The Bondage Hour

Part 1 of 4: The Job Offer

Lisa sat in the darkroom of her small photography studio as she developed pictures. Photography had always been her password, and she made it her career. The 31 year old watched attentively as the pictures were completed. She hung them to dry and she took a moment to admire her work for a loving family.

Lisa stopped her work when she heard the bell ring after the front door opened. She went to the front desk and saw a woman in her early 40’s or so, dressed like someone who worked in a fancy office.

“Good afternoon,” Lisa said with a warm smile. “Welcome to my photography studio. My name is Lisa. How may I help you?”

The professional woman smiled back. “Hi Lisa. My name is Meredith.”

They shook hands while Lisa stood behind the counter.

“Pleasure to meet you Meredith. Is there anything I can do for you today? Are you looking for anything in particular?”

“Actually I am. I love your work. I think you’re excellentt at taking portraits and capturing special moments.”

Lisa blushed. “Thank you. Are you here on referral?”

“Research, actually. I think the pictures you have on your website are great. You’re a very talented woman.”

“I try my best.”

“So how does this process work?” Meredith asked. “Do people contact you, tell you what they want, and then you take their pictures? I’m new to this, obviously.”

“That’s usually how it goes. Sometimes people come to my studio if they want portraits taken, or sometimes I’ll be hired to go to their location.”

“What kind of pictures do you normally take?”

“It depends,” Lisa replied. “If I have to travel, it’s usually for weddings, ceremonies, graduations, things like that. In my studio I usually take family portraits.”

“Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“Go ahead.”

“Do you make a lot of money doing this?”

“It’s a decent living.”

“Lisa, I’m not going to waste your time,” Meredith said in a business-like tone. “I’m looking to hire a photographer for a series of shoots. I’ll pay good money, and I require complete discretion. All of the pictures will be adult oriented.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Lisa confidently replied. “I’ve done plenty of nude work before. I’m comfortable with that sort of thing.”

“What kind of experiences do you have in that Regarding?”

“In college I had a few nude art classes. In my photography career, I’ve taken sensitive nude portraits for women. It’s a fairly common request. I’m assuming you want something along those lines.”

Meredith smiled. “Not quite. What I do involves a bit more eroticism.”

“Is it pornographic?” Lisa asked cautiously.

“I’m not a person who likes to put labels on things. I explore the bounds of human sexuality in a very particular way. I have special friends, and I would like you to document some of our sessions with your unique set of skills as a photographer.”

Lisa was slightly took aback. “I can’t. I’m sorry. No offense, but I probably wouldn’t be able to do my best work in that setting.”

Meredith reached inside of her pursuit and placed a business card on the table.

“Thanks for your time,” Meredith replied politely. “As an artist, I was hoping you would be open minded to all forms of art which involves the human body. If you’re curious about what I do, then call me. I’m still hoping we can work together eventually. Have a great day.”

“You too. Thanks for coming in. I apologize for not being able to help.”

“Don’t apologize. This isn’t for everyone. On the back of my card I’ve written the amount I would pay for your services. Think about it.”

With that said, Meredith turned and left the small studio.

It was the most unusual offer Lisa had ever received since starting her own photography business. She had never been solicited for anything overtly sexual before. She picked up the card and looked at it. To her surprise, Meredith had a senior position with a major investment bank in the city. Lisa flipped the card over and saw the price that Meredith was willing to pay, and it surprised her.


Later that night. Curiosity was still on Lisa’s mind before bedtime, even though a part of her wanted to stay away from Meredith. She went to her trash and took out Meredith’s business card, which she had crumbled into a little ball. She unfolded it and took another look. Then she went to her computer for a quick check.

After a brief search, Lisa found Meredith’s linkedin page. Meredith was an experienced business woman with a high position in a major investment bank. The amount of experience Meredith had at a high level was surprising to Lisa.

Lisa continued her online search and found Meredith’s facebook page, which was open to Everyone. She looked through the personal photos of the business woman. Meredith was beautiful, classy, ​​sophisticated, with a commanding aura. Lisa wonderful why such a woman would be interested in taking explicit pictures. But then again, everyone has their secrets, Lisa thought.

