The warm, temperature evening closed in and daylight faded as the slave wandered aimlessly around the fairground. He had been here for an hour, as per Her previous instructions. A hoard of normal, everyday people; young and old; women, men and children jostled around him, happily, making their way to various rides and stalls to seek their own enjoyment and thrills for the night. The slave felt his heartbeat quicken as the loud music whirled around him. Heady wafts of candyfloss, fried onions and mechanical grease filled his nostrils as he weaved his way through the crowds wondering why he had been ordered to come to this place specifically. Lights flashed around him as whoops of joy and shrinks of excitement rose from the thrill-rides about him. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and he felt his balls ache as his cock flexed inside the chatity device which She had made him wear.
She had instructed Her slave to arrive at this specific location just before sunset. She told himto shower, shake and prepare himself; to wear a black t-shirt, jeans and underwear; and to ensure that he had locked himself in Her device. Gladly he had carried out Her orders; spending a couple of hours ensuring that every inch of his body was spotlessly clean and immaculately presented, for Her, should She deem fit to grace him with Her presence this evening.
The slave had already learned that any demands made by his Mistress for him to arrive at any location and perform certain tasks for Her were not always indicator of whether She would present Herself to him, or not. Frequently She demanded that he attend a certain location for Her own delight, perhaps She had watched him without his knowledge; perhaps She just tested his compliance and subscription. The slave knew only one thing. He did as he was told.
A scrill chime rang out from the inside of the slave’s pocket. It was the pre-set alarm on his mobile phone. The slave knew it was now time to carry out Her next requestst and automatically removed the wireless earpiece and placed it in his left ear. ‘Five more minutes’, he thought. He paced randomly again, and then made his way to the outskirts of the fairground, pausing to eye two rather unsavoury looking characters that moved about closely to a nearby caravan. The slave lit a cigarette and smoked it down deeply, waiting, nervously, in the shadows.
Beep… Beep… Beep! The incoming call resounded in his ear. He touched the side of the receiver to activate it and waited, silently.
“Put that cigarette out, My slave!”
Instantly aroused and yet more nervous than he had previously been the slave stumbled at the irresistible sound of Her voice again. She was here! She was watching him!
“Yes, Mistress”, he uttered softly, stomping the half smoked but into the grass.
“Good boy!” She purred.
His heart leaves into his throat at the sound of these special words. He was so possessed by Her authority and supremacy that the slightest hint of Her pleasure, and in particular, hearing those specific words were like a Class A drug cursing through his entire body.
“Now… make your way to the Waltzer, pay your fee and get on the ride.”
Obediently he made his way to the kiosk in question and paid his money. A young, swarthy gypsy competed at him to enter the ride and take his seat in one of the rotating cars. The car was painted in black metallic paint on the outside, but inside was lined with thick, padded, black leather. The slave knew She was still there, as he could hear the background noise near her filtering into his ear, just slightly disjointed from the real noise which surrounded him now. She was close. He could sense Her. She was watching him!
Music grow louder as the ride warmed up with loud electric noises and hissing hydraulics. The swarthy gypsy leaned in over the slave and closed the security barrier in front of him sharply.
“Enjoy the ride, mate!” the gypsy smiled wickedly as he turned and moved away.
The cars started to move left in a slow mechanical motion as the slave grasped onto the safety rail in front of him.
“That’s it…” She cooed into his ear, “… hold on tight!”
The music grow louder as the slave looked around. All the other cars on the ride were empty. He was the only passenger. The car he sat in now faced the centre of the ride’s construction and he watched His own nervous reflection in the long mirrored column before him. The thumbing bass of the music then softened slightly as the ride picked up more speed, and his sub-conscious mind recognized the end of one track and the start of another.
Within nano-seconds all his senses were stalled wide awake and alert again. The first 3 chords of the new track were highly familiar to him. It was Her track! The very same track She had made him listen to, over and over again, for the last few months, almost ritualistically. The volume of the speakers above his head increaseed even louder, but still he could hear Her breathing into his ear piece. Suddenly Her slow and calm breathing changed into a wickedly low, throat laugh.
“Enjoy the ride, My slave.” She giggled devilishly.
