Submission Diary Ch. 04

20/March 1:00pm

Dear Diary.

Although I slept alone last night, there was a note on my mirror when I woke up, so I’m guessing that things might start getting back to normal. Here’s hoping!

Here’s the note:



Don’t forget about dinner tonight. Order Chinese take-out, but remove it from the plastic containers.

I have a challenge for you. If you can do it without being seen I’ll reward you generally.

During dinner I want you to remove your panties and hand them to me without being seen once.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Your loving Master.


How the hell am I going to do that? I need a plan.

This kind of reminds me of a time, ages ago now, just a month or so before we stopped using safe words. Master had taken me out to dinner. The restaurant was very posh, which of course Master and I found humorous, all the waiters in penguin suits talking like their shit don’t sink. Master is obviously fond of formal dinners, but he doesn’t take kindly to people looking down their noses at him. Or possibly it was the waitresses comment about my collar that had him riled up.

I couldn’t actually believe it myself. She commented, after seating us, that she wasn’t sure if a collar was acceptable in the restaurant’s strict dress code, and asked me to remove it. She was polite and all but I didn’t appreciate her holier-than-thou attitude.

Before Master could argue, I removed my collar. It wasn’t worth the trouble. Once she left though, Master winked at me.

“Would you like to have a bit of fun while we dine in such splendid company?”

“What have you got in mind?” I asked with raised eyesbrows.

“Well these table clothes are quite long; I’m sure that if I dropped a umm” He looked around for a moment before innocently picking up a menu, “If I accidentally dropped this menu under the table that such a long table clothes would hamper my view so that I couldn’t retrieve it.”

I snickered. “Oh then whatever would you do?”

“Well, being a mere woman you wouldn’t be embarrassed to crawl under the table to fetch it would you? Where as a gentleman such as myself would be risking his honor on such a mission” He smiled at me, that smile turns my heart every time. I smiled back.

“I see” I pretended to consider such a dilemma for a moment, before asking in the best empty-headed impersonation I could must “Then I have a suggestion Master. If such a thing were to happen, I would gladly crawl under the table in your place to save your honor. But Master I have a great fear.”

“What is your fear kind lady?”

“I fear that because I’ve not yet had dinner I will not have the sustenance to crawl out from under the table and resume my seat.”

Master stifled a laugh. “I am sure I could provideyou with enough succession for you to complete your journey, but you must trust me.”

“I trust you”

He grinned then and quickly flicked the menu onto the floor beneath the table. “Oops”

“Oh dear, is it as bad as you feared?” I feigned concern.

“Unfortunately it is dear Lady. I cannot see the menu because the table clothes is in the way.”

Quickly I scanned the room, and seeing everyone appeared to have their attention elsewhere, I dropped to the floor and scooted under the table to retrieve Masters menu.

Master wasted no time in freeing his cock from his trousers, already slightly damp at the tip with pre-cum. I held my mouth just above it for a few moments, so he could feel my warm breath. His cock twitched bumping up against my lips and I needed no further encouragement to kiss down along the shake to his soft inviting ball sac. Just as I was sucking the first nut into my mouth I heard footsteps and then the waitress’s voice asking Master if he was ready to order.

To increase the sensing I placed just the pads of my fingers around Masters glands and twisted slightly, left then right then left then left again, as if I was tuning a radio. I heard his voice tremble a little as he replied. “Yes thank you. For an Entry… uhm…” the pitch of his voice wobbled for a moment but he managed to say “two small prawn cocktails, and a plate of mini spring rolls to share”

The word “share” came out as such a squeak, I nearly swallowed the nut I had in my mouth, but he didn’t attempt to push me away or tap me with his foot or anything, so when I was sure I could release his sac without laughing I moved my mouth to tease the head of his cock, licking and kissing quietly.

“What would you like for your main course sir?”

“Oh, uhm can we think about that for a bit longer ma-my Lady is nnn-not back yet. I don’t… couldn’t guess what she would want.”

“No problem sir. I’ll take your order when I bring your Entry if it pleases you”I can only imagine the look on her face Diary, but I bet it would have been priceless.

I poked my head up so I could speak to him. “Pssst I think I’ve got enough success to complete the journey back to my chair. Let me know when it’s safe?”

He glanced around “Quick! Quick!” And I was quick, like grossed lightning. It was just bad chance that a stately gentleman across the room looked over at the exact moment. His eyes almost popped out of his head, however he did give us the thumbs up once he recovered.

“You’re blushing” Master teased.

“Here’s your menu sir” I replied curtly.

He laughed. “Here comes first course. Don’t blush now!” I noticed nonetheless his cheeks were a rosy color and couldn’t help winding impishly at him.

The waitress placed the food in front of us and pulled out her little note pad again, tapping her pen against it impossible.

“I’ll have the sweet and sour pork, veggies on the side; and the caramel cheesecake for desert.Thanks” I told her, edging my plate closer.