The intrigue was enough for Lisa to change her mind. After all, how sleazy could these pictures be? Surely they had to be tasteful. 0 She opened her email and typed a message to Meredith:

Hello Meredith,

I hope you’re doing well. This is Lisa from the photography studio. I’ve thought a lot about your offer and I might be able to reconsider my stance on the subject matter, if you’re still interested in working with me. But first, I have a few questions. Is there an appropriate time when we can talk on the phone? Or would you like to continue communicating through email? Let me know.

Take care,


She looked at the clock and it was already 11:25 pm. Lisa turned off her computer and took another look at the business card. She turned it around and looked at the handwritten note from Meredith: $500 per hour

She onlybecame more curious when she went to bed.


The next morning was a typical morning for Lisa. When there weren’t any prospective customers or clients in her small studio, she spent her time in the darkroom developing more photos. It was tedious work, but she enjoyed it.

By the time she finished, she left the darkroom and glanced at her laptop which was sitting on her desk. There were several new emails. Lisa’s eyes briefly scrolled down the list of messages, which were mostly work related. What instantly grabbed her attention was the email reply from Meredith. She clicked it open:


I’m glad you’ve reconsidered my offer. It’s better if we meet in person to discuss this. Come to my office on Friday, 8 am. I’ll give you an appointment so the lobby and my secretary will let you in.


The brief email was more than enough to pique Lisa’s interest once again. She reached in her purse to look at Meredith’s business card for the address of the downtown office. She used the internet and looked for the directions, and she made sure to keep her schedule clear for Friday morning.

Part 2 of 4: The Bondage Room

Lisa nervously stood in the elevator as it went up the high rise building. She wore a buttoned shirt with an office skirt to look appropriate in the corporate environment.

When the elevator finally reached the floor, Lisa sheepishly looked for Meredith’s office in the extravagant area. She approached the young secretary who allowed her to enter the office.

She silently gulped to herself when she went inside and realized that she had just interrupted Meredith’s desk work, whatever it was at the moment.

“Please, have a seat,” Meredith said politely from behind her desk. “I’m glad you’ve changed your mind about a potential relationship.”

Lisa sat down and relaxed. “Well, I thought about it, and realized that it’s most likely something that’s tasteful.”

“Look at my office. Of course everything I do is tasteful,” the business woman said jokingly.

“I can definitely see that.”

“And I’m sure the money I’m offering has helped to convince you, correct?”

Lisa blushed. “That’s part of it.”

“Good,” Meredith nodded. “I appreciate your honesty. There’s no shame in wanting more money.”

“Money is always nice. I’m Not exactly rich. But more than anything, I love the art of photography. I love capturing images of people which will last a lifetime. You seem like a really interesting person, and telling your story with my pictures was a chance I just couldn’t pass.”

“I knew I picked the right woman for the job,” Meredith smiled.

“Do you mind giving me an insight to what you want? I understand your need for discretion given the subject matter, but at this point, I’d like to know what I might be getting myself into.”

“Are you familiar with bondage and the BDSM lifestyle?”

Lisa was shocked. “Yes, I am.”

“What can you tell me about it?”

Lisa thought for a moment. “Not a lot. I only know the cliche stuff I see on tv. You know, whips, chains, leather. That sort of thing.”

“That’s only a small aspect of the fetish,” Meredith explained. “True BDSM is about dominance and submission. It’s about loss of power, and surrendering yourself completely to another person. Safely and consensually, of course. The whips and chains are merely tools to achieve a specific goal.”

“Are you, like, a Mistress or something?” Lisa asked in a shy tone.

“I don’t like labels. But I think I would fit that description. Does that both you?”

“Not at all. Um, I think female empowerment is a great thing.”

“So do I,” Meredith nodded. “You’re going to see a lot of female empowerment when you come to my special room. Most of my submissives are powerful businessmen in their everyday lives. They get off on having me bring them to their knees in private.”

“Do you?”

“Do I what?”

“Do you get off on it, too?” Lisa asked.

Meredith smiled, “Of course I do. I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t love every second.”

“How does this work? I mean, do they come visit you? What then? Do you spank them or something?”

“I have a special bondage room in my penthouse apartment,” Meredith replied. “I meet with different submissives from the corporate world. It’s an exclusive thing. Usually on the weekends. Only for one hour.”

