Part 1 of 3: The Unexpected Inheritance
“There must be a mistake somewhere.”
Nicole Shook her head as she reviewed pages of legal documents. She double checked her mother’s will to ensure that the information was correct.
“Everything is in order,” Mr. Messersmith stated. “I can assure you of that.”
“You know that my mother was a devout Catholic right?”
“I am perfectly aware of that.”
“Then why does this say that she owned some bondage place?” Nicole asked incredulously.
“Because she was in-fact the co-owner,” Mr Messersmith explained. “Your mother’s name was on the deed and other business documents.”
“Well, there must be a mistake.”
Mr. Messersmith Shook his head. “I helped your mother design this will. Your mother was the true and legitimate co-owner of a bondage club. She made it clear that once she passed, all of her assets would be transferred to you, including her co-ownership of the business.”
“That’s impossible.”
“It’s perfectly understandable that you’re in a state of disbelief. It’s common that heirs are surprised to learn of what they’ve inherited.”
“But we’re talking about a place of bondage,” Nicole replied. “My mother has always been involved with the church her entire life.”
“Does being a devout Catholic conflict owning a bondage place?”
She was dumbstruck for a moment. “That’s not the point Mr. Messersmith.”
“Then what is the point?”
“I know my mother very well. There’s absolutely no way that she would be involved in anything like this.’
The attorney leaned back in his chair. “Let’s talk about that for a moment. How well did you know your mother? My understanding is that you live a busy life.”
“I work for an insurance company and I raise 2 kids. So yes, I’m busy.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, are you single? I don’t see a ring on your finger.”
“I’m dividendd,” Nicole replied.
“And my understanding is that you live some distance away from your mother.”
“It’s roughly a 6 hour drive. I moved away because of the job offer I received years ago.”
Mr. Messersmith leaned forward. “With all due respect, it’s clear to me, based on the facts, that you don’t know what your mother did on a daily basis. Your mother was a single woman who lived alone for many years.”
“But that doesn’t mean she would get involved in some crazy business scheme.”
“Why not? Your mother was in her 50’s when she passed. She still needed to make a living.”
“She had a decent amount of money,” Nicole replied. “And she still worked as a real estate agent.”
“I’ve gone through all her tax records and bank statements. It’s all right here.”
The attorney shuffled Some papers around and placed the financial documents on the table for Nicole to examine carefully. She took her time looking at the numbers. Everything added up. She shook her head in disbelief.
“This doesn’t make any sense,” Nicole whispered to herself.
“Nicole, your mother was an attractive woman. She was single for many years. She was energetic and lively. All I’m saying is that your mother is a human being with needs like everyone else. You should keep an open mind to that.”
Nicole slowly nodded. “Fine. You’re right. So what happens now?”
“The next step is putting Your signature on the necessary legal documents. I’ll help you through it.”
She looked at the attorney and nodded. There was a somber mood on her face as she came to the acceptance that her mother owned a place of bondage.
Two weeks later. Nicole sat in front of her bedroom computer looking at the website for Club: Je Suis Soumise, which is French for Club: I Am Submissive. It was the business her mother co-owned. After signing a number of legal documents, Nicole was on her way to inheriting her mother’s share.
Nicole spent over an hour combining through the website. She read every word and looked at every picture. It was more tasteful than she had expected. There were advertisements encouraging couples to visit and spice up their love lives.
Her mother’s name wasn’t listed anywhere on the website. The person who ran the place was a very attractive woman named Morgan. The woman appeared to be in her late 30’s, fit, with a classy demeanor.
She picked up the phone and called the attorney. He answered. They made small talk at first. Then they discussed business.
“I’ve decided to sell my interest to the other co-owner,” Nicole said. “It’s better that way.”
“Your mother wanted you to have that share. Look at the financial statements. It’s a profitable business. You’ll make decent money if you remain a co-owner.”
“I know. But a place like that isn’t something I want in my life.”
“Have you spoke to the other co-owner yet?” Mr. Messersmith asked.
“I have. Morgan seems like a nice person. She expressed her confidences and we talkedfor a while about different things.”
“Have you told her about your plans?”
