This is the 10th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.
What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone wold have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.
The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.
This story takes place in a very male dominantsociety, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.
Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.
The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.
A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.
* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.
* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.
* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living withtheir family of origin until they turn 200 years old.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.
* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.
* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.
All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.
It is customary for those below the ageof 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.
Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.
Dear Diary,
Oh My God!Only like the best day ever! Well, in a while at least.
I just had the best possible time and I could not wait to come in here and write about it. I would not be surprised if he’s still crying…even after getting me off. He’s going to live with this one for a while! I did enjoy giving him a good, little bottom warming.
The funny thing is, I’m pretty sure that vividly he doesn’t get it…not really. But on some deeper level, he knows what is going on.
I now get to be with anybody I want. How cool is that! He did not actually say that he accepts that I could be with anybody, but he gave me his blessing to sleep with his best friend! How is that not permission to sleep with anybody I want?
While he’s at home doing his wifely duty, I could be out with a friend exploring my sexuality. Win! As Krista puts it, my “very powerful and extensive sexuality!”
He is faithfully, dutifully and loyally mine, while I get to play! Oh my god, so happy!
And here is the best part: My sweet, adoring, submissive little boyfriend (God, I love him so!) explained to me how wrong it was for him to stand in my way! Mind blowing! So happy!
It’s just such incredible freedom. And I don’t plan on going crazy, not at all. But I am sleeping with Krista and Becky. And in the future, who knows? Well, actually, I Know. There will be fun!
I love my boy and my life! I know what he was going to say…hell, I all but told him what to say and just when he did, I had the sweetest little O.
That’s when something really cool occurred to me: For the first time ever, I wanted cock! It was totally unexpected but I can’t help but think it was somehow related to the realization of new found freedom. Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, I am free at last! Win!
Krista decided to write her doctoral thesis based on her study of Michele and Tim.
In fact, she invited Michele into partnership on a very comprehensive and exciting endeavor. They would create a method for women and girls to take control of their men. They would write a series of books specifically for women of different ages.
Their first book would be for curious under-school girls, the tweeners and all over-school girls. They’d be primarily targeting girls between 145 to 200 years of age while inviting younger girls who I wanted a peek at a new way of thinking.
This book would tout the virtues of “girls on top” while chateau. With a great deal of “righteous” justification they would encourage girls off their blockers. It would just based on the nobility of self discipline and self mastery.
Further, it would teach girls how to get a handle on their boys while advising them not to, under any circumstances, give into his desire for intercourse, sexual gratification or any sexual relief provided by her. Ever.
Another book focused on young women up to 300+ and was a more explicit doctrineon how to use a man’s sexual needs against him in order to gain and secure firm handed control of the relationship and specifically of him.
Another book would be for more mature women who are rediscovering the dating world and their sexuality. Many of these older women needed to deconstruct an indoctrination to love and romance that encouraged female submission to a male partner.
Further, Krista urged Michele to study psychology while in college. The idea was that eventually, they would establish a formal practice together to help empower women. In the meantime, Krista could partner with Michele as an uncomfortable “consultant.”
Once they got their books published, they could do seminars for women and girls in need of direction.
Dearest Diary,
I love Krista! She’s my spirit sister in so much! So now we are going into a professional partnership. She’s already given me a couple books to read about psychology and relationships. Now it’s going to be like putting myself through college while I’m still in school. I’m so excited!!!…
“That’s not fair Michele, I need to have more say in how I do things outside of our relationship. You know, like maybe not everything, but at least sometimes…”
Under the circumstances, Michele thought it was a little late in the game to be lobbying for independence, yet as ever, Michele made the most out of Tim’s little rebellions.
She was now a 130 something year old and after so long together, she was still a little surprised, and delighted, whenever Tim tried to assert himself.
Michele did not want to control everything, just what she thought was important to her. It all came down to finding a balance. Yet it sure was not Tim who would decide how much Independence or power he had or how to strike the perfect balance.
In this case, Michele had given Tim permission to play in an ultimate frisbee tournament for the coming weekend. As the dateapproached, however, Michele changed her mind. She knew her sudden change of heart seemed a little unfair, a bit capricious, but in her mind this was what Tim signed up for.
I can be just a little bit difficult.
She smiled and felt the air beneath her feet.
While attending to more important matters and in a superior and almost bored tone, “Be a good boy, sweetie, and just deal with it.”
“But Michele,” he while, “You said I could play…”
“Yes, I gave you permission, but now I’ve taken it away.”
Obedience was not remotely in question. This came down to negotiations or whether or not Michele was willing to engage on the issue at all.
