The Couples Club Ch. 07

The next thing I was aware of was waking up in the morning with the most peaceful feeling I had ever experienced since my first night with Mercy. My body still felt like melted butter. Somehow I knew it was morning before Jill appeared beside the bed, fully dressed, smiling preferably as she wished me good morning.

“Today is your final day. You and Mercy have both passed all the tests to Become members of The Couples Club. The only thing left is the initiative ceremony tonight.

“You will need your energy for that. It will be quite an experience for both of you, one you will never forget. You may have a light workout if you want but other than that you should take it easy. We will have plenty of entertainment for you to occur your time. You are Basically free until 4pm.

“You may rest as long as you want this morning. You have a lot to recover from last night and a lot to rest for tonight. There are clothes there for you and breakfast waiting when you are ready.”

Jill smiled me once more and left the room.

I lay there for a while digesting everything she had said. The fact that they were letting me rest made me think maybe we were going to get the advanced initiative. But maybe they did this for everyone.

The initiative ceremony sounded a little omino. I had been in a fraternity in college and gone through initiative there. That had involved heavy drinking, blindfolding, striping and going on a nude scanger hunt in the middle of the night, and finally running a gauntlet of wooden paddles. My ass was sore for five days.

I thought about the questionnaire. Several of the things I had experienced over the last week were things I had written down on my survey that Dave and Cindy had given us what seemed so long ago.

That section on sexual fans had took a lot of thought. They asked about my regular fansies, my intimate fansies, and my super secret fansies. They asked me about Mercy’s fansies. They askedd me about any fans I might have about Mercy. I wanted to hold stuff back but I knew I had to put down anything I had ever told Mercy because if she put it down and I didn’t that would be bad. Now they were coming true.

I got dressed, had breakfast, and tried to relax. My mind wandered to wonder what the evening held in store. I finally gave in and went to work out. I ran hard on the treadmill, finding a steady rhythm that calmed my mind and made me feel good. I had a jacuzzi, a nice long shower, a big lunch, and then I lay down for a long nap.

I thought about how much had changed in the last couple of months. I had been through a wider variety of sexual experiences that I had ever thought possible, as had Mercy. Our lives and our marriage were changed forever.

I was a new man. I was in the best physical shape I had ever been in. I could run several miles with ease, I had the beginnings of a six pack, I had the sexual stamina of a stallion and the control of a Don Juan. I had learned and mastered sexual techniques that I had not even known about.

I briefly wondered if I would regret leaving our simple life behind. But when I really thought about it, our marriage was dying, I was dying, and now I was more alive and excited then I could ever remember being. As I contemplated all this I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to find Jill in my room. I have no idea if she woke me up or if I woke up on my own. I had no idea what time it was. I was slightly groggy. Jill handed me an opaque drink. It tasted like medicine.

Jill handed me two enemyas and steered me towards the bathroom. I had used one once before a colon exam. I didn’t think that was what these were for.

When I came out Jill handed me a robe and led me to a light dinner buffet with fruits, a rice dish, a pasta dish, and some bread. I took a little of each and sat at the table. There was another concoction for me to drink and a little glass of wine. There were alsoa few assorted pills, at least one of which looked like a large Cialis.

Jill brought me a large glass of gold colored liquid. I drank it and recognized it as an energy drink. I felt my bowels starting to go into action. I drained the drink and stood up. Jill pointed me to the bathroom and I made my way there as quickly as possible, clenching my anus on the way. The Kegels came in handy once again.

After quite a while spent emptying myself Jill led me to a shower. When I was done Jill greeted me with a fresh robe and led me down a hallway. I noticed I was slightly hard and very horny. I wanted to throw Jill against the wall and fuck her lights out. I also noticed my mind was affected by more than a small glass of a wine should have done. It was a feeling I didn’t remember having before, a little scary, but overall I liked it. I began to take an inventory of all my internal systems.

“This is where I leave you Rick. Congratulations once more. I am glad you made it. I hadfun with you.

