Stranded Pt. 01

After a few weeks when my mind has been in turmoil I am writing down what happened to me earlier this year on my trip to Scotland.

I am a 34 year old female marketing executive from Westminster in Maryland. I work for a large corporation and was lucky to get a trip to our London office for a week to brief a new partner on our US operation. I had been to London before but had always wanted to go to Scotland. I took the opportunity to extend my trip by a few days and take a long weekend to the Highlands. I flew into Glasgow and got a rental car and headed off. It was mid-August, and the weather was a bit miserable, but I had been warned.

I quite like some time on my own so looked forward to my four nights tour around. The first day I drove to Inveraray and stayed in the hotel there. The scenery was magnificent and the hotel bar food good.

I must admit I did have naughty thoughts on my mind but there was nobody in the bar that looked interesting. I had a picture inmy head of a young, tall kilt-wearing Scot that would whisk me up to my room. Instead, I went to sleep with the television on and my hand gently resting on my pussy, listening to the rain beating on my window.

The next day I set up off north in heavy rain, I had no real plan but took the A85 north of Loch Lomond. I had heard that Callander was an interesting place and took the Lochearnhead road south Towards Callander. The rain was torrential, and I could not see a great deal of the beautiful scenery. As I drive slowly round a bend, I saw a line of cars with their hazard lights flashing. I sat for a few moments before someone walked back to my car and said the road ahead was blocked by a mudslide and we’d need to turn back. As someone with no plan this was fine for me. Turning in the narrow road with an unfenced step drop in heavy rain was not easy. I was the first to turn and drive slowly back. Suddenly ahead of me a huge sea of ​​mud swept across the road, big enough to push acar off the road. I was glad I had taken a while to turn. I just sat shaking for a few moments. The other cars had turned back and were now behind me. The rain lashed down, but we all made a run for the biggest vehicle, a coach. There were fifty-seven of us trapped. The coach driver moved the coach to a place where the ground above us seemed firm and we felt reasonably safe.

Many of the people were on the phone to the police. They told us to wait. After about an hour the police called to say there was no way through to us — the hillside was too wet to risk bulldozers. Walking out through so much mud was impossible. They were going to send in helicopters.

During the afternoon three helicopters ferried people away. Each helicopter took three people that had to be winched up as there was nowhere to land. I was fine so said I didn’t mind waiting. Two of the helicopter crew stayed on the ground to place the harnesses over people and joined us on the coach between trips. I mustSay one was very hunky and my mind wandered again. One was called Euan and the other Mac.

At last, it was my turn and I had to brave the heavy rain and walk down the road to the pickup point.

I had to step into a harness that Mac then pulled up my body and clipped together. Was I imagine it that he spent rather a long time smoothing the straws over my bum and breasts? I must say the tight harness did make my mind wanderer. But it was hard to have naughty thoughts in the heavy rain and lashing from the downdraft of the helicopter. By the time I reached the helicopter cabin I was soaked through, I was not dressed for this and had not been allowed to bring my suitcase.

We were given survive blankets and told we had a short flight to the neary village of Killin where we would be looked after at the school. A few minutes Later we landed in the school playground. We were met by local people that led us into the school hall. I ate some welcome sandwiches and coffee. I wastold that all the hotels were already full — why had I volunteered to wait? The police said that local people would take us in for the night. This was so weird, Scotland in mid-summer and in the midst of a small disaster. But all of us had discussed how fortunate that none of us were hurt and even our cars were neatly parked somewhere up the mountain.

Local people were arrive and taking people away. A very tall dark-haired girl of, I guess, about 25 walked right across the hall to me and asked if I needed somewhere to stay. I said, “Sure, thank you”, glad that it was someone nearer my age than many of the older people that were around. At the door she was asked to fill in a book to say where I was when they got my car back. I told her my name, Caitlin Young, and she wrote it in the book for me together with their address, like I was a child.

I followed her outside to her car and we headed off. She said her name was Morag and lived just outside Killin with her sister, Jane. It was their father’s home, but he was abroad on business. I was too cold and shivery to chat much. Their home took my breath away, it was a small castle, a tower about five stories high.

Another girl, I assumed Jane, opened the door, and welcomed me in. She took one look at me and said, “We wondered if anyone would need a bed tonight in this terrible weather. I guess a hot bath first and then we’ll find you something to eat. My name is Jane, Morag’s sister. But first a Scottish welcome, have a wee drama with us. Tell me your name.”

“Hello, I am Caitlin, and as you’ll tell from my voice, I am over from the States, extending a business trip to see some of Scotland. It didn’t turn into the pleasure trip I had hoped. But I am very grateful to you and your sister for taking me in.”

