The Couple

My husband and I possessed an interest in D/S and BDSM activities, we had played around with every variation of the theme. I had served him, he had served me, at times things seem to work, other times they didn’t; the desire remained but things were never truly fulfilling, according to we had decided to ‘just not go there any more’. It had been months since these erotic thoughts had entered my mind, then the invitation came to a friend’s garden party, she was so very proud of her roses.

I meet a group of confident and intelligent women, the conversations were wonderful; I felt very comfortable with one woman in particular. We had a lengthy discussion getting to know one another, somehow we arrived at a discussion involving D/S relationships. This is the basis of this story, I am sharing with you, the readers.

About a month after the fateful meeting, my husband and I had just finished dinner, moving to relax in the living room. I carefully broached the subject of trying again to bring D/S play back into our lives. He was interested and proved his interest in becoming my slave. I told him that I wanted to formalize the agreement, we spent a couple of hours creating a contract which we signed and he became my property, my unlimited slave. I used my new property to satisfy my needs leaving him caged and horny; as appropriate for a newly acquired slave. I spent the next few days using my slave as a domestic service, to firmly establish my dominance and his submission. It was now time to put the plan into action. I ordered the slave to knee in front of me.

“I have something very special for us both planned for today. I am commanding you to obey completely without question. You are forbidden to speak and you will follow my directions exactly. Go shower and dress in a pair of shorts, sandals and a t-shirt, nothing more.”

The slave gave me a questioning look. “Now, and get back here as quickly as you can.”

My slave obeyed, I used the opportunityunity to put my to go bag in the car. After the slave returned to knee before me, I commanded him to the car.

“Just sit quietly, we are going for a short drive.”

At the first stop, after we had driven through downtown, I commanded the slave to remove the t-shirt although there was a bit of hesitation; the shirt came off. I drove another couple of miles turning onto a side road, I stopped to hand the slave a blindfold and gag commanding it put them on, to remove the shorts then to slide forward on the seat. My slave gave me that same questioning look.

“NOW SLAVE, you are mine to do with as I please.”

The command was obeyed, I pulled it’s arms behind the back and locked the wrists. I drove the remain several miles arrive in front of my new friend’s home. After I parked, I stepped around the car to get my slave out; after standing the slave next to the car, I tighten the gag and blindfold, added a strap pulling the elbows together, added cuffs with a chain to the ankles, and attached a lean to the cock cage then lead my helpless slave to the house.

As I approached the front door, I stopped the slave commanding it to remove the sandals. “the next time I stop you, knee immediately, make sure you are spread and the head held up.” I opened the door leading the slave a few feet into the foyer of the house, I stopped, my slave immediately knelt as commanded. “slave you are now kneeing before a woman that is now your Mistress, obey her.”

The exchange as best as I can remember:

“slave, I am going to remove your gag. Do not speak.”

Mistress reached forward and removed the gag, the slave remained quiet.

“slave, I am going to ask you some questions, I want short direct answers.”

“yes Mistress”

“What are you?”

“a slave Mistress”

“Whom do you serve, who owns you?”

“this slave is owned by and serves my Goddess”

“Before you choose slavery, did you have things, property?”

“yes Mistress”

“What happens to those things?”

“as is this slave, the things became my Goddess’s property”

Mistress then commanded the slave to open it’s mouth and replaced the gag and for the first time removed the blindfold. Mistress reached over removing the lean my hand, dropping it in front of the slave. She gently took my hand leading me to stand in front of the slave.

“slave I am now going to explain why you were brought here.”

Mistress turned to me and commanded ‘strip slave’ I stripped and knelt. Mistress placed her collar around my neck, bound my wrists behind my back and gagged me.

“This woman submitted herself, as my slave, my property a few days ago, and as you so clearly defined; I now own a pair of self confessed slaves. slaves stand to be lead to your new life under my ownership.”

Mistress picked up the leash attached to her slave’s cage then connected a leash to my collar leading her new acquisitions to their fate deeper into Mistress’s home.

