Jill and Tiffany continued touching my body, exploring. I could get used to this. I took the blindfold off and enjoyed the opportunity to see and feel the two girls. Kisses were shared, me and Tiff, Tiff and Jill, even me and Jill once. I guess kissing your sister isn’t bad if you’ve spent the last half hour feeling her pussy and her jerking you off.
“So, when d’you wanna do this again?” asked Tiffany.
“I could get Robert and James over here in about five minutes but I’d rather not.”
“You just want to keep us for yourself?”
“For tonight anyway.”
“What about the 4th of July? We could take the boat out on the lake for the fireworks,” suggested Jill.
“And go skinny dipping!” added Tiffany.
“You really think mom and dad’ll let us take the boat out?”
“They might put up a fight, but they’ll let me take a couple of girls out if you come with us. You know they let me get whatever I want.”
“What if they want to come with us?”
“Hmpf, them? With six teenagers on a boat? No, they’ll make a bunch of rules we won’t listen to and then let us go.”
“I’m sure Sara’ll agree. What about Robert and James?”
“They’ll be there.”
“Don’t tell’em about the, you know, or they’ll go tell everybody.”
“Can I tell’em who’s gonna be there?”
“I guess so.”
“Cool, it’s settled.”
“Does that mean I gotta wait two weeks before we do this again?”
“Do what?” asked Tiffany innocently.
I took her hand and wrapped her fingers around my semi-hard cock. I put my other arm around her andpulled her down to kiss me. We weren’t gonna have sex, but the feel of our bodies touching was amazing. I gropeed and squeezed her ass. She stroked my cock and fondled my balls. Our tongues
Jill got up from the bed, pulled her panties back on and left the room. Tiffany stopped kissing me and looked me in the eye.
“How do you feel about me?”
“What d’you mean?”
“I’m not asking if you love me. I mean, you’d say yes just to make sure I keep doing this,” she said as she stroked my cock some more. “I mean, d’you think this makes me a slut?”
“No, definitely not. We all think about stuff like this. As long as you’re only doing this with me you’re not a slut. If you’re a slut then so’s my sister and I know she’s not.”
“Was it weird doing it with her here? With her touching you?”
"A little, at first. but she was right, if not with you and her, here and now, then who and when? I could have been waiting another four or five years. I’m glad it was the three of us together.”
“You said you want to lick my pussy. Does that means you want me to suck your dick?”
“Every guy wants that. But I don’t expect it.”
“I’ve seen it. In the movies I mean. I don’t know if I can do it.”
“You like to watch porn?”
“Sometimes. Mostly I just look at pictures in magazines because my parents monitor my internet history. When I can, I really like watching a guy eating pussy, imagining it’s me.”
“If you want, I’ll do it right now.”
“No, we can’t. If we do the next thing will be you fucking me. I know it. I’m so horny right now I want you to fuck me already.”
“Layinghere naked isn’t helping.”
“I really can’t believe you’re hard again. I heard it doesn’t work like that.”
“I’ve been able to jerk off four or five times before. And that was just watching porn. With a naked girl in my arms I think I could go forever. The benefits of being a teenager I guess.”
“I don’t think I can wait til the 4th. You think you might come over to my house one day next week?”
“What about your parents?”
“Mom’s a nurse and works twelve on twelve off. You can set a clock by dad, he’s home at 6pm every day.”
“What about Sara?”
“Would it be cool if she watched once? I mean, that way she’ll be ready for the 4th too.”
“I guess if I can do it once with my sister I can do it once with yours.”
“I really had to twist your arm, didn't I?”
“I’ll make a deal with you then. Your sister can watch me jerk off if I get to eat your pussy first. You know, to help me get ready.”
“You mean this guy won’t be hard the minute you come in the door?”
“Oh, he’ll be hard as a rock walking to your house. But you gotta pay for the show. So either I eat your pussy or you and your sister do it to each other. Your choice.”
“You drive a hard bargain.”
“You have no idea how hard.”
“This hard?” she asked giving my cock a good squeeze.
