The Con-Non-Con Club

When I discovered the Con-Non-Con Club website, my hand instantly found its way between my legs. Gently struggling myself, I browsed through the website and testimonials of those who had been lucky enough to have been selected. The website catered for those who had the fantasy of being ‘consensual raped’.

For me, initially, the idea of ​​’consensual rape’ sounded horrific. I had no interest at all. Although being interested in soft BDSM play, I didn’t want to go any further than that. Then one night, I was out celebrating being single from an abusive relationship with a man named Martin. It had been a couple of months since I’d broken up with him, but I was finally ready to go looking again. Unfortunately, he wasn’t happy with me leaving him and decided he wanted me to himself. Martin spiked my drink and ended up walking me home. I woke up the next morning bruised, in pain and outside on a lane somewhere. I knew something felt wrong but I had no memory of the night before. Duringthat day, flashes of the night before replayed in my mind like fragments of a nightmare. I went to the police and after being subjected to a few tests, my fears were confirmed. Martin was arrested but that didn’t come close to making up for what he took from me.

After that dreadful night, I didn’t even go on a date with another man for at least a year. Every time I walked home at night on my own, I was petrified. I hadn’t even been out drinking since that night. The experience had made me a recluse, scared of her very own shadow. I hated what he had done to me. Barely a shell of who I used to be and that was all down to him.

Recovery started to come after I read a story from a fellow survivor on Twitter. She had signed up for a website called ‘The Con-Non-Con Club’. The website offered an experience where The applicant was kidnapped and used sexually and abused in a controlled environment. At first, I was shocked at what I had read but the woman who wrote the story explained how much it had helped her. It helped her cope with what had been done to her in a controlled environment. She was able to stop it at any time should it be too much and the staff would instantly stop and support her. The site also had a forum for survivors to talk to each other and help them try to deal with what had been taken from them.

After reading that article, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every morning I went to work, I barely spoke to my colleagues and I worked hard through the day before leaving to go home. Every man that looked my way, whether it be a colleague, someone on the bus or someone walking near me made me cower and withdraw into myself. Then one night, probably four months after reading that article, I was walking home. A man was walking towards me on the same side of the street. Suddenly I was breathless and I panicked. Running as fast as I could, I struggled to breathe and I was completely petrified. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor from wherere I had lost my footing. The man rushed over to me, nothing but concern on his face but when he offered to lift me up, I punched him and ran away. The pure look of shock on his face stick with me as I entered my flat, locked the door and collapsed crying on the floor.

That night, I decided to sign up for the ‘Con-Non-Con-Club’. There was no promise that everyone who signed up would be seen and there was no time frame in which they would be seen if they were. Just the act of signing up changed something inside of me, it was like I was finally starting to fight back. I didn’t care if I was chosen from the website or not to be ‘consensually raped’, today was the start of a new me. I will not cower any more at the actions of a monster like that. Fuck you, Martin, Fuck you.

Nine months had passed since I signed up for the website. I spent all my time there talking to other survivors and it helped me massively. I felt stronger, I was still afraid of walking alone but I refused to let it define who I was. Listening to others claim their experiences with the club made me want to experience it more and more and more though it was looking more and more unlikely since over nine months had passed since I applied.

The next morning I waited for the bus into the city to do my shopping. Once a month I did this, I hated going into the city when it was busy to do shopping so it means I had to get the early bus in. Living in a very small village means that I had to often travel into the city, both for work and shopping. The village was old and had fewer than one-hundred inhabitants. We had one small shop that sold hardly anything worthwhile, one pub and that was about it. Even the bus stop to go into the city was on the outskirts of the village, a good twenty-minute walk from my house. It was five-thirty in the morning and it seemed no one else was awake, as always was the case when I went to leave for shopping at this time.

A bright light lit the misty winter morning and I was blinded for a second before my bus stopped. I hoped on as normal, flashing my ticket to the driver without even looking at him, I was never good in the mornings. There were quite a few people on the bus, more than ten, but there were an empty couple of seats near the middle so I sat down there and looked out the window.

A little way into the journey, I noticed a young man keep turning to look at me and then look away. When our eyes met, he smiled and came over, sitting down next to me whilst I uneasily shifted towards the window. He wished me a good morning and introduced himself as Justin but didn’t say anything else. Instead, his eyes, rather creepily I should add, travelled up and down my body, he smiled when his gaze met mine once again. As I leaned further away from him, he shifted closer to me and I started to feel trapped. He leaned over to me, his mouth almost touching my ear as he whispered the surrounding words I’d been hoping to hear for the past nine months. “We’re from the Con-Non-Con Team, have fun.”