“That sounds good.” Master said, nodding in my direction “I’ll go for the grilled salmon and oysters, skip the sauce, and the caramel cheesecake, but minus the cream.”


“The best red wine you have”

“Will that be all?”

“Yes, thank you”

With her gone, we were free to enjoy ourselves, but I realized after a while I had that feeling – you know the one, where all the hair on the back of your neck stands up and you look around thinking you are being watched – well we were being watched; by the older man who had waved earlier.

Why anyone would go out to dine alone is beyond me but different strokes for different folks, so they say.

Master noticed it too, and lent closer to me, Speaking quietly. “Does it makes you wet being so dirty in such a high-class public setting?”

“It does Master”

“Well it doesn’t do anything for me” he said, sitting back and looking away, chewing on a springroll seems uninterested.

I fell for his ploy of course. “Tell me what would turn you on then?”

A grin over took his face setting his eyes light “Crawl under that guys table, and make him cum.”

I chased, cought and spluttering gracelessly drawing the attention of everyone in our end of the restaurant. I blushed all the way down to my nipples I’m sure, and picked out “You’re not serious!” Inappropriately loudly.

Master waited until everyone had looked away and resumed their conversations before replying, “I’m completely serious my pet. If I remember rightly you agreed that I can use your body in trade with other men, or force you to service other people. As it is I’m not forcing you. You bought it up”

I wiped my mouth with a napkin, giving myself thinking time. The Guy looked clean at least, but what the hell do you say? I soon found out.

“Alright. Goodness, I hope I don’t get seen. What if he says something?”

“I’m right here if somethingGoing wrong. Are you doing it before dinner gets here? You best be quick, looks like he’s almost done.”

With an embarrassed smile I left making my way indirectly to the gentleman’s table.

He greeted me “Hello Lass” in a striking Scottish accent, looking me over slowly and deliberately. If he wanted to see if it was possible to make me blush deeper, he succeeded.

“Hello sir. Uhm… you see… I uh, I was wondering if you would like your shoes shined”

He gave a hearty laugh. “With you under my table, people will think you’re doing something else.”

“I’m sure sir, to preserve my good reputation; you would casually glance around to check the coast is clear before I slipped under to shine your shoes.”

He waited a few moments before murmuring “Now Lass”

I dived under in a flash, my heart hammering through my ribs, and went straight to work lowering his fly. For an old guy I was surprised at how hard he became in such a short period of time, I’d not even touched him with my lips yet. I took him in my hand and gently stroked him, trying to inspect his cock in the near-darkness because no way was I going to put my lips any where near it if it had scales or lumps or cheesy bits. I gave it an experimental sniff too. You can never be too careful.

But he seemed clean enough, just a little sweaty, so I started by giving him a long lick from his balls all the way to the tip before massaging his glasses with my tongue.

I heard him moan when I took him into my throat and swallowed convulsively, which made me laugh and choke. He slipped his hand under the table clothes then, fiercely grabbing my hair and holding me down on his meat.

My throat started to burn after a little while and the lack of oxygen began to make me dizzy. I had to fight him for every little gulp of air before he forced my head back down, ramming his cock repeatedly into the soft tissue at the back of my throat.

I feel his balls draw in close, so I relaxed as much as I could and let him thrust up as deep as he could into my mouth. I was thrilled that I could handle so much pain, and still give so much pleasure. I felt the table tilt and creak under his weight as he used it as leverage as he thrust into my mouth for the final time. I heard something falling to the floor beside me. Tears sprang to my eyes as the Scotsman spurted his cum into down my abused throat, wrapping His legs around me tightly and unsympathetically holding my head in place with his hand.

I heard anxious footsteps approaching and braced myself.

“Sir! Sir! Are you alright? You’re all flushed, are you in pain? Do you need me to call an ambulance?” The panicked waiter frantically asked.

“No it’s alright lad,” Croaked the Scotsman above me, “Just a bit of indigestion you see. You couldn’t fetch a wee glass of milk for me could you?”

He untangled his hand from my hair and released the iron hold his legs had crushed me in. A moment later he whisperedgruffly. “Now Lass”

I crawled out from under his table slightly dazed and into the nearest restroom to tidy myself up. It wasn’t just my hair that needed repairs either! I had to actually remove my panties I’d soaked them that much! I slipped them up my sleeve to give to Master at the soonest possible moment.

I’m not an exhibitionist or anything like that Diary, but the thrill of being busted makes everything so much more intense, especially when I know Master is enjoying it as much as I am.

I have an idea about getting my panties off tonight, but I’ll have to experiment a bit first.

Maybe if I rolled them up really small and tucked them away – for safe keeping – instead of actually wearing them? Or is that cheating?

I wonder if this is a test, something to do with Hannah?

I’ll keep you posted diary, if not tonight then tomorrow. Hannah is no match for me!

~ Myesisha


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