I rolled over on top of her. “Harder.” I spread her legs. She didn’t fight me. If I wanted, I could have plunged my cock into her warm depths right then. But I knew that if I did it might be the end of our fun. I had to show her I could control myself.
I slid the length of my cock across her wet slit. Back and forth, up and down. I massed her clip with my cock head as I rubbed my cock’s length through her pussy lips. I could feel the heat emanating from her depths. She thrust her hips in time with my movements. Her moaning set me off. With one hard final thrust my cock pulsed and I shot my load across her stomach. My pulsing shooting cock set her off and I feel her body spasm underneath me. I collapsed on top of her.
“That was amazing. Next time I get to be on top though.”
“You better go clean yourself up. I’m gonna go take a shower as well. You know, I think I can smell what my sister was talking about.”
“Told ya,” said my sister returning to my room. She was wearing a robe now. “Looks like you two both need a shower. Go ahead, I’ll open the windows and let the room air out.”
I stood up and grabbed a clean pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Tiffany got up and grabbed her silk robe fromthe bed.
“You know Jack, we could conserve water…” Tiffany walked past me and into the hall. I followed her out.
“I’ll be right there,” I said returning to my room to thank my sister. I found her stretching across my bed to the bookshelf headboard. “Whatcha lookin’ for?” I asked.
“Nothing,” she said slipping her hand into the pocket of her robe.
“I just wanted to thank you for this,” I said giving her a hug.
She stood there for a second then returned the embrace. “I love you big brother. I just want you to be happy.”
My hand dove for her pocket and pulled out a pen. At least, it looked like a pen. but I’d seen one before, a pen cam. She must’ve brought it in and set it up when I was distracted by Tiff. She’d recorded everything. “Wanna tell me what’s on this?”
“Not really.”
“Cool, we’ll watch it after my shower.”
“We can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Cuz Tiff doesn’t know.”
I kept the pen as I walked to the door. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
I closed and locked the bathroom door. I hid the pen cam on top of the vanity light where my sister couldn’t reach and joined Tiff in the shower.
“I thought you’d forgetten about me.”
“Not a chance.”
“Wash my back?”
“I’d rather wash all of you.”
“Me too. Back first.”
We took a long sensor shower. We took our time exploring each other’s bodies. There were no more extra activities. I think I’d finally hurt myself out. I was semi the whole time. I probably would have gotten hard if I’d concentrated but I was more interested in the intimatacy of washing, soaping, and rinsing. We finally had to stop when we ran out of hot water. Drying off was fun too. Finally we were done and dressed.
We found Jill in the den eating another slice of pizza watching a baseball game on the tv.
“Oh cool,” said Tiffany. “The Cubs. I love me some Cubbies.”
That did it. I was in love.
The three of us snuggled on the couch and finished the pizzas while we watched the Cubs game. I was too young to remember the last time the Cubs were good. Just an added bonus.
“You know, my dad’s company has season tickets. We can go anytime you want,” Tiff told us.
“You just gave Jack another hard-on.”
I poked my sister in the ribs.
“If that’s all it takes he’s in for a hard summer.” We all laughed. “Really, we should go Monday. All of us, James, Robert, and Sara, too. Then wecan make group plans for the 4th.”
“Let me call the guys and see if they can go. You sure you can get the tickets?”
“It’s a day game so I’m 99% sure. Let me call my dad first.”
Two minutes later we had the tickets promised to us. Five minutes after that we had all six of us confirmed. We’d all meet at her place at noon Monday. From there we’d run over to the el, take the bus from the train and be sitting in the new porch section of left field by one.
We all had a great time. Cubs won. I caught (chased down) a batting practice long ball. Robert even got to throw back a visitor home run ball. How cool was that? So cool my sister rewarded him with a kiss. It was fairly obvious the girls had staked their claims on each of us. I don’t think Robert or James had any idea the girls had planned this. I sure didn’t tell;em.
