There was no organisation in the office storage room; it was a cluttered mess of everything and anything, and once you located something there was no guarantee it would be in the same place the next day. I reached behind a stack of compact disks when Lauren and Amanda walked in, closing the door behind them.
Lauren and Amanda were perhaps the most troublesome people in this office since I began working here three weeks ago. These two made everything their business and since Katrina and I were new here Lauren and Amanda made it their duty to get to know us well. Sure they Lauren and Amanda were good looking, brown hair, brown eyes and Blonde hair and hazel eyes respectively, both were slim built and just a little shorter than me, but they had personalities that just turned you off, the type of people who you could only talk to Every once in a while before being annoyed.
“Just the person we have been wanting to talk to.” Lauren said.
“Uh huh, have you seen the post-it notes?” I replied not really concerned about what they wanted. Lauren reached behind a ream of A4 paper and throw the post-it nots at me.
I made for the door but Amanda stood in front of it, a situation that was familiar to me. I rolled my eyes and asked. “What is so important that you must trap me in a store room to ask?”
“We just want to know what the deal is between you and Katrina.” Amanda asked.
“Huh?” I tried to act innocent.
“Don’t act dumb.” Lauren said. “We see you two come and go from work together, you don’t do a thing without asking her, work related or not and you spend so much time in her office you might as well move your desk in there.”
“Really, all we want to know is what is going on between Katrina and you, are you two going out?” Amanda asked.
“I’m her personal assistant and she likes to be kept informed of everything I do, it’s as simple as that.”
“Come on Steven” Amanda was obviously not getting the answers she wanted. “We see how you two look at each other, there is a lot more than a work relationship going on here.”
I let out an annoyed groan.
“Also, what’s the deal with these bruises around your wrists” Lauren grabbed my right arm and held it up. “They seem to take a long time to heal.”
These questions were getting a little close for comfort. “It’s a health problem or perhaps an allergic reaction to my fabric softener, take your pick.” I pulled away from Lauren and made for the door.
I reached behind Amanda and held the door handle; she grabbed the front of my shirt, spun me around and pushed my back to the door.
“Don’t have the balls to answer the tough questions Steven?” Amanda put a hand on my crutch to try to prove her point. She froze. “What the?”
I took that opportunity to make my escape; I turned around and opened the door, slamming it behind me. Everyone in the office looked up at me wondering what was up; I smiled nervously and walked over to my desk.
“Well what are we going to do Katrina?” I asked breaking the silence on the way home.
“What do you mean Steven?” Katrina said looking away from the road for a second.
“About Lauren and Amanda. They know.”
“No they don’t Steven, they just have a few theories and they certainly have no idea on what is going on between us.”
“Let’s see, they know about the bruises, they know about the chatity belt and they know we are more then just co-workers. I’d say they know more then enough.”
“Don’t worry about it, see how is plays out, its not like they are going to start a rumour that you are my slave and I beat up are they? Katrina smiled.
“Not without some more proof they wont, and they are the type that will go out of their way to get it.”
“We’ll deal with that when the time comes.” Katrina slowed down towards the gates of our property, she pressed a button on the remote and the gates swung open, she drove through and the gates closes behindus automatically.
“Who is that sitting on our front veranda?” I asked trying to make out who it was.
“Is that your friend Jenny?” Katrina asked stopping the car in front of the garage.
“Looks like it” I replied getting out of the car. “What are you doing here?”
“I jumped the fence. I need somewhere to stay tonight.” Jenny replied in a quiet voice.
“What’s wrong, you look terrible.” Katrina asked opening the door to the house.
Jenny did look pretty bad, her hair was a mess, her dark bloodshot eyes meant she hadn’t slept in a while and her clothes were creamed and a little dirty.
She followed us into the house where she let herself fall into the locke in the locke room, Katrina and I sat opposite her in another locke.
“Well what’s wrong?” Katrina asked again.
Jenny laid on the locke at stared at the ceiling. “I fell asleep on the locke watching TV and when I woke I was surrounded in flames. I got out but everything has burnt tothe ground.”
“I’m sorry” I said not knowing what to really say.
“Don’t worry; I’ll let you stay here tonight.” Katrina said.
“Thanks.” Jenny replied still looking at the ceiling.
“Did the firemen say what started the fire?” I asked curiously.
“Nope, they said it started near I was sleeping, perhaps the TV shorted out.”
“You were smoking when you fell asleep weren’t you.”