“I have,” Nicole replied. “She didn’t want to discuss business over the phone. She wants me to head up to San Francisco for a couple of days so we could meet and discuss things in detail.”
“What did you say?”
“I agreed to it. It makes sense. Honestly, I don’t really care about the money. I just want closure in my life. I want to know why my mother was involved in a place like that.”
“I’ve already told you,” Mr. Messersmith replied. “She had plenty of time on her hands. That business is what interested her.”
Nicole paused for a moment. “Yeah, well, I’d like to hear what Morgan has to say about it. Everything still feels like a big mystery to me.”
“I understand.”
“Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Of course,” he replied.
“You’ve known my mother for many years. Did you know that she was involved with a business like this? Have you ever met this Morganperson?”
“I’m afraid that information is attorney-client privilege,” he cryptically replied.
She was taken aback. “Really? I’m asking you as a family friend, not as a lawyer.”
“I can’t answer that question. But I’ll say this, how long do you plan on staying in San Francisco?”
“I’ve booked a flight and made hotel reservations for 3 days. My kids are going to be staying with our neighbor, who’s a very close friend of mine. I could stay longer if I needed to”
“Flexibility for a trip like this is a good thing. I suggest you pack accordingly and keep an open mind. Have a safe trip.”
The lawyer ended the call and Nicole was stunned by the rude and abrupt ending to their conversation. At that point, she was left with more questions than answers.
Part 2 of 3: Club Je Suis Soumise
Early morning. Nicole took a cab from the hotel to the bondage club. She felt nervous during the cab ride. She had never been to an adult club before. And she wasscared of what she might learn about her mother.
Club Je Suis Soumise was a small three story building on the outskirt of San Francisco. The exterior looked bland and plain. There was nothing appealing about it. There wasn’t even a sign advertising the club.
Once Nicole arrived, she rang the buzzer and the secretary told to wait a moment. The front door opened and she saw Morgan for the first time wearing a casual dress which outlined her physique. The woman had a godly body and a pretty face.
“You must be Nicole,” she said. “I wish our first meeting could have been under positive circumstances, but it’s such a pleasure to meet you.”
Nicole was stunned for a moment. For whatever reason, she was speechless.
“You’re taller than I expected,” Nicole blurted out, before regretting it.
Morgan smiled, “That’s usually the first thing people notice about me. Come inside. We’re alone this morning. I’m sure you have plenty of questions.”
Morgan led Nicole inside of the bondage club. Everything about the interior was beautiful. There was an elegance to the place and it had a warm feeling.
They reached the office room and Morgan offered a cup of tea. Nicole decided.
“Sorry about the way I greeted you a moment ago,” Nicole said. “I didn’t know what to expect. Obviously I’ve never been to a place like this.”
“Don’t worry about that. I see a lot of nervous reactions here.”
“What exactly is this place? The descriptions on the website were vague.”
“The website descriptions are vague because we specialize in a number of different things,” Morgan replied. “But our primary focus is on the beauty of dominance & submission.”
“What does that mean?”
“What do you you think it means?”
“Whips, chains, leather. You’ll have to excuse my ignorance. I only know what I see on tv.”
Morgan smiled, “That’s certainly part of it. But the true essence of what we do here is the power exchange. That’s the key.”
“Sounds interesting,” Nicole nodded, trying her best to hide any disdain. “Are you going to be busy soon? I don’t want to interrupt your work.”
“Most of the appointments are for night sessions or weekends. We have plenty of time to talk right now.”
They sat close to each other on the rooftop of the building. There was a small table where they ate pastries and drank tea. The meeting with Morgan was more casual than Nicole had expected.
“I first met your mother several years ago,” Morgan explained. “I was new to the city. I used to live in New York where I worked as a stage performer and yoga instructor.”
“Where did you two meet?”
“A club.”
“My mother went to clubs?” Nicole asked in disbelief.
Morgan nodded. “She did. Although she clearly wasn’t comfortable.”
“Was it a night club?”
“It was a lesbian club.”
Nicole was taken aback. “That doesn’t make any sense. My mother was married for allher adult life. She’s also a very religious person.”
“So that means she can’t be attracted to other women?”
