The Fairground Ch. 02

The slave slumped forwards slightly, his arms still restrained behind his back. He felt totally overwhelmed by his Mistress and Her control over him; yet, he sensed there was much more to come. He tried to catch his breath and relax a little but every fiber of his body was light with the energy of Her. She leaned forward and stroked one long, black leather gloved finger along his spine, just between his collar and hair line and then ticked the nape of his neck. He shuddered and squirmed. Such an innocent touch caused almost unbearable electricity to course through him furthermore. He breathed his submissive sight again, his balance still shaken by the ride on the waltzer and his senses heightened by Her grating hands. She cast Her eyes over him; evaluating him. She liked to view him, watch him, and scrutinize him from all angles. He was now well accustomed to being Her quarry. She moved behind him and unravelled the ropes around his wrists. He flexed his elbows and returned his hands beside his sides. His wrists ached from having had his hands clnched together and he was pleased to be freed for a moment.

“Stand up, My slave…” She gestured with Her hands, “… and strip!”

The slave turned his eyes to Her own immediately and with a quizzical glance questioned Her. Surely he was not to be made naked in a public place. Anyone could walk into the tent. There were still hundreds of people outside.

“Just do it!” She scowled.

Defiantly he started to undress, constantly looking around him into the darkness between the mirrors to make sure no one else was present. He peeled off his t-shirt and folded it neatly, placing it on the benchmark. She flicked Her hand and in a single sweep knocked the garment onto the floor by Her feet. He looked up at Her, pleading with his eyes. Holding his gaze She lifted one of Her beautifully sculpted black leather boots and placed it directly on top of the t-shirt then adjusted Her position until She was standing directly on top of it.

“Continue!” She dismissed, as She lit a cigarette and blew smoke up into the air impatiently.

Next he unhooked the belt around his waist and unbuttoned the top of his jeans. Worried now that someone may enter this space he looked nervously towards Her, unable to speak, knowing it was forbidden.

“Oh, just get on with it!” She barked.

Knowing that Any motion for sympathy from Her would be totally ignored or even worse, punished, he relented and, unzipping the jeans, kicking off his shoes he finally peeled away the final layers of his clothes. Now all that remained were his black socks, his chatity device and several leather straps which She made him wear as a symbol of Her ownership. She eyed him again, blowing smoke out through Her nose and flicking Her ash down onto his t-shirt, treading it in with Her toe.

“How stupid you look!” She smiled, wickedly.

She took a step closer to him and, with his eyes still down; he watched Her leather clad legs, boots and the hem of Her long leather coat swish nearer to him. He shuddered in anticipation. She took a long last drag on Her cigarette and disclosed it into the shadows. He panicked momentarily; the grass around them was dry. It might catch light and they would be trapped by fire.

“Yes… don’t you look a sight?” She asked, reaching forward and flicking Her finger over his chatity device.

Seconds later a waft of smoke and the smell of smoke earth began to fill the tent. He started and looked up at Her, pleading with his eyes.

“I might leave you here to burn, my slave!” She cooed as She strode away from him in the direction of the smoke.

He feared for Her now. Fires started quickly and they were trapped in this mirror filled tent. If the smoke became too dense they would be Distracted by the reflections and would surely burn to death.

“Come here!” She called.

He didn’t want to go near the source of his concern, except to take Her away from the danger. He curried in his nakedness, his device now rubbing against his inner tigh as he walked. Within moments he was beside Her again. She stood over the smoulding ground and turned slightly aside as he approached as if welcoming him into Her space. Little did he know? Immediately that he was beside Her She reached Her arms around him. One hand held the back of his neck firmly as the other took hold of his cock encased in the plastic prison She had made him wear.

“Now, we can burn to death…” She whispered low, “… or you can piss on it!”

He could not move. She had a firm hold of him from both sides. He had to submit to Her. He wanted to run, but was reluctant to do so while almost entirely naked. She carefully lifted his cock inside the device so that the small opening at the tip was directed at the right spot on the ground.

“You don’t want Me to burn, do you?”