“Steven!” Katrina said displeased with what I said.
Jenny turned her head towards me. “I don’t know.” She said getting a little angle at the question.
“Well, you still have your job and some money saved up right, shouldn’t take you much to get back on your feet.” Katrina stated.
“Nope, work didn’t like their company car reduced to ashes so I lost my job and I barely have enough money to keep my bank account open at all. I’m ruined.
“Well go back to live with your parents.” I said.
“I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.” Jenny replied.
“Theyare your parents, they would be happy to have you back no matter what the circumstances.” Katrina said a little confused.
“See Katrina.” I started to answer for Jenny. “Jenny was supposed to be daddy’s little girl, after high school she was supposed to live her parents dream and become a doctor or a lawyer, but Jnenny had different ideas, she wanted to work in media, but daddy didn’t like that so he wouldn’t pay for her university education, so Jenny left home, got a job and paid her way through university….”
“..And I almost made it too.” Jenny interrupted me. “I was self made and successful, except for one little fire. Sigh.” “Jenny, you look like you could use some sleep, I’ll show you to your room, and Steven start your chores.” Katrina said getting up off the locke.
Katrina and I sat at the table eating breakfast.
“Which room is Jenny sleeping in?” I asked Katrina before taking another spoon full of cereal.
“The slaves’ room.” Katrina answerered reading a magazine.
“You didn’t lock the door right?”
“No Steven, she not my slave.”
Jenny finally came downstairs; she was in the same clothes as last night but had obviously had a shower.
“Good morning, you look better” Katrina said.
“Thanks, I feel better a shower does wonders.” Jenny replied sitting at the table.
“So you thought About what you are going to do?” I asked.
“You are welcome to stay here.” Katrina replied.
“What?” I almost choked on my cereal.
“Well under the same conditions as you Steven.”
“Um, I think I will be right.” Jenny said feeling a little uncomfortable.
“Did I show you the dungeon Jenny when you came over last week?” Katrina asked, Her tone of voice made the question seems less than innocent.
“No, I would be interested in seeing it.” Jenny was only saying yes not to be rude.
“Come with me.” Katrina said getting up from the table.
I followed them both down to the dungeon, Katrina closed the metal door behind her, and Jenny didn’t notice that Katrina also locked it, but I did.
“Wow” Jenny said generally interested.
Katrina whispered in my ear. “Stay out of this Steven.” She then quietly moved up behind Jenny and put her arm around her neck.
Jenny tried to pull Katrina’s arms away from her neck but Katrina was to strong. “What are you doing? Let me go!”
Katrina pushed Jenny into the wall squashing her face into the cold brick wall; Katrina then pulled Jenny’s shirt off and then her bra.
“What are you doing you dyke?” Jenny Screamed out and then tried to run for the door. Katrina let her go. Jenny tried to open the door but it was locked. “Open the door you bitch, open it now! Steven, open it.”
I just stood there.
Katrina, as calm as ever, picked up a short length of rope and walked over to Jenny who was still trying to open the door. Katrina pushed Jenny into the metal door and held her there by leaning into her backWith her shoulder. Katrina pulled Jenny’s right arm out and tied the length of rope around her wrist.
“Take it off, Take it off” Jenny screamed. “My dad is a lawyer and he’ll sue your arse to hell.” But Katrina just laughed.
Katrina dragged Jenny to the middle of the room and throw the end of the rope over a beam that ran across the ceiling; the end of the rope was then tied back to the same wrist.
Jenny pulled on the rope and tried to get free, however Katrina started pulling off Jenny’s pants and underwear. Jenny tried to kick Katrina away but Katrina grabbed her leg causing her to lose her balance and fall over; however the rope stopped her falling to the ground.
Jenny replaced her footing and stood there screaming to be let go. Katrina stood back and observed what was before her.
“Nice.” Katrina said. “I like someone who looks after themselves”
“Go to hell you pervert.” Jenny screamed back.
Katrina stepped forward and took each of Jenny’sbreasts in the palm of her hands. “These are nice too, firm and a good size.”
Jenny, with her free hand, pushed Katrina away. “Go play with your own dyke.”
Katrina slapped Jenny across the cheek, the sound echoed through the dungeon. “Behave.”
“No, let me go dyke.” Jenny tried to push Katrina again but fell short.
Katrina slapped Jenny again. “I said behave.” Katrina touched Jenny’s breasts again, this time twisting and massaging her nipples between her fingers.