“Why an hour?” Lisa asked.

“It’s the perfect amount of time, in my opinion. If it lasted too long, then things would start to hurt, in a bad way. If it was too short, there wouldn’t be enough foreplay to build things up. An hour is the perfect amount of time to build an amazing climax.”

“Sounds provocative.”

“Wait until you see it,” Meredith said. “I wear a gold mask. It’s like an alter ego I have. Once the mask is on, I become a different person. If people think I’m a bitch in the office, wait until I’m in my bondage room with my mask on, and a whip in my hand. I become something else entirely.”

Lisa found herself drawn to Meredith. It was a new world of sexual freedom without the restraints of personal inhibitions. It repulsed her in some ways, but at the same time, it was completely fascinating. She couldn’t wait to see it and capture it on camera.

“You want me to photograph the whole experience, right?” Lisa asked, to be clear.

“I want you to photograph everything, except faces. Discretion is of the utmost importance, since my submissives are mostly wealthy individuals. You aren’t allowed to know who they are. They’ll be in masks the entire time.”

Lisa’s fingers fidgeted. “I’ll be honest. This whole thing seems bizarre to me. I’ve never been asked to be a part of something like this before. I’ve never even seen this stuff on video, meaning porn. It’s all very new to me.”

“Then I envy you,” Meredith replied.

“Really? Why?”

“Because you’ll be exploringThis for the very first time, with virgin eyes.”

“That’s definitely going to be the case,” Lisa replied.

“Tell me, are you satisfied with your sex life?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you sexually fulfilled?” Meredith asked bluntly. “Do you cum the way that you want to? Do you wish you had better orgasms? Do you wish someone would fuck Your brains out?”

Lisa was surprised by the line of questioning from the respectable business woman.

“My sex life could be better,” she admitted. “I’m single. I haven’t dated in a while. It’s the personal price I pay for running my own business.”

“So you probably masturbate a lot.”

“Kind of.”

Meredith reached for a pen and notepad and began to write. Once she finished, she handed the note to Lisa.

“That’s the address to my apartment,” Meredith said. “The next session is on Saturday at 10 pm. Don’t be late. You’ll be paid $500 for the entire hour. Take pictures of whatever you want, except for any faces, or anything that could be used to identify anyone. The pictures will belong to me exclusively. So don’t publish them anywhere. My secretary will have a contract and non-disclosure forms ready for you to sign when you leave my office. That will be all for now.”

Lisa stood up. “Thank you. I look forward to our meeting on Saturday.”

Meredith also stood, and the two women Shook hands to informally seal the deal.

“One more thing, wear a nice dress when you come. I want you to look nice.”

The look on Lisa’s face changed. At that very moment, she had just realized what she was getting herself into.


After meeting with the secretary to sign the forms and agreements, Lisa briskly walked out of the corporate building to breath fresh air. Her mind was a mixture of emotions. She was curious, but nervous. She was intrigued, but reluctant. She realized she was in-over her head, but it was too late to back out. She had already given her word, and there was no turning back.

The downtown street was busy and she watched the corporate employees walk to their destinations, while she stood still like a nervous wreck. Lisa saw a small outdoor coffee shop and she walked over to stand in line. She desperately needed something strong to drink.

The moment Lisa stood in line, she heard a voice calling her from behind. She turned around and saw Meredith’s personal secretary approaching her with a smile. The secretary was surprisingly young, in her late 20’s, and was very beautiful.

“Did I forget to sign something?” Lisa asked, as the secretary came nearer.

“No. It’s all done. I’m on my break and I wanted to have a word with you.”

“Oh, why?”

“I know what you’ve been hired for,” she said. “When you were signing the documents, you looked terrified, as if you were signing your life away.”

“Can you blow me for feeling like that?”

The secretary smiled, “It’s a normal feeling. I know exactly what you’regoing through.”

“You do?” Lisa asked.

“I do. Let’s just say that I went through an extensive interview process to get my job as Meredith’s secretary.”

It didn’t take long for Lisa to make the connection. She immediately realized that the beautiful young secretary was sexually submissive to Meredith. Lisa tried her best to avoid looking shocked.

“So, you and Meredith?” Lisa asked suggestedly and curiously.