Note to the readers: now that the story has established my true identity, a slave. Mistress, my owner, discovered my efforts to write this story and has decided that she would take over writing a few lines for you the reader.

I had been invited to my old friend Barbara’s garden party, after initially thinking I would skip it, I decided ‘what the hell, it couldn’t be that bad; I did like roses’. What turned out to be one of the forestmost decisions I had made in a long time. As with all garden parties the best part was the opportunity to meet and engage in light conversation. When I met her, there was an immediate chemistry, our talk moved quickly from lighthearted chat to something deeper. I felt driven to push the discussion to relationships discovering she possessed an interest in D/S.

You see I am a hard core Dominant, always interested in feeding my needs. I read this delightful woman as an unfulfilled submissive; I felt compelled to explore the possibilities. Atminimum she was open to growing a new friend. That evening I decided to go for it, called her with a invitation to lunch the next day which she enthusiastically accepted.

The lunch and the company were wonderful, after a couple of glasses of wine, I had managed to get the saga of her and her husband’s efforts in trying to establish the type of relationship they both so craved. It was very clear to me why the efforts had failed to work, they’re both submissive. I became excited at the possibility of having a couple to play with. Yes, first I would hook her, then add the other half; l would enjoy the challenge no matter the outcome. We parted company firmly enthralled with our new connection.

That night I fell asleep dreaming of the possibilities, the dreams became so intense that I could not help myself, I had to act! I composed and sent her an email, explaining that I understand the dynamics causing the failure of her attempts to establish the desired relationship andthat I had a plan to help her fix it and if she was interested, she could stop by anytime to discuss it.

Just after breakfast two days later, she knocked on my front door; it was time to roll the dice hoping to reach my desired goal. We set on my back patio, enjoying a bit of coffee. I waited for her to ask, I told her that I had strong connection with her and that I felt sure she was experiencing the same bond, which she confirmed. I politely asked her to bear with me as explaining my thoughts would take a few minutes, she nodded in agreement.

“I am a dominant, and I don’t do lovers; I use slaves. There in lies my solution to your situation, simply submit yourself as my slave.” She expressed concern and asked about her husband.

“I have a solution for that also, we will use his submissive nature against him. Playing with a pair of slaves is a Dominant’s dream.”

Her mouth dropped open, stuttering, she managed to say that she would need to think about it. Noticingthe way she squirmed in the chair, I knew that eventually she would be mine. Six days later, she knocked on my door; I let her in, she stepped four steps into the foyer, stripped her clothes, dropped to her knees and began to be enslaved. I allowed her to worship my feet before accepting her submission, I had her crawl behind me as I lead her to the patio we had used a few days before. Kneeling her in front of my chair, I bound her wrists behind her back then blindfolded her.

After removing my panties, I set down in the chair, saying “you are my slave, I will accept nothing short of absolute obedience, now listen carefully to what I am about to say as you serve me”.

I pulled the slave’s face between my legs and she passwordately worshipped me. After reaching a long overdue orgasm, I knelt her up now covered in my come. I explained, I would do nothing that would be visible to my slave until I had taken control of the other half of my couple; the slave seemed relieved. I then asked her with carrying out my plan to capture my future male slave. After again using the slave’s tongue, I sent it along to begin executing that plan.

Note to readers – I thought it would be appropriate for the male to fill in his side of the story. The slave has been commanded to write his experience through the events.

We had just finished dinner, when my wife approached me about trying the D/S play once again, very strongly expressing that we would make it work this time; she wanted me to submit. After I agreed, she had us work together to create a single page contract, new for her, maybe this would be different. I signing the contract, I was stripped and a cage was placed on what was now Goddess’s cock; she used my tongue for a couple of orgasms, leaving her slave without and very aroused.

I spent the next few days performing domestic chores, mostly naked and sometimes bound; she worked at keeping her slave on edge but no sex. I was cleaning up afterserving Goddess her morning coffee, when she commanded me to knee before her, I was commanded to shower and dress in a t-shirt, shorts and sandals and to return to knee in front of her and to be quick about.