After the game we walked through Wrigleyville until we found a decent restaurant that would let six teenagers in to eat. Most of the places there are bars or too expensive so we didn’t have a huge selection. Burgers, fries, milkshakes and cokes all around while talking about a great Cubbie win. Finally Tiff brought up the fireworks plan and the guys jumped at the chance. By now they know these girls were into them. Tiffany sucking my tongue into her mouth when the Cubs won definitely got a reaction from them (and me).
The day ended too early. The guys had to catch a train the other direction. Jill and I walked Tiff and Sara home. I got another kiss to remember until her father came out and broke it up. Finally my sister and I were alone on the walk home. Not that I wouldn’t give it up to be back with Tiff. In fact, I’m pretty sure my reactions to my sister’s revelations were tempered by my new found relationships.
“So, you recorded our little happening.”
“Well, sort of. I don’t suppose you’d just be willing to give me the pen cam back if I agreed to erase it, would you?”
“Erase it? I wanna watch it!”
“You can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Cuz that’s not all that’s on it. Besides, do you really want to watch yourself jerk off?”
“I’m sure there’s more on it than that. Otherwise you wouldn’t care.”
“There is.”
“So, what don’t you want me to see?”
“If I tell you you’ll never give it back.”
“If you don’t tell me we’ll be watching it in about five minutes.”
“It’s mostly just me. I used it to watch myself.”
“Nothing wrong with that.”
“But there’s others. It started out as a mistake. I swear. I was down in the den and well, you know…”
“Flicking the bean?”
“Yeah, watching a porno and touching myself, when I heard you come home. So I got dressed real quick and went upstairs. Then I went over to Tiff’s. I forgot about the pen cam. When I got back home I went down and got it. Later when I was watching I found out I wasn’t the only one to watch porn down in the den.”
“What? You got me?”
“Yeah. It was an accident, I swear.”
“But you didn’t erase it?”
“Well, no.”
“Are there copies?”
“Just one. I downloaded to my laptop so I could watch it while I filmed myself again.
“And you watched it while you masturbated?”
“A few times. One time I was watching it when Tiff came over. She got all excited by it. She didn’t know, but I was recording that time too. That was the first time we ever touched each other.”
“And that’s on the pen cam, too?”
“Yeah, but you can’t tell Tiff.”
“No, but I gotta watch it. Anything else?”
“Well, there’s the whole thing from the other day. But I don’t know how much it got. I set it up while you were showing after mowing the grass. It may have been a bad angle.”
“Is that all? From the fuss you were makin’ I thought there would be something really bad on it.”
“There is one more thing. But you gotta swear, you can’t say anything. You can’t go crazy when you see it.”
“What is it sis? It can’t be that bad.”
“You remember about a year ago when mom and dad were fighting all the time?”
“Yeah, we thought they were gonna get a divorce.”
“Well, they were having problems. Mom accused dad of having an affair and dad accused mom of the same. They started going to counseling. After a while it got better and they started going out every week.”
“Yeah, ‘date night’… more like ‘horny night’.”
“Remember Junior Prom night? They extended our curfew to 2am? I had set up my pen cam to record before the prom downstairs. I left it there when we all left.”
“What? You got mom and dad on there?”
“That’s just part of it. Remember, you promised to not go crazy. Right after we left, mom was in the den. Dad joined her and they started making out on the couch.”
“Ewww, I’ve seen that by accident a couple of times. Old people sex, yuck.”
“Anyway, that’s not all. About ten minutes later dad gets up and leaves the room. Mom startsprimping and turnes on the tv. You can hear the porn in the background. Dad comes back in the room followed by another couple. Then they all had lots of sex for the next hour.”
“Old people orgy? Why didn’t you erase it?”
“ You’ll understand when you see it.”
“I don’t wanna watch mom and dad in an orgy.”
“No, but you’ll wanna see who they were with.”
“Who was it?”
“You won’t believe it. And I ain’t tellin’. You gotta watch.”
We got home a few minutes later and I ran up to the bathroom to retrieve the pen cam. Jill was on my bed waiting. I popped the usb cap and plugged it into my laptop. The first scene was Jill jillin’ in her bedroom.
