I sat back nervously in the hard chair of the waiting room. It has been some 3 months since my last job interview and I am eager to get this job even though it is not exactly what I want. There is nothing wrong with the job; it’s a PC Technician/ Support role for a small advertising company. It’s the location, in a small town in the middle of nowhere, 100’s of kilometers from anywhere that is big enough to have nightlife.
Not to say the town doesn’t have its charm. It’s a nice town, tree lined streets, and little traffic with a nice relaxed feel about it, but big enough that not everyone knows everyone else and small enough that people still say hello to each other on the street.
However a job is a job no matter where it is, I had slowly come to realize this over the past year Since I finished my formal education. Before seating I had announced myself to the secretary/receptionist, she told me to take a seat and wait until you are called.
‘Samantha’ her name badgeread. Not a bad looking girl, perhaps 18 or 19 years old, she had light brown hair down to her shoulders, hazel eyes hidden by glasses. Her clothes were loose and baggy, but somehow hinted that there was a lot more going on underneath. She totally ignored me while she went on with her duties.
After 5 minutes of waiting, a door to the side of the reception desk opened. What came through that door appeared to be one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. About 185cm tall, black hair tied back in a ponytail that hung just past her shoulders. She had dark brown eyes which sort of commanded respect. Even though she was a little on the petite side, she had a killer figure, long legs and a large bus pushed up by a tight low cut t-shirt. I tried not to look.
“Hi, I’m Natasha” She said.
“Steven” I replied, shaking her outstretched hand.
“Come with me and we’ll get this over and done with.”
I followed her through the door, closing it behind me. I continued with her to the back of the complex, her desk was in the corner facing the rest of the room, to keep an eye on everyone else I guess.
She pointed towards a chair in front of her desk. “Take a seat” she said while she walked around the desk and sat in her chair. I took my seat.
“I had a look at your resume and you seem fine for the position. So do you want the job?”
I sat there for a moment with a surprised look on my face. I thought I would have to at least try and sell my self. “Err Of course” I replied.
“I’m sorry to surprise you like that, but it’s hard to get people to come out here and work. But I promise you’ll like the place. Everyone is friendly and easy to get along with. Well the pay isn’t the best, but the bonuses are good.”
“Well what does the job actually involve?” Is all I could spit out while trying not to look down her shirt.
“Not that hard, just keep all the computer systems up and running, maintain the website, also maintain the fax and photoscopiers and order any consumes needed. When things are quiet you can help Samantha type up documents. This may be a small town, but there is more than enough business to keep us all busy.”
“That sounds great.” I replied while thinking probably not enough work here to fill up an entire day. Cushy job.
“Before I forget there is a 4 week trial period, that’s ok isn’t it?”
“Oh good. Can you start Monday?”
“Not a problem.”
“Great. Just a few more things, dress requirements are smart casual, be punctual and professional, sure it’s a relaxed environment and we have our fun, but the clients come first. …While we are all here would you like to meet the other staff?”
“Sure” I replied.
“As You can see the office is separated into 2 parts, reception where Samantha works and this area where Katrina and Jessica and myself work. That’s Katrina over there in that corner, and Jessica over in the other corner.”
Both Katrina and Jessica looked up from their work and said hi, I said hi back and then they both got back to what they were doing.
I had to look at both girls twice, to make sure they weren’t twins or at least related. Both were about 170cm tall, brown eyes, short brown hair that hung just below their shoulders. Both were similar in build to Natasha and dressed similar to her as well. The most curious thing about them was a smooth featureless bracelet type necklace that sat around their necks. Must be friend jewelry I thought.
“Sorry about that.” Natasha said. “They have a deadline to meet this afternoon.”
“That’s ok, we’ll talk on Monday I guess.” I said sounding a little forward.
“So see you at 9am Monday.” Natasha said, while leading me towards to door.
“See you then” I replied.
I arrived at the office 5 minutes to 9am, at the same time everyone else got there. We greeted each other and walked in. Seeing Samantha in full this time confirmed my feelingthat there is something going on under those clothes, don’t know why she doesn’t dress like the other ladies, shy I guess.
Natasha immediately gave me a list of things to do. “This should keep you busy for a while” she said. I looked at the list, so much for that cushy job. “Thanks” I replied.
I slowly worked through the list over the next few days. The ladies were great to work with, well most of the time. Jessica and Katrina are great when Natasha is around, but soon as she leaves the office for a little while, Jessica and Katrina start to throw their weight around. Ordering Samantha and myself to do silly little things such as removing staples from documents or emptying the hole-puncher.
Generally it was mindless bullying and power tripping, but the week after, Jessica and Katrina decided to take things a bit further. They cornered Samantha and myself and closed in on us.
“You better watch yourself Samantha.” Said Jessica.
“What did I do?” replied Samantha
“Don’t question me like that. Now beat it.”
“Sorry” Samantha said before disappearing through the door to reception.
“Now you Steven, you better watch yourself to.” Katrina said firmly.
“What you going to do? Abuse me to death?” I said trying not to laugh in her face.
Katrina stepped forward and gropeed me as hard as she could. I tried not to flinch. “You really don’t get it do you? You should show more respect.”
“What ever” I said back, trying to act tough then I am.
Katrina let go and walked away without saying another word to me for the rest of the day.
Later on I asked Samantha what that was all about. She didn’t say anything and told me to forget about it and don’t make things worse. I left it at that, but still felt a little uneasy, and Samantha’s lack of an answer didn’t help.