He felt Her gloved fingers tightening around the back of his neck. It made him feel weak and heady but he must concentrate. He had to urinate or they would both burn to death. She had never made him pass water in front of Her before and he felt embarrassed and ashamed. Totally humiliated, but fearing the growing smoke may spark into flames he forced out a stream of golden urine. She manipulated his cock in the device so that the flow moved around and across the area of ​​smoking grass. There was a hiss as the spark that was building against the ground was finally extended. He let out a sight of relief and his flow of pee ceased.

“Good boy!” She smiled, discarding his cock and moving away from him, making Her way back to the centre of the circle and the black leather benchmark.


She stood and turned in front of the long plain mirror, admiring Her glorious leather outfit. He turned and watched Her momentarily then dropped his eyes again standing on the outside of the circle between two of the mirrors. She then peeled off the long leavesr coat and revealed the awesome sight of Her PVC top which was made of lattice work all down Her strong back. Almost as if by design, he spied the black Scorpio tattoo on Her right hand shoulder blade; framed by one small PVC section of Her top. The leather jeans hugged Her buttocks deliciously and Her long thighs appeared smooth and animalistic in their beautiful coating.

She dragged Her coat across one end of the bench and straddled across the bench, Her thighs wide open in front of Her.

“Come here, My slave!” She demanded, in a soft, yet define way.

He moved towards Her; grass prickling his feet through his socks while a droplet of urine glistened upon the end of his chatity device.

She leaned up in Her position; Her glved hands resting on Her leather clad tights. She swept a straight hair away from Her face then beckoned for him to stand before Her. Reaching beneath the PVC turtle neck She removed a long silver chain which held a small silver key. She removed the chain from around Her neck, unhooking it from Her hair as it got caught in transit and slithered forwards along the benchmark closer to him.

“Stand still and close your eyes!” She ordered.

Doing exactly as he was told the slave stood before Her with his feet about eighteen inches apart, his hands hooked together behind his back. He knew what was coming. More humiliation. Further Subjugation.

Adeptly within Her gloved fingers She unlocked the device and peeled it away from him. He felt a sense of relief as the tip of his cock was now free but immediately his cock became engaged with blood and started to grow hard in Her presence. She leaned back again and viewed him critically, throwing the device onto the floor, the long silver chain still wrapped around Her fingers.

“You are pleased to see Me, aren’t you?!” She stated, Her eyes fixed on his cock.

Without another word She leaned forward again and in one careful swoop She had lassoed his cock with the silver chain. She swiftly moved Her fingers until the chain was looped back behind his balls and then pulled on the chain in a downwards direction.

“You will kneel!” She snapped.

The slave fell to his knees onto the hard grassy ground and felt the chain slip along the length of his now swollen, hard cock. She had released the lasso and now it hung halfway along his shake, the key swinging in mid-air.

“More uses for a key than one!” She stated.

She leaned back along the length of the benchmark and rested back on Her elbows. Her leather clad tights were directly in line with his lowered eyes and he felt himself catching pretty glimpses of the long expansions of leather. Raising Her right leg She hooked Her heel onto his left hand shoulder and allowed the full weight of Her leg to rest There. Teasingly She turned Her toe towards his face and stroked the side of his head with Her boot.

“Do you like My new jeans?” She cooed, still flicking Her toe over his ear, knocking the hands-free device to the ground.

“Yes, Mistress…” he stammered, “… You look truly divine!”

She moved the toe of Her boot behind his head and pulled him forwards. He started to lose his balance and had to stretch his hands forward to steady his weight on the ground. His face was now so close to the inside of Her calm. He felt overwhelmed by waves of pleasure and desire. He could smell the newness of the leather and ached to touch it with his cheek. Before he could move She leaned forwards and caressed the side of his face with Her glove, gently and almost sensitively.

“Worship Me, slave!”