The secretary proudly nodded. “I applied for the job knowing that I was grossly unqualified to work for a top corporate woman. But I figured I had nothing to lose. I was interviewed by her personally. I could tell that she liked my appearance. Before I knew it, I signed many of the same documents that you did, then she let me into her private world of adventure.”

“Why are you telling me this? I don’t want to sound rude, but that’s not exactly information which should be shared.”

“You look like you could use a friend. I don’t want youto be nervous.”

“Thanks,” Lisa replied. “I’m already nervous though. I can’t help but feel like I’ve made a huge mistake. I’m not sure if I can handle such a fetish.”

“I thought the same thing when I started getting involved with her. I was terrified when I first saw her bondage room. My hands were shaking when we started the process. But now, I can’t be without it.”

“What changed your mind?” Lisa asked.

“The pleasure.”


Saturday night. Lisa went to the apartment with her camera in its case, and she wore a yellow dress which she had bought specifically for the occasion. It was 9 pm. She was an hour early for the appointment when she made her way up the elevator. Being punctual was part of the job.

When she arrived at the floor, Lisa walked towards Meredith’s apartment and knocked. She didn’t have to wait very long as Meredith answered the door barefoot, wearing a silk robe. Meredith’s hair was nicely done, and so was her makeup.

“You’re early,” Meredith smiled.

“I always like to come early. Is it a problem? I can always come back when…”

“No no, it’s fine. Come in. I’m glad you’re early. It gives us a chance to talk some more.”

Lisa stepped inside the apartment and marveled at everything.

“Beautiful place,” Lisa said in admission. “This is gorgeous. I’ve never seen anything like this in the city.”

“There’s going to be a lot of things tonight which you haven’t seen before.”

“I’m sure you’re right. Can I see your bondage room? I’d love to take pictures of it right now.”

“Not yet,” Meredith replied. “I want you to take pictures when everything starts, not before.”


“Apprehensive at all?”

Lisa Thought for a moment. “Slightly. But I’ll be fine. I’m definitely curious though. I’ve never been a part of anything like this.”

“You’re the type of woman who’s going to enjoy this. I can tell.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I’ve been doing this along time,” Meredith replied. “I can tell a lot about people’s sexual habits by simply looking at them. After tonight, I’m confident that you’ll be eager to return. You’ll be hooked. Trust me.”

Lisa suddenly became uncomfortable from Meredith’s assumption. She tried to remain professional and composed.

“So what can you tell me about tonight’s guest?” Lisa asked, changing the subject.

“He’s rich. He’s a longtime friend of mine. I usually get business advice from him, but sexually, he takes his orders from me. You won’t be seeing his face, and you won’t know his identity.”

“What time will he arrive?”

“He’s already here,” Meredith grinned.

“He is?”

Meredith gestured to look down the hall. “He’s in my master bedroom. Shall we have a look?”

Both women walked down the hallway of the lavish apartment. Lisa’s heart rate was skyrocketing as if she was doing a cardio workout. Her heart was beating fast when Meredith opened the door to the master bedroom.

“There he is,” Meredith said.

Lisa’s jaw nearly dropped when she saw a middle aged man sitting on the bed, wearing only his underwear. His face and head was covered in a black leather mask. There were holes in it so that he could see and talk. He looked directly at Lisa. His body reflected his age and his figure was soft and chubby. His hands were tied together by rope.

“What do you think?” Meredith asked with a borderline evil smile.

“I… I don’t know what to think.”

“Well, are you afraid of what I’ll do to him? Does this arouse you in some way? You must have some thoughts on this.”

“It’s certainly a provocative image.”

Meredith smiled. “If you think this is provocative, wait until the show starts. It isn’t time yet though.”

She closed the bedroom door and they stood in the hallway.

“In the meantime,” Meredith said, looking at the photographer’s body. “I thought I told you to wear a nice dress for tonight?”

Lisa briefly looked down at her cheap yellow dress. “Sorry. This was the best I could do.”

“Not good enough. Follow me.”

The two women headed towards a different room down the hall. It was a guest bedroom, which was equally as impressive as the master bedroom. The room was neat and the bed looked freshly made.

Meredith opened the closet and briefly searched through the array of expensive clothing. When she found what she was looking for, she tossed it onto the bed. It was a stylish and slim black dress.


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