“Tonight will be very special adventure. If you get overwhelmed and fight it it will be a nightmare. We have lost a few couples during initiative. Just relax into it and enjoy the experience and it will be a wonderful dream come true. I don’t think you will have any problem.”

We had arrived at a door as Jill was speaking to me. She embedded me and kissed me deeply While she ground her crotch against my rapidly expanding cock. She broke it off and smiled at me knowingly. She put a sleep mask over my eyes and then I heard her knock on the door.

I heard the door open. I was guided into a room. My robe was removed. I was tumorscent already. I was getting hornier and feeling energic by the minute as I was shedding my inhibitions. I wanted to rip off my blindfold and have sex with everyone in the room all night long.

I was led to what felt like a slightly wet tile floor. Two hands steadied my elbows while several others scrubbed my entire body. My assand crotch received extensive attention, all clinical and non-erotic, not gentle but through.

After that I was rinsed off with a warm spray and then led to a large tub of water where I was guided to sit down in. My head was laid back and my blindfold was removed and quickly replaced my a very warm clothes before I could focus on anything. I was left alone there for some time. The water never lost any heat.

As I lay in the tub I thought about my experiences of the week. The one that puzzled me the most was my the final exam. On my survey I had been very specific that I was not interested in sex with another male. On my desire to suck another man’s cock on a scale from 1 to 9 I put down 2. As I thought about it more I realized perhaps that was why it was on my final exam. I had thought about putting a 1 down, but I had reserved the 1s for things I never wanted to do like Golden Showers, infant play, and feminization. I thought it might look bad to have too many 1s.

I realized that if Mercy had chosen the Special ceremony, anything could happen. Somehow that didn’t seem to matter right now.

I received a professional shake like I had once in a barber shop. After that I felt hands on my head and later building. Few people realize what a sexual experience a good shampoo can be but I am not one of those. I fantasized about my hair dresser and my cock grow a little Stiffer as I enjoyed the sensing of fingers massaging my scalp.

When the shampoo was over my head was pushed down underwater, the washcloth floating free from my eyes. I shook my immersed head to rinse out my hair and then surfaced to survey my surroundings

As my eyes cleared of water I was aware of several female figures in the room. They were all dressed in white outfits that didn’t leave too much to the imagination. All wearing white masks that covered at least the top part of their faces and all were looking at me. Of course, they were all attractive from what I could see. I decided to think of them as the Acolytes.

Several of them helped me out of the water. They brought out three large towels and dried every part of my body thoroughly. After I was dry I was steered towards a massage table. I climbed up upon it and lay down with my face through the round hole, my stiff cock mashed between my belly and the table. They should have made a hole for it too.

My body was attacked. There were a few masseuses working on me. The masses ranged from light rubbing to tender squeeze to deep rough probing. I ended and enjoyed it. My body was jelly when they were done.

After I was allowed to rest for a few minutes. I was brought to a standing position. My body felt totally clean andrand new. My hair was gelled. Deodorant was applied to me. A light Aftershave was slapped on my face. Some kind of oil was applied lightly to my cock and balls and heavily to my ass, especially inside. My cock and balls were fondled for a few seconds until I regained my erection.

A thick flesh colored rubber ring was stretched over my cock and balls and snapped into place. I immediately felt my cock harden more, blood trapped inside. Next a leather strap was snapped over the cock ring. Another strap split my balls and was snapped tightly into place. A series of three leather straps ran up my penis. They were wrapped around it, one at the base, one in the middle, and one at the neck, and then buckled tightly. The Gates of Hell. The buckle closest to the head of my cock had a short strap extending from it with a small metal ring on the end.

I feel pressure against my ass and then a large butt plug was snapped into place. I squeezed it a couple of times involuntarily and feel the pleasure in my prostate. My cock was pushed downward and a white to was slipped on me. There was a hole in the front bottom through which the ring on the end of the Gates of Hell protruded.

I was handed another concoction.

“Drink it down quickly.”

I compiled. It was a double shot of whiskey. I was already feeling mindfucked from whatever else had been given to me this evening. I was horny, happy, and careful like a drink. This only seems to exacerbate all those feelings.