It was like a switch had been switched on as suddenly everyone got up from their seats on their bus and surrounded me. This was it! I thought to myself, bracing myself for what was to come. Justin ripped off my thin jacket and then my blouse, throwing them both onto the floor. I looked around, my mind struggling to keep up with all the activity around me as the woman who was sitting at the back of the bus pulled out a knife and cut my bra off of me. My instant reaction was to cover up but a pair of muscle arms pulled my arms behind me and held them there with ease. Justin unzipped his jeans and without warning, shoved his cock down my throat. There were so many people around me and I was overwhelmed by all of it. The humiliation of being used this way and being on display, how powerless I felt, trapped on this stationary bus in the middle of nowhere, But then I wasn’t powerless, I wasn’t trapped. I could end this any time I wanted, I was in control here. With newfound strength, I let the con-non-con team manhandle me as Justin pulled out, and ejaculated over my face, only to be replaced by another man.

In a fully aroused state, I grabbed another man’s cock in each hand and began pleasing three people. Encouraged, the man in front grabbed me by the back of the head and thrust himself in my deep. It was then that I felt my skirt and panties being removed as well leaving me completely exposed. I just about saw someone throwing my clothes out of the window over the people around me.

Once I had pleased all the men orally on the bus, it was the women’s turn. There were two women who sat patiently in the back seat. Justin pushed me to the floor and pulled me by my ponytail as he made me crawl to one of them. She was about my age and she smiled wickedly as she opened her legs and Justin pushed my face deep into her cunt. The woman was already wet after watching me being used by all the men and I was encouraged to work harder with my tongue as my nose was pushed right up to her clip and rubbed on it. I struggled to breathe as the woman held me close to her, but judging by the sounds she was making, I was doing a good job.

Suddenly I was shocked and in pain as I felt someone slap their hand hard across my ass. I tried to turn around to prepare myself for another blow but my face was pushed harder into the woman’s cunt. As I moaned out in pain, she moaned louder in pleasure and in barely any time she very loudly orgasmed. My job wasn’t done there however as I was then dragged to the other woman next to her and had my face shoved into her cunt. I was still being spanked and this woman was rougher than the last. She pulled hard on my head and ordered me around, guiding me in how to please her best. I did as she said, my mind still running at one hundred miles per hour.

When the other women had all been brought to climax by me, I was dragged to my feet by my hair. Someone stoodBehind me, spread my legs with his feet and held my hands behind my back. I saw a queue form down the aisle to the front of the bus. Through teary eyes, I looked up to see the first in line, it was Justin. I was shaking, covered in sweat and cum, my mind was racing still, trying to take in every detail and cope with everything going on around me, but I knew I was still in control. I could stop all this with one word if I wanted.

Justin, without saying a word, spat on my face, slapped me and pinched both of my nipples, holding on to them as he forced me to knee. I cried out in shock from the treatment, humiliated that I had been spat on. He then choked me until I opened my mouth and then shoved his cock down my throat. Although not even being touched myself, I could feel how soaked I was between my legs. I knew I’d been fantasising about this day for almost a year, for many reasons, but I never expected to enjoy it as much as I had. A part of me had expected to have flashbacks andthe whole experience to be overwhelming. Right now, however, with Justin face-fucking me, and a queue of naked men and women waiting to use and abuse me behind him, the only thing that was overwhelming was how aroused I was feeling. If someone didn’t touch me soon I might explode.

Justin came right down my throat and pulled out giving me a hard slap on each chef. The next person in the line was the woman I’d only just made climax and she had a wicked look on her face. Like Justin, she started by spitting on me but then she slapped my face over and over as the man behind me held my arms behind my back. My cheeses felt like they were on fire but she continued her assault. She then placed her leg in between my legs and had me hump her shin. My eyes lowered to the floor, too humiliated to meet the gaze of any of the laughing spectators. As humiliating as it was though, I appreciated the chance to get some pleasure myself. The crowd cheered me on as I got close to climax but the woman removed her leg suddenly, slapped me a few more times and then moved away, only to be replaced by the next person in the queue.

