The Brothel Ch. 04

*** This work is original and no permission is given to reproduce it elsewhere.


The man took Gwen’s hand and led her from the room into a hallway.

“It’s time to get up sleeping beauty.”

“Who are you?”

“I work with Dom.”

“How did I get here?”

“You don’t remember?” Gwen shook her head. “Well, it doesn’t matter. You’re here now. That’s all that matters. We’ve been waiting for you. Lisa woke up almost two hours ago.”

Gwen entered the room he indicated to see the same female shuffling papers behind the desk. Gwen sat as all the others had done. Julia studied her for a moment.

“Do you have a headache?” Gwen nodded. Julia looked at Joseph, “Get her some water, will you?” She reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of Tylenol. She took out two pills and set them on the edge of the desk. “Maybe this will help. Are you hungry?”

“A little maybe. What time is it?”

“Two o’clock. We finally decided we’d betterr wake you.”

Gwen glanced at Joseph as he returned with a bottle of water. He was a few inches taller than her at about 5’11”. He had dark hair, cut short, and several days’s stubble on his jaw. He was attractive. She thanked him with a nod and took the two pills.

“Where am I?”

Julia spoke, “We work with Dom. He had the cab bring you here. He said you were the next big star. We put together portfolios for models and aspiring actors. You know. Head shots, glamour shots, lingerie shots. The works. Joseph here is one of our top photographers.”

“I don’t understand. I never told Dom I was even interested in anything like that.”

Julia feigned surprise. “You didn’t? I thought it was everyone’s dream. You’re sure you never wanted to be a model? You could make the big bucks. Enough to pay for your schooling.”

“I don’t know. I mean, I think I would like it, but I figured it would be too hard to get into.”

“Well, once we explained it to Lisa, she was all for it. It’s pretty much the next step all the girls take who win the contest at the bar. You do remember that, don’t you?”

Gwen smiled a ghost of a smile in spite of herself and nodded. She hadn’t had that much fun in a long time. Julia slide a piece of paper towards her.

“Look. It’s right here in the contract you signed last night. You agree to allow us to use any footage obtained at the bar for advertising purposes. You also agree, if chosen, to participate in a photo shoot at our expense with the resulting portfolio to be distributed to modeling agencies in the city. If you are chosen to model, you would owe us three percent of any monkies received. That means ninety-seven percent is for you to keep. A lot of the top models make upwards of ten thousand dollars a day. That would more than pay for your schooling.

“You know, Dom said he had talked to you about it after the content, but he said you might have had too much to drink by then. Maybe you just don’t remember. You can think it over if you like.”

“So it’s no money up front and three percent of any contract?”

“That’s right.”

“What would the shoot consist of today?”

“Well, of course we would let you get cleaned up, shower, hair, makeup. We’d have to get you something to eat. We’ll provide clothes and lingerie. And the shoot itself would take three or four hours with clothing changes. Like I said, head shots, glamour shots and the works. Most people enjoy it. If you don’t, you know this work isn’t for you. We’ll call you back in a few weeks to look at the portfolio and approve it before it gets sent to anyone.”

“So if I agree to do this today, do I sign something else?”

Julia pulled out a second contract and slide it across the desk. Gwen looked it over. It said exactly what she had just described.

“What the heck. I already missed class. I might as well do something worthwhile today.” She took the pen Julia offered and signed the contract.

AfterSharing sandwiches with Joseph, Gwen was brought to an elegant bathroom and left to shower. She dropped her clothes and earnings on the floor and fingered the short silk robe that had been left for her use. There were rows of hair and skin care products on one wall and a bank of mirrors along another wall with makeup and vanity lights. She chose a shampoo and conditioner and body soap and went to the shower.


Brian still wouldn’t let her have her clothes when they got back in the truck. She snuggled into him and smiled.

“So you like pictures too?”


“Pictures of naked girls? They turn you on?”

“I am a guy.”

“Do you look at them on the internet?”

“I used to. Not much lately.” He pulled her close.

“What would you do if you had naked pictures of me?”

“Oh, I would look at those.”

“It would be okay with me if you brought the digital camera.”

“You would pose for me?”

“I would do anything you say.I would have to, or you would never give my clothes back.”

“You are a fast learner.”