What Tim didn’t quite grasp was that Michele often enjoyed jerking his lean and making him heel. It was comfortable and pleasant to her when she flexed capriciously and put Tim in his place beneath her. He was not essential to any of her weekend needs; denying him was the point.
Feeling spontaneous, Michele got in the spirit, stand and began lowering her jeans. “Be a love and come here and strip down to your panties.” When he compiled, “Get on your knees.”
He did.
Michele stood right in front of him so that he was just about eye level to her crotch. She turned around and bent slightly at the waist, placing her hands on her bent knees. Tim was no more than six inches from her amazing, bubbled bottom. Ever so slightly pushing out her bottom, she had 100% of his attention.
To Tim, Michele’s ass had always been a work of art and he could never get tired of ogling it. Michele knew this of Tim the first night he ever babysat her. Although she knew this of him, she’d kept her bottom from him. Part of it was likely because sharing it was so taboo, but that was Not all of it. Some intuition told her to keep this ace up her sleepe until the right time presented itself.
“Look at my ass Tim. You think it’s kind of pretty don’t you?”
“Ye…yeah. I mean yes Miss, it is very beautiful.”
“Good, I’m glad you think so. Just keep looking at it. How does it make you feel?”
Tim’s cock was already stirring in his panties. These were the times, when she was breaking him, that he HATED wearing panties!
It’s not fair, I’m a man!
It was humiliating enough to knee before Michele, but to have to do so facing her bottom, as beautiful as it was, was more humiliating. And they both knew well what humiliation did to Tim.
“I…I…I feel funny.”
“Funny like your little penis is getting all hard in your little girl panties?” Michele laughed at the truth.
With that question and Michele’s cascading laughter, his cock shot up to full attention and his face went beat red.
“Yes,” he said in defeat.
“You should be ashamed of yourself,” she said happy. “Tsk Tsk! But since you like my pretty bottom so much, I’ll let you look at it.”
In fact, Tim could not look away from it. That familiariar sense of humiliation, arousal and powerlessness flooded over him. For the truth was, her bottom was and always had been his dark fantasy. Nightly he masturbated while fantasizing about burying his face in Michele’s perfect bottom. To him, even after all he’d been through, this seemed such a perverse desire, it remained unspeakable.
“You can touch it if you like…but just gently with your fingertips. That’s right, good boy, just trace it.”
Tim was amazed. It was at once soft yet so firm, it may well have been the most erotic and beautiful thing Tim had ever touched.
Meanwhile, Michele delighted in the gentle, teasing sensings of Tim’s finger tips and she was getting as horny as he was. “Would you like to kiss it? Just a little? Cute, little kiss? Right on my pretty, pretty bottom?”
“Yes.” Tim said as though hypnotized and without a second’s hesitation. His masculine pride was long gone.
“Beg nicely and then maybe…” she giggled. Itwas in moments like these that she was reminded that she was still in full possession of her little girl spirit.
“Ms. Michele, may I please, please kiss your perfect, beautiful, amazing, little girl bottom? Please? It would…it would mean the world to me. It’s so incredible. Please?”
Michele giggled utterly delighted at how easy it was to make Tim debase himself for her amusement, physical pleasure and to solidify her hold over him.
“Can I tell you how absolutely fitting this all is! You’ve been kissing my ass for so long and you do it so well; why you’re a natural. You are nature’s ass kisser. Why, you wouldn’t know what to do with your life if you weren’t kissing my pretty little ass.” Michele laughed. “Well, since it means sooooo much to you to kiss my cute little bottom for real, okay. But just one kiss!”
Tim leaned in and gently kissed the sweet, tender underside of her bottom just outside her bikini panties. Lips pumped, mouth slightly open,he sucked on the spot for no more than two seconds, a sweet lingering kiss.
It sent a shiver of pleasure up Michele’s spine and then back down all the way to her pretty pussy. Once Michele replaced her composition she asked, “Now would you like to do that again? Would you like to kiss my ass for real?”
Her words burned so hot. At times like these, Tim imagined Michele a beautiful, sexy cowgirl dressed in a cowgirl hat, a tight, rawhide vest, tiny Dallas Cowboy cheerleader style shorts and chaps. He was her roped heifer, her cow, on the ground before her. She smiled down at him as she held the branding iron to his flesh, sering his ego as he squealed, kicked and compromised beneath her cascading laughter. His emotional age was her emotional orgasm.
“Yes please,” came Tim’s quiet, self consciousness reply.
“You really want to?”
“Yes, Ms. Michele, yes really.”
“Look at you, your’e like totally desperate for it. Desperate to be my personal, obedient,little ass-kisser.”
