The Brothel Ch. 07


There had been poached salmon and salad, bread and rice pilaf waiting on a small candle lit table when they finished. Even so, Gwen was familiar when she woke in the morning. She couldn’t help but smile. She was lying in Jacob’s arms. They had talked until late in the night. Not about life outside. Not about life inside. They had talked about books and movies and actors and authors. She was surprised to find out that under John’s tutelage Jacob was widely read and a thinker. He smiled and kissed her forehead. “Let’s go swim.” Gwen nodded. He rolled out of bed and urinated in the commode and then waited watching her as she did the same.

There were others in the pool. Jacob introduced her and then they swam. Gwen’s arms were tired from the previous day, but she pushed herself again. There was another tanning bed in an alcohol off the shower room. Jacob left her to tan with a timer on, returning when it sounded. There were half a dozen others, two women and four men,in the locker room when they showed. Jacob didn’t seem to notice or care. Gwen was still warm from the tanning bed but she lingered in the shower. When she finally turned off the shower Joseph pointed to two handles in the middle of the room above her head.

“Hang on to those. I am going to dry you.” Gwen looked uncomfortable at the others. They seemed to be minding their own business, but they were stealing sideways glances at her. “It will help you become more comfortable.” He gestured again.


“Remember the rules.” He smiled as she compiled, “I’m proud of you. You are beautiful. Remember what I told you about chambering. Do it if you need to. Now is a good time to practice.” She nodded. “I want you to smile at the others as though you feel no disappoint at all. Invite them to enjoy looking at you.” Gwen nodded and gathered herself for a moment before smiling at the others. One of the males approached. Joseph glanced over his shoulder as he patted Gwen withthe towel, “Dianna, this is Christopher. He is one of the other evaluators I told you about.”

“You train the men.”

“I do.”

“And you are training the girl I saw. What is her name?”

“Her name here is Sandra.”

“Will you let me meet her?”

“Of course.”

“Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. We told her to scream. The client likes that, but he is not that violent.” He folded his arms and smiled at her, openly flirtatious. Gwen smiled back self-consciously, but left her hands on the handles. She spread her legs as Joseph produced her gently with the towel to dry between them. Joseph was taking his time and Gwen was wishing he would worry as the others gathered around them.

“Dianna, this is Glen, Scott and Greg, Anna and Lucy.” She smiled at them all weakly as Christopher handed him lotion. Joseph set the towel down where he knelt. “They are all trainers.” Gwen felt a flutter as she looked at him and then at Christopher. They were all naked. Christopher picked up on it right away and moved a hairs bread away smiling. Joseph began rubbing lotion on one of her legs. Her breathing began to change as he worked his way up her leg. Christopher kissed her and she turned her face to him helplessly and opened her mouth wide. Glen extended his hand palm up and Joseph poured lotion in it. He knelt next to her other leg as Christopher kissed her again and put One hand on her waist as he held out his other hand. Gwen gasped helpedlessly as Joseph poured lotion in his hand and Christopher began on her torso. Gwen didn’t even notice as Julia entered the room with a clipboard. The others were applying lotion on her arms and back and bottom. She was still kissing Christopher. He glanced away and stepped back so Julia could see her. Gwen couldn’t help but worry watching Christopher hopefully. Gwen groaned as Julia smiled and Christopher approached her again continuing to rub her stomach and ribs and breasts.

“We call this lot hickey juice.It tastes like bubble gum. Keep holding onto the handles and we are going to suck on you wherever we choose. Then, if you like, we’ll take you to the cafeteria and everyone will be invited to add to your collection.” Gwen nodded. He pulled her to him as he kissed her again, running his hands over her breasts and torso. He pulled away as he felt her muscles contracting in need. The others all backed away watching her as she wronged helplessly. “Don’t go yet.”

“I can’t help it. Please.”