“No. It’s just not like her. She would never go to a club. And she’s certainly not a lesbian.”
“If you live in Southern California, how do you know what your mother does all day in San Francisco?”
Nicole shook her head. “Just Continue the story. I want to know how my mother became involved with this.”
“Well, as I was saying, I saw her sitting alone. She looked timing, shy, but curious. I’m not usually into older women, but I found her to be attractive. I wondered what she was doing there alone. So I approached her and we talked. It was clear that she found me attractive as well.”
“You can skip that part,” Nicole said. “I don’t want to hear about that.”
Morgan smiled, “Anyway, we got to know each other. I told her about my plans to open a dance studio. Since your mother was a real estate agent, she helped me search the city for something Icould afford. Omitting certain details, we both proved our love for the lifestyle. That’s when your mother discovered this building. I couldn’t afford it. So she suggested that we become partners. We pooled our money and took a small loan from the bank, which we’ve already repair. And here we are.”
“Why bondage? What made her want to invest in a bond place?”
“Like I said, we had the same interests. I could go into further details if you want? But I think that would make you uncomfortable.”
Nicole shrugged. “In that case, please don’t.”
“I’m glad we’re having this conversation.”
“And we still have much to discuss,” Morgan noted.
“There’s plenty of time for that. But the main reason I’m here is to sell you my half of this business. You’ll become full owner, and I would like a reasonable price for the buy-out, which I’ll give to charity.”
“Why do you want to sell your share?”
“I’m not comfortable with this line ofwork, to put it bluntly.”
Morgan slightly leaned forward. “The business is doing well. We have plenty of rich clients. Mr. Messersmith has already explained to you that it would be in your best financial interest to remain a co-owner here.”
“I’d rather not. I’ve made up my mind already.”
“Will you at least think about it?” Morgan asked. “Your mother clearly wanted you to have a 50% share in this place.”
“Has she spoken to you about this?”
“Follow me.”
Morgan stood and headed back inside the building, with Nicole following behind her. They went down the stairs and back to the office. Morgan reached inside the desk and handed Nicole three envelopes.
“What’s this?” Nicole asked, taking the envelopes.
“They’re from your mother. Letters she’s written. Various thoughts. Whatever they are, she wanted you to have them. I think it’s her way of convincing you to give this place a chance. She knew you’d be reluctant.”
“Thank you for giving thats to me.”
“Let’s meet again tomorrow morning,” Morgan said. “Enjoy the rest of the day in San Francisco. Then read the letters carefully. Maybe they’ll change your mind.”
“I doubt that. But thanks again.”
Later that night. Nicole’s feet were sore from exploring the downtown area of the city. After a shower, she dried herself and wore a bedtime outfit, Before ordering a light dinner from the hotel catering. She called her two kids to check in, then she called the lawyer to give him an update.
The letters were on the table. They never left her mind.
Nicole sat down and curled her feet onto the sofa. She needed to get comfortable for whatever she was about to read. She picked up the first envelope which had her name written on it.
She opened it and read the first hand written letter:
If you’re reading this, then you already know about my secret life.
I’ve always been a submissive. I know it ever since I became sexually activee. I didn’t think anyone would ever understand until I met your father. He embedded it. He taught me new things. He loved me for who I was. He filled a void inside of me. I became his.
all the best
Reading those words from her mother put a tear in her eye. The painful feeling of loss came over her. And there was also the feeling of confusion. Nicole thought she knew her mother, but she didn’t. Not as well as she expected.
She read the second letter:
I was your father’s plaything. He told me what to do. He told me how to touch myself. He told me how to pleasure him. Whatever he told me, I did it, and it felt amazing. Whenever I made a mistake, he would discipline me. It was supposed to be punishment, but it always made me cum Instead.
Please don’t think I’m being obscene or crud telling you these things. I want you to understand.
I am submissive.
Nicole took a deep and powerful breath. Her mother had always been the ideal and perfect woman. Everything about the woman was proper. Now, after all these years, Nicole was learning the sexual side of her respectable mother.
She read the last letter:
When your father passed, I was devastated.