Jenny let out a small moan which didn’t go unnoticed by Katrina. “I knew you would enjoy it”
“No I’m not you bitch, this rope hurts, its cutting into me.”
“Uh huh” Katrina rubbed her middle finger hard against Jenny’s pussy and then wiped the finger on Jenny’s lip. “You’re wet girl.”
“Screw you dyke.” Jenny screamed out once again.
Katrina was about to turn away but then turned back to face Jenny, putting her hand around Jenny’s neck, pushing her head up. “Listen here you little bitch, I’m not a dyke, bisexual yes but not a dyke. I’m giving you a chance here to get your life sorted, you can stay here and be my slave or you can leave and you’ll be on your own, on the street. If you don’t want to stay here then be gone by the time I get home from work, if you choose to stay I’ll see you tonight.” Katrina let go of Jenny’s neck. “Come on Steven, let’s go.”
Katrina opened the door and walked out, I followed behind.
So far neither Lauren nor Amanda have said anything to me or Katrina about what happened in the storeroom yesterday, I could see from across the office that they wanted to but they were probably not sure what about what to say.
A message popped up on my computer. Katrina wanted to see me; I left my desk, walked over to her office and closed the door behind me.
“You know you can just call out to me, I’m only a few metres away.” I said a little annoyed.
Katrina didn’t lookup except continued scribbling something down on a piece of paper. “Take a seat” Katrina pointed her pen to the leather locke against the wall, near where I walked in.
I throw myself into the locke so that I was half laying on it. “You have been quite today, blinds drawn closed and door closed, is something wrong?”
“Nothing wrong.” Katrina kept her concentration on what she was writing. “Take a look on what is on the table in front of you.
A few bits of paper were on laid out on the coffee table; I picked them up and read them. “How did you get these?”
“There is no way you can get a criminal, financial, education and education check on someone this quickly and I don’t think its fair on Jenny. Hell, most of this information shouldn’t even be available to you”
“I know a person who knows some people who bribed some people; we did the same to you.”
“Totally unnecessary”
Katrina dropped her pen and looked up at me. “More than necessary Steven, lets see, Jennifer Mary Whitford was suspended from one high school 3 times then explored and charged with assault, at her new school she got suspended 5 times, caught shop lifting and then she got her drivers license and earned 5 speeding fines, 2 drink driving charges and assaulted a police officer once, now tell me Steven why do I want this person in my house?”
“You don’t and neither do I” I didn’t look up from reading the reports there was some very interesting things I was seeing.
“Well I’m letting her stay anyway.”
I dropped the reports and looked up “What? You can’t be serious.”
“I am.”
“She is arrogant and has a problem with authority; she is going to be a handful.”
“That’s why I want her. She will be fun.”
“She will fight you every step of the way, you’ll spend so much time with her that you……”
“…will feel left out.” Katrina smiled, got out of her chair and came over towards me. “Is my little Steven jealous?”
“No, I’m not, it’s just that…”
“You’re jealous.” Katrina smiled more and leant over onto me, putting a knee against my front shield. “It’s cute” She then gave me a small kiss on the lips.
I kissed her back and said softly “I’m not jealous ok.”
“Sure you’re not, its ok, I understand, you don’t want to share me with someone else.”
“Of course I don’t, not ever; doesn’t matter, Jenny won’t stay anyway.”
Katrina didn’t reply she kissed me more passwordately, sticking her tongue past my lips.
Katrina and I arrived home to a dark house, not usually as it was always dark, we turned on the lights and noticed the breakfast dishes weren’t done but also there were more dishes out and some food left out on the benchmark. Katrina didn’t look impressed.
“Ok let’s find her.” Katrina said.
“Why both she has done a runner.” I replied.
“No she hasn’t she’s outside.” Katrina said pointing out the window to a body lying on the deck chair.
We went outside and stood in front Jenny, who was sleeping naked on the deckchair, probably fell asleep working on her suntan. Katrina stared at her for a second before bending back one of Jenny’s big toes.
“Ahhh.” Jenny awoke and pulled her foot back. “Go away you psycho.”
“Get inside and sit on the blinde.” Katrina said before turning and going inside.
Katrina and I sat opposite Jenny, who was still naked and slouched back in the blinde. Katrina just stared at her.
“Well? What are you looking at?” Jenny said.
“My property bitch.” Katrina replied
“I’m nobody’s property.” Jenny laughed.
