The Bondage Laboratory Ch. 01

Reagan woke up slowly, squiting her eyes against the bright white light that shone overhead. She sat up slowly, pressing a hand to her head as she fought back a sudden wave of digestibility. She was sat on the cool, hard floor of a square white room that was barely half a dozen feet wide. A bed with crisp white sheets and a single pillow sat against the length of the wall to her left whilst behind her head was a white basin and toilet combined. There were no windows in the room but opposite her was a doorway, a shimmering blue forcefield flickering in the space between the surrounding.

She reached out and steadied herself against the bed as she rose slowly to her feet. Her head was fuzzy and it took her several moments to realize that she was completely naked. She gasped, instinctively reaching to cover her pussy and hard, blue nipples with her hands as she looked around for some clothes without success.

“What the fuck?” she whispered to herself, her heart suddenly beating rapidly in her chest.

She approached the forcefield tenatively, taking care not to expose her bare skin to the flickering energy field as she craneted her neck to look through the doorway. Her cell, for that was becoming increasingly clear to her that was what it was, was set in a long white corridor. Black panels were set into the white floor at regular intervals and the same stark lights beat down from overhead. There was another cell opposite her own and more stretching the length of the corridor to the right hand side. A large white door stood to the left of her cell, though there appeared to be no way of opening it that she could see.

“Hey! You’re up!”

She looked across at the opposite cell to see a human girl standing at the forcefield. Like Reagan, she was naked, her olive coloured skin and wait length hair tinted a shade of blue by the light of the forcefields.

“Where are we?” Reagan asked urgently.

The woman shook her head, her eyes wide. “I don’t know. No one does.”

Reagan bit her lip as she looked down the corridor. She could see others stood by the door of their cells, all of them naked, all of them wearing the same look of confusion and fear that she felt.

“How long have you been here?” she asked, turning back to the girl opposite her.

“I just woke up,” she said. “Everyone has I think.”

“I don’t remember anything,” Reagan said, panic setting uncomfortable in the pit of her stomach. Her mind was totally blank. She could recall her name but that was about it. Everything else was just gone…

“What’s your name?” the other woman asked gently.

“Reagan,” she said. “What about you?”

“I’m Milly,” she replied.

She smiled weakly at the other girl, taking some comfort in knowing there was at least one friendly face close by. She crossed her arms over her chest and closed her eyes, willing her mind into action. She had to remember something. There had to be some clue as to how or why she had ended up here. She could hear the other girls talking along the length of the corridor, their conversations varying with the level of panic that they felt and someone was screaming for someone to come and let them out. She sank to the floor of her cell, hugging her knees to her chest as she fought down a wave of fear and nausea.

After what felt like hours the chatter was suddenly broken by the wail of a sonic siren. Reagan pressed her hands to her ears, gritting her teeth as the sonic wail pierced her skull, rendering her utterly disoriented. She was dimly aware of the main door outside her cell opening and a group of figures stepping into the cell. Only when the door had closed behind them did the siren fall mercifully silent.

“My apologies for the noise, ladies,” said a man’s voice, his tone cheerful.

Reagan slowly pushed herself upright, her vision spinning as the effects of the siren began to wear off. She blinked and looked out of her cell to see a man standingin the corridor, flanked by two women in short white dresses with matching, elbow length white gloves and thigh high boots. The women wore masks over their mouths and noses and white ribbons in their black hair. She thought that they looked like nurses. By contrast, the man was dressed in a smart blue suit and tie. He had choppy brown hair and stubble on his jaw and inquisitive green eyes. He glanced at her as she looked at him, and she felt herself blush as his gaze lingered for a moment on her tits.

“We are running a little behind schedule,” the man continued. “So forgive me if I skip a few things. Needless to say it is a pleasure to see you all again.”

Reagan craned her neck to follow the man as he strode usually along the corridor. Had she met him before? She couldn’t remember. He didn’t look familiar but none of that means anything now.

“Of course,” he went on, “I’m not expecting any of you to remember me. Indeed, if all has gone well with your procedures then I doubt you will remember anything at all!”

He spoke casually, as if addressing a room full of friends rather than a group of captive women.