Julia spoke softly, “Go ahead and start in on her. If she comes, she comes.” She approached as Christopher fingered Gwen’s breast and then began sucking on the side of it as Gwen groaned again. “Take your time Christopher and enjoy her.” Julia spread Gwen’s legs and pointed to the inside of her thigh just Below her hair. “Joseph, here.” Joseph started in and someone else started on her behind. One of the other girls started on her breast and another on her throat below her ear. They were allstrugging her and Gwen convulsed as she came. Julia smiled, “That’s one.” They continued sucking on her as the waves subsided. Joseph dropped back as Christopher nudged him aside and went to his knees in front of her burrowing his nose in her cunt and breathing deeply. She gasped as he sucked on her and felt the password rising again quickly. Julia patted Christopher on the supposedr and he backed off. “Now, now, Christopher, no need to be greedy.” Gwen tried to steady her breathing but her chest was heaving. Her need was overpowering. Julia nodded in satisfaction. “I see that you are ready then. This will count as your public display. Are you willing to come to the cafeteria now? There are handles like these.” Gwen nodded. She would have begged if Julia had asked her to. Julia looked at Joseph and Christopher. “Shall we?” They each took her hand and the enourage followed them. Gwen found herself in the cafeteria with the usual sixty or so people. There was a table in the center that hadno chairs. She noticed for the first time the handles above it. Joseph led her to the table with his hand at the small of her back and she climbed up lingering to give everyone a view. Joseph followed her up and stood in front of her as people whistled and clapped. He had a cordless microphone. “This carries throughout the complex.” He held it up to her mouth.

“This is Dianna. I’m new here. We’re partying in the cafeteria. You’re all invited!”

Joseph jumped from the table and stand back as she held onto the handles. She saw him stand at the edge of the wall with Julia. She was smiling in satisfaction and they were talking to one another. She saw John. He was at his table with his arms folded watching her. Julia handed Joseph the clipboard and then tapped the people at the end of the food line on the shoulder. All of them approached Gwen. Five women and three men. Julia kept up the rotation every few minutes as Gwen continued to hold on to the handles. A line began to format Joseph and he was jotting things on the clipboard. After a while she only remembered faces as they appeared and the throbbing need in her body. She came again and again.

She saw the girl with the pearl standing among several others off to the side. Julia approached her crowd and all of them approached. Colleen smiled at her and then chose a place on the back of her thigh. Gwen jumped and then gritted her teeth as she felt Her bite her. The others were sucking harder as well, but she was too aroused to care. John was in front of her then and kissed her before taking her neck in his hands and raising her chin. She sank into him helplessly aroused as he added to her collection.

Her arms were like lead weights and she was dazed when she felt someone patting her on the thigh. She looked down and saw Joseph standing next to the table. At some point he had put his shorts on again. “You can put your arms down now.” She felt the ache in her arms as she lowered them and sank downon the table. Joseph touched the side of her face and she tried to focus on him. She felt sticky and sore in some places, but still heady from the repeated orgasms. Joseph began rubbing her shoulders, still watching her. “Are you okay?” She nodded and looked around. The room had mostly cleared. “It’s been two hours. Three hundred and twenty-six people gave you three hundred and twenty-six hickeys. Are you hungry?” Gwen nodded and he kissed her as she closed her eyes and leaned in to him. “After breakfast you have twenty-four more to collect from the people who had to be other places. Then your public display will be considered officially complete.” He smiled, “You did very well.”

She looked around the table and saw that it had semen on it. She was still dazed and the need was still flowing Through her. She put an arm around his neck and kissed him and he responded to her. She pulled away though, remembering his feelings. If he responded to her she wanted it to be because he wantsed her, not because he was required to. He cradled her in his arms smiling down at her. Gwen looked down at herself to see the blotches already forming. She smiled at him and kissed him again. She noticed that he had to gather himself. He pulled her off the table and towards the kitchen. “I spoke with Julia. She said it was all right for you to watch movies with Christopher and Sandra. There are some though that I want you to watch with me.”


“Trey has agreed to meet with you. He wants us to come to his room after we eat.”

In the kitchen Joseph told her to offer herself to the four staff members she had met on the tour and she willingly compiled. It was all she could do not to groan when Editing began sucking directly on her nipple. Gwen couldn’t help but come again.

When they sat down to eat she noticed Joseph was still smiling at her. She shook her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Joseph shrugged. “You have a gift for giving yourself over to pleasure. That last made third orgasms that I counted in two hours. It will make things easier for you here. Don’t judge yourself too harshly.”

“I told you before, I have no self-control.”

“The hickeys are a mark of passage. Wear them proudly. Let me know if you need to poop today and we will knock almost everything out on that category. Julia wants to speak with you later today also. After we catch the other workers we missed and see Trey, we will meet with Greg for Anatomy. This afternoon you are scheduled for Etiquette with Dinah and then she will bring you to Christopher to watch movies. I’ll pick you up later for dinner and bring you to Julia.”

After breakfast they went to the innovation. Elaine was there along with several others who were sick. Gwen submitted to each in turn. There was another group waiting outside at the stairwell and she smiled as Joseph offered her to them as well. Joseph still had the clipboard and was jotting again.