“Please, this is embarrassing. Skip this part.”
I could always watch it later so I did as she asked and skipped to the next file. It was a couple of months earlier and Jill was there giggling and laughing with Tiffany and a couple of other girls while they got ready for our junior prom. The guys showed up. They left. I wasn’t in that because I had taken someone else and gone to her house to pick her up.
The den sat empty for a minute. Then mom and dad came into view. Just as Jill had described they started making out like a couple of horny teenagers. A few minutes later dad got up and left the room. Mom reached under her dress and pulled her panties off while setting up the tv. Sis hadn’t told me that part. Dad came back into the room. Then came the big surprise. The couple following them was not an old couple. It was Brad, senior captain of our highschool football team and his girlfriend, Janet, the head cheerleader. Brad walked right up to my mother and embraced her, kissing her and grinding on her. Dad had Janet in an embrace, her legs wrapped around his waist, you could see she was going commando as well.
Seconds later they were all on the couch, naked, sucking and fucking. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. It wasn’t that disgusting old person orgy I had envisioned. It was straight out of a milf/horny cheerleader porno. My mom was hot. Janet was hotter. Brad had his cock in my mom’s mouth and she was loving it. Dad was eating Janet’s pussy like a starving man. Too bad we had such a bad angle.
“How long does this go on?”
“Over an hour. There’s some really good stuff.”
“You think this happens a lot?”
“They’re a lot happier now than last year..”
“I can see why.”
“What’s next?”
“Me again. Then you. That’s in the same file. Then there’s me and me with Tiff.”
“You mind if I watch that one?”
“I’d rather you didn’t. Not now at least.”
“Ok, I’ll transfer a copy to my laptop and watch it later. What’s after that?”
“The last file. From the other day.”
“I’m gonna copy that one as well. That way you don’t have to watch it with me.”
I copied the file and pulled the cam from the usb port. “No more filming me without telling me first. And if you happen to get something else ‘on accident’ let me know.”
“Thanks for understanding big bro. Don’t jerk your will off when you watch those. Tiff would not be happy.” Jill left the room. I’m sure she was heading straight to he computer to do exactly what I was about to, watch the tape from the other day and rub one out.
I clicked on the video icon and the window popped open. Nothing would happen for an hour or more based on what Jill said. Icame back from the shower and laid back on the bed in my loose fitting shorts. I fast forwarded. Dad came and went. I left the room. I fast forwarded again to get past the time when we were eating downstairs. I hit play again when I turned on the lightswitch in my room.
I moved around the room, moved my desk chair and sat down. I reached back and, OH SHIT! I set up my camera to record.
“Jill! Wait!” I burst into her room without knocking. She was straddling the ridged footboard of her bed, grinding her hips back and forth. “Sis, I can explain!”
“Did you forget how to knock?”
“Sorry. Listen, it’s not what it seems like.”
“What are you talking about?”
“What? You’re not watching the video?”
“Yeah, I skipped to the end when you’re almost fucking Tiff. I actually got a great shot.”
“Oh, good.”
“Why? What did you do?”
“Nothing. Really, it was nothing.”
“What. Did. You. DO?”
“You gotta understand. I didn’t want to forget a single detail.”
“One more time. WHAT DID YOU DO?”
“I also recorded it. I forgot all about it.”
“You recorded it? How?”
“My camera, on my desk. Right before you came in I reached back and hit record.”
“And it was filming what exactly?”
“It was pointed at the bed the whole time. You’re not gonna tell Tiff are you?”
“I think this makes us even. But you gotta give me a copy.”
Two days later I was knocking on Tiff’s door. We had a whole day to have fun. Sara answered, “Tiff, your boyfriend’s here!”
Boyfriend? Guess I was. Could be worse.
“Hi Sara. Didya have fun with us the other day?”
“Yeah, it was cool.”
“Looking forward to the 4th?”
“Oh yeah!”
“Hey Jack!” Tiff said as she jumped into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her dropping the envelope I’d brought. She kissed me deeply and I kissed back.
“What’s this?” asked Sara picking up the envelope.