With these humiliating words, Tim made a frantic attempt to salvage some pride, “No I’m not…I just thought you’d like it…”
Michele knew the truth. “Well then…never mind.” Michele began to slowly pull up her jeans.
All at once, Tim really did feel destination surge from within. It was as though the feast which was brought before the starving man was now being put away. “No, no please, I’m sorry…I do really want to. I’m so sorry, please…please let me.”
“Maybe…maybe if you ask my bottom…ask her real nicely, maybe then…”
Tim was confused. Did she want him to ask her bottom if he could kiss it or… “her”?
As he knelt behind her fumbling with his ideas of what to do, she said, “Alright, have it Your way,” and proceeded to slowly pull up her jeans once more.
Again, Tim reacted with sudden urgency, “No, I will!”
Feeling inspired, “From now on, refer to my bottom as ‘Princess’.” As Michele began dominating Tim, early on she had fansies about the decade power of 18th century, European Princesses. She knew that had she that sort of power and privilege, she would have taken full advantage. On some levels, she felt a kinship, or a sisterhood with her royal ancestors.
“Princess…” Tim began awkwardly, “umm, may I…may I please kiss you?” He felt so foolish.
“She’s not sure you mean it.” Tim heard Michele laughing at him. “She’s certainly not impressed by your loyalty or devotion to her. Try again, but this time really put your heart and soul into it. I mean, you do love her don’t you?”
The amusement in Michele’s voice burned Tim’s face red. “Yes.”
“Of course you do. Just express what comes naturally. After all, this should feel very natural to a boy like you.” She could not have sounded more amused, self satisfied nor superior.
Momentarily, Tim considered the irony of feeling like an ass and he knew Michele enjoyed all of the symbolism. Yet he also knew that if he did not ask Michele in a manner benefiting a Princess, she would deny him.
Putting his foolish feelings aside, Tim took in the magnificent vision before him and got in touch with the true depths of his desire. That is when it struck him: even though Michele was sort of treating this as some sort of joke, it wasn’t a joke to either of them.
Kneeling behind Michele, kneeling beneath Michele, he realized how significant this act would be for them. In spite of her mocking him, and in part because of it, it dawned on Tim that this was where he belonged, with his face, the emotional center of who he was, at her bottom and preferably to both of them, in her bottom. This had spiritual significance to both of them.
Although it appeared Michele brought them to this point Extemporaneously, it was a long time in coming and he was not going to blow it by trying to stand up for his dignity. This was yet another very important step for Tim.
With a sudden but deep appreciation for the importance of the moment, he asked with total sincerity, “Ms. Princess, you are so beautiful and perfect and I love you so much…you are…so much better than me…so much more important. I think you are perfect and so much stronger than me.”
Michele smiled at the notion that her bottom alone was stronger than her little man.
God, look at what I can do with just my ass and a strong personality!
And then the words that resonated for both of them, “I believe that kissing you, kissing you with love and care and devotion and reverence was what I was made to do, what I was born to do; I hope to be beneath you always, and I long to feel your rule over me. Please let me devote myself to you. I wish for nothing but to be your humble service. I beg you, may I please have the honor of kissing you?
“And you are right, I am desperate with desire to show you my appreciation and my desperate love. I’ve always wanted your kiss but tried to hide my desire. I want to serve you Ms. Princess…from now on. Please Ms. Princess.”
Tim knew that he was speaking to Michele, her bottom and every other aspect of her being. And the gesture did not come without shame, in fact it was damningly shameful, it’s just that Tim accepted the shadow, the humiliation as well as the desire. In some twisted yet erotic way, Michele had established her bottom alone as a true entity and authority in Tim’s world.
She smiled again at the funny notion of becoming jealous of Princess. “You may,” came Michele’s bored reply. Michele was anything but bored, yet she loved projecting indifference towards Tim. She watched the proceedings in the mirror.
Tim leaned in and as gently as possible kissed her magnificent ass. Michele bent slightly more at the waist and pushed her bottom closer to Tim’s face. He repeated the kiss and let nature take over. He began gently teasing her bottom with his slow, tickling finger tips as he planted the softest of kisses all over her pantied bottom. Tim heard Michele release the prettiest little gasp of pleasure and he felt proud of himself.
Michele was naturally patient and knew not to rush through moments like these. It was just a feather touch and it felt:
…sooooooo damn good!
She let him kiss her this way for the longest time. Eventually, Tim Felt her hand reach back and snake through his hair, holding his head very firmly. She positioned his mouth on her cotton panties, right at the split of her cleavage. “Say ‘please’.”
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