“You are teaching me very fun things. I like to learn.”

“Sometimes I think you are the teacher.”

“Are you going to give me my clothes back tonight, or are you going to make me walk in the house naked?”

“I’ll give them back. I hate to, but I guess I’ll have to. You are more than sexy, you know. Tonight was amazing. You were amazing.”

She slept hard during their lunch break the next day at the pond. Her clothes were locked away in the truck and she was lying on her stomach with her cheek resting on one of her forearms, the other curled in front of her. She heard the shutter of a camera click behind her and smiled. She heard it click in front of her and opened one eye. He was squatting in front of her in his swimming trunks.

“I need you to raise that arm in front just a little bit.” She closed her eye again and moved her arm up. “Just a little bit more please.” She moved it slowly until he stopped her. “Perfect. That is perfect.” The shutter clicked twice more and she felt that too familiar flutter. She had promised him they would wait until the evening to start in again. She hoped she would be able to keep her promise. She knelt with her rump in the air and did a long luxury cat stretch as the camera clicked away. Then she sat on her knees facing into the sun and put her arms over her head and down her back and stretched again arching her back. The camera clicked away.

“You brought the camera, I see.”

“Along with a few other surprises.”

“I saw the weights, what are they for?”

“They are counterweights to use at the barn. I’ll show you tonight.”

“Will I like it?”

“I think you will like it a lot.”

Gwen nodded. “What else did you bring?”

He went back to the truck and returned with a pair of swimming goggles.

“What are these?”

“What do they look like?”

“Swimming goggles.”

“But these are magic. Look closely.” She looked at them and saw that the lenses had been painted black. “Put them on.”

She put them on. They fit snugly and she was completely blind. She heard the shutter snap as she grinned. She took them off and jumped up kissing him. He smiled helpedlessly and pulled her bottom to him with his free hand. “I know I promised to be good, but you are making it very difficult.”

“I haven’t even touched you until now, and you’re the one who started that!”

“I’m beginning to think there is something wrong with me.”

“Whatever it is, it’s one of the things I like the best about you. I just hope I can keep up!”

“Me too. Like you said, it gets better and better. Last night was amazing.”

“What did you like best?”

“Best?” She paused for a moment and then answered sheepishly, “I liked best that you didn’t laugh at me when I told you I wanted you to tie me up. I liked that you made me feel safe when I was afraid you would thinkI was crazy.”

They exchanged a meaningful look and then he kissed her tenderly. “You are safe with me. You know, some of the guys talk about their exploits. I’m sure some of the girls do too. I don’t want us to do that. I want you to be able to tell me all your secrets and I want to be able to tell you and no one else needs to know. I won’t tell the guys anything about what you and I do. That’s just between us.”

Gwen nodded and kissed him again gratefully. He hugged her smiling playfully, “Now do you think you can pose for a few pictures without having to rip my shorts off?”

“I’ll try, but I’m pretty hopeless you know.”

“I know, but I love you because of it.”

At the barn that night she stripped to music and then Continued to dance for him as he snapped pictures with the digital camera. He readied the restraints and showed her how he intended for her to use the forty-pound weights. She held out her hands as he fastened hobbles firmly to her wrists. He put the goggles on her, turned the music up, lit two more very bright propane camping lanterns and hung them from wires he had suspended just below the loft, took her clothes and drove away. He told her to dance for three more songs and then carry out his orders.

Gwen danced as she was told with the goggles on. It was disorienting, but strangely freeing for her. When the third song finished she felt her way to the new stall. She felt her way until she found and stepped through the slipknots he had tied and tightened them just above her knees, then she pulled the clove hitches that ran through the lower rings on each side of the stall taut so that she could stand, but her legs were spread wide. Next she felt on the ledges and located the leash clasps and attached the lead ropes to the D-rings on the hobbles that he had put on her wrists. The hobbles were lined with sheep fleece so that they could take the pressure without damaging her wrists. The lead ropes were fed through the upper rings and attached to the weights that were also lying on the ledge of the stall. Her heart was racing by then. She thought about waiting until she heard the truck come back before pushing the weights off the ledge, but he had told her not to wait. He told her he wanted her helpless not knowing when or if he would return. She pushed the weights off the ledge in close succession and her hands snapped up above her head as they dropped. She was completely helpless, her hands spread wide, held firm by the weights dangling in mid-air at the other end of the lead rope. She was nowhere near strong enough to pull herself free.

