This is the 7th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.
What makes the story interesting to me is What takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone would have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.
The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.
Thisstory takes place in a very male dominant society, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to societyal expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.
Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.
The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.
A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.
* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.
* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.
* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living with their family of origin until they turn 200 years old.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years custommarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.
* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.
* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.
All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.
It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.
Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might Not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.
Dearest Me,
We really had a wonderful session with Krista yesterday.
I have to say, these sessions are working out better than I imagined. I think we are really growing from this.
Also, Krista is seeing and understanding a new way. She talked about it all being so authentic, natural and beautiful for Tim and me. She shared that this was authentically her as well.
Totally know what she means by this. It’s like a truth you feel with your whole being.
My relationship with Tim, just being the way I am with him, feels electrifying and relaxing, sweet and naughty, wholesome and arousing all at the same time. It’s like nothing.
She now knows for sure, the type of relationship I have is definitely for her. She said that I was helping her to discover her “true self.” And she is helping me as well. I’m a little surprised that she actually helps make some of this easier for me.
More importantly, she is teaching me about psychology. She has introduced me to ideas like regression and regression therapy and classical conditioning and it fascinates me! I love it. I am growing so much!…
“Wait a minute…what? I don’t understand; you told them that you should be equal? Why?”
Tim loved the days he was allowed to go to school just to hang out with Becky in the Lesbian Lounge for a little bit.
“Because sometimes I think we should be!” Tim said, just a little exasperated.
“Oh sweetie, don’t you understand? People like us…we’re just not. I mean look at them. Think about how strong and smart they are. Think about how strong they are. Really think about their strength. They have what we don’t have.
You and me are like cute, little, sexy kittens standing beneath lions.
They are above us…and that’s okay. She’s not even trying and it’s like she’s flexing her muscles over your life all the time. It gets me all excited.”
“IKnow, me too. I just get so confused sometimes because it’s hard and I want things to be normal. We should be a little equal,” he said not even recognizing the illogic of his whinny declaration.
“You wouldn’t be happy and you know it.”
Tim agreed.
“Also, just visualize how hot they are. So pretty and so on fire, sexy.” Becky thought about how amazing it was just making out with Michele. Her needle just hit horny and would soon have her red-lining.
“I’m not sure I know what normal is. Anyway, what happened next?”
Looking pained, “Becky, I…I…I need to tell you…talk about…God, it seems I’m always telling you something that’s so hard! It makes me have to think about it and it makes me so anxious and scared.”
“I will always accept and support my little sister. We are family now.”
“I know. I mean it just makes me have to think about it and that is so much harder.”
Warmly, “What is it, sweetie? Whatever it is, it’s going tobe OK.” Tim felt the wave of shame wash over him. Always in moments like these, it got hard to breath and he had to tell himself not to cry.
“I’m just… If I tell you, you can’t, you can’t…”
“I’m not going to tell anybody. Real sisters keep secrets.”
“I mean it, Becky, you can’t tell a soul.”
He looked and sounded so troubled she Thought he might cry. She knew this was going to be good.
“If you can’t tell your big sister, who can you tell? Listen, sometimes we girls just need to talk it out and share our feelings It’s therapeutic and you have me for that.”
“It’s just…oh my god, it’s so embarrassing! You can’t…”
“What’s gotten into you, young lady? I’m not going to tell.”
“Okay, but you can’t…you can’t judge me. I need you, Becky. I’m scared you are going to hate me.”
Becky was almost concerned with this disclosure. “Listen, whatever it is, I am your big sister and it’s going to be OK. Telling me always makes it better. I promise.”
He whispered into her ear.
Madison White was sitting on the bench on the backside of the hedge separating her from Becky and Tim. She and Marsha Dixon were talking quietly when they sensed it was time to stop talking and start eavesdropping in earnest. The words “secret” and “embarrassing” were registered by the young women and signed to each that it was time to listen and learn.
Each went dead silent and listened intently, but to their consternation, could not quite make out what Tim had whispered to Becky Johnston.
And then Becky responded, “Shut up! No way! She spanks you?” asked in outtrage, disbelief, astonishment and extreme envy. Again, “No way!”
Becky did not yell her response and in no way was she intended to broadcast This amazing news, but she was so caught off guard and was astonished to such a degree that she responded a bit louder than she’d intended.
Madison and Marsha could not believe theirears and stared at one another with big eyes and gaping mouths that morphed quickly into broad, gleeful smiles.
Oh my god, who is this girl? She might be my hero! She spanks that beautiful boy!
“I’m sorry, Becky. Do you hate me now?” Since he hated himself for his perverted weakness, he could not imagine her feeling otherwise.