“What are youwriting?”

“The names of everyone. We want to make sure we don’t miss anyone. I also marked down how many times you came.” He smiled. “There are only ten more. They should be just upstairs.”

Sure enough, the last ten were waiting as they exited the stairwell. Again Gwen submitted.

“What about the skulls? I didn’t see Rachel there.”

“She was there for a while watching, but they don’t get to participate.”

“I can’t get AIDS from a hickey, can I?”

“Not unless they penetrated your vagina opening or your anus or an open wound, but there isn’t much interaction between the skulls and the rest of the population.”

“I need to shower.”

“You can’t until bedtime. Anyone all day long that you meet in the halls now can stop you and add to the collection. You probably won’t get much done today.” Gwen just smiled.

“Oh well!”

Gwen pondered as Joseph led them to a door and knocked. Rachel opened the door and smiled pulling Gwen inside. Joseph followed. The room was cluttered. Trey was sitting cross-legged on the bed. He smiled as they entered. He was tall and lanky. The lighting was subdued, but even so, Gwen could see his pallor and that he was short of breath. He wheezed slightly as he spoke.

“It’s good to see you Joseph. John yesterday and now you.” He smiled and took Rachel’s hand as she sat next to him on the bed. “And this must be Dianna. Rachel couldn’t stop talking about you.” He turned to Rachel, “You’re right. She is beautiful.” He patted the bed and Gwen sat.

“How long have you two been together?”

“Since I first came here. A couple years.”

“She said you did her tattoos. They’re beautiful.”

“I had a beautiful canvas.” Rachel smiled and leaned into him.

“Dianna went through her staff initiation today.”

“I see that.”

“Only three days out. That was quite a show.”

Gwen looked at Joseph. “It was what I was told to do. It was part of the training.”

“Right! You will never be able to convince anyone that that was the only reason! That wasn’t just performing. That was hot by anyone’s standards in here.”

Gwen smiled and held her finger over her lips as though to share a secret. “Okay. It was just a little fun. Jacob told me I had to find flowers among the stones.”

“John said all the men here are going to fall in love with you, even the men who love men. He said maybe even Joseph. He said you reminded him of someone.” Rachel looked at Joseph. Gwen looked at him, but his face was a mask. The only thing she caught was a flicker of irritation directed towards Rachel. Gwen turned to Trey.

“Do you have sketches?”


“You’re an artist aren’t you? Could I see some?”

“Of course.” He looked at Rachel. “Would you get the green pad?”

Rachel handed her the pad and she looked at the drawings. Some were dark in emotion, but others were beautiful landscapes and portraits.

“This is my younger sister. Clara. And thats is my mom.” Gwen looked at him, but he was studying the pictures. He turned the page and there was a field with mountains in the distance. He looked at Joseph and didn’t saying anything. Gwen felt a pang of sadness. She took his hand.

“It’s flat where I come from. Where is this?”

“The Blue Ridge. Near Waynesboro, Virginia.”

“Are they still there?”

“Last time I heard. I haven’t spoken to them in over ten years.”

“It’s beautiful. It is a gift to be able to bring those memories to life in here.” She looked into his eyes to reassure him that it hadn’t been a mistake to reveal himself to her. He nodded and set the book aside.

“How did you come here, Dianna?”

“I was a student at Hudson. I went to a bar to party and woke up here.” Gwen looked at Joseph. “Joseph. If Trey were to draw a picture on me, could the skulls stay within those lines and everyone else stay outside them?”

Joseph cast and shrugged, “Why not.”

“What do you think Trey? Are you up to adding to my collection?”

Trey smiled. “Where?”

“Wherever you’d like.”

Rachel spoke up quickly. “He’s definitely an ass man.”

Gwen looked at Trey and he nodded. She crawled on the bed and turned her back on him straddling his legs and backing close to him on her hands and knees. Rachel handed him a marker and giggled as Trey began drawing.

“It’s Mickey Mouse. Everyone will just have to fill in his nose and ears.” Gwen waited as he handed the pen back to Rachel and then felt the juices begin to flow again as she offered herself to him. He took his time to gunguing and sucking on her. Rachel sat next to him and joined in. When they finished they sat back admiring. Rachel giggled and leaned into Trey kissing him. Reluctantly Gwen crawled off. “If it’s okay with Joseph, spread the word to everyone with the skull. Tell them, just for them, I’ll be back on the table at lunchtime.” Gwen looked at Joseph. He shrugged acquisitionscence. Gwen smiled back atRachel mischievously. “My arms are sore though, so tell them I’ll be on my hands and knees.”