I followed her into a large, panelled room with a huge log fire. Jane too was tall, I wondered if they were twins. It seemed a little incongruous to find two lovely girls living in such a remote, wet, place.

I noticed they were both wearing the same long dresses, but in different colours, Jane’s was dark blue and Morag’s dark brown. Both had on long lace-up boots.

Inside the castle was certainly warm and cosy. Jane said, “Morag, go up and start a bath running, Caitlin can use my room.”

As Morag headed upstairs Jane said, “You’ll like my room, I have a great tub.”

I started to say that I was happy with a shower, but Jane cut me short, “You’ll get on well here if you just let us, let’s say, help you”.

Jane walked over to a large side table and poured a glass out of a decanter and handed it to me, “drink this, whisky is very warming, and this is the best, 25-year-old Malt, thanks to our father.”

I took the glass from Jane and sipped the whisky. I don’t really drink whisky, and it took my breath away. I took a second sip from the huge glass. Jane said, “Just drink it down; you’re not driving again today”. Jane stood watching me intensely andI felt obliged to drink it.

Morag came down and said, “Your bath will soon be read, I’ve added lots of bubbles. I’ll let Jane take you up.”

I finished the whisky that was already going to my head, handed the glass to Morag and followed Jane upstairs. Her room was lovely, huge, with a four-poster bed. There was a large bathroom off to one side, through an arch, with no door. I like a door on my bathroom.

“Get undressed, I’ll find you something dry to wear.” Jane spoke almost in orders or was I imagine it. I felt my pussy tingle at the thought of being trapped in this castle, but my thoughts were more towards having Mac and Euan from the helicopters here, not two sisters.

I slipped of my shoes and dropped my wet jacket on the floor. Jane went into the bathroom and returned saying my bath was ready. She picked up my shoes and jacket, held out her hands for the rest and stood looking at me; I certainly wasn’t going to get undressed in front of her. I undid my blouse and handed it to her then my jeans. I think she was expecting me to strip but I said I would be grateful if she could dry my clothes. She took this as a cue to leave but stood for a moment, looking at the label on my jeans. I was glad to be alone and went into the bathroom, removed my bra and thong, and slipped into the huge bath.

Only minutes later there was a voice behind me, it was Jane. She bent down and picked up my bra and panties, I couldn’t stop her. She looked at my bra and said, “34c, very nice, I am a ’36d’. Would you like me to wash your hair for you?”

I really didn’t like this invasion of my privacy, her looking at my breast size, or knowing the size of hers. “No thanks, I’ll just give it a quick rinse.

I was glad of the bubbles as she stood over the bath staring at me, I blushed. She said, “I have left something on the bed for you to put on, there is a towel warming here, would you like a hand to get out of the bath?”

“No thank you, I’m fine” Imanaged to mutter. I was not used to being naked around girls.

I stayed in the bath as long as I could, trying to let the effect of the whisky to wear off. This time it was Morag that just wandered in, “Dinner in 10 minutes.” By now the bubbles were going after I’d used shampoo to wash my hair and I could see her looking my body up and down.

I got out of the bath and quickly pulled a towel round me. I sat at the dressing table and towelled my hair before using Jane’s brush, my long blonde hairs contrasting with a few of Jane’s dark hairs still in the brush.

I felt better covered with the towel. I stood up and looked for what Jane had put out for me. It was a white strapless summer dress that just hung from my breasts. I toyed with the idea of ​​keeping the towel on too but thought that would be rude. I slipped the dress over my head and found it was at least my size. It couldn’t be either of theirs; it was almost too short for me. I wish I still had my bra, I don’t often go braless, and certainly not in a thin white summer dress. I looked in the mirror and saw the dress was virtually see-through, not an accident on Jane’s part I thought.

I went downstairs and could smell food, something like a stew. I followed my nose to the dining room. The table was big enough to seat about twenty. Morag was setting the table with three places at one end, “Sit down, Jane will be through with dinner in a moment. I hope you are not a veggie; it is venison casserole?”

I said I ate most things, but she didn’t seem too bothered about my answer.

“Dinner has arrived, I hope you are both hungry?” Jane came in carrying a large dish, “only one course I am afraid, we were not expecting guests tonight. Glad to see the dress fits you, we don’t have much in skinny sizes. Stand up and do a twirl for us.”

I felt so humiliated but stood up and turned round as they watched. “Mmmmm, you look good in that dress, now let’s eat. Some wine?”

Morag came roundBehind me and leant over to fill my wine glass. Her closeness made me shudder, not sure what the feeling was.