“Who the hell are you?” someone demanded.

He smiled, pausing to look at one of the cells before continuing his pacing back up the corridor towards Reagan’s cell. “For now you may call me Doctor or Sir,” he said. “I am aware that there is a lot for you all to get used to here and I am not unreasonable, but I expect you all to address me properly from now on.”

“Why are we here?” Reagan demanded, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

The Doctor stopped beside her cage, tilting his head as he looked down at her. “All will become clear soon enough,” he said. “For now, you should make yourselves at home. Dinner shall be served shortly and then you will be permitted an hour of entertainment. I shall see you all very soon.”

Before anyone could ask any other questions the sirens roaredto life once again. Reagan gasped as she fell to her side, clamping her hands over her ears as the sonic sketch pierced her ears. By the time the noise had stopped the Doctor and the nurses had left and the door had sealed shut behind them.

“That was weird,” Milly said as the conversation started up in the corridor once again.

“Yeah,” Reagan said, sitting up again with a groan of discomfort. “Do you Remember him?”

“Not at all…” Milly replied with a shake of her head.

Reagan pursued her lips as she rubbed her eyes. The Doctor had mentioned some sort of procedure. That surely had to be the reason why none of them remembered anything.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

Milly nodded. “That was brave of you,” she said. “Talking to him like that, I mean. Even if he didn’t tell us anything, it was the right thing to do.”

She smiled weakly. “Thanks.”

A short while later Reagan was alerted to a beeping sound at the back of her cell. She looked roundto see a light flashing on the far wall and as she approached a panel opened in the wall to reveal a segmented tray piled high with food. She collected the tray unexpectedly, glancing across the corridor to see Milly doing the same. There was meat and gravy in one section of the tray along with roasted vegetables in another and a chocolate pudding in the next. A glass of white wine sat in a stemless glass alongside plastic cutlery and a napkin. Although Her unease her stomach grew hungrily as she sat down on the floor with the tray on her lap.

“At least they’re feeding us well,” Milly said with a shrug as she began to tuck in.

Reagan stared rarely at her dinner, a part of her wondering what exactly it was that they were being fed. She picked up her cutlery and cautiously dissected the meal, only beginning to eat once she felt confident There wasn’t anything hidden in the food. Milly was right, the food was at least good.

After they had finished eating and hadreturned their trays to the cute in the wall she saw a light at the far end of the bed. She turned to see a video screen activate on the wall, a menu of shows appearing before her eyes. It seemed so stupid given their situation but the thought of escaping into the world of TV seemed quite appealing to Reagan at that point and after flicking through the options she put on a comedy and tried to settle down on her bed to watch the show. The bed was surprisingly comfortable and she was just starting to feel drawsy when the sirens suddenly flared again.

She sat up, winning as the sound faded and hurried to the door of her cell. The Doctor stood in the hall, flanked by his two nurses once again. One of the women held a long metal pole in one hand, a magnetised collar fixed to its end, and a short baton in the other. The second held a set of black leather straps between her hands.

“Good evening, ladies,” the Doctor said cheerfully. “I trust you are all setting in well and enjoyd your meal?” He smiled, choosing not to hear the muttered replies that came from the cells along the corridor.

“I am pleased to say we are back on schedule,” he said. “The laboratory is now up and running as planned. All that remains is that we test its capabilities and for that I shall require a volunteer. Would anybody care to step forwards?”

The question was greeted with silence, several of the girls shrinking back from their cell doors for fear of being chosen. Reagan licked her lips, her heart pounding in her chest. She had to find out what was happening here, one way or another.

“What kind of tests?” she asked.

The Doctor turned to her, his green eyes twinkling excitedly. “It seems we have a volunteer,” he said. “I was hoping you might step forward, Reagan.”

“I wasn’t volunteering,” she grew.

“Regardless,” the Doctor said, “you will do nicely.”

He turned and nodded at the nurses who approached her cell. The one carrying the baton andpole typed in a code on the console beside the door whilst the other stand at the threshold. Reagan tensed as the forcefield faded, her hands clenching into fists as she bounced on her toes.

“Curious,” the Doctor said. “I would suggest that you do not struggle.”

