The Computer Guy

She wasn’t expecting this group session to be any different than sessions of the past when a knock was heard at the door, her boyfriend answered and the computer guy entered. He made his way to the computer and began to sort out the technical difficulties her boyfriend had been experiencing. Little did she know that the computer guy was also planning to join in the group fun later in the afternoon. She wasn’t particularly impressed with the guy, but any help was appreciated and if her boyfriend was happy that was a good thing. The computer problems were soon solved and the guy made himself comfortable as they waited for others to arrive. The first group session went well, everyone left satisfied. But then shortly after the computer guy returned and she thought ‘doesn’t this guy have a home?’ no one had explained to her that he had been invited to both sessions by her boyfriend- which was a move he may regret later.

The second group session was a lot of fun, and from then on in, future sessions always seem to include the computer guy, who for all his arrogance turned out to be one of the best fist fuckers she had ever experienced. But it wasn’t just his fist and it wasn’t just the sex she found herself being drawn to; She didn’t know why, but she knew she was attracted, indeed drawn to this guy. Who at first she had next to no time for but within a few months, at a very memorable fist fuck session, she realized she just couldn’t get enough and once again it was not just the sex, although the fist fucking was in a class of it’s own. But when she looked at him, there was something, a depth and since the eyes are the doorway to the soul, she feared that if she stared at him for too long, she would fall into…his soul…and dropped. But she just couldn’t help herself, the more she got to know him, the more she wanted to get to know him and then they both realized that she was submissive an he, dominant. In fact he already knew this but was just waiting for the right time to reveal himself to her in a manner that wouldn’t scare her away.

They met several times in private, sharing their innermost perverted sexual desires, intotoxicating each other with not only words but actions, he began to take her to places she only ever dreamed existed and some she hadn’t realized she had wanted to go to for so very long. Yet never leaving the privacy and comfort of her home all the while becoming more comfortable in his company, to the point that the sexual scenarios that were now a reality were something she craved like an alcoholic craves alcohol.

The more he slapped her the more she wanted to be slapped the more he hit her the more she wanted to be hit – as boundaries an taboos vanished, the bond between the two strengthened. Beyond words, beyond sex, as she became more reliant upon him to guide her through her journey, Their two souls merged. Yet all the while he was taking more and more of her heart body and soul, making her feel so content,so wanted, so needed, so Owned…

He was her safe place and now she was HOME.

The very first time he visited her flat, he brought a box of what he referred to as, ‘toys’. They watched her own personal copy of “Story of O” in total silence. She always found silence uncomfortable, the proverbial calm before the storm. Was he enjoying the movie? Was he bored? She would have to wait until the movie was over and he walked to the box, remaining silent. He found some rope, pantyhose and wooden clothes pegs. Knelt by her, she instinctively knew when to move towards, to obey his unspoken words. To submit.

He began to bind her tits with the pantyhose, watching and enjoying them as they became a deep red color and even more bulbous than usual, the skin shiny and feeling somewhat tight. Like a calm skin stretched over a barrel that made a drum of yesterday. As her nipples became hard and erect he placed the wooden clothes pegs on them. She bit her bottom lip. He smiled, that ‘ha!I gotcha’ kinda smile.

As the pantyhose slackened, he would reinforce them, occasionally exchanging them for the ropes. The roughness of which rubbed her tits, she tried suggesting something else. He spoke – at last – sarcastically inquiring “Who is in charge of this relationship?”. Relationship?! she thought, he had only been in her flat an hour and already he thought it was a relationship and that he was in charge!? And even though she wasn’t sure what he was thinking she somehow know that she would be better off just obeying him, for now anyway.

Her mind had wondered away as he swiftly took the pegs off her nipples .


She didn’t know if to cry or what, as he replied “What, I didn’t feel a thing”. This response of indifference made her smile almost laugh. But just as quickly as he appeared to have lightened up, he shoved his fist in her cunt and with the recognition of such wetness he sneered. Continuing to fist her til the pleasure bordered on pain.Buwasn’t it pain she enjoyed? Did she know what she wanted let alone enjoyed?

Unfortunately she wasn’t to be rewarded with an orgasm as he stood, wiping his cum sodden fist across her face. And just as dismissively, shoving his hard cock down her throat. With his hands holding her head he fucked her face as if he hadn’t fucked for so long. Now that his cum was shot down her throat, he stood back ,arms crossed, as he looked down at her. Her cunt oozing cum… her cum.

Her breathing slowed ’til she felt relaxed sinking back into her leather armchair. The ropes removed. And he was packing up ready to leave, although the box of toys would stay for yet another time. They stood at the door, her mind not capable of making any real conversation. Standing so close she could feel his breath on her face, a kiss would’ve been the perfect way to end a great first ‘date’ but as she lent in to be ‘pashed’, she assumed; he pecked her cheek, turned and walked. She stood alone at the door, confused, not understanding why the day ended as it did. Not understanding him or how he thought, would become very much of a bone of contention for her. But she was stubborn and would continue to try to understand the computer guy, who had begun to take her on a journey, the likes of which she never expected.


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