She allowed him the pleasure of feeling the leather of Her new trousers against the side of his face, his lips and his tongue. She instructed him to kiss, nuzzle and stroke his face against every centimetre of the inside of Her leg. He had felt the ripple through the leather of the ridge caused by Her knee high boots and he wondered if he might be allowedto worship them also at some stage in the future. He felt lost in his moment now, worshipping Her, breathing Her in, knowing Her power and feeling his cock bounce below him. His balls ached from denied gratification for the past weeks and his mind still swam from the whirls of the waltzer.

Suddenly She moved Her foot and kicked him back onto his haunches.

“What do we have here?” She asked, raising one of Her excisite eyesbrows.

She moved around to the side of the benchmark and began to raise the seat. This was not a benchmark at all, but more of some kind of trunk, or perhaps an ottoman. The slave felt ignorant for not taking more notice of this object before him. She reached inside the box and removed the easily recognized collar and lead that She had placed around his neck so many times before. The red, heart shaped name tag glinted in the dusky light and linked against the metal of the lead.

She moved towards him now and raised his chin with one of Her long glovedfingers.

“Kiss it!” She demanded, placing the collar to his lips.

As he had done so many times before, the slave pursued his lips and placed a tender kiss against the now hurt leather of the dog collar. She moved around behind him and attached the collar, as ceremoniously as ever, around his throat, tightening it so that it made contact against his skin. She then moved to Her position in front of him holding the leather handle of the leash in Her hand and looked deep into his eyes.

“You will always be My possession!” She clarified, as if he was in any doubt.

She yanked the collar as She stood and gestured for him to follow Her on his hands and knees, scuttling after Her like a most faithful hound. He cherished this position as he was able to catch a glimpse again of Her fine behind encased in the delectable leather jeans, Her hips swaying as She moved ahead of him. She came to a halt in front of one of the many mirrors and flicked the leash in a motion for him to look up at his reflection. There he saw a man that once looked like him, collared and naked, his cock now flaccid and limp, humble in the presence of this woman, his Mistress, his Goddess. Tears well in his eyes as he soaked up the vision in front of him. For so many months he had dreamed and hoped of being in this position and it was obvious now that She had brought him to this place to show him his true place. He knew Now that the only place he belonged was by Her side.

She stood there for a while soaking up the reflection of Her slave kneeing beside Her. She adored this view and wanted it to last longer but She had much to achieve in this one short evening. Her own romanticised thoughts would have to wait until much later.


Having unhooked the lean from the collar and patting Her slave on the supposedr to tell him to ‘stay’ She moved back to the leather topped trunk. She disclosed the lead and peeled a long black slithery item from the depths of the box, shaking it out as She brought it into view. Next She reached in and felt the familiarity of a bulky leather item which She loved so much. This, too, was brought out of the box.

“Come here, now!” She ordered and sat waiting for him to crawl back on his knees.

As the slave neared the box he could see that there were some new items beside Her but could not see what they were. She motioned for him to knee back before Her and took the first item into Her hands.

“Put this on…” She instructed him, “… I want to see you in it”.

He took the item from Her and realized that it was a long black Zentai suit, a full body suit, made from lycra, with a zip along the back. He had forgotten similar items for Her in the past but never something as entire as this. His heart raced as he sat back and slipped his feet inside the flexible snug fabric. He pulled the suit up over his legs and then kneeeled in order to feed his arms into the sleeves. She stood now and made Her way behind himpulling on the zipper and encasing him in the material up to his neck.

“Are you ready, slave?” She asked.

He nodded his assent and She reached in front of him, opening the smooth lycra hood and pulling it back over his face. Although the flexibility of the material he was immediately plugged into total darkness and had to close his eyes against the tightness of the hood. He felt Her close the zip carefully up along his neighbor and over the back of his head, to its resting place on his crown.

She held his contained hand now and led him carefully over to the benchmark.

“It’s okay…” She spoke softly, “… I will direct you from now onwards”.

She bent him slowly and he sat down on top of the trunk. She stroked his face through the featureless mask and moved in close to him, and placed a gentle kiss against where his lips were encased by material. Next She moved to Her second item, this time made from leather. She opened it and moved around to the back of him.

