The Fairground Ch. 04

The slave began to stir and felt awkward in his weariness. He opened his eyes and started as he found himself locked in some kind of cage. Thick heavy black bars surrounded him. The floor of the cage was, customized, covered in leather and soft padding and he felt his cheek peel away as he lifted his head. Soaking up his surroundings he realized that the cage was easily big enough for him to sit up and move around in but that one of his ankles had been shackled by a thick leather cuff and heavy metal chain which ran out through the bars of the cage. He was unable to move too far. He also noticed that he was totally naked apart from a pair of soft, black leather shorts.

He forced his eyes into focus and looked beyond his containment but all he could see was that he was surrounded by a wall of some kind of heavy black material. The whole cage was hidden inside some kind of curtain which reached right up to the high ceiling. He stretched his hand out through the bars hoping toreach the curve to feel or move it but as soon as his fingertips broke through the bars a loud alarm screeched above his head. The high pitched tone was almost deafening and he quickly withdraw his arm. The alarm stopped. He tried again, this time probing carefully through the opposite side of the cage. Again the same piercing alarm sounded all around him. He moved to the centre of the cage and sat cross legged; the ankle cuff tightening as he placed tension on the chain.

Suddenly he heard the padding and clicking noise of animal paws and claws on the marble floor outside the cage and sensed some creativity approaching the other side of the curtain. The distinct sound of an animal picking up a scent and sniffing carefully filled him with dread.

“Anubis! Leave him!”

She was here. His Mistress had placed him in this new Confinement and suddenly he felt safe and at ease again. He remained silent and seated in the centre of the cage and bowed his head, looking only at thefloor, as he heard Her footsteps draw ever closer.

Suddenly, the long black curve flew back in one long sweating movement. He could feel Her standing before him and Her eyes looking over him but he dared not look up. His stomach knotted again, as it had so many times before; such was Her awesome power over him.

“I see you are awake, My slave!” She pursued at him, leaning in to the cage as if to taunt him.

“Anubis! Come!”

He heard the pattern of paws on the marble floor again and felt a sense of nervous anxiety fill every inch of his mind and body.

“Slave…” She cooed, “… I would like you to meet Anubis!”

The slave’s eyes moved painfully slowly; his line of sight cutting across the floor of the cage to the boundary of it and out onto the marble floor. He then moved his gaze into the direction of her voice and, totally stunned, his eyes met the most piercing blue eyes he had ever seen. Directly in front of him sat a large black canine, he couldn’tbe sure of the breed, but taller than any dog ​​he had ever seen before. The ice-blue eyes shone out through the soft black fur of the animals face and appeared to delve right into the slave’s very soul. ‘This dog belongs to Her,’ he thought, and it was unmistakeable. The animal was as majestic and powerful as She was and was obviously totally under Her control.

“Anubis! Go and lay down!” She commanded; moving Her hand by Her side as a direction. The large animal immediately stood, turned and sneaked away out of sight.

“You tripped the sensors, didn’t you slave? Anubis heard the alarm…” She informed him, “… he will guard you at ALL times!”

The slave felt a little anxious by this notion of such a powerful animal constantly watching over him as an extension of Her being; but he knew in his heart that, as always with Her, anything was entirely possible.

“Now, stay perfectly still”, She commanded him.

Immediately She had finished speaking the bars of the cage nearest to Her began to disappear into the floor, opening one side to Her, fully. She took a firm hold of the ankle chain and pulled it taut, making contact with his ankle.

“You can not escape without losing your foot”, She observed.

The slave remained perfectly still and made no effort to leave the confines of his cell. He knew She would instruct him and he had no idea where the dog might be. He was staying put inside the cage until She made him move.

“Come out of there and sit here!” She thumbed the tip of a long black staff against the floor just in front of Her.

The slave shuffled forwards on his leather clad bottom, wriggling out beyond the relative comfort of the cage and onto the cold marble floor. She moved around him and produced him in the chest with the tip of the long staff which he realized he had never seen before. He wondered if it was made from ebony or some other dark wood. He could not see the full extent of the pole as She held it in Her hand; his eyes were still pointing down towards the floor.

She moved directly in front of him and placed the tip of the staff just below his chin. Using the weight of the object and Her strength She manipulated him until his face was turned up towards Her and he was looking directly at Her along the long wooden shaft. He instantly weakened at the sight of Her. She was, as ever, dressed in Her customary leather trousers but now wore only a thin, almost see-through, black shirt which sat loosely against Her body; showing clearly the black leather lingerie She was wearing below. The sleeps of the shirt billowed at Her wrists and he noted how She reminded him of a pirate as She stood there in an ever powerful pose; Her legs a stride apart in front of him.

She held him with Her eyes momentarily and reached into his soul; reading his thoughts. He felt Her control washing over him again and began to swoon under his own submissive feelings and emotions. She was poorly a Goddess.He could never deny Her that position of total honour, which She rightfully deserved.

“Now…” She informed him, “… I have something I want you to watch”.


She lifted Her head from Her gaze over him and merely uttered the word ‘Play’. At that moment a large shutter opened across the far wall of the room and a huge flat screen display came into view. Immediately, a film started to play. She moved Her position so that She was now stood behind him and he felt Her presence in his space. He knew She was watching the film too but sensed that She was also carefully gauging his responses; reading him, as always.