“Just something I mean to give your sister the other day.”
Nosy little sister opened the envelope and pulled out the one sheet of four photos. “My god Tiff, he took shots of his thingy.”
“Let me see,” she said taking them away. “Oh cool! Thanks, Jack. But I didn’t get you anything.”
“Guess you’ll have to make it up to me then.”
“And how do you suggest Ido that?” she asked trying to be coy.
“Well, I guess we can all go up to your room.”
“He really is a horny bastard.”
“Horny anyway,” I replied.
“Me, too!” added Tiff.
“Are you really gonna eat Tiff’s pussy?”
“That’s the plan.”
“I thought that only happened in pornos.”
“I hope not.”
Tiff grabbed me by the hand and led us upstairs, “C’mon, I’m all wet already.”
I followed Tiff and felt Sara’s eyes on my ass as we climbed the stairs. I turned and caught her looking. “You like the view?”
She blushed.
Tiff jumped on her bed and Sara climbed on next to her. I stood there, unsure what to do.
“C’mon, big boy, let’s see something,” encouraged Tiff.
“What, you want me to just strip?”
“That’s the idea.”
I took off my shirt. “Your turn.”
“Help me?” she asked raising her arms. I slid my hands under the edge of her shirt so I could cop a feel of her boobs as I peeled her shirt off. “Oh you naughty boy.”
“What about you, Sara?” I asked.
“Yeah, Sara, show us your tits!”
Sara reached down and pulled her shirt off. Unlike Tiff, she was wearing a bra, a lacey, very appealing bra. She reached down to unhook it.
“No, let Jack do it!”
Sara thrust her chest out to me. The clasp was in front. I’d never undone a bra in my life. I got lucky. It popped right open and two pert titles popped right out. I took the opportunity to pinch one of her hardening nipples, “Very nice.”
“Your Turn, Jack. Let’s drop those shorts.”
I stood in front of the girls, waiting with my arms crossed. It didn’t take Tiff long to figure out my meaning. She stroked up my leg and into the leg of my shorts. Her soft hands touched me and my cock pulsed.
“You’re not wearing any underwear!”
Tiff grabbed the waistband and jerked my shorts down. My cock popped up in her face. Tiff smiled and gave it quick peck. Sara just stared.
Tiff stood in front of me and I kneeed down. I could smell her hot wet pussy. She was wearing a short skirt with a zipper on the side. I grabbed the tab and slowly, increasingly slowly, pulled it down. Tiff held her skirt to keep it from falling. “I got something special for you.” I put my hands on her hips and slide her skirt down. Her white panties came into view with a special message, “EAT ME” and a picture of a pair of cherries. I kissed her cherries.
“Sara?” Tiff asked.
“I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Don’t worry Sara,” I said. “You can do it later if you want.”
“What now?” she asked.
“Now, I’m gonna eat your sister’s pussy while you watch.” I pulled Tiff’s panties down and kissed her again. She sat back on the bed and lifted and spread her legs. Her beautiful virgin pussy opened before me.
I obviously hadn’t ever done this before. I was hypnotized by the sweet aroma. I ran my hands up and down her legs, watching as goose bumps rippled behind my touch. My fingers briefly touched the soft downy fur covering her mound. It was soft as the softest thing I’d ever felt. Tiff raised her hips slightly to increase the pressure from my fingers.
“Patience,” I said.
“Quit playing around!” she grew.
“But that’s the fun part.” I leaned in and touched my lips to hers.
“Oh my god Tiff, her just kissed your, your…”
“My pussy? I know. And if he doesn’t get busy he’s going home early.:”
Guess I’d built up the tension just about enough. “Sara, tell me to lick your sister’s pussy. C’mon, say it. It’s just a word.”
“Do it.”
“Say it, tell me what to do.”
“Why is it so important?”
“You gotta be comfortable with the words or you’ll never be comfortable with the rest.”
Sara leaned down close to her sister’s hip. I could see her petite breasts hanging, her hardened nipples becoming to be touched. “Make my sister cum you perv. Eat her hot pussy.” she put her hand on the crown of my head and pushed my face into her sister’s crotch. I opened my mouth and started licking away.
