The Bonding of LanceGt and LittleMissJen
This is the telling of two Literotica writers who become bound by the power of words and experience the joys of sharing their private worlds. To understand their mutual attention, it is told by both of them. LanceGT is written in bold lettering and LittleMissJen in italics. They will tell it together from each of their perspectives, so you, the readers, will understand what brought them together and what they shared between them. I will be your nameless narrower and fill in the details for continued.
In mid-summer of 2009, I had just finished the third chapter of my chronicling of my ex’s descent into being a slave. I had won a lottery of a substantial amount and set about turning her into a slave and debasing her for her arrogance and self indulgence, as she had treated my son and I like worthless beings. I was receiving lots of feedback from readers on the site as well as e-mails sent to me by those who felt I deserved their personal attention and admission. One mailing in particular was from LittleMissJen. I hadn’t read any of her works before, but she had read a couple of mine.
I was taken by her openness about BDSM and her enjoyment at reading my stories, ‘Life At Last’, in particular. She related to me how she had read several stories to her Dom and they even acted some of the events out together. I was overwhelmed by the fact that I had created such emotion in someone, that they were compelled to respond to me and ask that I include some of the play that they enjoyed together. I responded to her and told her I would be happy to include a factual account of a real D/S relationship.
I was intrigued by her and searched her out in the members list to see who she was. I learned she was a true submissive and enjoyed a great many things associated with the lifestyle. I started to read her writings and gained an insight of a lifestyle I knew little about and found an admiration for her. I had never really been interested in it, and only wrote from reading and watching videos and talking to friends who had some experience in dabbling in the outer edges of it. I wrote back and told her how I felt and told her I admired her for her openness in sharing herself with others in her experiences with her Dom.
We ended up becoming cyber friends and shared not only our mutual admiration, but sent our pics and fans as well. It wasn’t long before I found myself becoming attracted to her on a deeper level and wanted to share more than cyber space with her. The distance between us was negligible, but the distance was more than just miles. It was my lack of knowledge of her world and the emotional connection of two people who shared in the mutual satisfaction, of one giving pain and the other receiving it. I had never gone Any further than playing spanking while making love, yet I found myself becoming interested in her world of submission and what it entailed.
I know there are many who look down on this as a true expression of love for one another, but I was understanding what it was, when a person found their true expression of themselves and what they were inside. I was intrigued to find I had a desire to be a dominant lover and shared that with Jen. She explained the intricacies of a sub’s needs and how they should be fulfilled. I had no idea or concept of pain being pleasurable until she explained the fine line that existed between them. She told me her greatest enjoyment was being punished by a woman, while I watched her submit. So many fans roleed into one session was more than I could imagine.
Lance had been drawn into a world that had remained an enigma to many and found a desire building inside him to explore what it was about. His experience in lovemaking so far, had brought him to a point of understanding the ultimate expression a man can give to woman. A desire for her complete satisfaction. He knew her orgasmic release from emotions felt and a knowledge of her inner desires and what she needed to feel and experience, was more important than his own. He had brought great joy and satisfaction to many women, experiencing their orgasms as deeply as if they had happened to him. His time spent with previous lovers in swingers clubs, had given him an insight to the multiitude of differences that women have in acheiving orgasmic fulfillment. Here he understands, that this new world before him, was a new chapter to read and explore. Jen had opened the book to this new chapter and had read to him about the joys this side of sexual fulfillment could hold for him.
I’ve known since I was a young girl, that I was different than other girls. From the first time I was handled aggressively by a boyfriend while having sex, I knew I liked that style. As other boyfriends came and went, my experiences dictated my desire to submit to them and found I truly enjoyed being dominated. So called, ‘ normal sex’, never left me as satisfied and it was the few who saw my reaction to their forceful behavior that knew how to please me. I enjoyed being treated like a plaything and served their sexual needs with a desire to please. The more I served and submitted, the greater my own satisfaction became. I’m not a mindless bimbo without a clue, but an intelligent, well spoke woman who has come to terms with who I truly am. I have found the joys of making love to another woman, as well as exploring the farthest reaches of myself to what I need, to know that I am being honest with myself. I finally found a man that allows me to serve him and submit myself to him in every way. I found my limitations to what I’ll do and we have shared our lives as Dom and Sub for several happy years.
