Here I was, back in the city, well an hours drive away in the suburbs, I had managed to find a small two bedroom house to rent for a while until I get things sorted out. I had managed to buy the basics, a little furniture, television, computer and other things, but in reality I had accomplished next to nothing in the two months since I had be asked to leave Natasha’s house.
When Katrina left me at the train station all I had was what she gave me which was clothes, money and a few toys.
Katrina had left me a note of what to do with the toys, I was to wear the butt plug and rear shield at least for 40 hours during a 7 day period and go to bed shackled like I did when I was back living with her. She also left me a ball-gag, rope and nipple clamps. But I had used none of it; I just wasn’t in the mood.
She also gave me some of her artwork, mostly pencil drawings of myself doing things around the house, like doing chores, sleeping or in bondage while in the dungeon, thee were also a few that were done at work. My favorite drawings were her fantasy I guess, they typically involved myself being prodded, protected, used and abused by machines and other things but the best of them I thought was the one of myself covered in electronics and an exoskeleton type thing, in the background was a picture of her with a remote control in her hand, I looked at these pictures often and usually went to sleep thinking of them.
Katrina and I emailed each other a few times, just to let each other know how things are and what we are doing. I had given her my new address and phone number but she hasn’t used either yet.
It was another boring Friday afternoon; I had invited an old school friend over to keep me company. Jenny was a nice girl, blonde hair and blue eyes, we have been friends for ages but I was never interested in her enough to go further. Just didn’t turn me on.
We sat on the blind together watching boring day time soap operas.
“Lets go out and do something” Jenny said resting her head on my shoulder.
I screwed up my face. “I don’t feel like it today.”
“Come on; let’s see a movie, your choice.”
“Not in the mood.” I yawned a little.
Jenny started kissing my neck and slide her hand up my leg. “Well, we could… you know…”
I took her hand off my leg. “No, not Now.”
Jenny moved away from me and throw herself in the corner of the far end of the blinde. “What the hell is wrong with you Steven, you don’t want to do anything any.”
I sat there silent.
“You disappeared for a few months and then you come back all depressed, you wont tell me where you have been, you wont talk about it or anything.” Jenny raised her voice at me.
I let out a sight “You wouldn’t understand or believe me.”
“I’m your friend, try me.”
“Perhaps one day…”
There was a loud knocking at the front door.
“Excuse me while I get that.” I said to Jenny, getting up off thelounge.
The knocking continued. “Hold on I’m coming” I yelled out.
I opened the door and before I could let my eyes adjust to bright light outside a hand pushed me away and someone came inside.
“Missed me Steven?” It took me a moment to place the voice that was Katrina’s.
“Katrina?” I said surprised.
“Who the hell is that?” Katrina asked referring to Jenny who was still sitting on the blinde.
“Who the hell are you?” Jenny butted in.
“Katrina this is Jenny, an old friend from school, Jenny this is Katrina, someone I worked with.”
“Great, finally someone who can give me answers on what is up with you Steven”
“Someone you worked with am I Steven?” Katrina said calmly “You forget to mention that I am your Mistress, you are my slave and that we lived together.”
“Mistress? Slave? What is all this about Steven?” Jenny asked with a confused look on her face.
“Um…” I started to stutter. “Well… you wanted answers right?”
Jenny just looked at me.
“Speak up Steven” Katrina ordered.
“Well part of the condition of working where I was, was to move in with Katrina and our boss and two others.” I paused for a moment. “I sort of belong to Katrina, I’m her property.”
“What do you mean?” Jenny asked still confused.
“He means he does what I say and when I say it.” Katrina said grinning.
“How can you control him? You can’t own someone just like that.”
Jenny was taking this pretty well I thought, I was expecting her to run out of the house in shock.
“You are right, first he had to give himself willingly to me and second you need to know the secret to controlling any man.”
“Secret?” Jenny tried not to laugh.
“Strip now slave.” Katrina ordered.
“Please Katrina, don’t make me do this in front of her.” I begged.
“It’s Mistress Katrina to you and strip now before I rip those clothes off you.”
Slowly I took my shirt, jeans and underwear off until Iwas completely naked except for my chatity belt.
“What is that?” Jenny asked obviously referring to the chatity belt.