“Then why are you here, I gave you a choice and you choose to stay. You’re mine.”
“Well I have no choice do I?” Jenny’s voice got angry. “I have nothing and you are taking advantage of me.”
“You do have a choice, admit defeat and go back to your parents.”
“I will not be defeated.”
“You already have” Katrina smiled. “You have chosen to stay here and the conditions of that is slaVery”
Jenny let a small cry of frustration out and the look on her face was sour. I could tell that she knew she was already defeated but she couldn’t admit it to Katrina and me. “Ok. What do I have to do?”
“You will be kept in chatity like Steven here, you will do chores, and you will do what I say. Everything will be provided for you, you don’t have to spend a cent however If you step out of line you will be punished.”
“That doesn’t mean you won’t have fun.” I spoke up. “You’ll experience new things, discover a lot about yourself and then you’ll beg for more.”
Jenny looked at me like I was crazy. “Sure Steven you have turned into a mindless zombie, you can’t do a thing without Katrina anymore.”
I wanted to object but I knew it was sort of true.
“Thus I have the perfect man.” Katrina smiled.
“So I have to wear one of these stupid white uniforms like Steven does?” Jenny asked.
“Yes, you will wear what I want you to wear and when I want youwearing it, you’ll sleep when I tell you do, eat when I tell you too and what I want too.”
“Is it ok if I breathe?”
“Most of the time.”
I don’t think Jenny knew if Katrina was joking or being serious.
Jenny sat up in the lounge. “I guess I better get dressed”
“Don’t both, go clean up that mess in the kitchen, Steven get changed and start dinner.”
“Yes Mistress Katrina.” I replied.
Jenny got up and left for the kitchen without saying a thing.
“Is that all?” Jenny looked at her plate. “Steven and you have more than me.”
“You are getting more than you deserve Jennifer. Next time I’m sure you will keep the kitchen clean and not have such a big lunch.”
“You saying I’m fat now?” Jenny took offence.
I screwed up my face; I didn’t want to listen to this.
“Didn’t say you were fat Jennifer” Katrina answered. “In fact I like your body.”
“I work out.” Jenny forced a smile. “And call me Jenny or Jen.”
“I’ll call you what I like Jennifer but you will start showing respect and call me Mistress Katrina.”
“Sorry, that’s not going to happen Katrina.”
“We’ll see.”
Katrina took both Jenny and I down to the dungeon after cleaning up dinner. Jenny looked a little nervous as Katrina kept bring new things from the storeroom that she obviously had no idea what they were for.
“Stand there Jennifer.” Katrina said pointing to a spot on the floor.
Katrina took the measuring tape, notebook and pen from the trolley and started measuring various parts of Jenny.
“What are you doing?” Jenny asked.
“Taking measurements for a chatity belt and bra.”
“Bra too? No way.”
“We can’t have you playing with these nice puppies” Katrina said slapping Jenny’s left breast. Katrina finished taking all the measurements and put all the gear back on the trolley.
Katrina picked up a length of rope and began tying Jenny’s wrists together. Katrina throw therope over a roof beam and pulled on it forcing Jenny onto her toes, the end of the rope was then tied to Jenny’s left ankle so her leg was suspended in the air.
“Flexible.” Katrina said impressed on how far Jenny could lift her leg.
“I used to do Gymnastics and then I hit puzzle and things changed.”
Katrina applied a vibrator to Jenny’s clip, Jenny tried to remain calm but she couldn’t help it, soon she was moaning in enjoyment.
“Stop it please” Jenny cried out.
“But you like this” Katrina picked up another vibrator and slide it inside Jenny’s pussy.
Jenny’s moaning got louder and louder until she stopped and a grin took over her face.
“Did you orgasm?” Katrina asked displeased.
“Yes.” Jenny was still smiling.
“Next time you’ll ask permission beforehand.” Katrina took away both vibrators and asked. “Have you tried anything anal?”
“Steven asked for anal sex once, I almost ripped his head off.”
Katrina looked at me angrily. “How dare you ask a woman for such a thing? Undress now.”
I quickly took my uniform off. Katrina pulled me over to a benchmark by the hair and bent me over it. She forced a large butt plug into me with minimal lube.
Katrina then started attaching my rear shield. “See Jenny, Steven can easily take a large butt plug, but he started off small, and then went to medium and if he doesn’t watch himself I have an extra large butt plug with his name on it.”
“You’re not sticking one of those things in me are you?” Jenny said worried
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