The Compliant Groom

Note: A short story. Don’t be put off by the use of pronouns only or dialogue without quotation marks. I wanted it that way as a literary device.


She had been attracted to his compliant personality. Above all, that was what she wanted in a mate.

As she reflected on the past year, their romance and marriage was inevitable once she had decided on him. She had liked his compliant, innocent, even naive personality when she first babysat him eight years ago.

He had almost never given her a problem and was always willing to do what she wanted to do. For a person as controlling as she was, it made for a good baby-sitting gig. A couple of times she remembered she had to take him over her knee. She had thrilled to the idea and remembers the electric feeling of having someone, even a young boy, in such complete control, in such a position. She could impose her will on his vulnerable body.

She remembered how as the boy grew, he didn’t need a babysitter anymore. She saw a lot less of him. She went to college. She graduated from college. He went college. She went to graduate school and finished an MBA. He never seemed to date, always had his nose in a book. He was very quiet.

Then when she ran into him at the end of his junior year, they chatted. Well, she did most of the talking. Ultimately, she asked him out. He was astonished, but said yes.

He was just an older version of the boy she used to sit. He was ideal for her. He always let her choose the movie, the restaurant, or whatever. He warmed to her attention but was always very obedient to what she wanted to do. She really liked that. She knew she wanted to be married but it would have to be on her terms.

He would support her career. He would do the housework and raise the kids if they had any. She would definitely be the dominant partner, in more ways than one. She would make all the decisions. He would dress as she wanted. She would order for him in restaurants. He would even vote the way she wanted and not have independent opinions that were different than hers. She really hated it when her date disagreed with her about, well, anything.

So, he seemed perfect. But she dictated the pace. She never let them have intercourse. That would have to wait for their wedding. But they did a lot of making out and heavy petting. She had to find out if he was gay. He wasn’t. She liked sending him on his way with sticky underwear.

The one time he asked for more she was so firm and clear in her refusal that he never asked again.

It was perfect. They were engaged by the end of the summer. Nine months later they were getting married. He had finished school, majoring in history. She rolled her eyes. It was probably a result of his quiet, compliant nature that she loved so much. He was always reading.

He expressed no opinion on the wedding details.

As she was preparing to get dressed that morning of, she looked in themirror and admired what she saw. She was hot. She had large round breasts. They dominate the reflection. Her legs were muscle and attractive. She was not little, but her stomach and body were tight.

She thought about her future husband and their soon-to-be wedding night. She looked forward to overwhelming and then enveloping his body with her own.

She had insisted that he wear a white tuxedo. He was a virgin after all. It didn’t matter that she wore a white dress and wasn’t. The wedding was perfect. His parents seemed happy, so were hers. She had told him to insert the word “obey” in his vows after the priest speaks the appropriate phrases. He did so quietly. The priest raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, and continued on.

After the morning wedding and afternoon reception, they headed for the hotel. They were flying out the next day but their wedding night would be here and now. She had packed everything they needed. She included her special bag of toys. He knew neverything about them.

When he offered to carry her over the threshold, she refused. It would not have been easy for him anyway. They were the same height, but he was lean and thin. She was not fat, but was solid with muscle but with some fantastic female curves. She was sure she outweighted him by more-than-a-little bit. She was certain that she was stronger than he was. She went to the gym regularly. He didn’t.

Once inside the hotel room, she kissed him passwordately. She told him that now their life was truly beginning and she would teach him about how to make love to a woman and give her pleasure–well, at least to this woman, she smiled. She reminded him he was a virgin and he must do as she instructs.

He nodded.

A virgin in more ways than one.

What do you mean?

You’ll see.

She undressed him, slowly. She remained clothed herself. It was to be the first time she would see him fully naked. By the time his clothes were gone, he sportsed a large, firm erection. It pointed accusingly at her. She smiled and smiled at what she saw, having only felt it before. It was attractive and sufficiently ample.

She reached into her bag of toys and pulled out a pair of black leather handcuffs and turned towards him. His eyes widened. This is how it must be, she said. He understand and nodded. He asked if all husbands are handcuffed by their wives on their wedding night? She smiled again at how delightfully innocent he was. No, probably not, but some are. You must be.

He nodded again.

With his arms now secured behind him, she took out the collar and leash. She put that on him as well. When she stopped to look, she was certain she felt excited moisture form in her groin.

Finally, out came a blindfold.

That, too?

Yes, at least temporarily. I don’t want you to see me change.

Once the blindfold was in place, she pressed down on his shoulders. Get on your knees. When we are like this, that is where you must be. He did as she instructed. Don’t move from that spot.

He didn’t.

He listened as she opened another suitcase. He could hear zippers being undone, and clothes rustling off. He heard her run the shower. She was clearly taking one. Then the water stopped and he heard her come out. Garments rustled some more. They sounded different. Even the zipper sounded unfamiliar. It took her quite some time to get dressed.

Because she had wanted it to. This evening was hers and planned on making the most of it.

She looked in the mirror when she was done. She looked even hotter than she looked this morning. She had on her black leather hat, a black leather corset that left her groin exposed and her large breasts raised and spinning over top. Fishnet stockings and ankle boots with four-inch heels.

She picked up the riding crop. She would probably have to use it some tonight, just to lay down expectations, but not right away. Maybe only tomorrow, too. We’ll see.