“That is the secret to controlling a man. Control his penis and you control him.” Katrina answered.
“Wow” Jenny was finally shocked. “No wonder he didn’t want to make love with me.”
Katrina looked towards Jenny. “Get out of here you little whore.” The tone of Katrina’s voice could have made the toughest person tremble in fear.
Jenny didn’t need to be told twice; she got up and ran out the door, slamming it behind her.
“Sit down slave.” Katrina said while pushing me backwards into the blinde.
I stared at Katrina for a moment. “Where is your collar Mistress Katrina?”
“Natasha removed it.”
“I asked her too, I am no longer her property. I no longer work for her either.”
“Why? You had everything there, why did you give it up for?”
“I had everything except you Steven, the house felt empty withoutt you.”
I sat there silent; I didn’t know what to say.
“I’ve missed you too.” I said after some thought.
Katrina sat down beside me. “So Steven, what have you been up to the last few months?”
I had no better explanation except to say. “I’m pretty much doing it now I guess.”
“You are telling me in the past two months all you have done is find a place to stay and buy some tasteless furniture?”
I didn’t know how to answer that.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Stay here, I’m going to check everything out.” Katrina said getting up off the blinde.
Once again my life had been turned upside down, or is that turned right side up again. Either way I was happy to have Katrina back again. I was amazed at myself how in the space of twenty minutes of Katrina knocking on the door she was in full control of me again, she didn’t have to ask, she didn’t have to assume, she knew that I was still hers.
“How can you live like this Steven?” Katrina said walking back in the room. “The only clothes you have are those I brought for you, there is very little food in the kitchen, everything is covered in dust, you haven’t even read the references Natasha and I wrote for you. You haven’t even thought about looking for a job have you?”
“Nope.” I replied casually.
“You haven’t been using your toys like I have asked you to; they are Still in your suitcase.”
“It’s not the same without you Katrina; I’m just not as motivated without you around.” I said truthfully.
“You mean that?”
“Yes, you really don’t know how much I missed you, every night before I went to bed I looked at your art work which was great by the way and I somehow felt closer to you.”
“Really?” Katrina sat down beside me once again.
“You know I can’t lie to you Katrina.”
“Steven, when I came through that door, and saw that girl here and you living like trash I was going to rip you apart but I feel a little better now, however that doesn’t mean you are in the clear, I’m still upset with you that all my hard work that I put into your education and training has amounted to nothing.”
“I’m sorry Katrina, I’m sure I can make it up to you.”
“You will, but first I need to think about our present situation and how to proceed from here.”
“I suppose that you are going to let me out of this chatity belt now?”
Katrina laughed. “It’s only been three months to the day; you have another three months to go. You complete every punishment you receive, no mercy. Anyway, where is that safety key I gave you?”
“Still in my wallet.” I said reaching for my wallet that was sitting on the coffee table.
“You can keep the key it doesn’t fit anyway, but I’ll have the wallet back.” Katrina said snatching the wallet.
“What do you mean the key doesn’t fit? Its not a safety key if it doesn’t fit.”
“You honestly think I was going to give you the key? If you needed to get out in a hurry go to the emergency room. Simple.”
“You do have the key in your possession now right? It’s not back with Natasha?”
Katrina grinned and shrugged. “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t, and I guess you will have to wait for at least three months to find out.”
“At least?”
“You know six months is your minium punishment, it can be longer for any reason I like.” Katrina moved closer and pressed her hand onto my front shield. “Don’t worry, I wont deny myself my property forever.” Katrina gave me a small peck on the lips and backed off.
We sat silently for a few minutes, probably both thinking ‘where do we go from here’
“Do you mind if I get dressed now Katrina?” I asked reaching for my clothes.
“In fact I do slave.” Katrina pulled back my hand from reaching for the clothes. “You are going to go have a shower, holding everything from the neck down like you are supposed too, get back into your slave uniform and clean this house inside and out. While you are doing that, I am going out to get some groceries so we have something to eat tonight.”
“Thank you Mistress Katrina, it’s good to have you back.” I said smiling.
“No, Steven it’s good to have you back, now go have your shower and try not to cut yourself shaving.”
“I wont, see you soon.”