At my Dom’s approval, I began writing about our experiences and posted them in Literotica. I really didn’t care if I was dismissed by some readers as a sicko, as I knew there were others like my Dom and I that enjoyed this lifestyle. I read stories from other writers and read them to my Dom, who enjoyed taking them to our playtime and acting them out. We enjoyed our relationship more than before, learning new ways to find mutual pleasure. It was a writer named Lance GT that posted a story, called ‘Life At Last’, that held my interest. I read it over and over to myself and enjoyed the depth of his character’s intiation to BDSM, that I felt compelled to write to him and let him know he had touched a chord within me. He thanked me for my gratitude and said he would read my stories as well.
Within a week, I received a letter back from him, telling me how he admired not only my stories, but me as well. He told me it was my openness at relating my Feelings and my experiences that made him take note of me. I felt honoured by his prayer, as I felt his writing was worth mention and his depth given to the characters, led to a story that captivated the reader. I was moved to thank him for his prayer of my work and me personally and found myself attracted to him. I searched for his profile and read his bio, only to discover that he had written numerous stories I now enjoy and a fetish for female orgasms. I became intrigued as to what his talents were at providing women with this joy, and wrote back to him. I was thrilled to find a man, comfortable with his sexuality and His knowledge of the female body and mind. Numerous mailings back and forth, found us becoming fast friends and we shared a mutual respect and admission for one another.
I keep these to myself and filed them away for private reading, not wanting my Dom to feel I was cheating in any way. I knew I would be punished for it, and not in a way I would enjoy. With the intimacy growing between us, I took the risk finally and crossed the line. I sent him pictures of me and told him my real name. I knew this would forever change what we had, but he brought something to my life, I never felt or expected. I had fallen in love.
Up until now, I was happy serving and pleasure and was fulfilled in my life with my Dom. What I finally realized with Lance, was a deeper meaning to what I truly needed to be whole and complete. My Dom took great care of me, making sure I was well fed and dressed, a nice home to live in and a desire for mutual respect. What I now realize we lacked, was an emotional bond that went deeper than pleasure and knew we’d never have it. I was heartbroken for days after I sent the true identity of myself to Lance and no reply came. I felt I had destroyed a great chance at being friends with someone who understand my essence as a woman and a submissive.
My saddness ended when I opened my E-mail to find a letter from him. I read it carefully, making sure I had read it correctly when I read his words. Without any lack of conviction, he expressed his love for me and his apologies for not responding sooner.I noticed the little paper clip symbol and opened the attachment. To my surprise and great exposure, was a picture of him and his real name. I stared at it for an eternity, looking at his eyes and his smile and wanted to be by him in the flesh. I wanted to experience his smell and taste. I wanted to feel the touch of his hand and the feel of his body next to me, holding me close and feeling his strength. I quickly filed it into my secret folder and brought it out as often as I could and masturbated, imagining us doing all the things I enjoyed.
Jen had discovered a new part of herself. One that she had longed for in her inner most being. All her lovers had been good at providing her sexual needs to be submissive, but none had gone past the need to allow her emotional fulfillment as well. With her new found love, she knew This could never remain platonic. No amount of letters strung into sentences could express what she felt and pictures could only fill so much of the void in her heart. A hungry yearning ate at her to be with him. Nothing else would suffice, but to be in his arms. During a session with her Dom, she had fantasized it was Lance who was pleased her and reached greater orgasmic bliss during their play, than she ever had before. It became all to clear what she had to do. Her computer expressed her desires as best it could, and Lance was asked if he would meet her.