Dinner was lovely, very warming and filling. Morag kept refilling my glass and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

By the time dinner was over I felt quite tipsy. Morag was left to clear the things and Jane led me back into the large sitting room. Jane asked me questions about my trip and my life, some quite intrusive, but in my tipsy state I answered.

Morag joined us carrying a bag, she gave it to me, “these are your clothes, they are quite ruined, only suitable for burning. Put them on the fire”.

“I can’t burn my clothes, those are good jeans, and most of it is new!”

Morag said, “We are not having those smelly things in our home. We have looked after you. Now do as you are told.” She put the bag in my hand. I went over to the fire and pulled my blouse out of the bag. They sat watching as I throw it in the fire, then my bra, and thong. I picked the jeans out but couldn’t bring myself to burn them. I had only wound them once and they were $150. Jane stood up, came over to me, took the jeans out of my hand and throw them in the fire. I just let her. Even my shoes were in the bag, “those too honey”. The fire roared as it ate up all my things. I had nothing; the police had me leave my keys in my car together with all my bags.

“You don’t need many clothes here; we hardly wear any. Find out what Morag is wearing under her dress. She won’t stop you. Stand up Morag.”

Morag stood and waited. I was so unsure what was expected of me. My head spinning from the wine I walked over to Morag and ran my hand up her back, feeling for underwear.

“Don’t be silly Caitlin, take the dress off her, now!”

I bent down and got hold of the hem of Morag’s dress and lifted it up. She raised her arms to help. I took the dress right off, trying not to be seen looking. All that Morag had on underneath was very short see-through panties, I could hardly see the point of them, I could see her dark bush very clearly. She just stood looking at me in just her boots.

“Now take Jane’s off too”. I walked over to Jane, she stared directly into my eyes, “Ask if you can take my dress off.” I sensed this was not a time to argue, “Please Jane can I take your dress off?”

“Yes, you can Caitlin as you ask so nicely”. I bent and lifted her dress over her head; she was wearing the same see through panties as Morag. I was smoking all over, and bright red from embarrassment, and excitement. I became very aware that my body was almost as visible as theirs.

“Caitlin, can you tell us what you did just that that would have annoyed us?” I started shaking, hardly able to speak.

“I refused to burn my jeans Jane”.

“That’s right little Caitlin you selfish slut. And what she we do to punish you?”

I wanted to run. I felt very frightened, and I couldn’t stop tears running down my face.

“First let’s see your breasts as you exposed ours. Pull your top down and show us. Now!”

I couldn’t move.

Jane just grabbed the top of my dress and pulled it down to my waist, I just let her. “No Jane, my breasts are not as nice as yours and Morag’s.”

“No Jane, my breasts are not as nice as yours and Morag’s.”

“No even fit to be called breasts, say it again, only call them tits, and use your new name slut.”

In my shocked state it took me a while to get the sentence together in my head. “Jane and Morag, slut’s tits are not as nice as yours.”

“You have added to your punishment by not showing us your tits straight away. Oh yes, and you took our dresses off. Very bad.”

“Good slut. Now for your punishment. Morag, go and sit down. Slut, Come here to me.” I found my legs moving towards her. My head was fighting but I saw no alternative other than to obey. Jane reached into a drawer and pulled something out, “Turn your back to me and open your sluttish mouth wide”. I am not a slut. I turned; Jane pushed a rubber ball into my mouth then pulled straps behind my head and tied them closed. The sides of my mouth were sore. I had to fight the feeling of panic and focus on breathing through my nose slowly.

“Now go and lay across Morag’s lap for your spanking.”

I was having great trouble not peeing myself. My shaking was stopping me thinking properly. Morag was sitting in a large wicker chair. I was going to be spanked by a near-naked girl probably 10 years my junior. I felt so vulnerable.

Jane said, “Smile bitch”. I looked round to see she had a video camera. She put it on a tripod and came across and pushed my dress up, so my bum was totally exposed. She started rubbing my bum and saying what fun they were going to have with their new slut.

“Morag, spank our slut, hard”. I was so fighting the desire to pee. Morag started spanking me with Jane urging her to hit me harder.

“Let me get a crop, I think you need help Morag, lift up your legs cunt and let me sit down too.”

I lifted my legs and Jane came over and sat next to her sister and re-arranged my legs over her lap.

I remained passive as they felt my bum, and stuck fingers in my pussy and arse. Morag reached under me and squeezed my breasts hard, pinching my nipples.

Jane started to use the crop on me, first my bum, then telling me to open my legs and cropping my inner tights. Through my gag I am screaming for them to stop, but they are hold me firmly if I try to struggle.


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