Stacey Tries Out Bondage Ch. 07

While I was showing and getting ready for work I couldn’t help but wonder what a change in direction my life had taken and whether it was a good direction. I used to be able to eat how and what I wanted, I was able to do what I wanted, wear what I wanted, and most of all, I had control over my body, something that before I started looking into bondage, I had never even thought someone could lose control over.

I didn’t think anymore about it until I got to work and I was alone in the lab. My boss was in meetings all day and the other lab technicians were on holiday. It was a week that we use to deep clean the lab and do an inventory. Because of that only one of the technicians work the week and this year I had volunteered for it.

The reason only one of us needs to work is because there is not quite enough work for one technician never mind a few of us. I was about 2 hours into my shift and I started to think back to my situation again.

In less than 3 months I havegone from dating a nice guy and living with my roommate to my roommate moving out then me moving in with Master, no more dating and being owned by someone. I had also gone from being sensible and having respect for myself to doing anything Master wanted, which includes risking being exposed, and if anyone I knew, know what I was doing, I think all my respect might go out the window.

I was cleaning down the fridge and freezers while thinking and the chill was making my nipples hard. With me not being allowed to wear bras anymore my nipples were poking out of my top, and with no testing being one today I wasn’t wearing a lab coat.

I caught a sight of myself in one of the fridge glass doors and I realized that although my life has changed, and that I may not have full or much control of myself anymore, I don’t have a big issue about it. I was getting turned on by having my nipples standing to attention. I think if someone had walked in and saw them at that moment it could have been too much, and I may have needed to give myself a release.

I carried on with my day as normal, trying to keep thought of my situation to the back of my head. I did however think it might be a good idea to talk to Master about what I have been thinking about. Maybe he can put my mind at ease.

After work I didn’t have any instructions from Master and I was able to have a little time to myself. I decided to go to the centre of the city and have some time to myself. I went for a coffee in a little shop and checked my phone. I had a voicemail from Master.

“Hi Slut, I hope your day is going well, I just thought I would let you know I am having to work a little later tonight, I should be home for 7pm though. I know I said this morning to spend some personal time to have a break. I will bring a takeaway back with me. I will see you at 7pm. Ok see you soon.”

I was happy to hear I didn’t have to cook tonight, I won’t lie I had forgotten about cooking and I don’t think I could have been bothed after getting back. I sent Master a text to tell him I had gotten his voicemail and that I would be him back at home at 7.

I noticed after I had sent the text that I had called his house “home”. I don’t know if I wrote it because it feels like home or if it was either a slip of the tongue (well or finger) or if it was just because that sounded better than the house or his home. Either way it made me think maybe this relationship was the right thing for me.

I finished my coffee and went for a walk around the city centre, I hadn’t been to the centre of Manchester for a while, but it hadn’t changed. I went into one clothing and a couple of sporty shops. I then decided to go to the sex shop a few streets away.

It might seem a little cliché that someone in a bondage relationship would want to and enjoy going into a sex shop, but since my new found sexual desires it was fast becoming my favourite type of shop. After all I can’t buy any clothess or shoes without Masters permission and I can’t buy any underwear, period. So they weren’t much fun to visit any.

I walked in and started to browser around. I hadn’t been to this one before but I did know about it from when I was buying toys for my second session with Master at the hotel, although I didn’t end up going in that time.

I saw a few things that turned me on, I wasn’t sure if Master had them or would want them so I just took some pictures and thought I would show him when I got back. There ware however two things I knew Master didn’t have. There was in the novelty section and one of the items was a penis pacifier and the other which wasn’t in the novelty section was a chatity belt. The belt wasn’t cheap but I was saving money by not buying food, clothes or having any real bills to pay as my apartment wasn’t using much electric or any water.

The penis pacifier was only a few pounds but the belt was about £250. I decided to buy it, I wasn’t expecting tospend that much and there were cheaper ones there, but this one was the dogs billlocks.

