Arriving home after a long week at work, Mia dropped her briefcase on the counter with a sight. She kicked off her shoes and eased down into her favorite chair. She began to settle in for a solidary evening and hopefully a week of relaxation. As she was sorting through the day’s mail, the telephone rang, breaking the silence. She decided to let the answering machine catch it, expecting it to just another annoying solicitor. When she heard his familiar voice leaving a message, she shifted her attention to the message. It’s Jack, she thought to herself. Unsure whether to pick up the phone she decided to just listen as he spoke to the machine. In a calm yet cheerful voice, he left the message for her to call him as soon as possible. She heard him mention something about dinner. With a sudden change of mind she reached over for her phone that was resting on a neary end table.
“Hello?” she spoke rather loudly to make sure he heard her over the din of his own message.
“Wellhello, my lovely slave-in-training,” he replied with a hint of surprise in his voice. “I have a special evening planned for us tonight. I want to take you out for dinner and then maybe we can go somewhere private for a little training session. You are making such good progress, my dear. Wear a nice dress because we’re going first class tonight. I will pick you up at your place at 6:30. Click…”
A Hundred thoughts raced extremely through her mind. The sudden surge of adrenaline made her forget about her tiredness, but his demanding and assuming nature infuriated her. She debated whether to duck the issue by simply leaving for a few hours or if she should stay just to give him a piece of her mind when he arrived — presumptuous ass! What if she had other plans for the evening? Then she remembered how during a weaker moment she had agreed to be his one and only sub, to learn the lessons of submission from him and to be at his beck and call. A slight shiver ran down her spineas she wondered what he meant by “training.” Looking at her watch, she realized that she had little more than an hour to get ready. She headed to her bedroom to lay out an outfit and take a quick shower.
Mia had barely finished applying her lipstick when the doorbell rang. She took one last glance into the mirror, gathered her pursuit and snatched her coat from the hanger as she dashed to the entryway. She opened the door to find Jack standing behind a lovely bouquet of coral roses. Coral — the color of desire! A smile swept across her face at his thoughtfulness.
“Hello, she stammered nervously, not at all in the confident manner that she intended to display.
He smiled approvedly at her, as he looked her over from head to toe. She noticed that he was dressed in a fine suit for the occasion.
“You look lovely this evening, my dear,” he compiled her and gave her a peck on the cheese.
He handed the roses to her, “Why don’t you take care of these before we leave?”
Taking the roses she invited him in, even though she already had her coat in hand. He took the coat from her so she could put the fresh flowers into the vase. She found herself nervously rushing about. His charm somehow always got to her, almost making her weak I the knees
“Please, don’t be nervous, Love.” He said in a reassuring voice. “I mean for dinner to be a pleasant experience for us.” I want to get to know your better in a non-threatening place before we continue with your next lesson.”
She felt some reassured until he mentioned the lesson again. She tried to present a front of calmness, but she felt like he could see right through to her very soul. She placed the flowers on a coffee table. Walking to the curb she noticed that he drove a nicely appointed Cadillac — black of course. Opening the Passenger door he helped her into her coat as they left for dinner.
She began to feel more at ease with him as they talked and shared a few laughs on the drive to the restaurant. In the course of their lively conversation, she mentioneds that she barely missed meat since she decided to become a vegetable. They laughed heartily when she mentioned her cravings for a slab of barbecued ribs. She stared at his face with fascination as he drove through traffic.
“Did you have any big plans for the weekend?” he asked casually.
“Nothing in particular, ” she replied.
“Good, I was hoping that you didn’t have an early morning commitment.”
He brushed his hand over her left tigh as he spoke to her. His soft touch made her shiver. Her instinct was to slap his hand but she hesitated. Not knowing quite how to react she remained still, waiting for him to stop. He lifted his hand when he reached her upper thigh and didn’t return it to her leg. She remembered how stern he could be. She decided that she would take it as a challenge to uncover the many facets of his complex personality. Their dominant-submissive relationship was ever present in her mind. She found it difficult to view him as her master however, when he was so cordial and unassuming.