I probed her deeply with my tongue. I licked the flaps on either side. I used my fingers to rub her pelt as I began lapping like a dog. Tiff squirmed the first time my tongue touched her emerging clip. The second time she nearly jumped off the bed. I grabbed her hips to hold her down.
“You like that sis? You like the way he’s licking your pussy?”
“Oh god, oh yes, you’ll never know til you try it.”
I was enjoying myself immensely. Sara was running her fingers through my short hair as she held me close to her sister’s pussy. I tried everything I could think of, everything I could remember from every porn clip I’d ever watched. I wanted to probe her pussy with my fingers but I was worried about breaking her virgin barrier. Still, I was rewarded when her first minor orgasm produced a small flood of juices.
“Oh god, oh my, ohh-oohhh, there, yes, yes, keep doing that.”
Her wish was my command. I sucked her clip between my lips and flicked it with the tip of my tongue as I hummed softly. She spasmed again and it was all I could do to hold on. I unnecessary my efforts. I reached up and grabbed a double handful of tits. I softly pinched her nipples as I attacked her clip once more. Her legs clamped tight and crushed my ears. Her body arched as she screamed in ecstacy.
Tiff continued to grind her soaking wet pussy on my face. I lapped up her juices. Sara sat there staring at us.
“That was the best yet,” mumbled Tiff.
I leaned back and used her bed sheet to wipe my face. I climbed onto the bed between the girls and laid back. My cock slapped hard against my stomach. I pulled Tiff into an embrace and kissed her soundly.
“Your turn?” Tiff asked reaching between our bodies and finding my steel hard cock.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Ready Sara?”
“For what?”
“To learn how to make a guy shot.”
I sat up against the headboard with the sisters hovering on either side. I carried them both, Tiffany’s ass was amazing. Sara was still in her panties so I started out staying above the waistband, trying to keep her comfortable.
“Are you gonna suck his thing?”
His cock? Say it, Sara, it’s a cock.”
“Are you gonna suck his cock?”
“I dunno, I’ve never done that before.”
“And you think he’s eaten pussy before?”
“Here,” Tiff said taking Sara’s hand and wrapping her fingers around my rod.
“Wow, it’s hard, but it’s soft too.” She explored with her fingers.
“You gotta stroke it, up and down, like thats.” Tiff took my cock and started yanking up and down.
“Woah, wait a sec, girls. You gotta be gentle. And it needs to be lubricated, so you can slide up and down.”
“We didn’t need anything the other day.”
“I know, I was oozing a lot of precum then.”
“What do we need?”
“Baby oil, hand lotion, something like that.”
“Let me go get something from the bathroom.” Tiff got up and ran out of the room.
“Would anything else work?” asked Sara.
“Lots of stuff, I’m sure.”
“What about spit?”
“I think that’s gross. Girls sometimes spit on the guys cock in porn. I mean, if your gonna spit why not just suck on it instead?”
“Same thing isn’t it?”
“Not from my perspective. You think it would be the same if I licked your pussy or spit on it?”
“No, you’re probably right. See how this feels.”
Before I could ask “what” Sara bent down and took half my cock into her mouth. She was in the process of lashing it with her tongue when Tiff came back in.
“Wow, you’ve never had a guy’s tongue in your mouth, I leave the room for one minute, come back and find my boyfriend’s cock in there.”
Sara sat back. “Well, he needed something. And see? It’s all slippery now.” Sara stroked my cock a few times.
Tiff joined us on the bed again. “What was it like? What’d it taste like?”
“I dunno, kinda plain. But better than it will after you smear that stuff on it.”
Tiff took the base of my cock in her grip. She bent down and I could feel her hot breath on my pulsing cock.
“Go ahead, Tif. Suck his cock. If you don’t I will.” Sara was busy playing with my balls as she spoke.
Tiff looked up at me. “You’re not gonna cum in my mouth are you?”