It was a metal belt which is more secure and had a multiitude of modifications you could do. It could be a full belt, you could use the small keyed locks to remove the ass coverage, the pussy cover or both. You could use an extra bracket to lock a wand into the pussy area for forced pleasure, and you could put a dildo or butt plug to the inside or outside of the covers too, to either use as a straw on or to plug the wearer up with. But possibly the best thing was it came with a free set of timed padlocks, oh and a set of padlocks that was locked and unlocked through an app which I thought could be very interesting. I am sure I missed at least one of the other advantages of it but I can’t remember them all.

I paid and started to walk to the bus stop. I got on the next bus and went home. By the time I had gotten home it was around 6pm. I went in the back door, got undressed and then put my clothes on the coat rail. I put my belt and pacifier in my bedroom and watched some TV downstairs before Master came home.

Master came through the door a little after 7pm and had a couple of pizza boxes in his hand.

“Hello slut, how was your day?” Master asked.

“It was ok Master, I enjoyed having some time to myself if I am honest.” I replied.

“That’s ok, it’s healthy to have time to yourself and to enjoy it. I will never take offence to you asking for, or enjoying some alone time. Lets eat I have a vegetable and a pepperoni pizza, do you like both?”

“Yes Master they sound delicious.”

Master then put half of each pizza on two plates, one for him and one for me.

“Before you sit down can you bring me a glass of white wine and get yourself a drink too.”

I poured two glasses of white wine and took them over to the table and then took my pizza over. I thought it would be a good time to have a conversation about our relationship while we were eating, so I nervously started to talk.

“Master could we talk about our relationship while we eat please Master?”

“Yes slut, what it is?”

“Well I have been thinking about our situation today, I am enjoying myself, and I don’t know if I want anything to change between us. But that being said, my life has changed a lot and at a fast pace since we first met.”

“What You are feeling, and experiencing is normal. It’s not been a small change that you have gone through these past weeks. One question to ask yourself is, what would you do if you went back to your life as it was before we met? Would you be happy and be able to enjoy yourself, or have you come to a point that if you were to go back to your old lifestyle, you would be bored with it?”

“That’s a lot to think about I suppose, but my initial thoughts are that I think I have found where I should and want to be. Today was the first day in a few weeks where I got to go to the shops and do as I wanted, and whereDid I go? I went to the sex shop and actually bought two things.”

“Well that does seem to show where your head is at, and what you subconsciously want.”

“I do think you would be very happy and excited about one of the items I bought. When you see it you will realize, as I have just realized, that when I was in the shop I actually answered my own question. May I go get the items Master?”

“Finish your food first then we can look ok?”

“Yes Master good idea.”

I quickly finished my pizza and then asked Master again if I can get my toys.

“Yes slut go fetch them here and maybe we can use them next time we play.”

I got up, went to my bedroom, picked up the bag that had my new toys in and ran back downstairs.

“So the first thing is a pacifier, I thought it could be good for either some humiliation or just inline with a punishment. The second thing is this.”

I pulled out the chatity belt and accessories, Masters face dropped. Of course in agood way.

“Well, this is defiantly impressive and unexpected. I do think you may have answered your own question. No one buys an expensive chatity belt like that unless they either want someone, or they self to be put into it.”

“Would you like me to show you all its party tricks Master?”

“Yes please slave and maybe we can get you into it too.”

I showed Master the timer lock, the mobile lock and the pussy and ass cover, oh and not forgetting the inserts for putting things into my ass and pussy.

“This is a very nice piece of kit. I am very impressed. Before we go any further I am going to give you 30 minutes to yourself to decide if you would like to carry on our time together. Go up to your room, do what ever you want, but still following the house and slave rules. So really you can sit up there and think in silence or with the TV on. I will shout you when your time is up. How does that sound?” Master requested.

“That’s seems like a good idea, I thumbk that would help.” I replied.