The mechanical power of the ride built up around him as the speed increased almost in time to the music. He felt the same waves of Her control flooding over him in every way as it had on so Many previous occasions when She had made him listen to the track in the past. Flashbacks now entered his mind of all the times She had forced him to masturbate in time with the music, or merely focus on Her name or picture on his computer screen while the song played. He felt waves of helplessness smoothing him, making him immobile and weak.
“Down in the shadows of your deepest secrets…” Her own spoken words echoed the lyrics of the song, ringing in his ear, as he feel himself swooning at Her voice yet again.
His head began to swim even more exasperatingly as the speedof the ride increased and the music appeared to fill his soul. His eyes flashed back and forth as he struggled to focus on any object outside the car in which he sat. The gypsy neared the car and, taking a firm hold of the outside edges, flipped it into its own erratic motion, against the direction of the ride, with one movement of his strong arms.
Round and round the slave span. Nausea hit him suddenly and he slumped down in the car to protect his neck, the weight of his head pulling against the force of the fast spinning motion.
“you are mine, My slave…” She spoke clearly into his ear now “…you are mine!”
The knot tightened in his stomach as the car continued to twist around throwing him against the leather seat inside. He struggled to hold onto the security bar in front of him.
“Close your eyes, My slave…” She directed him again “… and feel My power!”
The slave closed his eyes as liquid rose in his mouth. Nausea rose within him, again. He struggled to swallow. The gypsy moved up alongside the car and set it in full motion again, the thrust of direction pinning the slave against the side of the car even more.
“Know your place, My slave…” She now almost whispered into his ear “… I am here now!”
The music continued to ring through his mind as the car span further and further around and around. His head swam, his stomach dumped and his nerves twisted as he felt Her rule and presence swaddling him in the security of his own submission.
“Tonight, you will serve Me, My slave” Her words permeated through the loudness of the music as if they were spoken from within his own mind.
He had now lost all sense of control, his stability and focus totally disorientated. His eyes struggled to find Her outside the ride but all he could see were his own repeated reflections in the mirrored central column and the flashing lights through the darkness beyond.
“…Except perhaps from reasoning…” She spokeinto his ear again, echoing the final lyrics of Her influential song.
He felt the ride begin to slow down, yet the gypsy seemed determined to throw him around in the car again and again until all momentum within it had been lost. His brain appeared to be gyrating inside his skull and his whole body felt number around him.
As the ride drew to a standstill the gypsy finally brought the car to a stop and leaned in over the slave, who had Now lost all colour from his face and felt quite drained.
“Make your way to the Hall of Mirrors, mate…” the gypsy grinned, “… She’s waiting for you!”
The slave could barely lift himself out of the car and feel the gypsy hook him under his arm and raise him to his feet. Unsteady and disorientated he climbed down from the ride and tried to stabilize his bewildered self on terra firma. He looked back at the gypsy, whom he now noticed was wearing a thin leather strap bracelet much like his own, and followed the direction of the gypsy’s gesture off to his left.
At the side of the Hall of Mirrors tent the slave stopped, steadied himself against the canvas wall and spat out a large quantity of watery mucus which had built in his mouth. He felt giddy and confused, but he knew he must continue. He knew he must obey.
Upon entering the darkness of the Hall of Mirrors the slave was instantly surrounded by distorted variants of his own reflection. Each and every reflective surface had been positioned so that it faced into the centre of a large circle which contained nothing more than one long black leather covered bench.
“Sit down!” She demanded into his ear piece.
The slave stumbled, but made his way, still wavering on his feet, to the bench and slumped down onto it, almost missing his landing and nearly falling onto the floor.
“Now, sit up straight and close your eyes!” She ordered him, firmly.
The slave struggled to sit up with his shoulders back; his neck now ached from the strength of the ride he had just taken. He forced himself into the correct position and allowed his eyes to close over his eyes. He sat with his hands placed, palm down, on his thighs and felt his heart rate quickening again. Music and the noise of the crowd outside seemed muffled through the thick canvas of the tent. The slave exhausted a deep sight. ‘What is my fate?’ he wondered.
The Mistress emerged from Between two of the mirrored panels behind him and smiled wickedly at the multiple reflections of Her slave doing Her bidding. Slowly and with total purpose She moved up behind him. He sensed Her approach and bowed his head immediately.
