***This work is original and may not be republished without permission.
In the fall Brian had gone to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. It was only a couple hours away so he either came home for the weekend or Gwen went to visit him. She took a fast food job to earn money for the bus under the condition that she would work no weekends. It was better when she went to Lincoln because they could be by themselves virtually anytime. That was when Brian had created the webpage. She sat watching over his shoulder as he copied the pictures and downloaded the videos. There was no text so it was virtually impossible to hit on the site accidentally, but the potential of getting caught left her euphoric. She was standing naked in the road for anyone to come along and find her.
The next winter she worked for His father again and lived on the farm. Toward the end of that summer was when things began going downhill. It was the first week in August and sweltering. Brian would be heading back to school in less than two weeks. They had just finished supplier and the evening chores. Both had shown to go “to the movies”. Brian leaned on one of the stalls in the old barn watching Gwen do a striptease and dance in the nude. Her clothes were in a pile at his feet. As the song ended he approached her smiling and she came into his arms.
“I’m going to Clark’s house.”
“I’d go with you, but I imagine I won’t be getting my clothes back quite so easily.”
“You know me too well.” He picked up her clothes and called out over his shoulder. “It won’t take more than twenty-five minutes. Keep dancing.”
Brian bought weed from Clark. They had used it half a dozen times that summer and she enjoyed it more now that she had gotten used to it.
She followed him out of the barn and walked partway down the drive to the road until she saw another car in the distance. The fields on either side of the drive were in corn. It was dusk and wouldbe dark before he got back. She decided to take a walk first and wandered across the property enjoying the evening. A breeze kicked up and cooled her skin. She walked back to the road just after dark and paced back and forth retreating twenty-five yards each time a car drive by. She was dark as an Indian by then. It would be nearly impossible for anyone to notice her. The road was still busy though, so she returned to the barn and turned the music back on and lit the lantern. She knew it had been longer than twenty-five minutes, but Clark liked to talk. She knew Brian thought it was funny when she became worried that he might not come back. She began to dance and when she heard the truck pull in she decided to give him a show. She turned her back to the door and moved her hips back and forth to the music with her arms twining overhead. Every now and then she would turn far enough that he could glimpse a nipple, but not far enough to see him. She smiled knowing he was leaning against the doorway admiring her.
When the song ended he spoke, “Now that was one of the best shows I’ve seen, I do declare.” It wasn’t Brian’s voice though, and Gwen turned quickly in shock. He laughed as she ran behind the wall of the new stall and peeked over the railing. It was the same dependence that had checked on them the night they had pulled the truck off the side of the road. Morrison. She cast in her mind, but the blanket they kept was in a box in the loft.
“Go away.”
“I don’t think so.” He stepped just inside the door where he couldn’t be seen from the vehicle.
She cringed, thinking about how she had danced in front of him. “I’m on private property. I’m not breaking any laws.”
“Oh, but you were about to. And your boyfriend already has. That’s how I He’s the one who told me where to look. Why don’t you come on out from behind there so we can talk?”
Gwen shook her head.
“See I know most of your other haunts in the county. The river. The wayside. The walking bridge. But this one I didn’t know about. I wonder if his daddy knows you come here. I wonder if your momma knowledge.” Gwen gasped. “You sure you don’t want to come out from behind there?”
“Where are my clothes?”
“Your clothes? Well, they’re right where your boyfriend left them on the seat of his truck.” Morrison gestured over his shoulder with his thumb. “It’s about three miles up the road. But you like being out on the road naked in the dark, don’t you? Maybe you’d like to start walking, or I could give you a ride.”
“Where’s Brian?”
“He’s in the back of my unit in handcuffs. See, he was in a little bit of a hurry and so I stopped him for speeding. He was acting a little hinky though. You know What I mean? Anyway I saw your clothes and asked him whose they were. I already knew, but that’s what a cop does… asks questions he knows the answer to. I asked him if he bought any weed off Clark Mason, but I knew the answer to that too.See, we busted Clark a couple weeks ago and let him go on the condition that he cooperate with us. In fact, I told Clark to call Brian and tell him he had some real good stuff if he was interested and then Clark called me to tell me Brian just left. That doesn’t sound too fair now, does it?”
