The Brothel Ch. 06

*** This work is my own and may not be republished without permission


Gwen was reading when Joseph tapped on her door and entered. She sat up with her legs crossed under the sheets.

He sat and tapped the book. “What do you think?”

“I finished it last night. I’m reading it again. It’s very appropriate.” Joseph merely nodded. “I have some requests. If you can’t fulfill them it’s fine, but if I don’t ask I’ll never know.” She continued as Joseph nodded again. “A pen or a pencil and a notebook. Spiral is fine. Whatever you have. I’ll need tampons.” Joseph nodded.

“We’ll start you on birth control a few days into your period.”

She nodded and he waited knowing there was more, “A chair? Something other than the commode to sit on.” Joseph smiled.

“I’ll see what I can do.”


“There’s more?” She smiled at his playfulness before growing serious.

“I appreciate that you didn’t react to my anger yesterday.”

HeShook his head, “Everyone is angry when they come here.”

“But maybe it isn’t your fault.”

“You believe me?”

“I don’t know, but I’m willing to accept it as a possibility. I need a friend. I’m not very good at trust though.”

Joseph nodded, “It’s more than I expected.”

“How much control can I have over my training?”

“As much as I am willing to give you.”

“Can I see the checklist?”

Joseph looked at her a moment pondering. “I’m not sure you want to.”

“There are things I have to face. I do better if I can prepare mentally first.”

“I didn’t want to take you to see the girl yesterday. It was protocol.”

Gwen shrugged. “Okay.” She watched him a moment longer. “I I want to meet everyone. I want to get to know everyone. I would appreciate it if you could give me input on what they are like. I would like to volunteer to work in addition to my training. I would like to work everywhere I can, the laundry, the kitchen, housekeeping, theinnovative, the spa. I would like to learn how to give massages. Everywhere except the torture area, but I could clean there I think.” She saw the surprise as Joseph nodded. “Is there any sort of counseling service here? Or any sort of formal support groups for the things that people go through?”

“No. People talk informally. There are a few books in the training library on dealing with sexual trauma. I talk to John that you met in the library. He is good at keeping confidences.”

Gwen nodded.

“I may be required to read what you write in your notebook.”

“I can accept that. Can I read what you write about me?”

Joseph shrugged with a little grin. “Most of it. If you want.”

Gwen nodded and crawled from under the blankets stopping to pick up an item from the flat of water bottles. She handed Joseph the stud as she sat next to him. He studied it in his hand for a moment before putting it in the coin pocket in his shorts. “Can I ask you another question?” Henodded. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”


“Do you have any extra-curricular sex?”

He looked at his hands for a moment before he answered. That little sight came first. “No.” Gwen waited as he paused. “I have always done what I was required to do.” He glanced at her sideways. She nodded. Her next question she spoke in a whisper.

“Do you think I’m a slut?”

Joseph put his arm around her shoulders quickly pulling her close and put his forehead against her temple whispering in her ear. “I think you loved Brian. I think you loved being with him and had no intention of being with anyone else. I think that you never intended for those pictures and videos to become so available. I think that you were Under the influence of the Ecstasy at the bar. The Tylenol Julia gave you had some in it as well. It probably affected your actions here with Adam. I think maybe you made some bad choices, but everyone does that. I don’t think you are a slut.I’m sorry you are here.” He backed off to look at her, but Gwen just stared at her hands in her lap, overcome with the power of his words. She didn’t know why they were so important to her. Finally she nodded and heaved her own little sight.

“What are we doing today?”

He slapped his hands to his thighs and stood. “The pool first, shower, and then breakfast. Then I can show you the list if you’re sure.”

Gwen pushed herself in the pool. Her arms gave out, but she kicked on her back and stroked when she could. Joseph did laps in the adjacent lane and then rested with his back to the wall at one end until she finished finally, exhausted. Other people passed through the room, but no one joined them in the pool. He had taken his shorts off. He said no one was allowed to wear clothes in the pool. When she was done he led her to a public shower between the gym and pool. The water pressure was ample, but there was no privacy at all. Not even to use the toilets. Joseph shruggedin apology and she turned her back as he sat. He returned to the shower when he was done and washed himself without speaking.

“We can eat in your room if you want.”

“I’ll eat in the cafeteria. I’m going to have to get used to it. I might as well start.”