After showing and shaving I found my uniform that I hadn’t unpacked from my suitcase yet, I gave it a quick iron to get out the creams and put it on. It still fitted me, if you could call it that, it never really fitted, always tight and revealing.
Slowly I worked through each room of the house; although the house was small and I didn’t have many possessions there was still a lot to do, about two months worth to do. Usually I only did the laundry or do the dishes when I really had too, things like dusting and vacuuming I didn’t both with.
I was working in the locke room retrieving old fast food wrappers from under the locke when Katrina walked in through the front door.
“Welcome back.” I said looking up from the floor. “You were gone a while.”
“Well I had a lot to do and get Steven, thanks to your low standards of what you call living”
“So what’s for dinner?” I quickly tried to change the subject.
“For me a nice dinner, for you nothing, by the look of all those fast food wrappers, you could probably do with a bit of a diet.”
“Yes Mistress Katrina.”
“I see you are doing your chores, but that can wait for now, its time for you to go to bed, I need to organize some things.”
“Yes Mistress Katrina.” I said again and walked to the bedroom, Mistress Katrina followed me.
“You know the drill Slave.”
I undressed, folded my uniform up and left it on the side of the dresser.
“Where are the toys slave?” Katrina asked.
“I put them in the draw.”
Katrina pushed me down, bent over the bed. Behind me I heard her open the draw and pull out what she needed, slowly I feel a large butt plug enter me.
“You miss this don’t you slave?”
“Yes Mistress Katrina” I managed to say while moaning.
I felt the rear shield lock on to my chatity belt and keep the butt plug firmly inside me.
“Get up and face me” Katrina ordered.
I pushed myself off the bed, and faced towards Katrina, she locked shackles to my wrists and ankles, a short chain pulled my hands down to below my hips.
“Just like old times don’t you think slave? Now get into bed.”
Awkwardly I climbed into bed; Katrina pulled the covers over me and gave me a kiss on the chef. She left the room after wishing me a good night.
The sun shining through the window and onto my eyes woke me up; Katrina laid beside me only in her underwear, hard against my side, I would get up but I didn’t want to disturb her.
“Are you awake Steven?” I heard Katrina mumble out.
“Yes.” I mumbled out trying to sound more sleep then I really am, I had been awake for ages now. “You sound really tired, what time did you come to bed?”
“Late, I had lots of things to organize.”
“Dare I ask?”
“Hmm well, you have your computer privileges back.” Katrina looked up at me and smiled.
“What is the catch?” I smiled back.
“I check all your emails before you read them, everything you do will be logged; you will not be allowed to post to any forums or the like and no more porn.”
“Don’t act so innocent Steven, you are bad at it. Your browser history showed what you have been up to the last few months, I am not sure what you were trying to achieve by looking at porn while in chatity.”
“Well I have more than enough to keep my mind and eyes occupied now.” I said while running my cuffed hand up Katrina’s tigh.
Katrina rolled over to the side of the bed, picked up her clothes off the floor and pulled out a key from one of the pockets. She dropped the clothes, rolled back over and uncuffed my wrists and ankles. I didn’t see what she did with the keyAfterwards.
I rolled onto my side to face Katrina.
“About your friend Jenny.”
“What about her?” I said trying to make her sound unimportant.
“Well, she took the news of your chatty and slavery well; I really thought she would run away instantly as soon as I mentioned our relationship and your chatty belt.”
“Jenny is okay, takes a lot to surprise her, but if you don’t want her around I understand”
“You need to have friends of your own, just not friends who want to get in your pants, I really don’t want to deal with another Samantha.”
“I’m yours so the decision is all yours, I’m surprised you even letting me have friends, I got on just fine without having outside friends while living with Natasha.”
“Well I emailed Jenny using your account letting her know that she is allowed over on a trial basis but she has to understand that sometimes she may have to be an audience to what ever state I have you in, including chained, gagged and beaten.”
“Thanks, I guess.
Katrina slide on top of me, pressing her knee into the front shield of my chatity belt.
“Ouch.” I cried out “Do you have to press right there?”
“So my property still has some feeling left, thought it would have shrivelled up from lack of use.”
“Take the belt off just to make sure.” I joked.
“Shut up Steven.” Katrina said sliding down my body a little so she could kiss me.
“Hmmm I missed that.” I said between kisses.
