“You will follow behind me Stacey. You can hold onto my shoulders or hips but the blindfold stays on for now. I’ll go slow.”
Stacey’s hands were already on her shoulders but Quinn had touched her all over and she hadn’t touched Quinn, this was her chance! She slip her hands slowly down Quinn’s back, over her naked shoulder blades then to her sides under her arms feeling the sides of her breasts which to her surprise were covered! Her hands trailed down the rest of the way to Quinn’s hips. It was a corset! ‘How sexy’ she thought. They walked slowly out of the room, down what she guessed was a hallway before turning into another room. They stopped.
“Get her on the table, leave the blindfold and everything else. Take the rest of her shirt and remove her panties. I’ll be right back. Behave!”
Quinn giggled. “Yes, Master.”
Quinn guided Stacey towards the ‘table’ and had her lean against it.
“I know what you were trying to do…” Quinn said quietly. Stacey didn’t know if she should say anything.
“Come on pet. Master left us alone on purpose. You can talk to me…” Quinn took Stacey’s hand and put it on her hip. “You can finish what you started.” She said.
“I… I…uh…don’t know what you’re talking about…” Stacey muttered. Quinn slapped her across the face.
“Don’t lie to me. You do know. Don’t play dumb.”
Stacey took a deep breath and reached her other hand out to Quinn. Her hands moved quickly up Quinn’s body to her breasts. Stacey had never been with a woman, but she wanted this one. She felt her breasts thru the corset, wishing they weren’t covered. Then she ran her hands down to Quinn’s ass. She caresed Quinn’s ass thru what felt like a latex skirt before jerking her hands away Feeling ashamed for what she was doing. Quinn showed then helped Stacey up on the table. She strapped her arms and wrists down then her legs at her tighs and ankles. When Quinn had her tied back up she moved down towards Stacey’s feet and moved the part of the table Stacey’s right leg was attached to. Then the left. Stacey was spread eagle again, only this time someone could stand between her legs. That posed some nerve wrecking opportunities she thought…
Quinn had almost forgotten to remove the shredded shirt and panties! She quickly grabbed the shirt and tore it off Stacey. Then did the same with the panties, just before Master walked back into the room.
“She looks lovely like that my pet! What a great idea. Can’t wait to see her face when she sees herself!” Master laughed. “I have a few more things to attach to you my new slut. Then I think I might fuck you! How does that sound, whore?”
“Whatever pleases you… Master.” Stacey choked out.
Master walked around Stacey until he was between Her legs. He slid two fingers across her soaking wet pussy lips.
“My my you are enjoying this aren’t you! Well this just won’t do though. I need you dry for this… Quinn get a towel and dry her some. Being this wet the pins won’t stay in”
Quinn did as Master ordered and stepped aside.
“This might hurt some…” Master laughed.
Master slowly attached five clothespins on each side of her pussy. It wasn’t as bad as Stacey feared but it still hurt and she moaned in pain for each one. Then she heard what sounded like a roll of tape and before she could think what it could be for Master was wrapping it around her thigh, using it to make the clothespins stay on her thigh. Expposing her open pussy. He finished with her thighs and spanked her open pussy once with his hand. Stacey moaned and bucked her hips up. She quickly found out that was a bad idea as a new stick slapped across her stomach to hold her down.
Stacey moaned. Her desire to cum was getting stronger by the minute. She needed it, badly.
“Tell me Stacey, my slut, has anyone ever fucked your ass?” Master asked as he dipped a finger into her pussy.
“Yes Master, but it hurt so badly.”
“Hmm, then you let a fool fuck it. I think I will help you open it up, then I’ll fuck it”
“Oh Master, you’re going to open it first? Why not just take it?” Quinn pouted. She enjoyed watching Master fuck girls asses and listen to them scream.
“Yes you stupid slut that is what I said. Don’t question me! Or it will be your ass! Now be a good slut and get her asshole wet… with your dirty mouth…now!”
