The Couple Ch. 01

The moment his cell rang, Jason jumped to his feet and hurried over to the office door. He smiled a smile he hoped was relaxed and carefree to his secretary.

“It’s the wife,” he mouthed.

She frowned, after he closed the door, at the strange show on the part of her boss, shrugged her shoulders and returned to her scheduling.

With a grunt of pain, Jason caught the muscle of his thigh on the corner of his desk. He hoped the rest of the way to his chair and collapsed into the leather. He rubbed furiously along his bruised leg as he picked up his cell and answered the call.

“Hi honey,” Jason said as he accepted the call and held his cell to his ear.

“I’m here, sweetie.” Jason could tell his wife was nervous by the small tremor in her voice. “I parked the car near the park and then walked the rest of the way.”

“Good idea, babe,” Jason replied as he leant forward in his seat and rested his elbows on the desk to still the shake in his own arms. “What’s it like?”

“I’m just in the front part,” his wife replied. “It’s quite nice, they’ve got some pretty pictures on the walls and the girl at the reception desk is friendly. Everything looks nice and clean.”

“Are you having second thoughts, honey?” Jason asked.

He could hear the movement of his wife’s hair as she shook her head. “All the time,” she said, “but I don’t think I’d forgive myself. I’d always wonder and I’ve come this far.” She paused. “Are you having second thoughts, sweetie?”

“I’m just worried about you, sugar.”

“You and me both, darling. Hang on, I think they’re calling me.”

Through his wife’s cell, Jason heard the presumed receptionist’s voice. “Georgia Thompson, Dan’s ready for you now.”

“Sweetie, I’ve got to go through now. I wore the skirt you recommended. I’ll call you back when everything’s set up.” In her nervousness, Georgia didn’t even wait for Jason to reply or play the usual game of you hang up first before she terminated the call.

Jason’s hand shook as he held his cell in front of his face. He watched as the screen slowly became blank and then left to his feet. He squeezed his eyes shut as the pain in his thigh returned. He took a step to move carefully around the desk and tears sprang to his eyes as the fabric of his trousers bent his erection through a right angle.

After some delicate but speedy reorganising of his clothes to cope with his turgidity, Jason once more opened the door to his office.

“I’m off to lunch, Helen,” he said to his secretary as he limped cautiously out of his office.

“You do know it’s only eleven?” Helen asked, not unreasonably.

“Lot’s to do this afternoon,” Jason sputtered out before he sped towards the elevators. A small dot of moisture had formed on the front of his trousers.

Once in his car, Jason placed his phone carefully on the dash. No one used the car park at this time of day and just in case he was parked in the awkward, dark cornerEveryone avoided. When the cell rang he almost dropped it in his anxiety.

“Hey, Babe,” he said and then rolled his eyes at his greeting. “How are you feeling?”

“Very, very nervous,” Georgia giggled. “I’m shaking so much that Dan will need a good aim.”

Jason suspected that he would experience some jealousy but the red hot flare that passed through him was not What he expected. He swallowed it down and tried to take some calming breaths. “Dan says he’s happy for me to talk to you while he’s … well you know. But he doesn’t want you to distract me by talking. Is that okay?”

Georgia’s voice had become breathy. This was not something Jason was accustomed to. He began to visualise scary things about this fellow, Dan. Scary for Jason at least. “Sure, honey,” he managed to reply, as though everything was perfectly as he expected. What’s this Dan like?”

“Well, he’s been a real sweetie so far,” Georgia said. “But I think that’s about to change. He’s warming up and…” Georgia’s voice disappeared for a moment before being followed by a gasp. “He spanked me, Jason.”

Jason heard the catch in her voice and opened his mouth to speak against the prohibition but Georgia beat him to it. “Not like you do whenever I walk by. There was some weight in that. My bottom’s all …” Again her voice disappeared. Jason’s knuckles grew white as he hung on to the cell that connected him to his wife’s experience at the literal hand of Dan.

“Oooh,” Georgia’s voice came back. “Other cheese. I think he likes to wait until …” Another silence. “Firstcheekagain,” Georgia’s words fell from the phone in rapid succession. “I’m moving the cell further from my mouth so you might …”

There was no might about it, Jason heard. A whoomp as Though someone had slapped a cushion really hard. He also heard Georgia gasp an Oh! at the assault on her behind. Thump, another concussive sound followed by a low moan from his wife. Then the moans changed to grunts and short cries as the sounds came closer together.

“Oh, God!” His wife’s voice came from a distance and Jason couldn’t quite tell her mood from the words. “Dan’s really spanking me.” Georgia’s voice sounded weaker or less focused but the vibrato of nerves was no longer there. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” The spanks sounded louder on the other end of the phone and came closer and closer together. “Eeeeh!” The sound was a little scream followed by several gasps for breath that didn’t come and then the silence returned.

Georgia must have drawn her cell closer to her mouth as the sounds of her heavy breathing filled Jason’s car. All he could do was listen to the panting of the woman he loved as she recovered from the hard spanking she had received. He drew his own nerves together and was about to ask Georgia how she felt after the experience when she once again beat him to it.

“Jason!” Her voice carried a tinge of alarm. “He’s lifting my skirt!”