Brian had driven the truck out of range of hearing and then returned within two minutes. He had been standing ten feet away with a palm-size camcorder videotaping it all. She weighed a hundred and ten so eighty pounds was more than enough to incapacitate her. He liked it when she was vulnerable to him too.

He set the video camera up on a tripod on a stool making sure it would continue to record her from head to toe and then picked up the digital camera and began to snap pictures. Gwen still wasn’t aware of his presence, but was writing with anticipation. He sat down in front of her and then scooted under her crotch and took several more pictures with the flash. Still she gave no indication that she was aware of his presence. Her organizations were swollen and shiny with her fluids. He came within two inches and breathed in deeply. From her smell he knew she was on the verge. She flinched as he flicked at her crotch with the tip of his tongue. She struggled against the bindings and he covered her as she came. It was going to be as good as the night before.

He scooted away and stood and went behind her and whispered in her ear. Again she jumped and his heart raced. “You didn’t even know I was there did you? It could have been anyone sucking on your cunt and you would have come anyway. I barely touched it. You were so hot you couldn’t helpit and it’s going to be that way all over again just like last night.” He reached around her without touching her sides and began massaging her nipples. The camera would see that she couldn’t stop him. He spoke slowly, “You’re completely helpless, by your own choice, by your own hand and now I can do whatever I want with you and you won’t be able to do a thing. And guess what else? You are being videotaped in all your naked glory. Not just still shots with a camera, but there’s a real honest to goodness video camera trained right on you. It recorded me sucking on your cunt and it’s recording me touching your tits.”

“Oh, Brian, I’m coming again!”

“I guess you’re on your own then.” He began rubbing both her tits with one hand spread wide and fingering her cunt with the other. He moved his hips against her as she gasped and groaned and came a second time. He was still fully clothed. He didn’t even wait for her to finish the orgasm as he filled his finger with her juices and brough it to her mouth. She sucked on it eagerly. He continued to fondle her breasts again pushing them together and working them with his thumbs. “You see, now I’m playing with them again and you are still helpless to stop me. I can even pinch them if I want and you are completely helpless.”

She arched her back and gasped as he pinched her gently. “What I really want now though is to add to those hickies on the inside of your thighs. Where were we when I was creating those? Oh, yes. We were at the river and you were fully exposed there too. I could trusts you up in the back of the truck with the goggles on and you would have no idea where you were. Maybe I’ll go park in front of the sheriff’s office. Or on the low side of the bridge. Or in front of the theater. I think maybe I might even leave the tailgate down and drive around. What do you think?” He dropped to the ground and she felt him sucking on the inside of her thighs. He was right. There was no way she could stop him andthe closer he was getting to her cunt the closer she was getting to coming again. She groaned in need when he stopped.

He untied her legs then, but left her arms stretched wide as he ran his hands up and down her torso until she was writing again. He left her on the edge of her need again as he unclasped the lead ropes from her wrists and let the weights drop to the ground. She throw her arms around him holding on fiercely as he turned her in profile and french kissed her and then fondled her in front of the camera before removing the goggles. She blinked in the brightness of the three propane lanterns. “Face the back of the stall and put the slip knots back on your legs, then knee and pull them tight again. Leave just enough room that I can crawl under you.” Gwen smiled and kissed him before moving to obey. As she knelt he lowered the camcorder to take advantage of her new position. She waited kneeling as he removed his shirt and pants, leaving his boxers on. He spread his shirt on the dirt and lay on his back.

She bent over exposing herself perfectly for the camera as she began to suck on Brian’s tits. He took advantage of her dangling perfectly for him. Only when he was hidden from the camera did he raise his hips and remove his boxes. Slowly he worked his way toward her hips until she was stretching to take him into her mouth. She felt his hands spreading her cheeks wide for the camera. She was writing in sweet age by then and frozen when she felt his tongue on her cliporis. She barely managed to hold off her third come until Brian exploded into her mouth. She thought she would never quit coming as he continued to suck her in front of the camera.


Gwen started as she heard a knock on the door. It was Joseph. “Are you about ready in there?”