Quinn grimaced but got down between Stacey’s legs and licked her asshole. When Master came behind her she crawled under the table to the other side to give him room. He slide a slender butt plug into Stacey’s pussy to get it nice and slick, causing her to moan. Then he pulled it out and gently started working it into Stacey’s ass. Tears once again streamed down her face and she scream at the pain of something being forced into her ass. For some reason Master was being gentle about this thought. He could have forced it in with one quick push but he took his time. He’d stop afterr he got a little in and tell her to relax before going further and she’d moan in pain, but after a few minutes she actually thought she might start to enjoy it. Master finally got it all the way in her ass and stand back, admiring his work.
“Quinn, I think it’s time she saw her slutty self! Remove the blindfold.” Master stepped around the table to stand near Stacey’s head. Quinn stood on the other side of Stacey. Quinn looked down at her then ran her fingers thru Stacey’s hair before hooking her fingers in the blindfold and pulling it off.
Stacey kept her eyes squeezed tightly shut.
“Open your eyes slut. Look at yourself…”
“I don’t think I can… Master.” A tear ran down Stacey’s cheek. Humiliation was flooding over her again. Not only was she afraid to see all the strange things attached to her body, she also remembered the make-up she spent so much time on the night she was taken. She couldn’t even imagine what her face looked like. All her black eye-linerwas probably staining her face thanks to her tears. She wanted the blindfold back. She couldn’t help it. In that moment she was self-conscious. She wanted these two people, even though they kidnapped her and were putting her thru strange things. She wanted to be pretty for this man. How could a black smeared, tear stained face be pretty to them. Stacey started crying again. All these feelings were too much. Pain, arousal, shame, humiliation, fear.
Quinn saw the struggle on Stacey’s face and looked to her Master who just nodded at her. Quinn leaned over Stacey and wiped the tears from her face, brushed her hair back with her hand and kissed her cheek.
Then Quinn kissed Stacey. Shocked, Stacey resisted at first, but it felt so good she gave into Quinn. It was the most passwordate kiss Stacey could imagine. Quinn’s hands were caresing her as they kissed. Every thought disappeared from Stacey’s mind as the kiss grow deeper. She had such a fire burning in her for this woman. Just when Stacey thought she could burst without anyone even touching her pussy, Quinn pulled away. Then she whispered in Stacey’s ear.
“You are so sexy, with make-up, without it, even with it staining your face. Tied or untied. You are sexy. And to Master, you are most sexy with all that make-up running down your face. To him, your tears can be sexy. Just open your eyes and see yourself. You are beautiful.” She kissed Stacey again. “Open your eyes, look at me.”
Stacey’s mind was still empty from kissing Quinn. She took a deep breath and cracked her eyes open. Quinn placed her hands on either side of Stacey’s face, “open them” she said.
Stacey opened her eyes fully and saw Quinn over her. Quinn was so beautiful, as Stacey opened her eyes she reached up and let her hair down, which cascaded around Stacey’s face, making it impossible to see anything but Quinn hovering over her. After Stacey took in the smell of Quinn’s hair she took in the sight of it. It was greous, long and full, black as night, she could imagine it all ruffled up after hours of rolling around tangled in each others arms in sweety orgasms. She imagined how sexy that would look. Then Stacey took another breath and searched for Quinn’s eyes. She gasped as they locked onto each others. They were piercing green, she imagined how they would look in the light, outside of this dark room. If they were this bright in this low light, they most be shocking in the daylight. It was Quinn’s eyes that made her remember the night before, she had seen them already, she just didn’t fully take them in while she was dancing for her. She couldn’t wait until she wasn’t tied down. She wanted to touch this woman, wanted to feel her bare skin as she had done to her. A shudder swept thru Stacey’s body as she stared at Quinn. She managed to break the gaze they had with each other and find Quinn’s lips. She let out a soft moan. They were perfect, not to full and not too slim. She imagined how they looked earlierer on her nipples. God she wanted this woman! She couldn’t wait to get off this table and see the rest of her.
Quinn smiled at her then she spoke.
“Are you ready to see yourself, sexy?”
Stacey didn’t quite know what to say. She was unsure if she wanted to see herself like this, but at the same time she was a little curious. She knew one thing, if seeing herself means that Quinn was going to have to step away, she didn’t want to see. She didn’t want Quinn to leave her sight. But she knew that one of the steps to getting herself untied so she could touch this beauty means she had to look at herself, so Stacey nodded.