She stood there for a moment admiring Her own reflection in one of the smooth undistorted mirrors. She approved highly of Her new floor length black leather coat which complimented Her tight black leather trousers so beautifully. Her high heeled black leather boots made Her majestically tall and She towered above Her slave who now sat before Her. Beneath the coat She wore a tight black PVC body-hugging top which gripped every contour of Her body deliciously and wrapped around Her throat beautifully as a neighbor turtle neck. The material shimmered in the half light as Her breasts rose and fell with each breath She took. She flexed Her fingers out in front of Her — stretching them inside the soft black leather gloves which had now become Her trademark. Her hair was lusciously coiffed in a mass of curls and Her green eyes shone out, as always, above Her blood red lips; the corners of which were now arched wickedly into one of Her typically devilish smiles.
She circled around him like a panther in the darkness, each long stride filled with total intent and supremacy. She eyed his appearance, internally judged his apparel, and registered his demeanour as he sat there, obviously nervous, before Her.
“We are alone, My slave…” She informed him, “… and we will not be disturbed!”
And She moved around himUntil finally reaching a stop behind his back. He could sense Her but not feel Her warmth and he presumed She had taken a step back from him.
“Put your hands behind your back!” She ordered, firmly.
Instantly, as the slave placed his arms behind his back and placed his wrists together She pulled a length of black silken rope from Her pocket. Skilfully She tied the rope around his wrists so he could not move his arms apart at all. He was trapped.
“Now, clasp your hands together!” She demanded.
Following Her instructions he inter-laced his fingers and held his hands together behind his back which placed some strain against the ropes around his wrists. Carefully She tied the rope off between his wrists ensuring that he could not slip his hands through the centre of his new bindings.
“Mmmmm… Good boy!” She purred at him, making him swoon, his head still lowered.
She moved into him closer now. He could feel something dragged against his clenched hands. Itwas the edge of Her long leather coat. He wanted to reach out and stroke it with his fingertips but he knew such a gesture was forbidden. She approached closer still until Her knees, slightly apart, captured his hands and held them firmly behind him, against his back.
“No, Mistress” he uttered in reply.
“SILENCE!!!” She snapped at him.
Suddenly he felt Her leather gloved hand reached around under the right hand side of his chin pulling his head back towards Her body. Firmly She held him now, with just one leather-clad hand, pushing the back of his head against the PVC top which encased Her torso. Instantly he swooned at Her touch and let out a sight of total delight to feel Her hands on him again. The smell of new leather wafted around him as the front panels of Her coat stoked against the sides of his face. He wanted to look up at Her but held his eyes closed obediently waiting for Her next move or instruction.
She released the pressure on his chin and stroked him gently along the side of his face with a single leather sheathed finger. He felt his cock straining against the confines of his chatity device and hoped with all his might that She would be kind to him on this night.
“Kiss it!” She demanded, as She placed the leather palm of Her glove to his mouth.
Lovingly he placed soft, sensitive kisses on the inside of Her hand, unable to prevent the soft audible moans of pleasure from escaping his lips.
“I said SILENCE!!” She boomed, and slapped Her leather gloved hand over his mouth firmly.
He squirmed under Her hold. His breaths coming faster and faster as the heightened arousal rose in him. His cock strained and his balls squirmed uncontrollably as She held him tightly with Her right hand.
“Open Your eyes and look up at me!” She instructed him as She stopped over him.
The slave opened his eyes and looked up at Her, seeing Her for the first time this evening. She was truly beautiful, in all Her authority, as She gazed down at him through the half light, Her eyes glinting with the fire and password of Her own dominance and power. His breaths became even shorter and heavier as his heart beat faster within his chest.
“Now look into the mirror opposite us!” She ordered.
As She released some pressure so to allow him to move his face forwards he was able to see the full glory of Her standing over and behind his reflection. He felt so weak and powerless looking at himself so totally surrounded by Her strength and superiority.
At that moment, while Her right hand remained clamped over his mouth, She slowly but purposefully coiled the fingers of Her left hand around his exposed throat. She pulled him back into Her again and this time applied pressure to his neck restricting his breathing. His cock throbbed so hard now inside its cage and he feared it might well burst free of the plastic constraint. He swoooned again, every fibreof his body lost to Her touch and Her total domination of him. He had gone under and She had taken him there.
Softly She released Her hold of him, stroked his face again gently as he breathed out a huge sight of pleasure and stepped back away from him, allowing him a few seconds to compose himself again.
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