Gwen shook her head in disbelief. “I want to see him.”
“Oh, you will. In fact, if you and Brian are willing to cooperate like Clark, then no one even has to know that I detailed him for questioning.”
Morrison smiled, “You just do what you two planned to do tonight, not smoking the pot of course, and I’ll have a front row seat. It won’t be the first time I’ve seen you two at it, you know. That night you tied yourself up on the pedestrian bridge… that was something, but I was on the upside watching with binarys…” She was silent for a moment remembering. Brian had the mag light that night.
“He can’t have that much pot. Only a couple joints.”
“Oh,but I think he said something about bringing some back for the guys at school. There was a whole Ziploc full of joints behind his seat. It’s enough with Clark’s testimony to put him away for a couple of years. That would really put a kink in his college plans now, wouldn’t it?” He smiled at her. “Now why don’t you come on out from behind that wall?”
Gwen heaved a sight in resignation and slowly stepped out from behind the wall covering herself. She had never felt so humiliated and started to cry.
Morrison didn’t care. He smiled in satisfaction. Put your hands down at your sides and let me see the flip side. I already got a great view of the backside.
Gwen moved her hands to cover her eyes and wipe away her tears and then put her hands down at her sides. Slowly Morrison approached her and walked a full circle around her. She had never felt so filthy. She brushed at her tears again.
“Can I see Brian? I want to see him.”
“I can do that.” Morrison left and returned with Brian in handcuffs. He had his head down in shame and was crying as well. She went to him and hid herself against him. He positioned himself to block Morrison’s view.
“I’m so sorry, honey.” She buried her face in his chest and nodded. Morrison had walked away from them studying the weights and ropes in the stall. “Don’t do anything for him. You don’t have to do anything for him.”
“You’ll go to jail if I don’t. Did you really buy that much?”
“No. He must have gotten it from Clark before. It’s his word against mine though and they’ll believe him over me, especially if Clark testifies. It doesn’t matter though. You are more important. I don’t want you to do this for me.”
“He said he’s seen us before. On the pedestrian bridge. He was in the upper parking lot.”
“This is different though. It’s like paying for it. You are mine and I am yours. He is making it dirty. He is just using it to get his rocks off.”
“She’s really into bondage isn’t she?”Morrison was studying the restraints in the stall. “I like this. I think that’s what I want to see. She can tie herself up and you can stand on the stool until you come into her mouth.”
Gwen pleaded with Brian with her eyes. “It’s jail. I couldn’t live with myself if you had to go to jail when I could stop it. It’s just this once. Please, Brian, let’s just get it over with.”
Brian crumpled in tears, sobbing and shaking his head. Finally he nodded agreement and Gwen turned to Morrison and nodded. “If we do this, you don’t charge him for anything and no one will know?”
“It’ll just be our little secret.”
Gwen nodded in agreement and turned to kiss Brian for comfort.
“Take his clothes off first and then kiss him.”
Gwen paused for a moment until Brian nodded. He was not the exhibitionist she was and had always kept his clothes on as long as possible when he was filming or they weren’t in private. His face was burning with shame.
“You’ll have to takethe handscuffs off.”
“Just pull the shirt off over his head and pull it down to his wrists.”
Gwen looked at Brian in apology as she followed Morrison’s orders.
“Now the shorts.”
Gwen removed the rest of his clothes.
“Now you can kiss him.”
Gwen put her arms around Brian, but it was only to comfort him. He was trying without success to stop the tears.
“Not much of a man, is he? Has that much woman against his naked flesh and not the least bit of a rise out of him? Mmm mmmm.”
Gwen whispered in his ear. “Don’t pay any attention to him. It’s just you and me. Focus on me.” Brian nodded and they kissed again as Gwen played her hands over his torso. She didn’t want to be tied up any longer than she had to.
“I don’t Know if I can do this Gwen.”
“The sooner we do, the sooner he’ll leave.”
Brian nodded and allowed Gwen to lead him to the stall. She pushed him back against the wall and turned to Morrison. “Can I take him here? I’d rather be on my knees.”
Morrison smiled and nodded. “Fine with me.”