“Oh, I think they won’t be too disappointed!”

Gwen grinned, “I’ll name him Hickey Mouse!”

They walked in silence for a while after leaving Trey and Rachel. “Was it OK?”

“Yes. You’re not at risk for the disease, but I’m not sure it’s OK for you politically.”

“They are outcasts.”

“There are a few who associate with them.”

“I want to know everyone. I told you that before.”

He smiled and shook his head. “You are definitely going to take the place by storm.”

“Next on the list are the girls in the order.” Joseph rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “You should have warned me about this morning.”

“You did fine. Julia wanted to press you to see if you would perform this soon. You have to be ready to take whatever comes.”

“This is the same Greg who helped you apply the lotion?”

“Yes. No one here has the same name.”

“I’m hot Joseph. I can’t help it, but I still am. Tell me this is going to be show and tell.”

Joseph smiled. “Show and tell and I’m sure Greg would be happy to indulge you if you are still having trouble.”

“I wanted you on the table in the cafeteria.”

“You wanted sex.”

Gwen nodded in agreement, “I did, but if I just wanted sex, I could have had it.”

Jacob nodded.

“The hickey you gave me this morning was just because of Julia.”

Jacob nodded.

“Is it true what John told Rachel?”

Joseph shrugged uncomfortable, “Maybe.” There was a pause before he continued. “Both John and Rachel should have kept their comments to themselves.”

Gwen looked at him. “Can you at least tell me her name?”


“The girl you loved.” This time Gwen saw him shove the emotions in the box. Click. The lid was locked.


“I told you that I wouldn’t trust anyone else because I wouldn’t place myself in a position of vulnerability again. Youtold me I wasn’t avoiding pain. You told me I was avoiding happiness.” Joseph just walked next to her with his hands claped behind his back. “Tonight will you come to my room after dinner?”


A walk that should have taken three minutes took them twenty. Joseph explained the Hickey Mouse and Gwen collected a number of additional hickeys. She saw Joseph watching dispatchately as she submitted.

Greg and Anna were waiting when they arrived at the trick room Joseph had shown her earlier with the obstetrical chair. It had posters of males in erection and female genitalia. Some were labeled and intended for instructional purposes. Some were purely meant to be erotic. Anna smiled at them and hugged and kissed Joseph. She took Gwen’s hand and turned her front and back to see the hickeys. She saw the Mickey Mouse and looked at Joseph.

“It was her idea. She’s named him Hickey Mouse. It’s reserved for the skulls. We only have a little over an hour. She promised themshe’d be on her hands and knees on the table for lunch.”

Anna looked at her in surprise.

“My arms were tired.”

“Everyone else is going to be on you too, you know.”

“If we only have an hour then we’d better get to work.” Greg looked at Anna. “Ma’am.”

Anna rolled her eyes good-naturedly and climbed in the chair putting her legs in the stirrups. Greg and Joseph strapped her legs down and spread the stirrups. Greg handed Gwen a paper towel and slide a rolling chair towards her. As she sat he rolled her chair to Anna’s genitalia. “Behold the external female genitalia. It consists of the Mons Pubis,” he pointed as he explained, “the rounded part in front of the public bone which is formed by a collection of fatty tissue between the skin. It becomes covered with hair during Puberty.”

He pointed again. “The Labia Majora are these two folds. They form the outside boundaries of what is known scientifically as the pudendal cleft or rima, which is the opening to the vagina and urethra. Say it in your own words.”

Gwen looked at him and then spoke. “The Labia Majora form the outside edges of the pudendal cleft or rima which opens into the vagina.”

Greg nodded and continued pointing. “The labia correspond with the scrotum in the male. They have two surfaces. The outer is pigmented and covered with strong, crisp hairs. The inner is smooth and has large sebaceous folks, which secret a fatty or waxy substance. In between the two are fat, what is known as alveolar tissue, which is also found around the nipples, and another tissue called dartos tunic that is like the tissue on the scrotum. There is also a large blood supply and plenty of nerves. These labia are thicker in front and meet. In the back they do not join but become lost in the skin at the posterior boundary of the pudendum. The pudendum or vulva is the whole of the external female genitalia. The skin between the pudendum, or vulva, and the anus is the perineum.


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