I opened my e-mail and saw I had a new letter from Jen. I was thrilled to find she had fallen in love with me, but in my heart, it was bitter-sweet to know we weren’t able to be together. I looked at her picture often and fanatasized about her, doing the things she taught me about and seeing her response to me. I know my relationship with my new Girlfriend was as satisfied as any could be, but it lacked the depth of exploration and intimacy Jen had shown me. I was compelled to be satisfied with our fantasy and live my cyber-life withher in secret. I started sending her orders to perform sexual duties and do things she had told me she liked doing. We started using webcams to see that she was doing them and I was hooked. I watched as she applied nipple and clips and fucked herself with dildos while she had a large butt plug stuffed inside her ass. The greatest thrill was watching her cum, screaming out my name, as she gushed her fluid. I masturbated myself while watching her, but it lacked the satisfaction of me being present touching her, punishing her and experiencing the touch of her pleasure me.
Making love to my woman in my real world somehow paled to what I knew Jen could share with me. Never having actually experiencing a D/S session, I could only imagine what the real thing was like. I had graduated to a point where nothing else but the real live event of pleasure Jen mattered. I longed to know what doing all those things to her would bring out of her. I wanted to experience the sounds and smells. I wanted to feel her body as it responded to my manipulations. The idea of crossing the barrier of distance became paramount in my need and I longed for her to be with me.
I hesitated in responding to her letter, trying to decide what to do about all of it, when I know for certain in my heart, we had to be together. Nothing else would suffice. I opened my E-mail to write to her and noticed a new letter from her. Opening it, I read it quickly and my heart jumped and then raced wildly. Jen felt like I did. Her desires had become as strong as mine and her needs echoed mine. We had to meet.
With nothing left to conclude but a time and place, Lance and Jen set about finding a way of being together. It was a stroke of unexpected grief that presented them with an opportunity. Jen’s Dom’s Father was killed in an accident and he was flying to the east coast to be with his family. He told her he would be gone for a week or two to take care of the arrangements and the funeral. He allowed her the time to herself and she had freedom to enjoy the time as she wanted. It was up to Lance to find a way to get his girlfriend out of the house for that period and Jen would fly up and be with him. With unlimited resources, he easily talked his girlfriend into a two week stay at a spa/resort in Italy and sent his son with enough money for him and his friends, accompanied by mothers, to enjoy two weeks of fun in Florida at Disney World. The time was theirs and everything was set. Jen said goodbye and wished her Dom’s family her deepest sympathies and she’d see him in two weeks. She said she was going to the west coast to see her friend she hadn’t seen in years and he agreed it would be good for her to go. Lance took two trips to the airport and saw his son and girlfriend leave for their destinations. One more trip for an arrival was all that was left for him to experience what his heart had desired so strongly.
I packed my clothes and all the toys I could fit in my suitcases. I couldn’t stop smiling and my heart raced, knowing I was meeting someone who brought a deeper feeling of joy to my life. I wanted to please him so much and make him happy with me. I have always felt the need to please someone and gain my pleasure from doing it. Now it was the most important thing for me to do. Lance had brought out desires in me that made all my subbing till now pale in comparison to how much I wanted to be with him and submit myself to him. I remembered his instruction to keep my holes filled during my trip and slide my plug into my ass and then pushed my love balls into my cunt. The feeling it gave me knowing it was for his pleasure made me soaking wet before the taxi came to get me. I dressed exactly as I was told to and wore my hair and make up as Instructed. When I finished, I looked in the mirror and saw myself. I came hard ,knowing I looked just as ordered and had to wipe my dripping cunt. I used a pair of tiny thong panties and soaked them with all the cum and sealed them in a baggie for him. I wanted to give him a special gift for our first face to face. My heart raced when the cab arrived and I locked the door and didn’t look back.
I rode in the back, looking out the window, as I watched my previous life fall into the distance and slowly close towards my new one. I became nervous at knowing my toys were being scanned by a faceless customs agent somewhere between check in and the loading on the plane. I had no reservations about my cunt and ass filled to reply with my toys and savoured the excitement they brought me. Several times I went to the washroom to quickly masturbate myself to relieve the overwhelming pressure of orgasms that keep consuming me as I sat in my seat and fantasized about Lance and I together. He had given me that pleasant permission to do so and I took every opportunity to do it. The scene below me wasn’t as captivating to my thoughts and seemed to move in slow motion, even though we were cruising at over 600 MPH.