“Good, you’ll be getting a lot more.”
We kissed for another 5 minutes before Katrina moved back onto the bed and snuggled into my side once again.
“What are today’s plans?” I asked yawning
“You will continue cleaning this hole that you call a house while I go out and find us something better to live in.”
“Something small and easy to clean I hope.”
“Then I might go pick out some furniture for it.” Katrina said ignoring my comment, “and perhaps then go job hunting for the bothof us.”
I looked at Katrina in amazement. “How do you do it?”
“Do what Steven?”
“You have been back in my life for less than a day; already you have me sorted out and plans for everything else.”
“You know what they say, behind every good man is an even better woman and in your case there is an even greater Mistress.”
“Well in that case, I’m lucky you found me.”
“I guess so; you need some work but nothing time and training can’t fix.” Katrina smiled at me again.
“Speaking of training, mind taking the rear-shield off.” I asked as nice as possible.
“I have lost motivation right now, perhaps later today if I feel like.”
“Thank you Katrina.”
Katrina gave me another kiss and then said. “Go get ready while I make you something to eat.”
“There is some pizza left in the friedge from a few days ago, just nuke that.”
“You are not having pizza for breakfast Steven, I thought diet control would be a good way to exert my authory over you but now I see it’s just for your own good.”
Katrina got out of bed; I watched her with enjoyment as she got dressed and then left the room.
Monday evening came around quick, Katrina had been out the past few days and hasn’t been returning until late each night, she wouldn’t tell me much of what she has been doing, it was another of those wait and see things I assume.
Finally Katrina came stumbling through the door; she dropped the bags she was carrying where she stood, before moving over to the lounge and collapse in it.
Without being told I knelt down at her feet, removed her shoes and socks and massage her feet.
“Thank you Steven.” Katrina said taking in a deep breath.
“Hard day?” I replied.
“Go get me a glass of water, and get undressed while you are at it, I want to be reminded on why it’s all worth it.”
“Yes Mistress Katrina I replied.”
I got up and left the room for a moment to get undressed and go get Katrina a glass of water; I returned giving Katrina the water and resume my position at her feet.
“Thank you slave.”
“So tell me about your day.” I looked up at Katrina while I continued to massage her feet.
“Well I have found us somewhere to live, it’s a bit further away from the city, but not too far, we can move in after the renovations are completed in a few weeks.”
“Just a few small things needed to be done to meet my, well our needs.” Katrina said grinning, probably thinking of something that she isn’t ready to share yet.
“So what else has been keeping you occupied?”
“I have found a job!”
“Its great, I will be working for a publishing company, doing the artwork, graphics and layout for one of those stupid teenage girl magazines. In fact I’m the head of the section, a whole floor of the building, I’ll have 10 other girls under me?”
“Are they nice?” I said smiling.
Katrina gave me a small kick in the chest. “Quite nice and young, just the eye candy you like isn’t it?”
I just smiled back. We both knew the answer was yes.
“Also, I get to pick my own personal assistant.” Katrina smiled down at me.
“I take it that’s me?”
“Would there be anyone else? We start Monday next week.”
“I think I can deal with that, working for you plus 10 other girls.”
“So what happened around here today?”
“The usual, cleaned and cleaned a little more and signed for a lot of packages addressed for you.”
“Great, I was hoping it would all arrive today?”
“May I ask what?”
“The start of my own toy collection Steven, its not much fun being a Mistress and owning a slave if you can’t torture I mean discipline him for your own amusement.”
“Can’t argument with that.”
“When was the last time you had your prostate massed slave?” Katrina asked changing her tone of voice to something more serious.
“Over two months ago Mistress Katrina, when you last did it.”
“That’s not healthy slave. I think its time we played with the new toys.”
“Thank you Mistress Katrina.”
“Stay on the floor slave; I’ll be back in a moment.”
Katrina got up and left the room, I could hear her open and sort through all the packages. A few minutes later she returned to the room completely naked apart from the straw-on penis that she was now wearing. I could only look up and smile at her.
“Kneel on the blind, facing the wall slave.” Katrina ordered.
I did as ordered, I felt the cold, hard and wet straw-on slowly slide inside me, and I felt Katrina hold onto the sides of my waist as she slowly moved her toy in and out of me.
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