Over the next hour, I was used repeatedly, spat on almost fifty times, slapped and abused. Oh, and I still hadn’t been allowed to cum. That didn’t stop everyone from teasing me though. My mind was in a haze, trying to concentrate on pleasure those who were using me and not my unbearable need for release. The last person in the queue wasn’t making that easy for me. She was expertly teasing my clip with her tongue whilst finger fucking me. Unfortunately, she, like everyone else was brilliant at reading all the telltale signs I apparently gave off and every time I got close to climax, she paused, continuing when I had relaxed a little. When she had finished teasing me, she had me on my knees looking up whilst she climbed putting one foot on the seat on either side of me so I was directly underneath her dripping cunt. Without warning, she began to pee allover me. I cried out in indignation at the act but in truth, the humiliation just made me wetter.

If I thought I was getting any rest after seeing everyone in the queue, I was wrong. The person who had been holding me pulled some rope out of a bag and began expertly binding a harness around my breasts and shoulders. He then tied a length of rope to one of the metal poles on the ceiling of the bus and began to hoist me up so that I was floating face down, hovering a few feet off of the ground. As if it had been planned beforehand, which it probably had, two men placed a condom on their own cocks and positioned themselves in front and behind me. The one behind me positioned himself in between my spread legs and began fucking me. After all the teasing I had received earlier, there was no need for lube. He slide in with ease and as I moaned in pleasure, the other guy started fucking my throat. Like with the queue earlier, once the two men had finished, they were replaced by another two. The women were getting in on the act as well, either having me orally please them or wearing a stick-on.

Over and over I was fucked roughly in my ass, cunt and mouth. I had orgasmed very loudly numerous times and my mind felt like mushroom, but in a good way. I was content, sated, humiliated, aching and still incredibly aroused. My weight fell into the arms of the person who held on to me as I was untied. I felt like I was used up, there was nothing more that I could give, but again, I was wrong. I was tied standing to a pole in the middle of the bus, again with my legs spread. It was nighttime outside and I wondered where the time had gone. Music filled the bus and the people started partying around me. As they passed, they would grope me, finger me, or just slap me. I was just a piece of meat to them, that much was very clear. Aside from the moment Justin had introduced himself and everyone here as the ‘Con-Non-Con Team’, no one had addressed me. I was just used, over and over to bring them pleasure and that alone turned me on.

When the party started to end, I saw that it was two in the morning. The day had passed so very quickly and I was a little sad that it was coming to an end. The bus had stopped roughly a mile from my home, I could see my outside lights in the distance. I was pushed out of the bus naked and Justin followed me outside. He forced me onto my knees as a group of men and women circled around me. All of them urinated over me and I just stayed still and took it. I even opened my mouth to taste it, led by my arousal at the degradation. Once each of them had finished, they spat on me and walked away until there was just me and Justin left. He placed a dildo in both my ass and pussy and made me crawl the whole way across the near pitch-black field using just his phone flashlight as a guide. Every time a dildo fall out, he’d pick it up, and slap my face with it before shoving it back in. By the time we reached my house, I was shattered. Justin smiled, announced that this was the end of my experience with his team and asked if I was okay. I couldn’t find any words to describe just how much I loved what I had experienced and how much I felt it had helped me. let alone how much the forums on his site had helped me. I thanked him as I climbed up from all fours and walked up my path to the door, wishing him goodbye.

Waiting for me on the doorstep was a gift package from the ‘Con-Non-Con Team’ with goodies to pamper myself with including a bath bomb and bubbles, a bottle of wine, expensive chocolate, and even a voucher for a spa day to be redeemed when needed. My full-length mirror by the door revealed the state I was in. Clumps of my hair were stuck together from dried semen, I stunk of piss, sweat and cum and my whole body ached. I immediately went for a warm shower and then once clean, I ran the water for a hot bath. As I let my muscles soak in the hot water, memories of the day played through my mind and I couldn’t help but touch myself to them. Going through that experience also made me feel a bit stronger, and a bit less fragile. If Martin had broken me when he committed that awful act, going through the experience I just had helped me rebuild myself, stronger than before. I emptied the water and collapsed, exhausted into bed. With a smile on my face, looking forward to tomorrow for the first time in a long while, one thought crossed my mind. Fuck you, Martin. Fuck you. I am stronger than what you did to me.


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