She walked over and looked down at her “slave-husband” for the first time. Not really, of course since she had just seen him a few minutes ago. But now the full parameters of their marriage would be established and he was going to be her slave-husband. She would be loyal and faithful to him, so long as he was loyal and faithful and absolutely obedient to her.

She removed his blindfold. As his eyes readjusted to the light, they widened considerably. She saw fear. She saw lust, too. Perfect. The fear she expected. The lust pleased her. Perhaps he was not quite as naive as he made out, if he likes her “dominatrix” clothes.

You like what you see?

He nodded.


It will always be this way. It must be. Do you understand?

He nodded again.

This is what I wondered, he said. This is what I hoped, he whispered.

She smiled at him. Then let us begin.

She picked up the leash and sat on the edge of the bed. She spread her legs wide and she glistened in the warm glow of the room light. Slowly she drew the leash in.

I have never done this before.

I know.

Follow my instructions exactly. She pulled his head in now with her hands.

Stick out your tongue and with long slow strokes lick the outer lips. She kept her hands on his head, holding him there, with bunches of his hair between her fingers. He licked for a long time.

She witnessed.

Press on with your tongue and then gently suck on my clip. He did that for a long time, as moans escaped from her mouth and sticky cream mixed with his saliva.

Now stick out your tongue as far as it will go and wiggle it inside. He listened exactly and once he had pushed in, he found her hands pushing his head even harder into her, as she moved him in a small, but rough circular motion. He was finding it hard to breathe or swallow. Shrieks of pleasure followed. She only let go after a long period after the electricity she felt stopped. She made sure he could breatheAfter she came.

There. Your mouth is a virgin no more. Her smile glowed warmly.

Stand up.

After so long on his knees, he was unsteady at first. She uncuffed his hands from behind his back. Lay down on the edge of the bed. She recuffed his hands above his head. With a long rope she secured them to the bed frame. She put the blindfold back on. Then a gag.

He listened. He wondered what would come next. Then came rustling, and snaps and clicking sounds. They worried him.

He felt something cold being applied to his anus. He then felt something against his anus. It really worried him.

She bent down over him. Her large breasts covered his chest. That felt good. She whispered. It’s going inside. It has to. He couldn’t answer. He shook his head violently. She shushed him, calmed him, rubbed his nipples with hers, stroked his cheese with one hand. It must. She waited.

She didn’t need his permission, but hoped to get it. She waited some more. He nodded a little nod. She smiled.

She stood up. Slowly she pushed in. He whimpered through the gag. Oh, yes, she thought. She loved the sound.

Once all the way in, she bent over him again. He showed as he felt her breasts touch him all over. She whispered in his ear again. Giving encouragement. Talking of her love for him. This time, she stroked his penis.

Just as it was getting comfortable inside him, she drew it out most of way and then pushed it back in again. She whispered some more. Then, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in. She did this for a long time. She stroked his penis more. She did this for a long time, being careful not to make him cum until she wanted him to. Finally, she went faster: outinoutinoutinin. She stroked him faster. She was no longer careful. He screamed into the gag. She groaned and shuddered with pleasure, too. She loved that. It has to be this way.

Out she came. She took it off. She cleaned him up. She removed his gag. She removed his blindfold. At some point he had been crying. She crawled onto the bed with him, drawing one leg over his body, and laying her chest largely on his, as she drew her face close to his, stroking and kissing, praising and encouraging.

Your ass is a virgin no more. Her smile glowed smugly.

After a long rest, small conversation, she undid the rope. She left his wrists bound. She told him to lie on the bed. He did. She then unhooked his wrists. She tied them to the corners of the bed. She put ankle cuffs on. She tied his ankles to the bottom of the bed frame.

She laid down beside him again. She kissed him. They talked. She kissed him some more. She watched as penis began to get hard again. He was only 21.

She climbed on top of him and sat on his chest. She held nothing back and let him feel her full weight on top of him. She stroked his cheeks. She used the palm of her hand to stroke over his eyes, nose, and mouth. Several times. On the last time, she let her hand rest gently on hismouth. He kissed it. She smiled. She pressed her hand hard onto his mouth, and then used her other hand to close his nose. He could not breathe. There was panic in his eyes. She got wetter as she saw his panic growth. After he started to struggle against his bonds and as his face was turning red, she lifted her hands. She stroked his face again, shushing his looming complaint.

She started again. She held him longer this time. Before letting him breathe.

She did this for a long time.

She bent down over him. Kissing him. Whispering sweet nothings into his ears. She drew the first of her large breasts to his mouth. He needed no direction. He licked. He sucked. He licked and sucked again. Until she traded one breast for the other.

She pulled her breast loose from his lips. Inching up just a bit more, she centered them over his face. She pressed down. Hard. He couldn’t breathe again. When he started to panic, she let him have air.

This went on for a long time.

Finally, she raised her breasts from his face. He breathed deeply and frequently. She also breathed deeply, high on her control, overcome by her lust. Slowly she slide down his groin. He was as hard now as when they started. She lifted herself up and then sat again, pressing him flat between them. His chest was slick from her excitement.

Her control was absolute. And complete.

It was time. She raised herself up again. She felt how hard he was. Holding him, she sank her body down again. He was inside. She rested that way for a long time. She stroked his face again. She stopped. She grabbed his throat with one hand. She squeezed, firmly, just enough, not too much. She began to rock up and down. Her grip on his throat never tightened, never weakened. He lasted longer than she had dared to hope.

Until they both had an opportunity to scream. He was a virgin no more.

She owned him.


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