“Good. You can start meeting people.”


“Let’s stop by Rachel’s and get that stud put in on the way.”

“Okay. Does Adam come often?”

“Once or twice a week.”

“How many people are in his ‘order’?”

“Forty-two. All women. You’ll see the pecking order as you see the studs. Right now you are number one. The girl you disposed is Colleen. She wears a pearl. She won’t be happy. You’ll have to watch out for her also. The word is already out that Adam has another member, but Rachel is told never to reveal the stud until the girl comes out of her room. The rest of the girls have smaller gems of various colors. He has one remaining stud that is reserved for a virgin. He will name her Eve.”

“What are we required to do?”

“The girls who wear the studs are required to bow to him, as you did the first time, whenever he enters a room. Other than that you do whatever he requests.”

“Has anyone pulled a stud out before?”

“About half do.”

“How many people come here who are virgins?”

“Dom has brought us three through chat rooms on the internet.”

“And they weren’t acceptable to Adam?”

“Two were boys. And the girl was too young for him… Adam has certain tastes. He will be particular.”

“I can’t imagine him being the first.” Joseph didn’t respond. “A lot of the clients are members of the mob?”


“Is Adam?”

“He is an associate. He helps them out with background checks on the clients who come here. This complex has been in operation for thirty-six years and so far it hasn’t attracted the attention of law enforcement. They are very cautious about clients and acquiring new talent. And no one has ever escaped totell their tale.”

“How young is the youngest?”

“One of the internet boys was ten. The girl was twelve.”



“Did you train her?”

“Julia did. She trains any female virgins.”


Rachel showed a knowing sight and smiled in anticipation as Gwen entered with Joseph. She pointed to the table and Gwen climbed on and lay back. This time Rachel inserted the stud slowly. Gwen kept her expression and breathing even through it all. She wouldn’t even grind her teeth. She smiled at Rachel as she finished and sat up. “Have you eaten?”

“Not yet.” Gwen didn’t miss the confusion in her eyes.

“Can you come now?” Rachel looked to Joseph. His face showed no emotion. Gwen could tell she wanted to. She nodded encouragement. “I’d like for you to come with us.” Rachel shrugged.


All the way to the cafeteria Gwen plied her with questions and she answered. At first the answers were terse. She kept looking to JosephWondering whether he wanted her to give Gwen answers. Joseph made no indication one way or another and under Gwen’s questioning she began to open up. She had been a drug addict on the streets and had come to the brother at seventeen with the disease. She had been there six years. They had treated her for the drugs and she wasn’t allowed to have them anymore. She had come with some of the tattoos and a number of piercings. Her navel ring and tongue piercing had been removed. She had been allowed to keep a nipple piercing as well as a row of piercings along her genitalia. She had a boyfriend, Trey, in the brotherhel who was thirty-six and dying of AIDS. He had been a porn actor when he contracted the disease. The studio he worked for was mob owned. No one who had the disease was medicated. He was also a tattoo artist and had done the rest of the work on her. She had discovered she liked torture after coming to the brother.

“Why is it that you like it?”

Rachel shrugged and lookedat Joseph and then back to Gwen.

“I am just trying to understand. I’m not judging you. Most people would be afraid.”

Rachel nodded and Gwen could see her mind working behind her eyes. Her eyes had been veiled the first time Gwen met her. This time they had a sadistic glimmer at first followed by a small hint of respect when Gwen had not flinched. That was followed by hesitation and tentativeness at the invitation to eat, and now a curiosity. She wanted to answer the question, but she was afraid that they would both think she was crazy. No one but Trey had wanted to know before. None of the people who didn’t have the tattoo ever paid much attention to the ones who did.

“It is… cathartic… penance for choices I’ve made. Things I’ve done.”

Gwen couldn’t hide her surprise.

“It’s true.”

“I believe you. I just didn’t expect that answer. Are you ever afraid?”

Sadness crossed her face followed by the hard mask. “Not for me. I deserve what I get.”

Sadness crossed her face followed by the hard mask. “Not for me. I deserve what I get.”