Quinn ran her hand down Stacey’s arm to her hand and entangled their fingers together. Then Quinn took a step back. Stacey had no other choice but to Keep her head straight and what was above her was shocking. She was looking at herself. The ceiling of the room was lined with mirrors, and just a few feet above the table she was on was a body length mierror that was tilted to such an angle so she could see her entire body perfectly. It looked like this mirror was able to be moved higher or lower and tilted as needed. She pushed the semantics of the mirror out of her mind and focused on herself in the mirror. Stacey couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She started at her feet, looking at the straps holding her at her ankles, her legs spread and strapped at the thighs as well. Then her pussy, held open by clothespins and on display. It was horrifying and strangely erotic. She couldn’t see the plug in her ass but she definitely still feel it. Her eyes moved up her body to her waist and the strap holding her there was well. She was almost afraid to look any higher, not sure if she really wanted to see her throbbing, abused tits, but she did. Stacey couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The ropes around her tits looked a lot tighter than they actually felt, and the clamps looked horrifying, she blushed with embarrassment as her arousal swept over her once again. How could she find this to be a turn-on? How could she be enjoying this pain and humiliation? She noticed the posture collar first, the thing that was keeping her from looking away from herself, before looking at her own face. She didn’t want to see what her face looked like, but then she remembered what Quinn told her about the Master finding her make-up stained face sexy, and she remembered how she thought Quinn must look sexy all ruffled up after sex. She held in a breath and looked.
Her thoughts were right. Her make-up was a horrid mess. Eye-liner and mascara streaked down her face like it had been drawn on there. While she did think it was not the prettiest she’d ever looked, she could understand why Quinn and the Master found this appealing. They had done this, they were the cause behind it all. All the black stains on her face were because of something they did. It was the effect of her transformation. The transformation from the girl-next-door totheir own slut. She finally let her breath out and closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them they were full of something new, a new kind of pride. She was officially enjoying this. She officially wanted it, and she knew in that moment she would not want to leave them. She wanted to be a part of whatever they did. She could even see herself standing beside Quinn one day, doing this to some other poor girl.
Stacey turned her head as far to the side as she could to see her new Master. She was just as shocked seeing him as she was seeing Quinn. It was too dark to really see him well, but her first thought was how could someone so handsome be this sadistic and controlling inside. But that didn’t matter, she knew she was now his. She didn’t want to be anyone else, well maybe Quinn’s… Then she smiled at him.
“Good girl Stacey… what do you think of yourself my new pet?”
“I don’t really know, Master. It’s… strangely arousing I suppose. I’ve never seen anythinglike this. I don’t know what to say.” It was the truth. She really had no clue what to say about any of it.
“And what do you think of my Quinn?” He smiled at Quinn, and she squeezed Stacey’s hand. Quinn knew what Stacey thought. And from the first time Quinn saw her she thought the same thing. They had to have each other. Master’s innovation for Stacey developed because Quinn pushed so hard for him to see her. He knew he wasn’t really the one acquiring a new play thing, he knew Stacey and Quinn would become inseparable after this. But he also knew that Quinn belonged to him and if Stacey wanted Quinn she would have to accept the fact that she would belong to him as well. She would also be at his disposal whenever he wanted.
“She is so beautiful, Master. Never have I seen someone as breathtaking as she is… I’m looking forward to actually seeing more of her then from just the neck up… Master I want her… and I want you. I don’t know why… an hour ago when I woke up tofind myself here, with you, I just wanted to go home. I wanted this all to be a nightmare. But now… I don’t want to go anywhere. I don’t want anything more than I want the two of you… I’m so embarrassed… but I can’t help it. I don’t know whats come over me… I… I never had thoughts this intensity before tonight. It’s so overwhelming. I’m not sure I’m thinking clearly…” All her emotions came flooding back over her, only this time there was new ones. She wanted to be untied so badly. She wanted release so badly. Oh if something didn’t happen soon she thought she’d die.
Master saw this new struggle and laughed softly.
“Is there something you want my pet?”
“Ooh yes Master. Master, please, please I need you inside me. Will you please fuck me? I need to cum so badly, it hurts…” She was burning inside. She’d never needed release this badly before. She’d never been denied release before. She had to cum. Stacey started crying in frustration.
To her shock, Master swatted her thighs, one then the other.
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