Although questioning, I obeyed the command. Goddess sent me to sit in the car, I was left wondering what was going on. After driving through town, at the first stop light, Goddess began removing my clothes, directing that the t-shirt be removed. After arriving in a bit more sparse area, Goddess parked along the side of the road, handing me a gag and blindfold to put on then directed this slave to remove the shorts, I hesitated; Goddess firmly directed my compliance. I obeyed, being guided forward on the seat, my hands were locked behind my back.

Goddess resumed the drive, this slave had no idea what or where but was Throughly excited to find out. When the car stopped, this slave was helped out to stand next to the car, Goddess tighten the slave’s bondage, adding an elbow strap and chained cuffs at the ankles. A leash was attached to the cock cage, this helpless slave was lead forward.

After walking some distance, Goddess stopped commanding her slave to remove the sandals and to correctly knee immediately at the next stop; whatever was happening this slave would enter it fully naked except the bindings used by it’s owner. Moving only a few feet forward, Goddess stopped, her slave immediately knelt, knees spread, head up. Goddess told her slave that her property was now kneeling before a woman, whom is now the Mistress directing obedience.

Mistress stepped forward commanding this slave not to speak and removed the gag. A series of questions were asked in what seemed to be testing this slave’s level of submission. Mistress asked four questions then replaced the gag and pulled the blindfold off. This slave was confronted by an attractive, middle-age woman, judging by her clothes, a very committed dominant woman. Mistress reached out taking Goddess by the hand, leading her in front of me turned to face me.

Mistress explained I was to learn why I had been brought here. Mistress turned commanded Goddess to strip and knee then bound her hands behind her back, gagged her and placed a collar around her neck. This slave was helpless to react with more than the thought this woman now owns two slaves. Mistress stood her slaves, attached a lean to the female’s collar, directing eyes keep to the floor, then lead the pair deeper into the home. The trio stopped in Mistress playroom, the slaves were commanded to their knees, Mistress removed this slave’s gag asking. “What are you?”

“Your slave, your property. Mistress.”

Note to readers – I had so much pleasure introducing my new slaves to my ownership that I am returning to write, rekindling the rapture of that day.

My first goal was to get the male to submit to my ownership, once the slave did; I now had two slaves that had declared my ownership. I was so very excited to introduce the pair to my world where they would serve and suffer for my pleasure.

“slaves you have already said you are willing to obey or you would not be here, you may live to regret that choice. Understand obedience will be ensured by force.”

I would begin my ownership ritual with the female slave, I had the slave sit on the table attaching her ankles to the corners of the table, then released the hands tying them to the opposite corners; never allowing the slave to not feel helpless. I stood and moved the male to the x frame overlooking the slave spread eagle across the table. Using the same procedure, starting with the ankles, the male slave was spread on the x frame. I pulled the handle bringing the slave against the frame and lifting it from the floor, hanging to watch what I intended for my female slave.

“slaves, I have standards for my property both to be pleasant to my eyes but also to emphasize your choice in becoming nothing more than owned livestock. I plan to complete those modifications today.”

I stepped over to the female, “I am going to remove the gag now, feel free to scream or moan as needed, do not speak without my command to do so”.

Using a laser and hot wax, I began removing my slave’s body hair; when finished the female would be permanently hairless below the neck. As I finished, I placed a vibrator against the slave’s bare cunt.

“I have always appreciated the look of bald headed female slaves, but not today. What do think slave?”

The slave whispered as Mistress desires. With the vibrator against the bare cunt, I now owned, and commanding the slave to beg to be decorated with symbols of ownership and slavery. My property’s begging turned to screams as pushed the heated needle through the engorged nipple installing the first ring followed immediately with the second. The vibrator had drawn forth the slave’s clip making it easy to pierce and ring the hood, this ring held a small short chain with an attached tag saying ‘property of Mistress Valentina’.

“slave you are obviously marked as mine, I name you slave g. What is your name slave?”