Memories of a large hall and many hours spent training flashed through her mind. Instinct told her to move as the first nurse approached her and Reagan compiled, ducking under her grip. She swung around behind the woman, intending to grapple her when the second nurse thrust her baton into the small of her back and she screamed as a jolt of electricity shot through her body. She felt her legs give way as the first nurse bore her to the floor and pulled her arms behind her back. She groaned as the woman fastened the straps around her wrists and above her elbows before she felt the metal ring attached to the long pole close around her neck. The nurses hauled her to her feet, the one holding the pole pushing her out ofthe cell into the corridor where the Doctor waited for her with a smile.

“I did warn you,” he said softly.

Reagan scowled, her body still tingling from the shock of the baton.

“Ladies,” the Doctor addressed the corridor once more. “Have a pleasant night.”

The sirens waited once again, Reagan’s eyes rolling up in her head as she strained against her bindings in a useless attempt to Cover her ears. She stumbled forwards as she was pushed by the nurses and it was only when the door closed behind her and the screeching ceased that she realized they had left the cell block. The Doctor strode on ahead of her as the nurses marched her along the corridor on the end of the pole. Between the siren and the shock that she had received she was unsteady on her feet and she stumbled several times as they wound their way through a series of corridors and doorways that she very quickly lost track of before eventually entering a large, hexagonal room. After the glaring white corridols that they had walked down, the room seemed dark by contrast. The lighting was low and the corners of the room were blanketed in shadows. A large desk with a trio of holographic monitors sat facing into the centre of the room where a hexagonal section of the glossy black floor was raised about a foot higher than the rest of the floor.

“Get her ready,” the Doctor said calmly as he stride over to the largest desk and settled behind the computer.

The nurse jerked the pole attached to Reagan’s collar and she stumbled awkwardly up onto the platform.

“What are you doing?” she asked the Doctor as the nurse detached the pole from the collar around her neck.

The Doctor smiled thinly as his fingers flew over his screens but he did not answer. She scowled as the second nurse approached her, looping another strap around those that bound her wrists before fixing it to a hook in the ceiling. She pulled on the end of the straw and Reagan grossed in disappoint as her armswere pulled up and over her head, forcing her to bend at the wait as the nurse secured the strap in place. The women then fitted more straps to her ankles and collar, securing them to rings in the floor so that her legs were held apart and preventing her from raising her head. She could barely move and she was completely exposed.

“What the fuck is this?” she hissed, her voice quivering with panic.

“Day one,” the Doctor said, ignoring her question. He was just visible out of the corner of her eye, reflected in the blue light of his computer screens. He had removed his jacket and had a recording device sat beside him at the desk.

“Commencing test of the laboratory. Present are myself, Nurse A and Nurse C. Test subject; Alpha One. Species; Lunar Elf.”

“Let me go!” Reagan screamed, thrashing uselessly in her bindings.

The Doctor smiled thinly. “Dispite the success of the Memory Phase, the subject continues to show a high degree of resilience. Nurse, begin stage one of the stimulation. Oh, and find something to keep her quiet, please.”

Reagan tensed, unable to turn her head as she heard the nurses move behind her. One of the women came round to stand beside her and Reagan gasped in shock as she grabbed a fistful of her purple-black hair and pulled her head up, her collar digging painfully into her flesh as the nurse pressed a silver ring gag into her mouth and pulled the straps tight behind her head. A few moments later she felt something cool and bulbous press against the lips of her pussy and her eyes widened as whatever it was began to vibrate slowly, sending shockwaves of pleasure shooting through her body as she tensed against her unrelenting bindings.

“Increase levels,” she heard the Doctor says.

“Mmph!” she moaned, her eyes flickering as the speed of the viruses increased. She tried to pull away from the vibrator, to arch her back or twist her hips, anything to stop what was happening to her. The inside of herthighs were slick with her own juices and the pleasure rising from between her legs made her blush. She hated that a part of her was still finding pleasure in this and was determined not to let the Doctor see that.

“Commence stage two,” the Doctor said.

Reagan thrashed helpedlessly in her bindings as the second nurse walked up behind her. She felt something cool splash between her ass cheeses and flinched as she felt long fingers began to massage the lube into her ass.