The announcement we would be landing soon, brought a renewed exploration and a nervous excitement that it was soon to be a reality and the fansy of it all vanished. I lost to the terminal and waited for my bags to come down to the carousel. My hands were sweaty and I knew I was almost there as I passed the customs desk. The agent gave me a sly look, which I’m sure was because of my glow. Hell after four orgasms and a constant flow coming from my juicy cunt, it wasn’t too hard to tell what I had been doing, from the aroma wafting from me.
Lance stood with the others waiting to see their loved ones and shifted nervously. Unknown to Jen, he had called to his house in the country and asked the girls training his ex if one of them would be interested in meeting a new friend of his. Rachel won the toss and had quickly packed her things and came to his housein the suburbs. Carolyn was happy to stay and be served by her charge, the Bitch, and helped her pack as many impliments of tortuous pain they could fit in. When she arrived, he explained to Rachel who it was and showed her the E-mails they had exchanged, describing what Jen was into and she was thrilled she had won the toss. She would be waiting at the house for them to return, so Lance could add to the surprise.
With the board saying the flight had arrived, he looked with focused intent at the door to open and see Jen walking towards him.
I had never felt so excited to be with someone before this. I watched as the door opened and passengers came out to be greeted by the people around me. I almost thought Jen had backed out and felt a great disappointment wash over me. It was premature of course, as the door opened and the person in my pictures walked out and saw me. I could see the excitement on her face and her eyes sparkled as she smidle widely and rushed towards me. I held her tightly in an embrace I’m sure almost took her breath away and she dropped her bags and returned it with equal vigour. With our faces just inches apart, I looked into her eyes and then kissed her with all the emotion I had stored inside. It seemed an eternity and I’m sure many of the others looked at us, wondering if we would just strip and fuck madly right there. With the desire to get home and continue, I took her bags and Jen took my arm as I led her to the waiting limo. I was thrilled to see her face, as the driver opened the door for us and ushered us in. I had become used to it now and saw the new thrill for Jen to ride in style. I closed the privacy divider and turned to Jen and wanted to know if my instructions were carried out. Without hesitation, she raised her short skirt and spread her legs out. I looked between them and there was the flange of her plug pressed tightly to her anus and the dripping from her pussy let me know thee were love balls stimulating her inside. With a gentle push, one popped out and she giggled and pushed it back in. In a flash she had her arms around me and hugged me tightly. The ride home wasn’t too long as I live close to the airport, but it afforded us the chance to kiss and share a quiet moment of introduction at what we were about to do.
I think I came the moment I walked through the doors and saw Lance standing there. He looked even more handsome in real life and his smile made me gush ,as I knew I had pleased him. I rushed the rest of the way and before I could do anything, He hugged me tightly and I felt so wanted and needed. More so, I felt the rush of what love must be. I stood helpless for a moment and then dropped my bags and held him to me. I felt my cunt surge at that moment and knew I had done what was right for me. All the nagging feelings of being unfaithful to my Dom vanished in a heartbeat, as I knew Lance was what my heart had been missing and my totality of being being was now complete. The look in his eyes and the smile on his face made my soul sing with ecstasy, as I knew he was happy with me. When he took my bags and I took his arm, I felt respected and cherished as a person. My breath left me when he stopped outside and a driver opened the rear door to a beautiful, white limo for us. I must have looked like a silly, little girl when he saw my expression and left the bags to the driver to stand in the trunk, after he closed the door for us. I hugged him again and thanked him so much. I saw him press a button and a dark divider rose, enclosing us in privacy. I was excited when he asked if I had obeyed his instructions and quickly lift my skirt to show him my butt plug. My love balls were rolling around inside my cunt, happily causing my pussy to Keep gushing. I gave a little push with my keigels and one popped out. I pushed it back in and looked at him for a sign of his approval. His eyes said it all andI hugged him tightly knowing I was a good girl for him.
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