She recognized the name of the restaurant as he turned and drove into the parking lot. .This establishment was new and she had heard good things about it.
“I’ll let you out at the door and go park,” he explained as he pulled up at the front door. “Wait for me inside.”
A hostess opened the door as she entered. There was a benchmark in the entry upon which she sat to wait. He entered within a few minutes and joined her. She noticed that her was carrying a small gift bag but said nothing. Her curiosity was almost exciting. They walked past the beautifully decorated entrance to the oversize double doors. A hostess met them inside. The reservation was simply for “Jack — party of two.” Anticipation for an exciting evening was refreshing and filled her with energy as they were ushered to their table. They were seated in a semi-private corner of the reStaurant where they could talk freely. He sat close to her, near her left side. She looked around at all the activity in the crowded restaurant. The atmosphere was fun with loud chatter and laughter. Waiters busy ran about with trays perched high above their heads as they served their customers. He ordered a bottle of wine for the two of them. She could smell the delightful aromas of the food as she waited for him to return his Attention to her. The waiter disappeared into the crowd. Suddenly, he placed the gift bag on the table in front of her. She reached inside and pulled out a small box.
“Open it,” he ordered with anticipation of her reaction.
A single strand of ribbon held the cover to the box. She was puzzled about receiving a present, but eagerly opened the box. Tissue paper was packed inside. The contents were something that looked like the small egg-shaped vibrator that he had used on her once before.
With raised eyesbrows she looked at him inquisitively.
“I want you to go to the lady’s room now and insert it into your vagina,” he instructed her, matter-of- fatly. “Make sure it fits comfortable. It is remote controlled. I want to make sure you remember that I’m still in charge.”
A shudder ran through her as she instinctively rose to her feet to promptly obey his order. He smiled approvingly. She walked nervously to the restroom, Feeling as if everyone in the restaurant was watching her. She could not believe the control that he had established over her in the short time they had been together. She walked straight to the restroom, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. Once in the privacy of a bathroom stall, she opened the box again, staring at the egg-shaped device. She knew that he would find out if she disobeyed him on this. She reluctantly lifted her dress to slip it under her panties. She felt the excitement build as she pulled her panties aside to reveal her freshly shaken pussy. She stroked herself with the cool plastic egg, feeling the moisture begin to form deep inside. It feel nice. She clasped the egg in her left hand. Probing deep inside with her middle finger she moistened her clip for lubrication. She lingered and found it rather exciting as she pleasured herself in a semi-public place. She pressed against her wetted lips to force the egg into her opening. The egg felt odd at first, but also erotic. She readjusted her panties, stood and straightened her dress before leaving the stall. The voices of two other women having a boisterous conversation about their dates made her feel less self-conscious as she washed up. Making sure she looked okay in the mirror she walked slowly to the door to make sure that everything remained in place. She slowly ran her fingers over her mound to check for bulging. Satisfied that the egg would not fall out she opened the door and walked carefully but calmly back to the table.
She watched the expression on his face, fixing on his deep brown eyes as she satdown. At first his reaction was muted and gave little clue regarding his temperature. She fully expected that egg to be energized as she knew it could at any time. She felt her groin muscles tighten as she sat in wait.
“Everything go OK?” he asked.
“Um…sure,” she replied as casually as possible.
The anticipation was building and she was struggling to maintain her composure and some measure of control. She hated to relinquish full control to anyone particularly when it was so personal in nature. She noticed a small object that resembled a key fob lying on the table beside his left hand. With a devilish gleam in his eyes, he looked straight at her face as he pressed a button on the transmitter. She felt an immediate and intense surge of victory deep within her groin. She nearly gasped aloud as her muscles tense and her back straightened against the back of her chair.
“That’s a one on a scale of five,” he explained.
