A few weeks later we were lounging around the house after dinner. Julie was texting on her phone, when she suddenly spoke up.
“Get ready; we’re going out.”
I knew the routine: shower, shake everything, and put on loose clothing. When I came out, Julie had left two blue pills on the kitchen counter. I swallowed them immediately.
“Grab that bag,” Julie said.
I pulled a duffel bag out of the closet and hoped in the car. Eventually we pulled into a quiet neighborhood on the other side of town. After a few more turns, Julie stopped along the curb behind some other cars.
“It looks like this is as close as we can get,” she said. “Put these on.”
She handed me a collar, gag, and handcuffs. I stripped, as I knew I was supposed to do, and hesitably stepped out of the car. It was dark, and the street was not well lit, but anyone looking out their window would not mistake a naked guy. Still, I was on the passenger side of the car, which afforded some cover from the street. Hunched over I put the collar on first, then the gag, and finally closed one cuff on my right wrist. Julie grabbed the bag and came around to my side of the car just as I brought my hands behind my back and close the other cuff on my left wrist. She clipped a lean to my collar and without a word turned and strode off down the street, me in tow. The house three down had a full driveway and I realized that is probably where we were going, which means I had to walk that far through a nice neighborhood completely naked with a full erection, unable to cover myself. Although having gone to events like this several times before, I felt like I had never been more humiliated. As we approached the house the front porch lights were on and I realized that I no longer had the cover of darkness to hide my shame. Julie rang the doorbell then turned to me.
“I haven’t looked at you yet.” She peered over my naked body, searching for missing grooming.
“Turn,” she instructed, and I turned around to face the street, knowing it was my job to present myself for inspection, even if it means exposing myself to the entire neighborhood on the well illuminated porch. After what felt like an hour (but was probably only a few seconds) the door to the house opened in the girl called out.
“Get in here!”
Julie and I stepped into the house.
“Do you want to get me in trouble with the neighbors?” She was clearly talking to me. “That’s not nice.”
Then she smiled and landed a hard smoke on my ass as I was passing her through the doorway.
“Go on in; everyone’s in the living room.”
As we entered the living room everyone started cheering. About a dozen girls were hanging out. I recognized maybe half of them from previous parties. Julie handed the bags to a neary Girl, who immediately open them and started pawing through the toys. Several other girls jumped up and pushed over to the bags. Julie brought me to the center of the room, undid my leash, and stuck her foot between my legs, kicking my feet apart slightly. I always felt this was the most humiliating: to be completely naked, surrounded on all side by clothed girls, and restrained, so there’s nothing I could do about it. Julie knew this, which is why she had me stand in this position. Although my humiliation, I stood there obediently, waiting for instructions.
“I saw this online,” one girl piped up after a while of rummaging through the bags. “It’s like pin the tail on the donkey. We blindfold him a strap a marker to his dick, and make him walk towards a target on the wall. We’ll each get a turn and whoever is closest to the bullseye wins.”
The girls agreed enthusiastically.
“Here are the markers,” one girl called out.
“I can draw a target on this easel pad,” another girl said.
“And here are some rubber bands to hold the marker to his dick,” a third said.
“Everyone, take a color,” the first girl said.
“Where should I put the target?”
“How about over on that wall,” came the reply.
“It needs to be the same height as his dick.”
“OK, bring him over here.”
Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me to the wall. The girl with the target adjusted the height so the bullseye was even with my cock and taped the target to the wall. Then she went back from the wall about ten feet and put a strip of tape on the floor.
“We’ll start behind this line.”
I was dragged back across the room.
“Let’s go in rainbow order,” someone said. “Red, orange, yellow and so on. Who has red?”
A girl stepped forward promptly.
“OK, stick your marker to his dick. Here’s a couple rubber bands.”
She clearly was uncomfortable touching me right away. Holding the marker by the cap, she gently rested it on my cock and tried to slip the rubber band over both. The rubber band snapped away before it was around either. She tried again, unsuccessfully. The girls laughed, and one came over to help. This girl clearly had no qualms about touching me. Slipping two rubber bands over the marker, she stretched one out, slide it over my cock, and let it go near the base so it snapped onto my dick. I winced. Not noticing (or not caring) she snapped the other rubber band over my cock near the head. Finally, she removed the cap to the marker.