I drank all large mouthful of mouthwash and swirled it around my mouth several times before spitting it into a large bowl provided to me.

One of the acalytes bent in front of me. She parted the bottom of my robe and snapped a leash on the Gates of Hell ring. I was blindfolded once more. My hands were secured behind me. A white thin robe was wrapped around me and tied in front.

“The time has arrived. Relax, obey, enjoy.”

I could hear a door opening. Even though I was virtually blind I sensed bright lights. I was led through the doorway by the gentle tugging on the leash and guided by my arms. I was aware of a dull murmur and a few louder indistinct voices. There were people around me.

I was firmly grasped by myupper arms and moved to a particular spot. Hands grabbed each of my limbs. My legs were spread and my ankles secured tightly. My cock was raging against the thong. Hands held the rest of my body firmly in place.

There was silence now. Some kind of classical music was playing in the background. It might have been Bolero. A pair of hands touched my shoulders and the robe was slowly slipped off of me. There were a few exclamations as my body was revealed to the audience. I was now only wearing the white thong. This was a total turn-on for me and my cock pushed harder against his restraint.

My hands were released and then refasted above my head off to the side so my limbs formed an X. The felt the leash being unsnapped. I felt totally exposed and vulnerable. My cock loved it.

Then the blindfold was removed from my eyes.

I went from total darkness to bright lights shining in my eyes. Black to white but just as blind. As my pupils adjusted I became aware that I was on a sort of stage in front of an audience. Most I couldn’t make out but everyone I did see was wearing a face mask.

A figure appeared to my left. It was a tall woman with long black hair wearing black latex and carrying a large pair of scissors with which she was snipping the air with regularly like Edward Scissorhands. As she came closer I saw she was carrying a large paddle with holes in it. She stood next to me and gave me several whacks on my ass. I struggled not to cry out in pain.

As I was recovering from that she took the scissors and cut my thong, freeing my cock. Again there was an audience reaction, this time more audible.

This was one of my deeper fans that I had put on the area of ​​the form. It was one I fantasized about but didn’t really want to happen in real life; to be stripped naked in front of a crowd and tied up. It was a my oldest sexual fantasy from well before puberty. I was glad this was happening now. My cock was so hard it almosthurt. I glanced down at it and it looked like it had grown two sizes.

“You are proud of your cock?”

I put on a bold front. “Yes.”

The pain that serines my left cheek was harder by far than anything I had ever felt before and totally unexpected. I let out a sharp cry as a tear came to my eye.

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied.

“You won’t be needed it.”

I briefly wondered where Mercy was.

From behind me I felt a stick being tightened around my wait.

“You will do whatever is asked of you. Eagerly.”

“Yes Ma’am”

I felt my cock being tugged at. I looked down to see a hand feed a leather stick through the ring on the end of the cock stick. My cock was pulled until it was pointing straight down. I felt the thin leather strap on my ass cheats and realized that it was attached to the belt on both sides just behind the waist like a leather jock strap and then looped down through the cock ring.

The butt plug was removed from my ass. It was replaced by something very slippery and I guessed I was getting lubed up. A strap-on belt and dildo were attached to me where my cock would have been.

I was released and led to the front of the stage where a masked woman in a white robe was sitting. She was wearing a light crown. I decided to call her the Queen.

She signed someone behind me. My ass was smoked hard. I cried out.

“Silence!”, said the Queen. She paused to look me over.

“Lick me.”

I fell to my knees. This yanked my cock back a little farther. I winced as I buried my face in her lap as she pulled her robe open. She was wet already. I began to lick her all over, using the techniques I had learned all week. At a couple of points I received hard smacks on the ass and took that as a signal to change what I was doing.

She slowly made her way towards orgasm. Two of the acolytes were standing near her and attended to her breasts.

I felt hands cares my ass and then suddI was tender. The hands left. When they came back one grabbed my imprisoned cock. It was lubed and then stroked it while the other hand, also lubed, played with my anus. I kept at my duty.

The hands left. They returned all cleaned off and grabbed my cheeks and squeezed hard. I felt something touch my anus and then I was quickly penetrated by what I hoped was a dildo. It remained mostly in one place. It felt great against my prostrate, even with an occasional slap on the cheek. I did my Kegels and that intensified things.