“Good. Now when you come down you have 3 options. You can come down and go home and I will post your belongings back to your apartment. You can come down and beg for more time to think, or you can come down with the nipple clamps, handcuffs and blindfold on that are in your wardrobe and we will carry on our relationship, hopefully with less of these Thoughts. Right up you go, your time starts now.”

I walked upstairs, went into my room and started to think to myself. I have enjoyed my time with Master. I won’t lie the last session we had yesterday was a lot to take, I was paid and humiliated and the thought of that happening often was not something I was wanting to happen, well that’s what I thought until my body told me otherwise. I was sat on my bed and my pussy was getting wet. Did I really enjoy it yesterday? Maybe I thought I shouldn’t so I thought I didn’t, when in fact I really did.

I know I have enjoyed all the other things wehave done, and even the punishments that happened in my sessions at the hotel I enjoyed, so why was I so worked up about yesterday? I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t the acts or the pain/humiliation, it was because I let Master down.

That was when I knew I was in the right place, I was disappointed to have upset Master and done wrong, not the punishment I had gotten. I them decided to watch some TV while I wait for Master to shout me back downstairs.

“You have 2 minutes left slut, start getting ready to come down however you are doing so.” Master shouted up to me.

I knew what I was to do. I went over to the wardrobe and picked up the items Master wanted me to put on. I put them on the bed then I started to put the nipple clamps on. They weren’t the hard ones I have had on before. They were a mid range clamp, they had a good pinch to them but I could handle it.

I then put on the handscuffs and picked up the blindfold. I put the blindfold on and went to my door. I was stood there about 10 seconds and Master shouted up again.

“Right time for you to come down and stick by your decision.”

I opened the door, walked down the short hall and down the stairs. It was interesting doing so without my eyes, or the full movement of my arms.

I got downstairs and felt my way to the living room.

“Stop there slut. I see you wish to remain my slave? If this true?” Master asked.

“Yes Master, I would love to continue my time with you.” I replied.

“Very good, just so you know you can always have a conversation with me about our situation/relationship. Just because you have decided to stay today it doesn’t mean you have to stay forever. Now I think you have had enough for one day I want you to get an early night as I will be getting you up early tomorrow to continue out fun together.”

I thanked Master, said good night and went to go walk upstairs.

“You can take off your accessories when you get upstairs, the keysfor the handscuffs and in your bedside table. But you must leave them on until you are ready for bed, so go to the toilet before you remove them and go to bed.

I walked upstairs and struggled finding my way to and then using the toilet with out my hands and eyes.

I got ready and then went to my room, removed the blindfold, handcuffs and clamps, then went to bed. I knew an early morning meant Master would be playing with me sexually, and that I would need a good nights rest.

It was about 5am when Master came into my room and woke me up. I have to admit I had never woken up like it before. I had seen something on the internet where it happened but I think they were all staged, mine wasn’t.

I woke up with Masters cock in my mouth. My mouth was open and I had a hard cock inside it. I jumped back and looked up. Master was looking down at me.

“Get back on my cock before I make you.”

Well not only did I not want master to make me suck his cock, but I alsodidn’t want to waste the opportunity to suck it. I loved it when Masters cock was in any one of my holes, or even to just look at.

I moved back into position and opened my mouth, Master put his cock back in and I started sucking him, I played with his head with my tongue and then tried to get his whole dick in my mouth, I cant remember if I had ever managed to get it all in, but I couldn’t today. I tried my hardest and made myself coough doing so, but without any success.

It wasn’t long before I had Masters cum in my mouth and he told me to hold it there until I was told to swallow it.

I had never held cum in my mouth for longer than a few seconds, and now today I could technically have it in all day, although I thought I knew Master well enough to know he wouldn’t expect that.

Master started to walk away and told me to go to the toilet and meet him in his office.

I went to the toilet, washed up and went downstairs. I went to Masters office and knocked onthe door.

“Come on in slut.” Master said through the wall.

I opened the door and walked in. when I went in, I saw Master sat behind his desk and using his computer.

