“Duncan, look up at that!” Rachel stood up in the life raft, causing it to rock precariously in the calm waters. She was pointing at the only thing on the horizon that wasn’t more blue ocean, a barely visible gray something in the distance.
“Rachel, I told you, I left my glasses in the cabin, I can’t see a thing. Rachel showed in exasperation.
“Just row you dummy, I think I see land.”
“Why don’t you help, if you’re in so sure.”
“Fine, give me the oar then” Gladly, Duncan passed the white plastic thing to her and moved to the back of the raft, exhausted. She took the oar and, sil facing him, began to pull them towards the grey mass in the distance. Looking into the bag of supplies he pulled out an orange and began peeling it. The passenger ship they’d been on had seemed to have reasonable safety procedures for handling any situation that might arise, but seaplane pirates had not been expected by anyone. The two friends had managed to sneak into a blinde, inflate their raft and pack the food meant for their parents’ dentistry conference into Duncan’s gym bag. From there they had found a back hatch which lead to the life boats and rowed away in the night. The pirates obviously didn’t keep good watch over their hostages, or they simply didn’t care about an eighteen and nineteen year old boy and girl when their rich parents were safely under watch.
As they Neared the island they could see the ocean floor through the unusually clear and calm water near the beach head. The rocks were covered in white barnacles and between them lay hundreds of clam shells. To Duncan all of it blurred together. All he could see clearly was the raft, the orange and Rachel. They had been friends since grammar school. Even after she went away to an all girls’ college in America they stayed in touch. As he finished peeling the orange, he split it and offered one half to Rachel. She shook her head, still focused on the task of rowing. He tried not to stare at herbut it was impossible. Her auburn hair framed a flawless face with rounded cheeses, pale skin, and brown eyes now narrowed in concentration.
“Are we almost there?” Rachel asked breathlessly. He nodded.
“I can see the beach head, I think we can get out and wade to it soon.”
“Better not,” she said, “We need to get the boat onto the land.”
“Well I’ll get out and pull it.” As he said this, he unzipped his grey slacks.
“What are you doing?” Rachel had put the oar down and was not staring at Duncan.
“I don’t have a change of pants and I don’t fancy being wet all day. Look the other way.” But instead, she took up the oar and began rowing again, not taking her eyes off his blue striped boxes. “What are you looking at, anyway?” She Stifled a giggle. She had never thought of Duncan as anything but a close friend, but looking at him now she saw the well toned muscle in his calves. He’s not bad looking all around, she thought. Duncan leaned over the side of theraft and lowered his feet into the water. His bare feet found purchase on a barnacled rock and he stood up, the water coming little higher than his knees. Holding the rope which encircled the raft he climbed from rock to rock, pulling the raft and Rachel towards the shore. She stopped rowing.
Soon they reached the shore. Rachel climbed out of the raft and helped Duncan lift it onto the beach. They dragged it along until they were confident it was above the highest tide line, then collapsed back onto it, panting.
“I suppose we’d better put up a shelter,” Rachel said. Duncan set about pulling out the tent kit from their bags. He soon had the tent assembled, and was hammering in the pegs. Rachel stood by him, trying to be helpful. She found that he had everything under control, and wandered off to look for food.
The beach stretched out as far as Rachel could see in either direction, but it didn’t extend particularly far inland. Soon she was clambering through underbrush in what looked to be a thick jungle. She soon came upon a bush which she recognized from one of the nature books she had read in preparation for her family’s tropical vacation. Its berries were edible, and she set about gathering them, holding the front of her blouse out to make a pouch.
Once she could carry no more, she set out back to the camp Duncan had set up. The sun was setting over the ocean as she emerged onto the beach. Duncan was sitting on a log in front of the tent, assembling fuel for a fire. He struck a match from their supplies and soon had a pile of dry leaves lit under some medium sized sticks and a large branch. After this had caught fire, he throw on a decent sized log. Rachel dumped the berries she was carrying into a spare sheet and sat down next to Duncan. They sat for a while watching the sun set. Rachel felt herself dosing off and leaned back on a rock behind her.