The victory ended as suddenly as it began as he released his finger from the button. She settled back into her seat, saying nothing. She succeed to his dominance over her and respectfully kept her eyes lowered to the table, staring at her water glass. . Reaching out with his right hand, he placed his forefinger beneath her chin, lifting her head just slightly. Establishing eye contact, he smiled at her with his wicked grin. She courteously returned the smile with a tilt of her head. She had mixed feelings for him at this moment. The tingle remained inside her for a while, causing her to become slightly aroused. She felt the mood in the crotch of her panties. She hoped that nothing would show through her thin dress. Thank heaven for dark colored clothing!
Following his lead she sipped her wine enjoying the flavor of the type and vintage that he had chosen. By the time the waiter arrived to take their dinner order, they were just beginning to get beyond the small talk stage of their conversation. She learnedthat his business frequently took him to what seemed like exotic destinations. He had been many places of which she had only limited knowledge. He was amazed at her breadth of knowledge on many different subjects and found her even more fascinating than from his first impression. They barely noticed the waiter until he made a point of greeting them and asking if they were ready to order. Speaking first, she began to question him about some of their vegetable dishes, debating between the lasagna and a stir-fry dish. She suddenly sat upright in her chair as she felt the egg nearly shock her with another burst of victory. She could barely speak as the egg remained energized. The surprise and sensing rendered her unable to speak.
“Are you okay Madam?” asked the waiter after her sudden reaction.
“Yes, yes I’m fine,” she Replied hoarsely as she panicked and pulled her napkin to her mouth.
Jack suggested that she takes a drink of water as he explained to the waiter that she sometimes had trouble breathing. She struggled to maintain her composition as pain/pleasure radiated throughout her entire body down to her toes. The intensity felt much stronger than before. She desperately wanted to press her hand against her tingling clip, but tried to remain lady-like in front of the waiter who was still concerned. She felt self-conscious and was sure that everyone else could hear the buzzing sound. She did not dare look down to see whether there was anything visible in her lap.
“She’ll have the barbecued ribs — full rack.” He announced to the waiter. “I’ll have the large prime rib, medium rare.”
She was amazed at his brazen disregard for her wishes, but again said nothing for fear that he might intensify the throbbing sensing with which she was preoccupied at the moment. As soon as the waiter had moved away from the table, the victory stopped. Breathing heavily, she found herself struggling to not hyperventilate. Taking slow, deep breaths she tried to remain calm. She could feel that her underwear feel moist. She dropped her napkin over her lap for cover it in case anything was visible. She stared at him with a quizzical expression on her face. He sat back in his chair and casually sipped from his glass of wine. She reached for her glass and took a sip.
He leaned over to her and said, “That was a two. I hope you’re beginning to understand your role as my subbie.”
She smiled wryly and nodded her head. He skillfully revived the conversation with his witty charm, making her forget about his sadistic behavior. She was gradually drawn into the conversation, but had frequent thoughts of the meal that would be coming to her soon. She had mixed feelings about eating those ribs knowing how much she would love to devour them but also thought about the feelings of Guilt that would follow. She could smell the barbecue sauce drifting through the air from somewhere nearby. That only skeked her desire for a nice platter of ribs.
He seemed like a different man when he was dominating her. Almost like a Jekyll and Hyde. Conversing in the restaurant he listened respectfully and often showed his wit and sense of humor. She stared at his face, puzzling over the two sides of him that she has seen. She wondered when his alter ego would take charge again. He seemed so gentle when he softly touched her thigh, sending a shiver of lust up her spine. She Felt more at ease now and found herself divulging all sorts of personal thoughts and insights about herself. She wondered if his easy-going manner was just a ploy to interrogate her with the interest of using it against her. He was skillful at manipulating her. She felt badly about doubting his geneineness, but she had always been one to be careful. She knew that their food had arrived when she heard the tray being placed on the stand, the unmistakable aroma of spicy barbecue swept over her. She felt a tightening in her stromach as a large rack of ribs was placed in front of her. The overwhelming tang of the rich red sauce smoothing the meat was so exclusive. She could sense her willpower slipping away as she wanted desperately to taste the ribs. She found herself waging an internal struggle about the ethics of eating just a little. After all, she thought to herself, the meat had already been butchered and cooked. No, that still wouldn’t make it right now that she had made the commitment to abstain from eating meat.