“OK, bring him over here,” the girl with the tape instructed.
“Wait,” someone called. “He needs a blindfold.”
One girl found a blindfold in the bag. The unabashed girl slipped it over my head and adjusted it to cover my eyes.
“Bring him over to the line, spin him around three times, and send him towards the target.”
The timing girl gently grabbed my elbow and walked me to the line. I felt a small push on one arm and a pull on the other, and after a moment of hesitation I realized that was the signal to spin, so I started to shuffle around. The timing girl unwittingly stood too close because, when I reached about halfway around, my cock collided with her. She let out a small shriek and jumped back. The other girls laughed and I paused. After a second, I felt hands on my arms again, and I continued spinning. Eventually she let go, and I stopped. I felt a small push on my back, and I started walking. Unaware of my surroundings, I crashed into a wall before I realized I was there, almost losing my balance. The girls laughed. A hand grabbed my arm firmly and lead me back.
“Good job, Lauren,” someone called. “Does anyone have a ruler?” After a pause someone replied, “eleven inches from the bullseye.”
I felt the rubber bands being loosened on my dick and another marker being secured. This girl was clearly more confident. When she was satisfied with how the marker was attached to my cock, she I immediately grabbed my arms, walked me in three circles, placed a hand firmly on my back, and pushed me towards the wall. This time I knew to be cautious. I slowly shuffled ahead. I felt the marker contactt the wall and I immediately stopped.
“Nice!” someone called.
Again, I was brought back and a new marker attached to my cock.
“Four inches,” someone called out to cheers.
“Is anyone writing this down?” I heard a girl say.
After a moment of conversation, someone else answered.
“Let’s just write it on his chest.”
“Great idea!” came the reply.
I feel a marker press firmly into my bare chest.
“Lauren, eleven inches, Kylie four inches,” the girl muttered. “OK. Who’s next?”
Another pair of hands grab my arms and spun me around three times. Suddenly I feel a hard slap on my ass, and I leave off towards the wall. The girls laughed and cheered. Unfortunately for me, the spanking made me forget how cautious I needed to be and again I crashed into the war to renewed chefs.
The process of strapping a new marker to my dick, sending me towards the wall, and writing the score on my chest continued. Toward the end, the girls clearly became more brazen, letting the rubber band snap onto my cock harder and slapping my ass harder. When all the girls had gone, they looked at the final results on my chest and stomach.
“It looks like Zoe wins with just three inches from the bullseye,” someone said. “Good job!”
“Wait, let me get a picture of the final results, someone else said.
“Oh, good idea,” a few others agreed. I heard shuffling in front of me and the sound of several cameras getting shots of my naked body. I stood obediently still.
After a minute or so, I heard a familiar voice.
“OK ladies, we’re going to try a new game we came up with,” Sarah said. “It’s like Let’s Make a Deal but more painful for our entertainment here. We have three identical boxes. One has a bunch of Starbucks gifts cards, one has a zonk, and one has a little TENS unit. We’re going to line them up in a random order on this table. You can see each box has a hole in it. You will pick a box, and our entertainer will pickup the box and bring it to you, if he can. If it’s a zonk, you’re out; if it’s the gift cards you can keep one; and if it’s the TENS, you get to play again in the next round, and we’ll turn up the TENS by 10%.”
Kate came over and took off my blindfold while Sarah and Julie set the boxes on the edge of the table.
“Kylie, you can go first,” Sarah said. “Which box do you want?”
“The left one,” Kylie said after a moment’s hesitation.
Sarah, Kate, and Julie looked at me expectedly. Realizing what I was supposed to do, I moved over to the box, stuck my dick in the hole, and lifted off the table. It was surprisingly light. I walked over to Kylie and presented the gift hanging on my cock to her. She pulled it off and open the top.
“Aw rats, it’s a zonk,” she said dejectedly, then slapped my dick. “Why did you bring me that one?” Everyone laughed.
“That’s too bad,” Sarah said retrieving the box. She took the box back to the table where she, Kate, and Julie rearranged the boxes while hiding them from view.
“We switched up the boxes. OK, Stephanie, your pick.”
After giving it some thought, Stephanie said, “I want the left one again.”