Gwen took her hand. “For Trey.” Rachel looked at her and the mask fell away revealing pain Gwen couldn’t even begin to understand. Gwen met her gaze and then came chef to cheese with her. “Be my friend. I don’t know how it works in here, but find me, or email me, or get someone to find Joseph. Just, be my friend, please.” Gwen backed away. Rachel was in a daze, not believing, but she managed to nod. “I want to meet Trey.” Rachel nodded again and then smiled, an open, friendly, warm smile that Joseph had never seen before. Gwen turned to him and smiled too and grasped his hand as she slipped her arm around Rachel’s wait. They received multiple looks as the hallway became busier closer to the dining room.

Gwen stopped outside the room and glanced at Joseph, “Whenever you’re ready.” She nodded gathering herself.

“They’ll be staring at you, but only half of the reason will be to see the new girl. Walking in with me will create even more of a stir. I don’t remember the last time I ate in the dining hall.”

Gwen smiled at her and then nodded to Joseph. It was just what she needed to hear. “Then let’s go stir the pot.” Joseph gave her a silly grin and held the door for the two girls. Gwen entered with Rachel. There were sixty or seventy people inside and as they entered someone began banging a spoon on a glass. People started looking around and then saw Gwen. She desperately wanted to hide herself against Rachel or Joseph, but she caught a smile of encouragement from Rachel. She turned as Joseph spoke. “Everyone, this is Dianna.” Some of them waved or raised their glasses. Some of them smiled. Some whistled. All of them stared. She managed to smile and wave back. A beautiful Asian girl with straight hair looked her over from head to toe and turned disdainfully back to the man she was eating with. Joseph whispered to Gwen. “Lia, Colleen’s friend.” Gwen nodded. She saw John reading the paper alone at a table and approached him smiling. He glanced up and looked from her to Rachel.

“Can we join you?”

He smiled at them all. “Of course.”

They returned to his table after going through line. Gwen forced herself to stand straight and greet people who approached with a smile. Some were the people she met the day before. Some were new. No one with a navel post approached her. Joseph introduced everyone and all of them took note of the diamond. John offered to let her sit between him and the wall, but she forced a smile and sat across from him and invited Rachel to sit next to her.

“I don’t know where you hide ’em in that outfit, but you got a pair!”

Joseph grinned as he sat, “I think you’re right about that.”

Rachel buttered her bread, “They’re overrated anyway.”

John smiled at Rachel, “It’s good to see you, Rachel. I think about you all the time.”

Rachel studied him, “Dianna talked me into coming out of my cave.”

Gwen smiled at her. “It’s a shame to hide the artwork.”

John smiled at Gwen. “Your hair is wet.”

“We went swimming. My arms feel like noodles.”

“Joseph always has been one for keeping in shape.” Gwen stirred applesauce into her oatmeal and ate it quickly. “Have you started the book?”

“Started and finished it. I’m reading it again. I asked Joseph for a notebook so I could take notes.”

“You can have dignity. Even in here.”

“Maybe it will come with time. I don’t happen to feel very dignified at the moment.”

“None of the others would ever guess. You are doing very well.”

“I appreciate the words of encouragement. You are a kind man. I asked Joseph if they had any counselors or group therapy here. He said he talks to you. He said you are good at keeping confidences.” Gwen glanced at Rachel. John followed her glance, but Rachel was stirring her yogurt and didn’t see the look.

Rachel stood when she finished, “I should go.”

Gwen reached for her hand, “I mean what I said.” Rachel nodded.

John stood, “I’m finished. I’ll walk with you if you don’t mind. Maybe I’ll look in on Trey.”

Rachel nodded and they cleared their dishes and left Gwen and Joseph to themselves.

“You sure don’t mince words.” He sipped at his juice. “I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.”

“She’s a human being.”

“John and Trey are friends. He’ll see him Now. It’s hard knowing someone is dying.”

“Do you know how long he has?”

“No. Our paths don’t cross. He does his tricks and then keeps to himself. I could find out.”

Gwen nodded, “I want to check with her tomorrow to see if he’ll meet me.”

“We can.” He gestured with his head. “Let’s get out of here. I’ll show you the email and we’ll get the check lists and our schedules.”

“Where are the heating and air conditioning units?”

Joseph gave her a curious look, “I’m told they are on the roof. That way, workers can get to them if they need service. The mob has access to any kind of contractors they need though. They brought them in when they upgraded the security system. They put in all the keypads and the magnetic locks on the doors.”