“My those ribs look and smell even better!” he exclaimed, encouraging her to have a taste.
“Yes they do,” she replied weakly, hating him for what he had done to her.
She was prepared for the physical domination but this emotional torque caught her off guard. She looked at his face as he eagerly watched her closely with anticipation. The ribs looked oh so good, Making the temptation to sample just one even stronger. She picked up her fork.
“What do you think about three spanks with my riding crop for every rib left uneaten on your plate?” he whispered in her ear.
Staring at the platter, she made a quick count of nine pieces. Even if she were to sample the tempting meal, she wasn’t planning on eating the entire rack.
“That doesn’t sound fair,” she replied, hoping to appeal to his sensitive side.
“Yes, I think that’s what we’ll do,” he continued, as if he hadn’t heard her objection.
She took a deep breath, sensing the funility in arguing the point any further.
He filled her glass with more wine and began to eat his meal. She stared at her plate, hungry and feeling her resistance wearing down. She poked at he ribs, noticing their tenderness. She decided to begin with the cole slaw in the dish beside them. The tangy taste of the slaw made her feel even hungrier. The aroma of the ribs smelled wonderful. She watched him eating his prime rib and she looked back at her own full plate. The dinner roll on her plate was resting in the red barbecue sauce. She took a bite of the roll. The flavor of the sauce was very good. She began to reach for a rib. She hesitated then selected the smallest one from her plate. She lifted it to her mouth, her hands nearly trembling. She opens her moth slowly and nibbled a bit of the meat from the bone. The taste brings back memories from before. She bit off a little more, savoring the flavor. She noticed out of the corner of her eyes that he had stopped eating to watch her. He had the proud look of the conqueror as he gloated over this small victory. She stopped and put the rib back on her plate, still not willing to acknowledge defeat. She wiped the sauce from her lips and sipped her wine. He returned to his meal as he resumed their conversation.
“That’s still nine left, dear,” he chided her. “Twenty-seven slapses would make one awfully sore, especially on bare skin”
She considered whether he would really follow through or if he was only threatening. After all, she really didn’t know how far he would go. She nearly spat her wine onto the table when he pushed the button on his control box for just a second. He would follow through, she decided in that moment.
“You might as well finish them Luv,” he continued. “You already started eating meat…and besides, wouldn’t it be just as bad morally to let them go to waste?”
She wasn’t entirely in agreement with his logic, but he did make two good points. She stars at the plate again. Another bite would sure taste good. She picked up the partly eaten rib and took another bigger bite. She continued until the meat had been completely cleaned from the bone.
“There! Are you satisfied?” she retreated.
“Dear, there are still eight to go.” He calmly replied as he picked up his glass. “But you are so lovely when you get that fire in your eyes.”
His casual remarks caused her anger to rise again, but she thought it better to not provoke him. She pouts as she enjoys more of the wine with a piece of her roll.
“We will probably lEave here shortly after we have some after dinner coffee,” he announced. “I hope you can manage to finish before then.”
She reached for another rib. This time, she devoured the entire piece without stopping. They tasted so good. She was hungrier than she realized. Picking up another, she looked strictly into his eyes as she tore the meat from the bone for effect. She moved her tongue suggestively over the bone, her gaze never shifting. She could sense that she had touched a nervous with him. She continued to eat the ribs, while purposely tantalizing him with her seductive and voracious eating. The sauce dripped down her chin. She ran her napkin with her slender fingers over her lips and chin, her brightly-colored finger nails showing. She noticed that he had stopped speaking, his attention focused on her. The dinner had Become an entirely different kind of affair than she had expected. Had she turned the tables on him now? She contemplated pushing him further. She finished thelast of the ribs just as the coffee arrived at their table. She had mixed feelings about having eaten the ribs, but she felt most satisfied having preempted him on his plans to spank her later. He knew now that his new slave would not easily be forced into total submission.
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