, while most of the basements could not even be seen from the front, they had walk-out doors in the back. As a result, I could stand there in the dark and look straight into the neighbor’s basement.
It was a finished basement with carpet and draws and wood paneling from what I could see. No cinderblock or cement there. There were mirrors everywhere; in fact, at least two of the walls around the woman looked like they were floor to ceiling mirrors, giving me an excellent view of all angles of the woman’s debasement. Ha! Getit? Debasement in de basement? I’m fucking funny even if I do say so myself. Anyhow, the only thing that was strange—and this did not strike me at the time—was that the draws were not drawn. In fact, every other time I had stood in this same spot, I had seen the dark, blackout draws drawn tight. I had never actually seen into the basement before. I stubbed out the cigarette that had just burned my finger in a snow bank—I could see my previous butts (cigarette butts that is) there in the moonlight reflecting off the bright snow all around me. For good measure, I stuck my burned finger into the snow too while I continued to watch the woman getting fucked from both ends.
Fuck, I thought, looking back at the surreal scene in the neighbor’s basement. What the fuck was going on? I knew Denise, our neighbor, a white woman About thirty five or so, married to an Indian guy, originally from Punjab. His name was Jagdeep, but he introduced himself as Jack—easy for the firangs to say, yousee—to everyone. In fact, if he had changed his name officially, I would not have been surprised. In the Indian community in Hartford, he was not that much of an anomaly; there were several other Indians with white wives. She was a pretty woman, but I had no idea she had such a curvaceous figure or such large tits. She always wore oversize sweatshirts with a turtleneck underneath and baggy sweatpants or loose jeans every time I had seen her. I’d been inside their house a couple times, but never in the basement. It was mostly like, would you like a cup of tea? Or, why don’t you step in out of the cold? Something like that. No formal dinner party or even a quick drink.
The fact of the matter was, I wasn’t even sure if the woman being fucked—wait, was he in her ass? —Was she even Denise? Or some other woman? The thing is, I’d never seen her all prettied up to the extent she was right now, and I lent see her face very well, partially covered and distorted by the large black cock thrusting into her mouth. And, well, the next question was, where the fuck was Jack? That and a thousand other questions crowded into my mind as I watched the tableaux taking place in front of me. Were the Singhs renting their basement out to some debauchery-based club, or were they part of this? Was the woman a whore or was it Denise? Or was there a distinction? Was Jack running a whorehouse? In suburban Hartford? Seemed far fetched, but the evidence was right there in front of my eyes. I couldn’t be sure, but well, this whole business had made me very horny. I reached under my coat and unbuttoned my rather snug jeans and started unzipping. Cold be damned, this was just too sexy.
That’s when it happened. You see, I was standing and smoking in the dark (yes, I’d lit another one), or so I’d thought, but I did not Realize that with the moonlight and the reflection off the snow, I was actually quite visible. And how did I find out? Well, the woman saw me. I could see her eyes boring rightinto mine in the mirror and I could see her grin at me around the black cock still thrusting into her mouth and throat. A slow, knowing grin.
I panicked. Turned and ran. Chucked my cigarette into the bushes. Tripped. Scrambled to my feet and lurching and nearly falling several times, I made it to my driveway and ducked into the garage. Matters were not helped by the motion sensor triggering the light on the drive—I’d Previously sneaked along the side of the house, avoiding tripping it on, but no lucky this time. Once in the garage, I composed myself, heart still hammering in my throat. I pulled up my zipper, refasted the button, took off the parka and hung it on the nail, composed myself and re-entered the house.
Another shock: he was right there, waiting for me.
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