He watched intently as images of busy crowds flashed onto the screen. Then, suddenly, he realized what he was watching. The film was replaying his time at the fairground. He watched himself obviously nervous and anxious, but still his normal self, as he awaited Her instructions. One shot moved onto another and showed him continuously checking his watch. Another showed him impatiently tugging at his ear. Then he saw himself stood on the outskirts of the fairground, tenatively smoking a cigarette as he took the call from Her. Instantly, he realized the submissive change in his body language and how he had automatically and undeniably responded to Her.

She was, now, purring behind his back.

The film continued to flash away; he saw images of the gypsy and the ride which had sent him reeling. No sound played throughout the film, just moving images; but he sensed Her powerful music which played as he was swept around and around on the waltzer. Next, he watched himself stumble from the ride, clearly disorientated and confused. After that he was at the Hall of Mirrors and entering through the canvas doors.

What followed on the film transfixed him entirely. It showed in close and graphic detail how She had teased and tormented him while they were surrounded by repeated images of themselves. He watched as the image of Her had made him urinate on the smouldering ground and felt a lurch in his stomach and his cock as the camera zoomed in on Her gloved hand which held the back of his neck at that moment. He remembered the ecstasy of the moment.

He watched as this moving vision of Her strode around inside the dim space. He watched as he undressed; as She taunted him with Her leather dressed legs; and how She had paraded him in front of the mirrors. He watched Her face closely and realized that, quite surprisingly, She clearly enjoyed Her control over him, more than he had ever realized before. She smiled more than he had ever noticed and Her eyes flashed green constantly. Her full movements, which he did not always get to see while in Her company, were clearly those of someone intently focused and She exhausted Her normal sense of power and dominance but also pleasure and delight.

Behind him now, She continued to purr and gently reached down to stroke a gloved hand over his shoulder. He shuddered slightly; yet ached to feel Her touch even more so.

“The best is yet to come, my slave” She whispered, smiling.

The film rolled on. His knees ached as he knelt on the cold, hard marble floor, but he was transfixed by this footage and could not take his eyes from the screen. He watched Her move around the trunk and remove the items She had used on him. He watched Her encase him in the body suit, tape his ankles and knees, then She bound him tightly. He watched his own featureless, masked face being placed inside the hood and swooned at the memory of the confinement he had felt at that time. He gazed at the screen as She enveloped him in the straight jacket and then manoeuvred him into the trunk with apparent ease.

His heart was beating so fast now — his memory of this moment still so strong and prevalent.

Then, to his total amazement, his memory served to fail him. He watched totally stunned as She took Her seat on top of the trunk. He was sure She had walked away andleft him unattended; but now it was clear that She had not. She had stayed with him all through his experience. He was in awe of Her now and carefully reached up to touch Her hand which still rested on his shoulder. She took his hand in Her gloved palm and squeezed it gently then slide Her hand away from him. It was all the reassurance he needed; and certainly all he was going to get.

He continued to observe the screen and watched his Mistress conversing with an old man who had taken a seat beside Her on the trunk. She remained entirely composed throughout. An image of total supremacy in the luscious leather coat and Her radiant smile.

Then the containment was over. She spent herself around the trunk, which he then watched the gypsies move into the back of a large empty lorry.

Abruptly, the film ended and the slave fell Forwards on to his hands and knees, breathing heavily and blinking frantically. He was exhausted again at reliving his ordeal. Making him live it allagain was a torture he had not pre-empted. He was overloaded with stimuli again. He felt Her move alongside him and run Her leather fingers along the length of his prostrated back; strucking his skin softly.

“Follow me, my slave…” She instructed him, “… I want to show you around.”

She had pulled him to his feet and retained Her hold of the heavy ankle chain. He was allowed to walk but had to walk behind Her; careful not to trip over Her heels or the link between them. As She made Her way to the door She stopped to place the staff in a chrome wall brake. For the first time the slave noticed the head of the rod. It compiled a sculptured filigree cage which contained a swinging red, heart shaped stone. He presumed it was a ruby. As soon as the staff was placed in the wall brake She took up a long schooling crop and flicked it backwards catching his leather clad buttocks with a fleeting stroke.

“Come on…. Keep up!” She demanded.

He cherrished being able towalk behind Her in this way as it allowed him to watch Her leather adorned hips sway as She walked. He noticed that the trousers She wore now were different to those he had seen and become close to at the fairground. These had leather laces along the outside seam which pulled them tighter around Her backside. The leather looked much more supplement and had a more glossy look about it.

“Stop looking at my arse!” She barked at him, flicking the crop backwards again — but clearly wishing not to catch him with it.

She strode out into a dark and apparently curved hallway where lights twinkled on in Her presence. He had no idea where he was and he could see no windows; just seventy surroundings and erotic art on the walls. He quickly realized that the hallway was curved and had a downwards angle to it. They appeared to walk for a few minutes before She came to a stop outside a large red door. She turned to look at him and took his face in Her gloved hand, breathing into his skin.

“When you are sitting comfortably I will tell you more”, She had read his thoughts again.


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