“No, he’s not. Cuz I haven’t seen him shoot yet. Now, c’mon, take that big meaty stick and suck it already.”
Tiff opened her mouth and took the head into her mouth. She gave it a couple of swipes with her tongue. Then Sara put her hand on the back of Tiff’s head like she’d done to me and pushed down. Tiff gagged and came back up. “You bitch!”
“Oh c’mon, you were taking’ forever.”
“C’mon girls, let’s not fight. Look, I’m pretty lubed up now. Why don’t you just give me a hand job and we’ll play around with the other later.”
The girls sat there and stared at each other. They both grabbed my cock and began struggling. I resumedmy carresses. This time though I slipped my hand into Sara’s panties. My fingers sdove between her ass cheats and down between her legs. I figured if she could suck my cock I could finger her pussy. I was giving Tiff the same treatment.
Sara squirmed around on my fingers. She was really enjoying what I was doing. I finally decided it was time to taste her as well. She wasn’t very big and it was easy to lift her up even though I was on my back. I turned her around so she was looking at me while straddling my chest. “Move up here a little, Sara.”
“Wh-what are you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna lick your pussy til you cum screaming my name.” I grabbed her ass and pulled her forward to my waiting mouth. I kissed her mound and then nuzzled between her lips. She almost leaves off. I grabbed her with both hands and licked from the back of her pussy hole through her lips to the top of her slit.
“Oh, god yes, do that some more!” she screamed as she grabbed my ears and pulled my face tight against her pussy.
Tiffany was still struggling away on my cock but the distraction of Sara sitting on my face was helping me last longer. Her strokes were slowing down as her arm was getting tired. She must have given up because I felt her warm mouth open and engulf half my hard cock, her tongue slavering it as she bobbed up and down.
“Oh god, Tiff, why didn’t you tell me about this?” Sara became rubbed. She began rubbing the top of her slit as I lapped at her protruding clip with the tip of my tongue. “Oh god, oh, oh god. There, yes, that, keep doing that. I’m cumming, oh god I never felt like this before. Unh, unnnnh, ohhhhhh!”
Her juices flooded my chin. Her body spasmed out of control and she collapsed on the bed beside me. Now, I had a view of Tiff sucking my cock. “Oh god, Tiff, that feels so great.”Her sliding up and down was bringing me to the end. “Tiff, I’m gonna cum.”
She backed off, “Watch this Sara.” With renewed strength she started pumping again. I could feel the churning in my balls and my hips lifted off the bed.
“Don’t stop! Whatever you do, don’t stop.”
My body jerked and I shot the first load three feet into the air. The second spurt was not so high and the third oozed out giving Tiff more luxury to work with. Sara decided to get back in on the action and grabbed just below Tiff’s hand. Tiff let go and Sara went crazy. I thought she was gonna rip my cock off. The cum shot out once more as I finally succeed to the continued hand job. I fell back to the bed and put my hand on Sara’s slowing her down.
I looked back and forth between the two hot girls who had just made me feel better than ever before. Tiff was examining the cum on her hand, the cum was like a web between her fingers. She smelled it and finally tasted it with the tip of her tongue.
“What’s it taste like?” asked Sara.
“You wanna know? Here, you try it,” she said sticking her forefinger into her sister’s mouth.
I watched as Sara apparently sucked the cum off Tiff’s finger.
“Not terrible.,” she said. “Not good, but not too gross. I don’t know if I want it shooting in my mouth though.”
“C’mon, you just drenched me with your cum all over my face.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Guess I’ll try it once anyway.”
“Me, too.”
“Cool, let’s get cleaned up. I’m kinda thirsty.”
I’ll go get some warm washcloths, ” Tiff said leaving the room.
“You think James will wanna do this?”
“ Which part?”
“All of it!”
“He’ll definitely want the hand job and blow job. I can’t guarantee he’ll be willing to eat your pussy. Some guys are kinda squeamish.”
“You gotta convince him.”
“We’ll figure something out.”
“Thanks Jack.” She bent down and gave me a very serious kiss. “Wow, I tasted my pussy I think.”
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