“Are you …” Jason began but Georgia cut him off.

“Don’t speak, honey. Dan says you’re not to speak, just listen.” For a moment all Jason could hear on the other end of the line was his wife’s heavy breaths as she recovered from the previous intense spankings she had just experienced. When she came back on her voice was calmer and less breathy than moments before. “He’s just struggling me, babe,” she said. “I mean he’s running his hand over my ass but he’s not doing anything else.” Again there was only the sound of her breathing.

When the smack sound was followed by his wife’s little scream a moment later it caused Jason to start as much as his wife.

“Oww,” Georgia complained. “My underwear isn’t much protection against …Ahhoww!”

A second spank echoed down the phone followed by another and another. Each accompanied by increasingly high pitched shrieks from Georgia. Jason gripped the cell hard against his ear and listened to his wife’s barely covered bottom being beating. The zipper in the front of hisTrousers was already open before Jason realized what he was doing. By the time he thought to look around to make sure he wasn’t being watched Georgia’s husband’s hand was already pulling his enlarged cock from inside his underwear. Every shriek that followed a spank brought a new pulse of blood to his erection. The tip of his cock vibrated in the air as though it absorbed the energy of his wife’s ass cheeses as they bounced under the impact of each open-handed slap.

“Jason!” Georgia gulped hard as she called into her cell. “My ass is so hot! Every time he hits me it gets hotter.” A pause followed. “Oh, I think he’s stopped.”

Jason gasped as his hand throttled his hard dick. He lifted his hand away and stared at the hardest erection he had achieved in a long time. A dribble of precum exited the tip and rolled down to make a small stain on his trousers. Jason knew there was no way he would be able to return to the office and didn’t attempt to clean it up.

“So baby,” Georgia’s voice came back to him through the cell phone. “I guess this means …Oh God! This can’t be happening.”

Jason forgot that he wasn’t supposed to speak. “Georgia, what is it? What’s wrong?”

She was breathing hard again but Jason knew there had been no more spanks. “Dan tells me to remind you that you aren’t to speak.” Each word of the sentence was punctuated with a breathy inhalation as Georgia spoke. “My panties are around my ankles, sweetie.” The breathing remained in her voice. “Dan put them there. He just tugged them down, babe, in one motion from my ass to my ankles. Oh, Jason, I think he’s going to spank my bare ass, while it’s still sore.”

True to Georgia’s description the slap of skin against skin followed almost immediately after her prediction. Georgia’s following scream achieved a height previously unreached. This time there was barely time for even a breath as the slaps rained down one after the other on the bare behind.

Jason’s cock explodedwithin a minute but the spanking continued until each spank merely punctuated a continuous scream. “Georgia!” And then Jason censored himself. His wife wasn’t restrained and despite the screams and shock, she hadn’t asked for him to save her. Whether Jason could have rescued his wife in his current condition was debatable. His cock was swelling again, it had hardly reduced since his orgasm and the screams and slaps overwhelmed any control he had over his overwrought lust. “Oh, God! Georgia,” he moaned as his hand worked his shake to the rapid rhythm of the beatings.

He hadn’t quite reached his second orgasm when his wife’s voice dropped from a scream to a moan and the sounds of flesh pumping flesh vanished.

This time, when she spoke again, Georgia could hardly manage to get each word out Through her heavy breathing. “He’s stopped. That was … That was … Babe, I am so wet right now. I wish you were here to stick your cock in my cunt.”

“I can be there,” Jason said,Although the way his hands shook may have presented a driving problem.

Georgia didn’t seem to have heard him. “Dan’s gone to get something. I hope it’s some salary. My bottom must be glowing. I’m probably going to get a cruele.” She paused and the next sentence was spoke low and drawn out. “Would you like to see my bruised bottom, sweetie?”

It was all Jason could do not to cum Instantly at his wife’s words. Only the thought that she might need him stayed his hand. His mouth was dry and he could feel the sweat trickling over his skin within his suit. With the hand he’d removed from his cock, he cracked the window an inch to allow some of the stinking car park air into his vehicle. The breeze was cool but he couldn’t remove his jacket with his hand still pressing his cell to his ear.

“I …” he began but once more his wife wouldn’t let him get a word in edgewise.

“I guess that means I’ve held up my part of the bet, hotshot lover boy.” Georgia giggled at her own stalk. “Hope you’re ready for … Dan’s back. He’s got something behind his back. Hope that’s something that’s going to make my sore bottom feel better,” she said.

Dan could hear that his wife’s breathing had returned to near-normal levels so the panicked squeal started him just at the point where he had managed to lever one arm free of his suit jacket.

“You’re kidding, right?” Georgia’s voice had gone up an octave and sounded as though it came from a distance. “Oh! My! God! That can’t be for me.”

When she spoke again her mouth was close to her cell. She swallowed loudly enough for Jason to hear it clearly. “Dan tells me to remind you not to speak.” Her voice was now strangely flat and strange of all emotions. “Jason, sweetheart,” she said. “Dan’s brought something for me, honey. It’s … It’s a cane, Jason.”

The driver’s seat of Jason’s car crashed back against the rear seats and delivered Jason as flat as the car could manage while he still pressed the cell against his ear, unable to breathe until he hear the next sound from his wife.


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