“Oh my god, no! Are you kidding me?” she asked indignantly.
“I’m not…no,” he stammered while on the brink of tears.
“Michele spanks you! Oh my god, that’s perfect! That’s beyond perfect!” She beamed her wide eyed smile. Unknown to her it was a smile that matched perfectly with Madison and Marsha sitting just out of sight.
Tim was amazed at her declarative acceptance. To his shock, she seemed to appreciate what he’d disclosed.
“Wait a minute, she spanks you?” smiling broadly and still speaking too loudly.
He was thrilled and relieved by her acceptance but mortified by her volume. “Be quiet, señorita big-mouth. God!”
“Oh my god, you have to tell me everything! All of it. Is it a sex thing or is it a ‘You in big trouble, Little Missy’ kind of thing…you know, like real punishment?” Her beautiful eyes were nearly shooting out of her perfect face.
“What do you mean, ‘yes’?” she demanded.
“Yes to both,” he was short of breath and exhausted by the ordeal.
Why did I not trust her? I love Becky so much!
“This is a whole talk and I can’t wait to get all the details on this. And I do mean all of them, but you wanted to tell me about the session.”
He told her.
Tim and Becky were used to get really horny during lunch as Tim and Michele’s relationship was so often the topic of discussion. Today was not different except his story also aroused Madison and Marsha. Tim felt his erection in an unusually uncomfortable bind with his panties but knew not to adjust himself. Becky had coachd him intimately and Tim took her lessons to heart.
“Oh! Do you want to know something embarrassing?” asked with the sort of excitement only a girl like Kimberly or Becky could understand.
“You know I do,” Becky responded with equal excitement.
“Krista said I was a hot piece of ass.” Tim’s face began turning red before he finished the sentence. Pride and shame were becoming one.
“Duh, you are a hot piece of ass! My little sister’s a sexy girl!” Becky smiled broadly, fully grasping both the shade and joy in a “compliment” like this.
“That’s easy for you to say, you are the pretty girl in the school.” Tim suddenly felt very emotional as he felt the shadow and pleasure wash over him as he came to fully appreciate his love for Becky.
A tear dropped down one cheek. “I love you, Becky. You help me so much. You are the best friend ever.”
“I love you too, little sister-girl.”
“Besides, you have the prettiest ass in the whole school. By far.” It dawned on Kimberly that she was suddenly envious of Becky’s hot ass.
What the fuck is wrong with me!
The Tim/Becky confusion was too frequent.
Thinking back on what Krista said and Tim’s general situation, “Girl, you are so lucky!” she said to Tim. “My bottom has been naughty too, but I didn’t get a spanking, but you did!” she said with a playful whining pout.
The two laughed and then hugged. “BFFs forever. Hugs little sister!”
The Lounge was very accepting and supporting. Displays of emotion and the sight of girls hugging was common.
Madison was distraught as she was overcome with jealousy. The prospect of spanking a boyfriend was until just then, beyond imagination. She’d been clear of mind on the matter: she deserved a handsome, good, little boyfriend like Tim. Yet how much better could he be if she could spank him?
Madison wanted so much more than obedience, she wanted open, continuous respect from her boy.
Reverence, that’s the word!
If she could spank him, she’d have his attention and respect at all times. Madison was a superior girl and superior girls deserved boyfriends like Tim.
Emotionally, it was very challenging to be Michele’s back door girl. Michele made clear to Becky, her commitment to Tim and on some level, Becky was grateful for this. She neither wanted to be a home wrecker nor did she want to cause pain to her best friend.
Yet her feelings for Michele were outstanding. At least she’d tell Michele about her own naughty bottom. After all, she was afraid and deserved a good, hot spanking. She was so horny she came twice on her bicycle seat as she peddled home to meet Michele.
Things progressed at home much to Michele’s satisfaction. She always made sure Tim was on his best behavior in front of her mother. She never missed an opportunity to work Tim around the house when Donna was present.
There was no drama to any of it. Itwas more like a boss making all expectations clear to her underling. It looked and felt like the normal routine that it was, yet each knew there was an element of demonstration to it.
Consequently, it was hard to miss Donna’s growing respect for her daughter as Michele had Tim doing their dishes, mopping their floor and cleaning their bathroom.
Donna was so comfortable with the relationship, so certain of her daughter’s safety and so appreciated of the peace and tranquility it brought the house, she did not bat an eye when Michele asked if Tim could move in with them.
Michele explained her plan for Tim and assured Donna that she’d never have to do housework, nor grocery shopping again. These would be Tim’s jobs going forward. Donna could not help but think of it as sort of like having a dutiful housewife or a maid.