The wind had picked up over the rocks and the waves swelled against the natural wall. Duncan looked up to see Rachel standing at the top of the sea cliff, facing towards him with her eyes still closed. He called out to her but received no response. As he ran toward her, he saw her step slowly backwards towards the edge. When she reached it, she stopped and began untying the laces of her white dress. Finally she pulled it over her head and throw it behind her without looking where it fell.
Standing now Just feet from him in only undertooks, Rachel took one last step back and made as if to jump into the shallow water below. Duncan, without thinking, grabbed at her arms. He gripped her right elbow and left wrist, pulling against what felt like her full weight. After a breif struggle, he was able to get both her feet upright on the edge. For a moment, she stood there on the cliff in the cold wind. Finally, Her eyes opened and she shrieked. She attempted to pull her arms away from him but found she couldn’t without teetering closer to the edge of the cliff.
“What are you doing? Let go of me!” Duncan gave one last pull and compiled, letting her fall forward onto the grass a few meters from the rocky embankment. “How the hell did you get me up here? Where are my clothes?”
“I didn’t get you up here, I found you here. You were about to jump.”
“Oh dear, I thought I’d grow out of it.”
“Grown out of what?” Duncan scratched his head.
“I used to sleep walk when I was a girl. But I thought it was all over with.” She looked at him promptly. “It must be this island we’re on. I suppose I should thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” Duncan replied, blushing, “Only… try not to do it again. I dunno if I’ll be able to catch you a second time.”
“It’s not as if I was trying to do it the first time.” She looked at him, worried. “How do you suppose I can stop it?”
Duncan caught her gaze and thought for a moment, then said, “Well how did you stop before?”
“Before when?” Rachel was sitting up in the grass now. She felt cold
“You know, when you were younger. You said you grew out of it. What did you used to do before that?”
“I don’t know, I was so young. I suppose my parents locked the door to my room so I couldn’t get in any real trouble.”
“Well we don’t have a lock on the tent, so what do you reckon we can do?”
Rachel frowned for a moment, then said slowly, “Well I suppose there’s always that extra rope.”
“What do you mean?” Duncan thought he had an idea what she was talking about, but he was too afraid to say anything.
“You know, from the tent kit. You could, well…” she trailed off.
“Are you meaning to say I should tie you up?”
“Don’t be ridiculous Duncan. I just meant…” she took a breath, then finally said, “Well, I suppose you’ll have to.”
Duncan’s throat tightened. Rachel had always been just a friend, and while he wouldn’t say that he had never thought of her as anything more, this was different. She would be helpful, completely at his mercy. Trying to take his mind off this thought, he said, “Well if you’re sure. I guess I can do it.”
They didn’t talk much more that day. An uncomfortable silence lay between them. Duncan busied himself with sharpening a stick he’d found. He thought he might be able to use it to spear a fish. Meanwhile Rachel took off to explore the interior of the island. At sunset she returned, her cupped hands full of berries.
“Are you sure those are edible?”
“Yeah, they were in the book I was reading back on the boat.”
“It’s a shame you lost it.” She held up her hands to him and he took a berry. Biting into it, he discovered it was chewy, but sweet. He reached out to take another handful. Their hands touched briefly. Duncan was surprised by how soft she felt. As he looked up at her face she looked away, apparently started by the touch. They sat in silence eating for a while, until the sun was down and cold gusts of wind began to blow across the beach. Duncan took a branch of fireward from the pile they’d gathered earlier and broke it in three pieces. Propping them up against each other he gathered some of the dried coconut from around them and placed them under the branches. Finally, he rummaged around in their supplies until he found a book of matches, lit one, and held it up to a front until it caught. Soon they had a small fire.
They sat there for a while as Duncan tried not to stare at Rachel, finding it just as hard as he had the other day on the raft. The firelight made her look even more beautiful, he thought. She had to have noticed him staring at her soft, vulnerable features by now, but she said nothing. At one point their eyes met and she looked away. He thought he saw her blushing, but perhaps it was just the firelight turning red as the branches faded to charcoal and the flames turned to embers. Duncan rose to put another log onto the fire.
“We’d better get to sleep soon.” Rachel said, “We don’t want to use up all the wood.”
“No, I suppose not.” Duncan paused awkwardly, then finally got up the courage to say, “Do you still want me to do it?”
“Well it has to be done and I can’t exactly do it myself now can I?”