“You can now swallow the cum in your mouth you dirty bitch.” Master said.

I swallowed the cum and thanked Master.

“I have decided to start a blog for us. I think it could be good for us and others who read it. We will be able to document what we are doing, and others can learn from us. I think it would especially be good for you to get your feeling written down and to also be able to go back and see the transformation we’re making. What do you think?”

“That sounds like a good idea Master, what exactly do we put in the blog?” I asked.

“Well it’s going to be mainly you who will use the blog, I will read what goes in and I might make changes or add to it but I want it to be your work. As for what you should put in it, I think for now you should just document what you did each day and yOur feelings. If you have a punishment you should also put why so you can learn from your mistakes.”

I was happy to be able to write down what I get up to with Master, it is something that I would really enjoy.

“I love this idea, when should I write it and do I just need to use my laptop?” I asked.

“Yes you can use your laptop, you will only write downstairs though, I don’t want you having a computer upstairs. As for when, you can do it daily or weekly, as long as you remember to do it and the quality is good enough, I will leave that down to you.”

By this time it was about 5:40am and I still had 2 hours 40 minutes till I needed to leave for work. I waited patiently by the door for Master to finish what he was going. About 5 minutes later he turned off his computer and got up.

“Are you ready slut?” Master asked.

“Ready for what Master?” I asked.

“Answer my question slut!” Master barked.

“Yes Master, I am ready for whatever you are planningg.” I replied sheepishly.

“Good, I want you to go to the spare room, and bring a suction cup dildo, some lube, the hair claw and the next butt plug size up to what you have taken before, they are in order and different colours, you took the pink one last time.”

“Yes Master.” I replied.

I went out of the office and went up to the spare room. I walked in the room and towards the large walk in wardrobe. I opened the wardrobe, picked up a good sized dildo, the next butt plug up which was blue, some lube and the hair claw. The hair claw is one of those hair clips to tie hair up but opens up on a spring and is spiky. I went back downstairs and saw Master had gotten some more things ready in the living room.

He had put a large floor standing mirror in there, a towel on the floor and had a riding crop.

“Hand me the dildo and put the rest down on the floor.” I was told by Master.

I handed him the dildo and put the other items down.

Master then put the dildo on the mirror and spoke again.

“Right I want you to get on all fours, suck the dildo and watch yourself while you do. If for any reason I feel you’re not doing a good job or that I wouldn’t be happy with the effort if you were sucking my cock you will get a whack from my crop. Start now slut.” Master said.

“Yes Master.” I said while getting on my hands and knees and then I started to suck off the dildo.

It was weird, not only was I watching myself but I was sucking something having to give it my all and knowing that no matter how long or well I did the job I would never get response back from the fake member in my mouth.

I was going about it like it was Masters cock, sucking the head then twirling my tongue around the head. Not wanting to disappoint Master I was really going to town by this point. I then started to deep throat it. I could get almost the whole thing in. It was the deep throat that had me feeling weird. I looked in the mirror like I was tryingto headbutt myself.

I wasn’t there for too long, but it was definitely long enough, and having someone watch even though it was Master was quite humiliating.

“That will do slut. Remove yourself from the cock. I think it might be time to use the hairclip.” Master said while picking it up.

I just knelt there waiting for my next command.

“Come to me and lay on your back with your feet on the floor, knees bent and legs open wide.”

I got into position and watched attentively as Master opened up the hairclip and placed it across my pussy, one claw on each side and then slowly closed it. As it was closing I started thinking Master was being slow and careful, when not long after I realized it was probably him creating tension and suspension. I was certainly getting more and more worried.

At first the claws gripped the skin on both sides of my pussy which started to give a little pain, then as Master was closing the clip more and more, it was not only diggingin but also pulling both sides towards each other.

I saw squirming around, but instead of squirming in my binds like normal, I was fighting myself.

“Remove the clip and close your legs.” My brain said.

“Keep them open and enjoy it.” said my heart and more importantly my pussy and arousal.


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