The female responded with slave g. I removed g from the table securing the ankles and wrists behind the back with steel cuffs and chain. I backed g against a post, attaching the collar, adding straps just below the freshly ringed tits, just above the knees and about the ankles, my slave would stand rigid against the post overlooking the table; I looked proudly at my property now modified to my specifications. Now for the male!

I carefully moved the male from the x-frame, to be fully spread on the table. “slave I am going to remove the gag and the cage, I know you have been locked for a while but you had best not come; as with g screams and moans are expected, no words unless I direct it.”

I began the removal of my properties hair, the screams came when I pulled the cooled wax from the groin, after what must have seemed like forever for the slave it was now permanently bare below the neck; the slave’s face was also treated making shaving no longer necessary, although it’s head was bare, I did not make it permanent, just in case it needed to be grown out should I decide to feminize my property.

I reached down to manipulate the cock I owned, commanding the slave to beg to be decorated with the jewelry displaying my ownership. The Begging turned to screams as I installed the first nipple ring followed quickly by the second. I continued to work the cock, I needed it hard to find the correct place to install the ring holding a chain with attached tag while still being able to use a cock ring or cage. The piercing was placed where the base of the cock and the ball sack meet, the slave now wore a tag with ‘property of Mistress Valentina’ engraved on it.

“I will call you 2, what is your name slave?”

My slave responded with 2, after slapping my slave, 2 responded with 2 Mistress. IThen removed 2 from the table placing a collar and chains as I did with the female. My efforts had driven me crazy with desire, leaving 2 helplessly kneeing, I released the female from the pole commanding g to knee facing 2. After connect my slaves collars and blindfolding each, these slaves had not earned the right to see me intimately. I moved between my slaves, allowing 2 access to my pussy and slave g to my ass, commanding their tongues to get active and service me.

I used their efforts to reach two massive orgasms, moving away I directed the slaves to kiss and lick each other sharing the fluids that had been bestowed upon them. I found great joy in watching my now hairless, decorated, chained slaves so enthusiastically share my come. I redressed, removed the blindfolds and the connector between the collars; then commanded my property to Follow.

I walked to the back patio, removed my shoes commanding my slaves to knee and worship my feet.

“Listen slaves and doNot speak; day one is almost over, all I require now is listening. First, everything that has occurred here in my home has been recorded, not only for my entertainment, and not that I think either of you are capable, but as insurance should you ever try to escape your owner. g behind you to the left is a binder, get it. It contains my rules, behaviors and guidance which you will both memorize immediately; in the future I will hold you accountable for any delay. 2 there is large bag behind you fetch it. This bag contains items to be used in following the structure of your new owned life. slave g do you recognize these?”

I showed my slave the bra and panties that were wound earlier, after cutting them in to pieces.

I looked down at my property and stated: “they are no longer allowed ever; the only exception being a bra that supports but leaves my ringed nipples fully visible. 2 the rule applies to you also. Lastly, all slaves are naked and chained in my home, I just love the look and the continuous feeling of power. I am now sending you to my slave quarters, what was your home, no chains are required there, however immediately strip and remain so at all times within the quarters. Remove the bindings, dress and leave, do not speak until you are again naked in the quarters while there show each other affect, no sex including masturbation. I will give you the key to the chains, once the front closes behind you, unlock and GO.”

Note to readers – This is slave g, this slave will be writing the remainder of day one.

It must have been shell shock or something, but Mistress’s slaves did not speak until naked at home, err Mistress’s slave quarters. The first thing out of this slave’s mouth were apologies and the explanation, expecting romantic adventures not this. My husband, now 2, replied that it didn’t matter now as we were slaves and the likelihood of that changing was zero. He suggested we treat the piercings, eat something and begin to study Mistemper’s rules. Putting together a quick salad, the slaves sat down and opened the binder. The first page, in large lettering, said – slaves, THESE ARE THE WORDS OF YOUR OWNER, ON YOUR KNEES BEFORE CONTINUING. We looked at each, he said:


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