Stranded Pt. 02

The cropping of my bum and thighs, and grouping went on and on until they both stood up, rolling me hard onto the floor at their feet. They pulled their dresses on.

“In the corner slut, nose against the wall!”

“Please, I really need to pee.”

“In the corner, don’t you dare piss without permission.”

I got up, my hand on my pussy to stop myself peeing. I went to the corner where they were looking and pressed my nose against the wall. I so needed to pee, my bum and thighs were sore from spanking and cropping, and I could feel crueles on my hip and shoulder from being dropped on the floor.

“Hands on your head!”

I was hoping from foot to foot with my need to pee.

I heard them discussing where I would sleep, before they told me to follow them, keeping my hands on my head.

I was led through the huge entrance hall and towards the back of the castle, through a door and down some stone steps. I was in a warren of rooms in the cells. I followedThey into a dirty room with no window, and old furniture against the wall.

“Stand over that drain, legs apart, and piss.”

The relief from peeing was so great.

Morag left me alone with Jane. I thought of trying to run, but realized this was not the time.

“See that old bedframe, lift it down.”

Leaning against the wall was a metal single bedframe, with a wire base for a mattress to rest on. I lifted the frame down; it was filter and covered in cobwebs.

“Middle of the room, over the drain.”

I dragged it to the centre of the room, the metal legs scraping on the floor.

Morag returned with a heavy bag she dumped on the floor and said, “get four chains out, and four padlocks. Padlock a chain to each of your limbs, snuggly. Now!”

A moment of truth — could I refuse, struggle, run?

I reached into the bag, pulled out four chains and four padlocks. I secured chains to my ankles, then wrists.

“Now, find a long one for yOur wait, middle of the chain at your belly button, then around your waist with a padlock in the small of your bag. And tight!”

With the chains on my wrists clanking I found a long chain and made myself a belt, tightening it with a padlock in the small of my back.

“Good slut, pick up two more padlocks and hop up on your new bed and secure your ankles to the corner posts.”

I Understand asking for a mattress would not go well for me.

I climbed onto the wire bed frame, sat with my legs apart, and padlocked my ankle chains to the corners of the bed frame.

“You know what to do next.”

I laid back, spreadeagling myself. They picked up a couple of padlocks and each took hold of a wrist and dragged me up the bed, my bare skin pulled over the wire frame, until I was tightly stretched, before padlocking my wrist chains. Reaching under my back they pulled a chain to either side of the bed to keep me still, with two more padlocks.

Jane removed my gag, butput her finger to her lips, indicating I should be silent. I was left and the light turned off. The door closed and I heard a bolt. I hate the dark.

Who has so many padlocks and chains….?

There was no sound. I cried.

Maybe an hour later Jane came in, light on, saying nothing. She climbed on the bed, again put her finger to her lips for my silence, a leg either side of me on the frame, lifted her skirt, “mouth open, keep it open, and the same, without a word, whenever we visit.”

Jane started peeing in my mouth, on my face, in my hair, then moved down my body, spraying onto my breasts, tummy, pussy. As she finished, she stepped off the bed, flipped the light switch, and closed the door.

I tried to spit, get her salty pee from my mouth, but just succeeded in dribbling down my chin.

As I laid shivering in the cold pee Morag appeared, and repeated the same, mouth first, face, then the rest of me.

Hours later each visited again to pee, I assume before bed.

At some time in the night I peed myself. I was so cold, and my wait chain made it hard to get a full breath.

I did on and off. Pulling against my chains. The wire frame was cutting into me, but I couldn’t move to get relief. In the morning they came into together in fresh dresses. I opened my mouth.

“Good girl, but its bath time for you.”

I was unchained. I could barely stand. The release of the chain from my wait allowed me to breath properly. They watched as I rubbed my limbs and stretched, it took me a while to be able to stand up. I was so sore. I could feel the indentations from the wire frame on my bum.

“Hands on your head.”

I thought of speaking but could think of nothing that might help me to say.

I walked naked and shivering between them up the stairs into the kitchen. A large tin bath had been put out in front of the fire, half full of water.

“In you get, it’s nice and cold. Not a single word or noise. In!”

Iput one foot in and pulled it back, it was so cold.

“Not a single word or noise. In, quickly!”

I steering in and slowly knelt, then eased my bum into the cold water, crying and shivering.

“Good girl.” Jane lifted a large kettle from the Aga and slowly poured hot water into my bath. “You’ll learn, obedience brings rewards. And you are learning obedience. Daddy is very excited to meet you.”