Gwen knew it would be easier if she had her hands free. She kissed him again and played her hands all over him. When she took hold of his organ it was beginning to swell slightly. She knelt and brought it into her mouth as she reached up and stroked Brian’s chest. He was coming up nicely when Morrison spoke again.
“If that’s all you ever get from him, maybe you should let a real man show you how it is.” Brian died quickly and Gwen turned in anger.
“A real man would be getting some of his own instead of threatening other people with jail just so he could watch!”
Gwen throw her hands up to protect herself as Morrison raised his hand to strike her. Brian shouted, “No!” and Gwen looked at the dependy in defiance. “Go ahead! Is that what a real man does? Beats on a woman?” Morrison barely managed to stay his hand. She stared him down filled with anger until he backed off and smiled. She turned back to Brian and had to start again from scratch.
It took much longer than normal, but he finally managed to come.
Brian had tried to position himself to block Morrison’s view as Gwen began to put on the restraints. That was when Morrison noticed the goggles. He put them on Brian and pushed him aside and then leered at Gwen as she tied her legs and then her hands and pushed the weights off the ledge. She never said a word and she never told Brian later how Morrison had touched her, or how he flashed her massaging himself to erection.
She had to talk to Brian to let him know where she was. He tried to kiss her, but Morrison pushed him to his knees while he played with Gwen’s breasts.
“Leave enough cum for me to check. I want to know she’s not just faking it.”
She knew he was disappointed at how quickly she managed to come despite what he was doing. When Brian moved away from her Morrison stuck his middle finger inside of her and came to her face as he suckedon it. “Mmm, mmmm, mmmm.”
Brian left shortly after Morrison did to get the truck and Gwen’s clothes. He and Gwen spent the night in the barn comforting one another. It was the only place they could be together. His father noticed they were upset and asked Gwen about it a few days later. She told him they had a fight, but they were trying to work things out.
It was never the same after that. It was always desperate and forced, never fun. Even in Lincoln Morrison was always watching. He was always touching Gwen. Brian started drinking more and smoking more pot. And then in January she had gotten pregnant. She was taking the pills like always, but she ended up pregnant anyway. They had always talked about getting married when he finished school. He was twenty, she was eighteen, but when she told him About the baby he said he wasn’t ready to have a child.
That’s when he broke it off. She had been stunned. His dad was counting on her to come for the lambing, but when she kept leaving the barn to throw up and when Brian didn’t come home for the weekend he confronted her. She loved Brian’s dad. His parents were more like family than hers. She had been numb when Brian broke up with her and broke down crying, admitting that she was pregnant. He hugged her, but then he told her to tell her mother. That was when she had gone to Nora. Nora held her hand and drove her home from the abortion clinic, but Gwen had gone to a place deep inside herself. Brian’s mom and dad tried to talk to her once or twice after that. Her parents never even called.
Then she began to notice the looks from people around town. Nora admitted telling one of her friends. Gwen heard Brian was seeing a girl at school. Nora checked her email one day and found Brian’s website in her inbox sent to her by Gwen. He knew Gwen’s password and when he found out that she had talked to his dad and that somehow everyone knew, he decided to send the link to everyone in her address book with the caption “Gwen naked”. Not only that, but he had added text to the site that would get a hit on anything from her name to almost any key word. She got a one-word email in response from her mother that said “slut”. Nora said Gwen could stay with her.
Gwen buckled down and ignored the lesions from boys and the down the nose looks from their mothers. She worked almost full time and studied until she fell asleep. She saved every dime she could and applied for scholarships and won them and sent a last minute application to Hudson and was accepted. She never talked to anyone there about it. Never talked about home. She just kept to herself and poured herself into her studies and worked two jobs weekends as a waitress to pay the bills. She never called Nora or her parents. Never talked to anyone from home. She never planned to go back there again.