“Alright then, I’ll have to do it while the fire lasts or there won’t be any light.” His hands trembled a bit as he reached into the supply bag one more time, searching for the coiled rope. He found it quickly, pulled it out of the bag and took it over to where Rachel sat. “Where do you want to sleep?”
“Oh umm, I suppose it’ll have to be in the back of the tent. That way if I get loose I’ll at least have to climb over you.”
“There’s hardly any light back there. I’ll have to do most of it here and then tie one knot to the tent peg in the back.” He uncoiled a few lengths of rope and hold one up to her. “Can you hold your hands out for me?”
“You’d better tie them like this, just in case.” She turned around then and put her wrists together behind her back. He threadedthe rope around them, then tied it off with a simple hit.
“Can you get out of that?” After a bit of pulling, Rachel found that she could get the knot loose. Working against it with her wrists, she finally got the end through and held her hands apart for him to see.
“I dunno if I’d do that in my sleep, but you should probably tie it better just to be safe.” She once again brought her hands Together behind her back. This time Duncan ran the rope around her wrists three times before tying the ends off in a boat knot he’d learned from his uncle. She again tried to loosen the knot but it didn’t give. Rachel found herself shivering despite the warmth of the fire.
“Well I’d better get your feet as well.” Taking a second length Duncan knelt down and took Rachel’s ankle in hand. She shuddered but did not pull away. Carefully, he threaded the rope around first one ankle and then the other. Finally he wrapped the rope around both legs three times, then tied the ends.
Rache felt a strange feeling as she stood, carefully. She had never been tied up before, but sometimes she had thought about it. Then it had been an idle fantasy but now the reality had her oddly light-headed. She found that she could only take small, shuffling steps towards the tent. Duncan stood by her awkwardly as she struggled.
“Can you maybe give me a hand?” To her surprise, Duncan simply lifted her over his shoulder and, crouching, carried her into the tent. He set her down on her side against the back wall. “Thanks. I think you’d better tie me to the pegs too, just in case.” He did so with the last length of rope, which he tied to both the rope around her wrists and the one around her ankles. This he tightly secured to a peg in the corner.
“Is that enough? Do you think you’ll be able to sleepwalk out of it?”
“No, I don’t think so.” As she said this she tested the bonds on her wrists and ankles again, finding she couldn’t get loose. She then tried to crawl towards the entrance, but found she couldn’t break the rope holding her to the tent peg and couldn’t get leverage to tug the peg out of the ground, being closely condensed to the floor of the tent. “Duncan, have you ever done this before?”
“Done what? You mean tie someone up? No, never.”
“Well I don’t suppose you’d know if it’s normal to feel a bit… funny about it, do you?”
“How do you mean?”
“I just feel so strange, like, helpless, you know?”
“I dunno, I guess it’s different being the one who’s tied up.”
“You’d let me out though, if I asked?”
“Well of course.” Duncan walked out of the tent and returned holding the two blankets they’d packed. He shook the larger one out and laid it down next to Rachel. He lifted her onto it and then folded it over her. He set his own blanket on the other side of the tent, a few feet from her. After pulling it over his side, he closed his eyes and soon seemed to be sleeping. Rachel lay awake beside him for a while, marveling at her circumstances. If someone had asked her last week if she thought she might be alone with a boy in the middle of nowhere tied down to a tent peg she’d have thought they were insane. Now it felt somehow comfortable, though hardly normal. She also felt a strange tingling in her belly and even lower that she couldn’t quite explain.
It took quite a while longer for Rachel to finally drift off. When she did, she found herself in a strange dream. Her hands were still tied behind her, but now she was standing. She seemed to be on a stage of some sort. A bright light shone on her and, looking down, she discovered she was fully nude except for a cold metal collar around her neck. It seemed to be attached to whatever was binding her hands behind her. It felt like two leather cuffs tightly wound around her wrists. Her ankles were similarly bound. She found that she couldn’t lower her head either. The collar must be chained to the ceiling, she thought. She couldn’t see with the stag lights in her face but she could hear an audience in front of her. She thought she heard Rick, one of her classesmates from back home, yelling from the darkness. She couldn’t make out what he was saying over what sounded like all of her classesmates jeering at her.
