Master felt her muscles contracting and griping onto him as if her life depended on it and as she had the most intense, incredible, orgasm of her entire life, he filled her up with his own hot cum. As the last drops of his cum split out into her, he thrusted one final time just for good measure and pulled out of her.
“Quinn, clean her up…” He ordered as he walked around to stand by Stacey’s head. She was panting and trying to catch her breath. She felt like she was floating and she didn’t want to come down. Quinn swapped places with Master and was now standing between Stacey’s legs. She stood there for a minute just looking at Stacey, and thinking how absolutely grogeous she was tonight and right now. And she thought about how glad she was in her decision to bring her here, and how glad she was Stacey Actually enjoyed herself, even made Quinn proud. This would definitely persuade Master into listening to her more often.
As Quinn was staring at Stacey and lost in her own thoughts, Master was struggling Stacey’s hair and smiling down at her.
“You have done so very well tonight my new pet. Have you enjoyed these last 2 hours?”
Stacey was still out of breath, but she managed to answer him.
“Oh yes Master… It has been… amazing… Master may I ask something?”
He laughed a little. “Yes pet. What is it?”
She blushed. “Master I was wondering… wondering if I could clean my juices off of your cock…” She wasn’t sure why she wanted to do this. But she strangely did.
Master was taken aback with surprise.
“Yes my pet. I would like that very much. Let me remove this collar so you can face me better.”
“Oh Master… please may I keep it on?”
This girl was full of surprises.
“Yes pet, you may… Quinn dear?”
Masters voice snapped Quinn out of her thoughts and she looked at him. “Yes, Master?”
“Oh good, I’m glad you haven’t cleaned her up yet… I think you should hold some of that… and youKnow what do to with it…” Master winded at her.
Stacey turned her head as much as she could to the side to face his glistening dick and opened her mouth. Master smiled and guided his dick into her waiting mouth. She expertly moved her tongue across him, cleaning off all of her juices from the best orgasm she’d had her entire life. She had never done this kind of thing before. She’d never asked a man into her mouth after They had just had sex. She always thought that was disgusting, and she wasn’t sure what had changed her mind in that moment but she knew it was making him happy. There was only so much of him she could take in her mouth on her own and he knew that so Master helped her by fucking her mouth. When she had licked and sucked every last drop of their mixed juices off of him he stepped back.
Quinn was still Bet down with her face inches away from Stacey’s used pussy. She started slowly licking Stacey, cleaning every inch of her pussylips before dipping her tongue inside of her. Stacey moaned, she’d never had many boyfriends that wanted to do that to her, let alone a woman do that to her! It was incredible. Quinn’s tongue was so soft and warm and she knew exactly what she was doing and she was doing it so well. Stacey never knew this could feel so amazing, she moaned.
Then suddenly Quinn was done and she was standing beside Stacey’s head again. Stacey looked at Quinn and whimpered, out loud and with her eyes. Then Quinn kissed Stacey. That password, intense kiss… it was almost too much. How could she ever get through this… How could she manage all this arousal without release if she stayed with them… Then Quinn did
something that broke her train of thought, she was opening her mouth…
Stacey followed Quinn’s example and opened her mouth to meet what she thought was going to be Quinn’s tongue. What she got instead was something entirely different. Fluids. Not saliva… oh my god it was Master’s cum… from inside her pussy. That’s what Quinn was doing. She gagged a little at the unexpected deposit, but swallowed it anyway. She mentally crossed another thing off her mental list of things she’d never done before…
“Good girls…” Master said, grabbing a handful of Quinn’s hair and pulling her back to him. Then he wrapped his other hand around her throat and kissed her.
“Let’s get her untied shall we?”
“Yes Master. I think she deserves a short break…”
And with that they began to untie her, starting with her breasts. They took their time, listening to every moan and groan as the ropes unwound and making sure to care and soothe her sore tits. The last bit of rope fell off her tits and Quinn continued to massage them as Master took the strraps off her wrists, working his way down to her ankles.
When she was finally free she laid there just as still as when she was tied, unsure of if she should move or not. Master and Quinn both reached out ahand for her and she took them. They helped her sit up and hang her legs off the table.
Her head was spinning with more thoughts. God she just wished her brain would shut off, thinking was starting to annoy her. She looked from Quinn to Master and back at Quinn. What next?
Master brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek. Then he swooped her up into his arms. Quinn moved for the door to the room and opened it and Master followed. He followed Quinn, carrying Stacey, down a hallway and into another room. A bathroom. A huge bathroom.
There was a big tub in the middle of the room that looked like it could accommodate at least four people comfortable, and it was already full of steamy, hot water and bubbles. Master set her down on the edge of the tub with her feet in the water.