“Now, don’t panic…” She spoke softly again, “… I’m going to hood you!”

He felt the heavy leather being placed around his face and fell deeper and deeper under Her awesome power. The disorientation swamped over him, he started to feel a little claustrophobic but as if She had sensed it She stroked his shoulder to reassure him. Taking Her time She carefully lacened up the back of the hood which covered his whole head entirely except for a cut-out in front of his mouth.

She reached into the pocket of Her long coat and pulled out a Swiss Army knife, finding the scissors She gently and carefully cut a small whole in the crotch of the suit, just large enough for Her to stretch open and reveal his genitals. As She released the material it sprung around his cock and balls holding them taught before his body. His cock had grown hard again at his new containment and She stroked it briefly with Her finger, pleased to see that Her actions had aroused him.


Removing Herlong coat from the top of the trunk She swivelled the slave around so that he was sitting on the very end of the platform. Gently She lowered his shoulders until he was lying down. Quickly She worked around him, opening a large flap at one end of the trunk and removing several items. At the opposite end, next to his feet She pulled out two support sections and hooked his heels up into them. Now he was positioned rather like a mother about to give birth and this amused Her as She moved around him. If only he could see himself.

She collected some of the items She had taken from the trunk and moved down to his feet swinging the supporting sections together. She reached out and picked up a reel of tape and, holding his feet together applied one section around his ankles. Then moving up along his body She applied another section around his knees. She then extended the leg supports to their full extent and began carefully cocooning Her slave in tape from his pelvis down to his feet. Remmoving Her gloves for greater dexterity She moved carefully, confidently and with ease. He appeared almost weightless in his new confines and She pursued to herself at the sight of him.

She then manoeuvred him until he was in a sitting position and reached inside the trunk again for another item. This item was cumbersome and heavy and Her slave flinched as he felt the weight against him.

“It’s only a straight jacket.” She reassure him.

Carefully She fed his already covered hands and arms into the sleeves of the straight jacket and pulled the folds closed around his back. Adeptly She pulled the belt strraps through their shadows and pulled the restraint tight around him. He felt comfortable in this item, he was sure She had Her reasons.

She now helped him to his feet and manoeuvred him carefully moving him but an inch at a time. He felt very light now, a mere puppet to Her own strength as She opened the lid of the trunk. She managed him into the trunk and curledhis legs into a bent yet comfortable position.

“I will leave you here for one hour!” She informed him as She pushed his head and shoulders down into the box.

The slave momentarily panicked again as he felt the lid of the trunk close down on top of him. He couldn’t hear or feel Her presence any more and felt scared without Her.


She busy picked up all the items which had have been discarded around the trunk; realized the moving supports to their hidden position and ensured there was no evidence of Her being there. She located Her mobile phone in Her pocket and pressed a button, waiting for a ring tone and connection.

“The Hall of Mirrors is now open!” She told the person the other end, and sat down pulling Her coat back around Her.


The slave felt movement around the box, thuds and sounds and thought he had heard a child laughing just outside. She had left him in the box and they had opened the Hall of Mirrors to the public again. No-one knew he was locked in this box and She had gone!


She sat there on top of the trunk and did not move for thirty minutes. Various people wandered into the Hall of Mirrors and observed their distorted reflections with both horror and amusement. One elderly man actually sat on the trunk beside Her and smiled an old, knowing smile as if he understands why She was sat here. ‘If only you know, old man’ She thought.


The slave felt the confinement and total enrapment washing over him entirely. He was totally imprisoned by Her and in awe of the swimming feelings that now cast over his body, mind and soul. He felt detached and weighless almost floating in space and yet, totally immobile.

Suddenly he felt movement and know that the box, in which he was a captive, was now being moved. Scraping sounds and the feeling of the box being dragged along the ground rang through every part that his hearing he could muster.


The gypsies moved the trunk carefully as She stood back and watched them intently. Their rewards would be high but they must do exactly as She had instructed. They lifted the trunk into the back of a large van and the gypsy wearing the wristband from the waltzer climbed up into the cab to drive.


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