“Lay down, and I’ll add lots more hot water.”

I laid out flat in the now tepid water and Jane added hot water from two large kettles until the water was actually warm. She refilled the kettles.

“You’ll mostly bath here by the fire; we want people to see you.”

I couldn’t stop crying.

Both started soaping and washing me with a big bar of kitchen soap, with my pussy and breasts getting a lot of attention.

Morag started rubbing my pussy lips with the big bar of soap, pushing.

“If you want me to get the bar inside you’ll need to hang your legs overthe side of the bath.”

I wasn’t sure if this was a command or a question.

I lifted my legs over the side of the bath. Confused.

“Hands behind your knees might be better?”

I drew my legs back with my hands to fully expose myself. Still crying.

Morag forced the bar of soap inside me and started fucking me with it, as Jane started playing with my clip. I felt the biggest orgasm forming in me. Unstoppable. As they played, I came, screaming.

“Good girl.”

Pulling the soap out Morag used it to wash my hair as I tucked my legs back into the water. As she massed soap into my hair she moved to my face, forcing bubbles into my mouth, up my nose, and especially rubbing soap into my eyes. It stung like hell. I was snorting and spitting bubbles.

A hand on my back guided me to sit up and warm water from a kettle was poured over my head and face to rinse the soap away.

I waited. My head full of thoughts. Daddy? People?

“Now, as a treat, toKeep you ours one of us will piss in your bath so you have our essence. Choose who now!”

“I can’t choose. Please both of you?”

“You are learning, but no, you must decide now.” Realizing that Morag hold the most power I said, “Morag.”

“Good, now ask me to piss in your bath.”

“Morag, please pee in my bath.”

“No, I will piss in your bath. Ask again.”

“Morag, please piss in my bath.”

She lifted her dress and peed in my bath, like this was normal.

“Now, splash the bathwater onto your face and tits, into your hair quickly.”

I splashed.

“Up and out.”

I stood up and stepped out. Both picked up towels and dried me off, very tenderly.

“Ok, good girl. We’ll make breakfast today. You use that bucket to empty your bath into the sink, then drag your bath out into the yard, tip the rest out and hang your bath on the big hook you’ll see in the wall.”

As they prepared breakfast I scooped buckets if water into the sink, thenopened the door and dragged the bath outside.

“Close the door silly girl, it’s cold.”

I managed to tip the bath out before finding the hook on the wall. The bath was heavy, and it took a while to find a way of manoeuvring it up and onto its hook. Shivering again I looked around. I was in what I guessed was an old walled garden. Over the other side were old glasshouses. I hoped there would be a door to the outside in the glasshouses and ran for it. Even naked it was better that staying with the sisters to be abused.

The door to the glasshouse was open, I ran along its length to where it turned along the other wall and followed it. There was a door! I tugged at the handle, but the door was firm. As I alternated between pulling at the door and looking around for a key, I heard Morag’s voice from the other side of the door, “back to the kitchen, stand by the fire with your hands on your head!”

Sobbing, I walked slowly back, opened the kitchen door to an angry Jane,and stood in place as instructed until Morag joined with a bag. More chain. My left ankle was padlocked to one end of a long chain, and the other end attached to a handle on the Aga. They whispered to one another.

Morag said, “no need for words, just stay in place. Jane wants to pour boiling water over your pathetic tits to make up for trying to escape, and for choosing my piss in your bath. Ask her to. Stop sobbing and ask!”

Sobbing. “Jane, please pour boiling water over my tits.”

“No! What sort of tits are they?”

“Jane, please pour boiling water over my pathetic tits.”

“Good girl, although Daddy seems to have a thing for small tits. He’s going to love you.”

Jane lifted a kettle off the Aga and poured some water over each of my breasts. Not a lot, but it stung like hell.

“Now a few arrangements we have made. The police called your phone first thing, when you were still in bed, to say they’d get your car out today and transport it back down theroad to a recovery yard in Dumbarton. I told the police thank you and that I/you would sort collecting the car. Then I messaged the car hire company from your phone and told them what had happened, and that you’d decided to go to Edinburgh with a friend for the rest of the trip. They were understanding and said in the circumstances they’d wave the pickup charge. A friend of ours is on her way now to Dumbarton to collect Your belongings from the car, then drive to Edinburgh with your phone and pop it in a handy bin there. So, the good news is that you’ll be getting your belongings back this evening. In the meantime, Jane will find you some cream for your pathetic tits. Say nothing.”


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