“Help her get cleaned up Quinn, then take her to your room so she can get some sleep. And I mean get some sleep. Don’t stay up being girls all night, alright?” Master said. Then heWalked over to Quinn and whispered something in her ear then he was gone. Finally leaving Stacey all alone with Quinn.
Quinn smiled at her, she knew what Stacey was thinking because she was thinking the same thing. They both wanted to be alone together. She walked to Stacey and turned her back to her.
“Will you help me out of my corset, sexy?” She asked, as she pulled her hair off her back and over her shoulder.
“…umm, yeah. What do I need to do?” Stacey had never hurt a corset before so she wasn’t sure how to take on off.
“You’ve never hurt a corset? Well you just until the cord on my back. If you just untie it, it’ll be loose enough for me to take it off…” Stacey did as Quinn told her, then without being asked, she hooked her fingers in Quinn’s skirt and pulled it off her hips and let it fall to her feet.
“Thanks sexy.” Quinn giggled as she stepped out of the skirt. Then she put her foot on the edge of the tub to unzip her thigh high boot, one thenthe other. Stacey’s eyes were fixed on Quinn. Taking in every inch of her beautiful tanned body. She almost couldn’t believe her eyes, Quinn was just so beautiful. She had never looked at a woman like this before, but this one she couldn’t take her eyes off. Quinn slipped off her corset and was standing in front of Stacey in nothing but a cute pair of boy short panties.
‘This just won’t do’ Stacey thought as she reached forward and slowly pulled Quinn’s panties down. Finally Quinn stood naked in front of her. She was breath taking. She had a tan, not too light and not too dark. She wore a leather collar around her neck but hers wasn’t anything like the one Stacey was wearing. It was thinner but came to a cute point, pointing towards her collarbone, and it had a pretty scroll-work heart with a ring of some sort in the center. After she memorized the collar her eyes focused on her breasts. ‘Ugh is there a single part of this woman that isn’t perfect!’ she thought. She didn’t reallyI want there to be anything, but it was all too much. They looked to be about a C cup and they were so perky. Quinn must have enjoyed Stacey looking at her because as she stared at her breasts her nipples started to get hard, perfect pink, hard nipples…
Her eyes moved further down Quinn’s body. Past her flat tummy, past her pierced belly button. They settled above her pussy. She wasn’t expecting to see what she was looking at, a tattoo. She wasn’t sure why it surprised her, more people than not have tattoos now a days, but she just wasn’t expecting Quinn to have one. It started at one hip and went across to the other. It looked like some type of vine with flowers and in the center, above her pussy, the vines twisted into the scroll heart from her collar. It wasn’t obvious if you were just Taking a quick look at it that the heart was there, but she wasn’t taking a quick look, she was studying her. She wasn’t sure what the flowers were but they were colored in different shades ofpurple. Stacey moved her eyes down slightly to admire Quinn’s bare pussy and she imagined what it tasted like, and if she would even get the chance to taste it. Lastly she looked at Quinn’s thighs and amazing legs, down to her ankles and pretty feet with her dark red painted toe nails.
“Quinn… you’re so… so beautiful. I’ve never been attracted to a woman before, but you… I Just can’t take my eyes off of you. I’m thinking things I’ve never dreamed I would think in my life. I’m feeling things for you… I never thought I’d ever feel about a woman…” Stacey blushed as she spoke and turned her eyes to the bath water. Quinn smiled and walked to the counter. She picked up a hair brush and came back to Stacey. She gently started to brush her tangled hair.
“Stacey, you don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed of what you are feeling. It’s OK. I feel the same way about you. The first time I saw you dance, I instantly knew I had to touch you, had to feel you, had to taste you.I never wanted a woman before you either. Master has always kept other girls around for one purpose or another, but I never wanted to do anything with any one of them. Until you seeing Master do anything with another woman that didn’t make her scream in ago disgusted me. But with you… it’s so different. Seeing him touch you tonight has sparked so many new things in me as well… Don’t be ashamed of how you feel.” She finished brushing Stacey’s hair and slide a finger under her chin to tilt her head up some. They kissed. Not a kiss like they shared earlier, no where near as passwordate as that, but it was nice, gentle.
Quinn asked Stacey to hold her hair up as she reached for the buckle on the collar. Stacey protected as she did.
“…no… I don’t want it off. Would Master wants you to take it off?” She was enjoying the feeling of it, but she also was unsure if she would be punished for allowing Quinn to remove it.
“How else are we going to bathe you unless we take itoff, silly? We don’t want to ruin it in the water, do we?” She responded as she removed the collar. Then she removed her own and set them down together on the counter along with the hair brush.
“Oh Stacey, I almost forgot… I need you to stand up for me.” Quinn said as she walked back towards her.
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