She suddenly heard a smacking sound and felt a great pain on her left buttock. She couldn’t turn around to see what it was and soon she Felt the same pain on the right side. Whoever was hitting her didn’t relent until her backside was singing even without being hit. Rachel couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t waking up. The lights dimmed. She could see more of her classesmates now. But where was Duncan? She felt another sting on her thigh. Soon the man who was hitting her walked out in front of her. She gasped. It was Duncan.
“Please, please stop,” she begged him. He ignored her, and reached out with his free hand and took hold of her left breast. He gave it a good squeeze, then pinched and twisted the nipple beforee running his hand downward to her sex. The nipple he had touched grow large and pointed out. Rachel suddenly realized that she was incredibly wet. Her juices dripped down her thigh in one long, cool line. As Duncan feel her, he grinned at the pool of wetness. He gently inserted first his ring fingerprint and then his ring and middle finger. His thumb rubbed her just above her entrance. He made slow circles with his thumb as his other fingers pumped in and out of her sex. Rachel felt something building inside her as he rubbed. She thought she had almost reached some other stage of pleasure when suddenly she was awake.
Once again fully clothed, Rachel realized that part of her dream had been real. Her underwear were soaked through with liquid. She thought to pull them off but quickly remembered that her hands and feet were tied. She looked over at Duncan, still fast wait. It would have to wait until morning, she thought. She tried to fall back sleep but found the sensing of her wet panties very uncomfortable. She also found that she was still aroused by her dream. She tried desperately to rub her thighs together to get some sense of the feeling from earlier in her dream. The noise caused Duncan to stir. Rachel frozen, staring over at Duncan. He turned over to face her, but his eyes were closed. She closed hers as well, in case he saw her. She didn’t want him to know she was awake. No sound came From either of them. After a long while, Rachel finally drifted back to sleep. She dreamed of being back at school, surrounded by her friends.
When Rachel awoke, Duncan was sitting on the other end of the tent, watching her. Rachel jerked a bit in her bonds, having forgotten that she couldn’t move her arms or get up. Duncan stood and walked over to her. Stooping down, he began to untie the ropes around her wrists. Once he was finished, he made as if to do the same for her ankles.
“Wait, no need, I’ll do that,” Rachel said, blushing. She didn’t want him to smell anything from her now mostly dry underwear. Duncan stood and stepped back. She found his knot difficult to undo but eventually managed it. Once she was free of the ropes, she stood, facing him.
“So, how was it?” he asked.
“How was what?”
“How did you sleep?”
“Oh, well, it was alright I suppose.” She knew she sounded unsure. She thought she ought to thank him for what he’d done for her, keeping her from sleepwalking off a cliff, so she said, “Duncan I hope you know how grateful I am for all your help.”
“Don’t mention it, you know I’d do a lot more for you,” he said. “Besides, it’s, well, it’s a bit fun, you know.”
“Fun? What do you mean by that?”
“It’s just that, well, I get to tie you up.”
“And you think that’s fun?”
“Sort of,” he admitted. “It’s just that I’ve never gotten to do that to somebody before, let alone a pretty girl.” Pretty? She thought, he thinks that I’m pretty. He wasn’t bad looking himself in her estimation. He was of average height with short black hair, a strong jawline and cold, clear blue eyes. His compliment made her blush. “But I guess it can’t have been too much fun for you.”
“Well, actually,” she began, then found herself too embarrassed to continue. He had stepped towards her and she found that having him this close made her feel strangely uncomfortable. It was rather like the feeling she’d had the previous night When he was tying the ropes on her wrists.
“Well what? I knew it! I thought you were liking it but I couldn’t be sure. You did like it, didn’t you?” He reached out and took her hands in his.
“I guess it wasn’t so bad. It’s just, well, I had such a strange dream.”
“A dream about what? It wasn’t about me was it?”
“No, of course not,” she answered hastily. “But you might have made an appearance.”
“An appearance, eh? And what pray tell was I doing in this appearance?” He was still holding both of her hands in his and now staring at her expectedly. She was suddenly finding it difficult to stand still. She thought there was no sense in hiding what her dream had consistent of, but found it difficult to get the words out.
“Well, you were, you know…”
“I was what? Spit it out, Rachel.”
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