I could feel the Queen beginning her orgasm. I intensified my licking, encouraged by more whacks on my ass, and she exploded in a thrashing orgasm, grabbing my head and holding it against her crotch as she waited in ecstasy.

As soon as she was done she scrambled down on to the floor underneath me. She grabbed the straw-on and inserted it into her pussy. She activated something and it began to vibrate and grind. The body behind me closed down on my back and I was relieved to feel a pair of breasts mash against my upper back. She began to move me in and out of the Queen while she was fucking me.

The Queen began to orgasm once more. She was stunning, at least what I could see of her. I love to watch women’s faces as they come. They are so beautiful and turn me on. I wanted so badly to unleash myself and give her a real cock. She was doing fine with this one, having orgasm after orgasm. I felt excitement building in myself but knew I couldn’t cum.

I heard the woman behind me climaxing, I didn’t know if the dildo she was fucking me with was double headed or if she was getting assistance. The Queen finally was overwhelmed and escaped from under me and the woman behind me began to pound my ass fast and hard, coming loudly and continuously,

I felt something growing in me I had never felt before and pleasure explored in me like I had come but I felt nothing in my balls. It was amazing. I wanted more.

She slowed down and pulled out of me. I thought I heard some applause. I was helped to my feet and the acolytes cleaned me up. They led me to a bed. Something was secured tightly to my head. I saw another dildo emerging from my forehead.

Two women came out of the audience. Like everyone else I saw that night they were good looking. One sat astride my face facing backward. I licked her pussy as best as I could. Her juices streamed down my face. She must have already been aroused because she came quickly.

She rose up slightly and it was then I saw a slinky black cat tattoo high on her left thigh. She positioned herself above my forehead and sat down on the dildo there with a moan of pleasure. The other woman knelt between my legs. She lifted them up in the air. Cat reached for my calves and began to use them for leverage.

Cat began fucking herself with the straw-on on my head, yanking on my legs to pull it in deep. Every time she pulled on my legs my cock wasjerked down towards my ass. Even so it was exciting for me, it was totally new and I got to see the bottom of her breasts flying back and forth above me. Cat quickly built herself towards an orgasm.

As she built in intensity I was aware of a probing of my ass again. The women who was between my legs was kneeing and fucking me with a bigger stick-on. She wrapped her arms around my legs also and began rocking in tune with Cat.

I was being used by two beautiful women for their own pleasure in front of a crowd and I was loving it. Their beautiful naked bodies were on top of me, their breasts flying back and forth in tune. I lost myself in that. Cat looked at me and at her partner. Her face went intense and then melted as she flew into a monster orgasm. Her partner followed her. I felt like I was outside my body as I experienced another ethereal orgasm.

Cat and her partner recovered and left me. An acolyte came in and cleaned me up once more. My arms were stretchedout in a cross formation and secured at the elbow. The acolytes disappeared and a group of women emerged from the crowd. .

The first one straddled my stomach facing away from me and sat on the strap-on dildo. I saw another one go behind her and soon I felt my ass being penetrated. A third one came and sat near my forehead and road the dildo there. The fourth straddled my upper chest and then sat on my face. I Instinctively began to lick her pussy. I felt my wrists being grabbed and then my hands were each fondling a pussy.

So much was happening to me. Someone was stroking my bound cock with lubed hands. That felt good. My prostrate was getting fucked. My tongue and hands were working hard. My hands were grabbed and funneled so the tips of my fingers were together and then they were fucked.

The women were using me and pleasing each other. I saw glimpses of their hands and tongues all over the place. I feel my body fighting to come against the straws inhibiting it. Itwas torture. It was fantastic.

One of the women began to come and that started a chain reaction. I felt pussies clenching my hands, juices dripping all over my body. I heard cries of pleasure in several different patterns and several different tones. I felt muscles contracting around me. And then I heard myself scream as I felt the cum surging through my insides trying to make it out. I couldn’t tell if any escaped. I was still horny.


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