Knowing my duty, I walked over to the left box and shoved my dick in it. I felt a surge of pain shoot through my cock. I yelped through the gag and jumped back, knocking the box off the table. All of the girls roared in laughter.
“That’s the TENS,” Sarah called out. “Good job, Stephanie. You can go again in the next round.”
She picked up the box, opened the top and reached inside, bumping it up to 20%; then the girls reset the boxes. The next girl got a Starbucks gift card; I could tell by the weight of the box on my dick and the fact that it didn’t electrocute me.
I was shocked for more times in the first round. As we started the second round, the first girl got a zonk.
“Look how red his dick is,” she said after opening the box. The other girls crowded around, eagerto get a close-up look. “Especially right there,” she said, pointing to a particularly red patch. “You can tell where the pads are in the box.” All the girls laughed.
I was shocked three times in the second round, now at 70%. With the boxes being jostled so much at this point, it was starting to become evident which boxes were which, just based on their damage. That made it easier for the girls to pick the TENS in the third round. Even I knew which one it was and entered it reluctantly each time.
“Well, that’s as high as it goes,” Sara said after I was shocked 100%. “Who doesn’t have a gift card? We have one for everyone.” The girls who didn’t have a gift card jumped up to take one.
“Let’s give our entertainment a break,” Julie said. “Come over to the table,” she said to me and undid my handscuffs. “Lay down.” I laid back on the table so my cock was pointing straight up. Julie tied my wrists and ankles to the table legs so I couldn’t move.
“Maybe this will helpyou feel better.” She had found a piece of ice and began sliding it up and down my shake. Of course, that was almost as much torture as that TENS. The other girls also grabbed ice and began rubbing it all over my body, including my balls, my feet, my inner tighs, my nipples, and my armits. It was excruciating. I tried to understand but was tied too tightly. One by one, the girls’ ice melted and they moved off, ultimately leaving me cold and exposed in the middle of the room.
After several minutes, Kate called out to everyone.
“It’s time for the obstacle course. Everyone outside!” The girls shuffled towards the back door. I was untied, my hands re-cuffed behind my back, and pushed out along with them. The backyard was brightly lit by floodlights, renewing my humiliation at being the only one naked outside. The yard was enclosed by a privacy fence, but the tops of the neighboring houses were still visible in the ambient light.
“Here’s the course,” Kate announced. There were several obstacles in a circle. “He jumps over this bar that is two feet off the ground, under that one that is five feet high, along the balance beam, hops through all eight tires, goes up and down the ramp, and then hops on all six stumps.”
She turned to me. “You have two minutes. You will run the course until you beat that time.”
She turned to the group. “Ladies take your positions around the course. Kylie will be recording this on her phone.” I was led over to a line in front of the low bar. “Go!”
Surprised by how fast she said go, I hesitated a moment before starting towards the first bar. It was pretty easy to step over it, but I did it slowly, which did not bode well for finishing the course in time. I headed over to the high bar and croouched down to get under it.
“No, you have to limbo under it,” Kate scolded, which of course was more humiliating because I had to lean back and thrust my hips and by extension my cock up and out. I waddled forward, my cock swinging from side to side. The girls cheered. I stepped onto the balance beam and shuffled along it, not an easy thing to do with your hands tied behind your back. The blinding light of Kylie’s phone did not help; my only reprieve was when she moved in for some close-ups of my dick. The tires weren’t too hard, but high stepping through them caused my dick to slap from side to side drawing renewed chefs from the girls. The ramp was probably the easiest part, but I only took a couple steps before somebody landed a hard smack on my ass. I stumbled but made it over. Finally, I hoped onto the stumps and started leaping as best as I could from one to the next. Another hard smack on my ass caused me to miss the fourth stump, and I went tumbling face first into the grass. The girls roared in laughter.
“Get up; the clock is Still running,” Kate called. I slowly made it to my knees and then to my feet. I shook my head to clear some of the dirt, but there was little I could do.
“You have to start the stamps again,” Kate instructed. I obediently went back to the first stump, stepped onto it, and carefully hoped from one to the next, finally finishing the course 4 minutes, 23 seconds.
“You’ll have to do better than that,” Kate said leading me back to the line. “Go!”