They stopped at a small office opposite her room. Joseph entered and printed off several sheets of paper and put them on a clipboard. Then he showed her the computer and how to check her email. They set up a password for her account, which Joseph wrote down. There was a message from Adam along with several pictures from their encounter. Joseph read it over her shoulder. “You can respond to it later. And here’s where you click to send email within the complex. It isn’t monitored, or rather, it is only sporadically monitored.”

“Can I email Lisa?”

“No. Once both of you have passed off the first level of training you will be able to see her or email her. Until then, you can’t. It’s for good reasons.” He emailed requesting a chair and end table for her room and emailed Rachel about meeting with Trey.

He led her to her room and seated himself on the bed with his back to the wall. He put her pillow against the cinderblock next to him and patted the bed inviting her to sit. When she was settled he showed her the first page and watched her as she read.

“Some of the items you’ll see have been completed.”


Orientation Rules and Protocols Issue of Supplies

“I explained some of the rules to you yesterday.”

Medical Medical History Exam Blood Work Urinalysis Drug or Alcohol History Measurements and Pictures Dental X-rays Dental work as needed

“I have a form for the Drug and Alcohol History, but the rest is taken care of. You don’t have any cavities, but Elaine said your wisdom teeth look like they will have to come out. When the oral surgeon sees the x-rays he will verify that and put you on the schedule.”

Personal Personal History Family History Romantic History Sexual History Psychological History Record of Arrival Portfolio

“Julia puts toget the portfolio. There are questions for all of the rest of the Histories that we will need to fill out.”

Public Display Remove clothes Tour facilities Meals in cafeteria Urinate and Defecate in public bathroom Record of Voluntary Display 1. To staff 2. To clients

“You’ve completed the first three items, and I was so impressed with your composition in the cafeteria this morning. I know that you were uncomfortable, but you did what you had to do. That courage will serve you well. How comfortable are you with me?”

“Pretty uncomfortable still.”

Joseph nodded, “It is perfectly normal. At least you are pleased with your body. The ones who come in feeling they are ugly have the hardest time. We spend a lot of time working with them to get them to understand that they are beautiful the way they are. If they don’t feel beautiful, they have a hard time pleasing clients. If they feel self-conscious in any way it makes it more difficult to please a client. Youhave no problem at all in shedding your clothes when you are aroused. My goal for you is to have you become completely uninhibited even when you are not aroused. What do you like best about your body?”

Gwen shrugged, “I don’t know.” Joseph smiled at her and she ducked her head in embarrassment. “Okay, then. My skin… my tighs, I guess.”

He smiled at her. “Your skin is beautiful.” She waited as his next thought formed. “What I think is the most beautiful thing about you is that you don’t even seem to realize just how beautiful you are. It doesn’t matter to you. You are just you… the person inside you, not the physical person. I think that’s what drew Rachel to you. The person inside you saw the person inside her body in spine of What was on the outside. I find that incredibly attractive. People sense it without being able to define it.” He looked at her. “I don’t want you to lose that. I hate what we do to people, what I do to people. It makes a lot of them emotionallyvacant.” He saw the hesitation that passed through her eyes. “What?” Gwen shrugged and shook her head. “Tell me.”

She looked at him again, “It’s that trust thing. I just wonder… I just wonder if you are doing this because you’re good at what you do.”

Joseph smiled more feebly, “I do what I do because I have no choice. It was the best of my options. I am probably good at it because I have a gift for reading people. We all have to be here, but we can still be human. You have to be trained. It’s like breaking a horse though. You can whip them into submission, or you can gentle them through kindness. A horse that is gentle through kindness is much more responsive. I know you may question my intentions, but listen to the words that were said. Regardless of my intentions, they are true.”

Gwen surprised and nodded, “Okay.”

Joseph looked back to the list. He paused just for an instant before he continued, “The volunteer displays are assigned by Julia.

Required Reading Slut Talk BDSM 101 The Joy of Sex

Required Viewing Jenny and the Salesman Cunnilingus 101 Fellatio 101

“Required reading… you see the list. The books are in the small room at the back of the library. There is a sign out sheet for whatever you want to bring to your room. I’ll get you that notebook so you can take notes. Each book has quizzes and tests that you will have to pass. The same with the required viewing, but it is in a different room and I am required to be with you as of right now.”


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