“Nnggh!” she cried, straining against the straps that held her ankles. The nurse seized her by the wait, sharp nails digging into her skin through the woman’s gloves as she held her firmly before pressing the cold metal tip of a butt plug between her ass cheeses. Reagan whimpered, tears threatening her vision as the nurse pushed against the plug, her asshole greedily taking the toy inside of her. Between the feeling of her ass being stretched by the plug and the wand vibrator that the other nurse continuedto hold against her pussy, Reagan very nearly lost control. Drool oozed from her open mouth as she clanced her fists and tried desperately not to cum. She wouldn’t humiliate herself like that in front of these people. She refused to play their games.

“Increase levels,” the Doctor said again, his voice tinged with smugness.

Reagan moaned with both pleasure and anger as the speed of the vibrator increased once again. She tried to fight her body, to deny herself the pleasure that was building within her but it was impossible. The combination of the wand and the plug, and the straps that held her so tightly, were to much. She felt her orgasm exploit out of her, wave after wave of pleasure flooding her body as she moaned into her gag, straps groaning as she tensed her limbs against her restraints.

“Test complete. All systems functioning correctly.”

She was only dimly aware of the Doctor speaking. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead and her body trembled fromthe aftershock of her admittedly powerful orgasm. Her shoulders rose and fell as she caught her breath, the nurse behind her mercifully shutting off the wand and removing it from her soaking pussy.

“Very good,” the Doctor said, standing up and walking up onto the platform. He squatted down in front of her, smiling up at her as she did her best to glare back at him.

“This lab is my pride and joy,” he said, looking around. “It may not look like much now, but give it time and you’ll soon come to appreciate it just as much as I do.”

Anger, fear and humiliation roiled inside of her as she glared at her captor. What the hell did he want from her? Was he expecting her to appreciate what had just happened? Was the bastard expecting a thank you?

“Fckk ooo!” she grunted.

The Doctor witnessed, scratching his chin as he looked at her with an expression of milk disappointment. “Reagan, please,” he said. “I told you that there would be consequences if you did not show me the respect I have asked of you.”

“FCCK! OOO!” she repeated, as loudly as she could manage.

The Doctor Shook his head. “So be it,” he said, rising to his feet in front of her. He reached down and unbuckled his belt, sliding it through the loops of his pants before handing it to one of the nurses. “I warned you what would happen.”

Her eyes widened as he unbuttoned his fly, Releasing his cock from his blue pants. His dick was a good nine inches long and was already rigid with anticipation. She pulled against the strap that held her head down, crying out in protest as he ran his hand slowly up and down his impressive length.

“That’s enough!” he said firmly.

She whimpered as he wound her long hair around one of his hands, pulling it just tight enough that her scalp began to tingle with discomfort. He looked at her as he manoeuvred his dick towards her open mouth, his eyes twinkling with desire as she trembled beneath him. She felt the tip of his dick brush herlips, and bit down hard on her ring gag as he circled her mouth with his cock.

“Have you ever had your face fucked, Reagan?” the Doctor asked quietly.

She shook her head, fighting back the nausea she was feeling.

He smiled. “I’m sure you’ll get used to it soon enough.”

She grunted as he shoved his dick into her mouth, the suddenness causing her to gag as she tried and failed to recoil. He began to thrust back and forth, his cock grazing the roof of her mouth as he held her firmly in position. Her body shook as she chased on his length, tears rolling down her cheeks and strands of drool and cum oozing from her mouth as he fucked her face. He was too big for her. She couldn’t keep this up for much longer.

After a few more moments of torture the Doctor mercifully pulled his cock from her mouth. She groaned with relief, sucking in great lungfuls of air as he knelt in front of her.

“This will go a lot easier if you at least try to enjoy it,” he said softly.

She glared at him through her tears, too breathless to say or do anything more than that.

“Perhaps some additional stimulation will help?” he said, nodding to the nurses who she realized were still standing behind her.

Reagan groaned as he felt the women approach her. A moment later a loud crack filled the air and she cried out in pain as one of them struck her ass with the Doctor’s belt.


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