“A boy-maid might be kind of nice,” she said smiling at her amazing daughter. And daughter could not agree more.
“You have tothink of it as your job,” she told him one day in the kitchen, while Donna was within earshot.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, we all have a job to do and you are no different. I go to school and my mother has her business to run. Think of this as your job. Like taking care of the house and my mother and me. This is what you do now. It’s your job. Like it’s that career you used to talk about wanting. You work here now. You work for us.”
“If it’s my job, why don’t I get paid?”
Michele had not thought of that. She was about to dismiss the conversation when Donna emerged from the living room.
“Well let’s think about that, shall we,” she said somewhat smartly. She cocked her head slightly and flashed a bit of amusement. “You live here rent free. Is that not a form of payment?”
“I…I suppose…”
“And you eat our food, or am I mistaken?”
“No, I do, but…”
“We pay for your clothes and auto insurance, plus gasoline.”
“I guessss, but…”
“But you have no money of your own, is that it?”
That was pretty much it. Money was independent and Tim wanted some, at least a little. “Yes.”
Smiling brightly, she stride to the kitchen counter to retrieve her purse. She had a mind blowingly amazing ass. Tim admired Donna’s outfit. Not always, but Donna enjoyed dressing mid-century, vintage. She thought it both cute and conservative but somehow sexy. She wore a tight fitting cashmere sweater with half sleeves, pastel capris, low heels and bobby-socks.
He enjoyed watching her hips sway on the short trip there and back. His heart sped up with the staccato clack of her heels on the linoleum.
She brought forth her billfold, undid the clap and retrieved a single, crisp five dollar bill, held daintily between thumb and forefinger. “Since this is Saturday, we’ll make this pay-day.” She smiled brightly as she handed him the bill.
Reacting as followers so often do, he reached out and took what was offered him.
Donna’s smile brightened. He should be insulted and she knew he was, but he took it anyway.
His anxiety was all over his face.
How wonderful! That’s right, accept your place. There, good.
She was unexpectedly ticked and shared her delight with a smile.
By accepting the money, he gave consent. This was Something both Donna and Michele noted right off.
Tim, on the other hand, refused to consider the implicit consent. Yet he was no less bound by it.
“Now that that is settled, you will be on the clock from 6am until you’ve cleaned the kitchen after dinner. You work seven days a week. Any slackening of duties and I will deduct from your pay. You are now our houseboy. Don’t disappoint.”
Once more she smiled at him and click-clacked her way right out of the kitchen.
She was nearly overwhelmed by a rush of pleasure.
Goodness, that was nice!
In the months that followed, Timgot a part time job with Molly Maids and became an expert in house keeping. His pay check went to Michele. At the end of the summer, he quit that job and took cooking classes just as Michele had planned.
He had time to himself, as long as he tended to his duties. This only happened when the ladies were out of the house.
He cooked and cleaned and tended to their needs. Once dinner was tidied up, he was off the clock.
It was at this point that the deal he’d made was held up as a joke. It wasn’t as though he had suddenly freedom to do as he pleased. All it means was that his service was a bit less formal. Often it resembled domestic couple behavior like cuddling on the couch while watching tv or just casual conversation. Yet he was always Michele’s submissive boyfriend and His services were in demand.
Donna was very sensitive to and respectful of her daughter’s needs. For example, if Michele and Tim were out of sight in Michele’s room, entwined in the couch watching a show, if Tim were rubbing Michele’s feet while she read a book or in some way directly interacting, Donna refrained from making any requests of the boy.
Otherwise, he was seen as available for menial tasks by both ladies. He was often called upon to tidy up, draw a bath or draw a zipper up or down depending on if the lady in question was relaxing into her evening or going out for the night.
Mother and daughter both expected a fresh, clean glass of water brought and placed on their night stand each evening and both slept most contentedly when their respective bedroom looked in perfect order.
It only seemed reasonable that it fell upon Tim to provide them with this simple service. He was living in their home and on salary, after all.
Donna absolutely loved that when she drew off her clothes, she was free to drop and leave it on the floor knowing that once she opened her door, her boymaid would quietly enter her room and retrieve all of the soiled clothing and take it to their little laundry room. She loved that she was able to do away with the laundry basket she once kept in the corner of her bathroom.
It was this way with all things. She’d take off her reading glasses put them down in a random place only to discover them on the kitchen island counter that served as her defacto desk or at her bedside table in the evening.
Donna was paying him so she quickly eased into a sense of comfort at telling him what and how to do something. The Lanza women knew how they liked things done around their home. They could be very particular. She felt privileged and it was all wonderfully indulgent.
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