Gwen came back to the present as she heard the door to her cell click. She felt someone enter and could hear them breathing softly. It was probably Joseph again. He had checked on her periodically and spoken to her, but she hadn’t spoken to him or anyone else since she had been dragged out of Julia’s office. The feelings of betrayal were intense. All of the old pain was back. She had promised herself after Brian that she would never trust anyone again. It wasn’t worth the pain. She would never allow herself to be emotionally vulnerable. She would never believe anything anyone told her. It wasn’t until her sophomore year at Hudson that she hesitantly said yes when Cole asked her out. She reaffirmed those promises after Cole when she realized he only wanted sex with her. And now this.
She had lost track of time curled into a ball on the cot, but she knew it had to have been days because her stomach was rumbling with hunger. Still she wouldn’t give in to them. She would just starve to death if they wouldn’t let her go. Only now it was cold. There was no blanket on the cot, but the room had been comfortableable before.
“I was thirdteen when I came here. I lived in Connecticut. I was delivering papers at five in the morning when a jogger grabbed me off my bike and throw me into a van. Julia showed me the news releases later on the internet. I couldn’t figure out why.”
“I don’t believe you. Go away.”
“Maybe I’ll show you some time.”
“Go away.”
Gwen had a sore throat the next time she woke. Her sleep had been troubled because her muscles were tense. She kept rubbing her arms to warm them, but it didn’t do any good. It wasn’t cold enough to kill her, she knew, but she was growing more and more miserable. Her feet were aching with the cold. The floor and one wall were concrete. The other three walls were cinderblock. The ceiling was suspended acoustical tiles. There was a dome like the ones in stores with a camera in it, she supposed, a fluorescent light and a night light. There were two ceiling vents, presumably one connected to the heat source and one connectted to the cooling source. Everything was controlled from outside the room. There were light switches she could control, but they could be overridden. The cot was woven wire on a metal frame with a thin vinyl mattress. There was a commode and a flat of bottled water. There was a keypad to open the door.
She sat up as Joseph entered again. She starred greedily at his sweatshirt and sweatpants. “The hallway is warm. If you are willing to go with me I have something to show you.” He looked at the torn flesh above her navel as she stood hugging her chest. “Where is the stud?”
She shrugged and walked past him. He pulled the door closed and she followed him down the hallway. He took her down a number of hallways. Each time he encountered a closed door he entered a code on a keypad next to it and the door would open. She was lost when he finally led her down a dead-end hallway lined with several windows. Most of the rooms were dark, but he led her to the one that was lit. It had whips and other items hung on the wall, one wall had rings like the room in the back of the bar. There were two other sawhorse things in the room that could be used to stick people down hand and foot.
There was a naked girl inside who appeared to be waiting. She was jittery and paced the floor. “They promised her drugs if she would cooperate.” There was a tattoo of a skull and crossbones just below her navel. Gwen Remembered that the girl who had put the stud in had the same tattoo. Joseph perceived the question and answered before she asked. “It means she has HIV. She came here the same day you did. She sold herself for several years for drugs. Because of the disease her choices are limited, but there are still clients who will use her. Clients who have the virus, clients who are willing to use a condom, clients who use other items to sodomize, clients who like torture, and in the end, clients who like to kill.”
Gwen looked at him in shock. Her attention was only drawn awayas a naked male entered the room and the girl crouched in the corner. She couldn’t watch, but Joseph forced her to listen as the girl screamed in terror and then in pain. Joseph made Gwen stay until she dropped to her knees, her stomach heaving. Even her hands over her ears couldn’t block out the screams. Finally Joseph led her back down the hall away from the noise. Her legs could hardly hold her. Again she dropped to Her knees and wretched. He stood next to her and watched until she was done. Nothing had come up. She had nothing in her strach. Joseph took her by the upper arm and helped her to stand. He stood close to her face despite the smell. She tried to back as far away from him as she could, but the wall was impregnable. She was sobbing uncontrollable and trembling violently. She could feel his breath as he whispered.
“She will never see a room that is not concrete. She will have bruises for the rest of her life. Her life will be short. She will be begging for that lastclient in the end.”
He backed away slightly. His face was impassive as she struck out at him verbally,
“Why do you do this?”
“I don’t. I told you I was brought here as a prisoner when I was young.”
Gwen shook her head. She still didn’t believe him. The girl’s screams echoed in her head as Joseph led her down the hallway. She hugged herself, tears streaming in frozen misery.
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