“A few more minutes.” She shacked quickly, jumped out of the shower and toweled off and then slipped into the robe. She found mousese and scrunched it through her hair. She decided to go without makeup. They told her they could add it later if they wanted. She would have felt more comfortable with underwear on under the robe, but none were provided.

There was a girl waiting outside the dressing room door when she exited. She smiled at Gwen. “My name is Michelle. I am to show you the way to the set.” She led Gwen down a hall and opened a door and stood aside for her to enter.

Joseph was in the room with another man in his late thirties or early forties. He was athletic and strikingly handsome. They were watching the DVD from the bar. It was the kissing portion and her hands were tied. Joseph paused the DVD as she looked at him in question. “This is Adam. He helps us with marketing the bar. We are going to pull some of the stills from the DVD to put on the website for the bar. He also Directs some of our lingerie shoots and has agreed to help with yours.” Joseph gestured to a seat and Gwen sat carefully with one hand in her lap and one to her frontto make sure the robe was covering her. She saw Adam smile at her modesty as Joseph began questioning her. “Dom said you are from Nebraska?”

Gwen nodded, “From Monroe. It’s a small farming community on the Platte River. The town is about ten blocks square with eight lots on each block. It’s pretty small.”

“Why did you decide to come to New York?”

“Adventure. Education. Anonymity. Everyone in a small town knows everything about you. I decided I was tired of that.”

“He said you had a boyfriend there?”

“In high school. Well, he was a senior and I was a sophomore when we started dating. We broke up a few months before I graduated.”

“And you didn’t date anyone after that?”

Gwen Shook her head. “I took the break up pretty hard. I wasn’t ready to date anyone else from the town. I’ve dated some here, but I haven’t found anyone I’ve really clicked with.”

“Dom said you told him you only slept with one person since you’ve been here.”

Gwen nodded. “Before last night anyway.”

“You remember last night?”

She nodded again. “I’m not sure how it happened, but I remember. I’m usually not like that. I mean, I want to know the person I’m with. I dated Brian for six months. I wanted it to mean something.”

“He was your first?”


“How long did you date the man you slept with Here?”

“A month. He kept pressuring me. After we had sex he broke it off. He said I was just another notch on his gun. I was glad I made him use a condom. That was the end of it for me until last night. Last night I was out of control. I don’t know how that happened.”

“You were very adventurous last night. Is that usual for you?”

“Yes, but always before it was with only Brian.”

“Did he tie you up?”

Gwen nodded remembering.

“Did you enjoy it?”

Gwen felt her face color and Joseph smiled.

“Did he takes pictures of you?”

Gwen nodded again, “He did.”

“You weren’t eighteen?”

“It was from when I was almost sixteen until I was almost eighteen.”

“Do you have access to any of those pictures?”

“Anyone who knows where to look does. That’s why I wanted to leave town.”

“They are on the internet?”

Gwen nodded again and saw Joseph takes a deep breath and slowly exhaust.

“If you’re ready, I’ll show you into the changing room and you can choose an outfit from what we’ve picked for you while Adam and I watch some more of the DVD.”

Gwen was shown to an adjoining room twelve-foot square, with mirrors from floor to ceiling on all four walls. There was a benchmark in one corner with a small pile of lingerie on it.

“When you are dressed come back and join us.”

Gwen sifted through her choices. Only one was anywhere close to modest. A traditional light blue silk teddy with revealing panties, but a top that would cover her adequately. It was the one they would expect her to come out in. She never did like doing what was expected. Onewould cover her, but was completely transparent. Several were thongs, one with a short t-shirt, a black one with a lacy brassiere, one was thigh high tights and heels and a contraction she had never seen before that was meant to display her breasts pushed up and uncovered. She picked the thong and t-shirt combination. The t-shirt was low-necked, light weight and only long enough to barely cover her breasts. It was loosely ruffled at the bottom. The outfit was brown and showed off her dark skin to perfection. She changed quickly and pulled the robe on over it before returning to the other room. They were watching the crowd applaud as Dom raised her skirt. Her hands were still tied and the lighting was perfect. She was leaning back against Dom panting as the crowd was going wild. Joseph paused the DVD again strategically as she entered and they exchanged a smile. She felt a thrill knowing they could see everything.


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