I loved him dearly. There was a void in my life for years. You thought I was fine, but I felt empty inside. I lived alone and it was hard to find companionship. I’m not a lesbian, but I’ve always been curious.
One day I saw Morgan. She took my breath away. I felt something I hadn’t felt in years. When we started talking, my heart melted. I knew I was in love again.
She understand everything about me. I was submissive. She was a domme.
I felt complete again.
Nicole crumppled up the letter and tossed it to the floor. She clenched her eyes shut and fight back the painful tears. The woman who birthed her no longer existed. Everything seemed like a facade. Everything felt like a big lie.
She laid down on the couch and curled herself intoa ball. She kept her eyes closed until she fell asleep.
The next morning. It was another long cab ride filled with nerves. But there was also a sense of resolution and determination. Nicole got out of the cab and rang the buzzer to the bondage club.
Morgan came to the door wearing another simple dress. She looked stunningly gorgeous, even without make-up.
“You’re back,” Morgan said. “Come in.”
“I want to know everything,” Nicole said firmly. “I mean everything. No secrets. Nothing glossed over. Just the truth.”
Morgan looked at her and slowly gave an understanding nod. There was an inevitable conversation waiting to be had.
“We should have a seat. I’ll tell you everything.”
The two women made their way up the stairs towards the rooftop. There was a sense of serenity on the building roof. It was quiet, there was sunshine, a nice view, and a small garden which Morgan took care of.
“Your mother was a classic submissive,” Morgan said. “She once told me the funniest story: She first realized she was a bottom when she watched the movie Star Wars as a teenager. There’s a scene in that movie where Princess Leia gets pushed to the ground by a bad guy, and there was a particular look on Leia’s face. Do you know how your mother felt?”
Morgan gave a reminiscent smile and continued, “She was excited by that scene. She I’ve always treated her with the utmost respect and kindness.”
“So you were her domme?”
“Only when it came to sex”
“What about business?” Nicole asked. “Were you controlling her there too?’
“I didn’t manipulate her into doing business with me. And I didn’t swindle her money either. I would never do that to anyone. Business is business. Pleasure is pleasure. Your mother knew exactly what she was doing, and she was eager to open a new business with me.”
“Who’s idea was this business?” Nicole asked. “I just want to know.”
“Initially it was your mother’s idea. I wanted to run a small dance studio where I would be the instructor. Your mother suggested that we try opening a place where couples can properly learn the art of bdsm. I thought it sounded like a great idea, especially here in the San Francisco area.”
“Did my mother come up with the name of this club? In her letter to me, she wrote ‘I am Submissive’, which translates to Je Suis Soumise.”
Morgan gave a loving smile. “That was her idea. She used to write love notes to me, and at the bottom of the page, she would write ‘I Am Submissive.’ I used to live in France and I can speak the language fluent. So I came up with the idea of using the French name because it sounded sexier. She would always get turned-on whenever I spoke to her in French, even though she couldn’t understand.”
Nicole gave a deep sight and looked to the view of the city. She noted to herself that the city was beautiful and that it was a pretty nice day. Hearing about her mother’s sexual exploits was a lot to handle.
“This is more than I expected,” she said. “Learning about the bondage club was one thing. But all this? I feel like my world is upside down.”
Morgan put her hand on Nicole’s shoulder. “We all have to learn about ourselves at some point.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, haven’t you ever had the same feelings?”
“No. Why would I?” Nicole asked.
Morgan moved her hand away. “Being a submissive runs in your family. Your grandmother was also a sexual submissive.”
“How do you know that?” Nicole asked incredulously.
“You mother told me. She told me everything.”
Nicole sawhed. “You’re lying. Is this your sick way of using me for my money too? Or are you just trying to use me sexually? You’re really unbelievable. I thought I could trustt you.”
She stormed out of the rooftop and went down the stairs. Her fists were clinched tightly and her face was nearly red. When she left the main entrance of the building, she heard Morgan’s footsteps running behind her.
“Wait!” Morgan shouted, holding a small stack of papers. “I can understand why you’re upset. But take these with you. They’re love notes written by your mother. Read them. Maybe you’ll finally understand.”
Nicole stood angrily for a moment before taking the notes.
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