I carefully made it past both bars, but the girls had realized the balance beam was a good place to try to motivate me, and we’re constantly slapping my ass as I tried to move along it.
While jumping through the tires, I heard a loud creak and turned to see the fence gate opening. Losing my concentration, I missed the next tire and stumbled to the ground.
“Hey Jenna,” someone said. “Come on in. Everyone, this is Jenna, my neighbor. I told her she could stop by.” As I struggled to my feet, Jenna gawked my complete nudity. I stood stunned for a second astonished that apparently a sudden newcomer could make me feel even more humiliated than I already was. Jenna’s eyes remainedlocked on my full erection.
“One minute, 45 seconds,” Kate called after a moment, which snapped me out of my trace. Turning back to the tires, I bashfully continued the course.
“4 minutes, 28 seconds,” Kate informed the group as I crossed the finish line. “You’re getting worse. Now start again.”
I focused on completing the course through the spankings and camera light, shaving a full Two minutes off my time the third go-around. The fourth time was about the same. Finally, with some additional effort, I finished in under two minutes on the fifth try.
“One minute, 57 seconds,” Kate announced. “That’s good enough.” The girls applauded. I was smoking profusely. The girls gathered around me to watch the sweat run down my body. I felt a bead started my forehead, rundown my face, neck, and chest all the way to my cock, around it and down my sack where it hung at the bottom.
“You’re filthy,” Sarah informed me. “You need to be cleaned up.” I was suddenly drenchedby a hose that someone had found spraying me all over my body. I instinctively turned as I was pelted by the water, which aided in cleaning me off. Towels appeared, and I was drunk off, mostly in a stroke fashioned with extra attention paid to my crotch. We went back inside. The girls refreshed their drinks and shared the videos they took of me while I stood in the middle of the room feeling very embarrassed.
“OK Everyone,” Julie called. “We have a demonstration for you. Please follow us to the basement.”
Sarah came up to me and, without a word, grabbed my dick and pulled me towards the basement door. As we descend the stairs, I saw some odd gadgets arranged on a table and a horizontal bar suspended by a pulley in the center of the room. As the girl shuffled in, Sarah brought me to the center of the room.
“Spread ’em,” she said, and I spread my feet.
She cuffed both of my ankles and clipped them to hooks anchored in the floor. Then she undid my handcuffs, putleather cuffs on my wrists, and attached them to the bar. Finally, she blindfolded me. The girls were all chatting excitedly around me. Suddenly, I felt the bar rising. Before long, my arms were straight, but the bar kept rising, putting me on my tip toes. Just when I thought my shoulders would dislocate, the bar stopped. Unable to move anything except my head, I hung there with my arm starting to ache.
“Feel free to grab a chair; they’re over in the corner,” Sarah offered to the group. “Make yourself comfortable. Tonight, you will see how to really hurt a guy.”
Suddenly I felt a jolt in my ass – a cattle prod. I jerked, which was more of a twitch since I could barely move. The girls giggled. I realized every single part of my body was completely available to anyone at this moment, and there was nothing I could do about it. Next came a hard slap on my cock and it snapped back and forth.
“You saw the TENS earlier, or at least the reaction caused. But we can create a sTronger reaction,” Sarah continued. “Watch.”
I feel my scrotum being lifted. I know that with my full erection my sack was more easily visible accessible than it otherwise would have been. Suddenly I felt a firm grip on my balls and they were pulled down, causing me great pain from my balls to my arms. Then Sarah began wrapping coarse twine very tightly around my sack beneath between my balls and my body. When she was done, she released my balls. The rope kept the sensing that they were being pulled off.
“This is a simple yet effective torture,” Sarah said.
I heard the group of girls shuffle closer to inspect her handiwork.
“Note how each testicle is clearly visible and held firmly in place.”
I felt fingers running gently over my balls and testing the tightness of the rope as it pressed into my body. Someone pinched the head of my dick painfully, most likely because she knew I would have no idea who it was and there was nothing I could do about it. Aftera minute, the fingers disappeared and I was left hanging there again.
“This here is a more powerful TENS unit than the one we used upstairs,” Sarah continued. “First we need to apply some conductive gel.”
I feel the cold liquid being shimated on my balls.
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