The next few weeks went well. Jessica and Katrina still acted like bitches when Natasha was out, but other then that it was a great place to work.
I was sitting at my desk typing away at the computer when Katrina came up and throw a box of pencils on the desk in front of me.
“Yes?” I asked not knowing what her problem was.
“You ordered the wrong pencils” Katrina yelled.
“You asked for more pencils you didn’t say what type of pencils.”
“Must I spell everything out for you?”
“Perhaps in the future you’ll be more specific with your descriptions”
By now Jessica’s attention was focused towards my direction, as well was Samantha’s who had come back here to use the photocopier.
“Well these pencils are useless but we shouldn’t waste them, stand up, drop your pants and bend over.”
I stared up at Katrina with a puzzled look on my face.
Natasha opened the door to her office and called me over, saved by the boss I thought. Katrina backed away and returned to her desk.
“I’m having a dinner party tonight, nothing special, come as you are.” Natasha said.
“Ok” Isaid, “Should I bring anything?”
“Just yourself, be there at 7pm.” Replied Natasha while giving a piece of paper with her address.
I drove up the street and found the address I was looking for. I couldn’t see the house because of the large solid gates and tall trees. I drove towards the gates and they opened automatically. On the other side of the gates, was a beautiful large house, large front yard with well looked after gardens. I parked the car in front of the garage, got out and walked towards the front door.
Natasha opened the door before I could ring the bell. “Good that you made it tonight”
“My pleasure.” I replied.
“Come in and take a seat.”
I walked in and sat down on the lounge, Jessica, Katrina and Samantha were already there. However, Samantha had gotten changed, she was now wearing tight white shirt and pants, almost see through. But it didn’t look right, her bra and panties looked bulky and didn’t seem natural. Anyway I was right, Samantha did have one hell of a body under those loose clothes.
“Would you like a drink Steven?” Asked Natasha
“Orange juice would be great thanks” I replied.
“I’ll help you.” Jessica said starting to get up off the lounge.
“No it’s fine, you stay there.” Replied Natasha while disappearing through a door, which must have been to the kitchen.
Natasha returned a few moments later with the orange juice. “Here you go Steven.” She handed me the drink.
“Ahh thank you” I replied. I drank a mouthful to quench my thirst.
I slowly opened my eyes, my head hurt and I could make out some blurry figure in front of me. “What happened?” I mumbled.
“I drugged you” the blurry figure said, whose voice I placed with Natasha. “You’ll feel ok in a moment.”
“Huh what?”
“I put you to sleep last night because I needed to, it’s the following morning.”
My eyesight returned and instantly noticed my body was naked, not only that my pubic hair was gone and there was a plastic cage locked to my penis.
“What have you done to me?” I cried out in shock.
I felt 2 hands push my shoulders back into my locke and another hand pull my head back forcing me to look at Natasha. “Show respect” I heard Katrina says from behind me.
“Thank you Jessica and Katrina. I had the girls wax your public area and place that chatity device on your penis.” Natasha said with a stern voice.
“Why the hell you do that for?”
I feel a hand smack me across the back of the head. “I have already told you to show respect. Don’t make me tell you a third time.”
“I’ll let you get away with that today, but not next time. It is as simple as this. You have a choice to make, you either move in here with me and my girls or DCM.”
“DCM?” I asked.
“Don’t Come Monday idiot.” Katrina Said.
“That’s right,” said Natasha. “You either become my slave and still work for me, or have nothing. I suggest you think about it.You have to 5 pm tomorrow, come before that time with everything you own or come after that and I’ll remove the chatity device and pay you what I owe you. Samantha will help you get dressed and see you out.”
Natasha, Jessica and Katrina left the room without looking back.
“What the hell is going on Samantha?” I demanded an answer from her.
“That’s up to you. Just think long and hard.” Samantha said throwing my clothes at me. “Just get dressed, get out of here and come back tomorrow.”
“What do you think I should do then?” I asked, while getting dressed.
“That depends on you.”
“Big help you are.” I said angry while leaving.
“Katrina is right, you better watch yourself with an attitude like that.”
I arrived home and immediately locked myself inside my apartment. I took my clothes off to see exactly what was going on down there. My public hair down there was gone, all of it, around my groin, my balls, and even my butt. The chatitycage as Natasha put it was something like I have never seen before. A plastic ring was behind my balls and penis while a small clear plastic tube covered my penis; the tube and ring were locked together with a small brass padlock.
I looked in the mirror. That’s all I could do, look. I couldn’t touch my penis or play with it, there wasn’t even enough room in that tube for an erection. The tube forced my penis to point towards my feet; I probably have to sit down to go to the toilet too.
At least I knew it could come off tomorrow. But what should I do? I laid flat out on the bed gazing at the ceiling. If I become her Slave, I’ll lose any freedom that I had. But if I don’t I’ll lose my job, and the job market hasn’t become any easier in the last 4 weeks. 4 weeks? Then it hit me, the trial period, I had forgotten all about it, I guess its up to me if I pass or fail.
What about Samantha? Is she a slave to Natasha, Jessica and Katrina? She never does anything without beingtold, I know she is quiet and shy but I have never seen her act on her own once. And what’s with those white clothes I saw her in last night and today, she never dresses like that at work. I started imagining what was under those clothes again, like I have done many times before.
Suddenly a burning, singing pain came from my groin. I looked down and noticed my penis had become erect inside the tube that was obviously to small for it. My balls started turning blue. I tried to take my mind of Samantha, but the more I tried not to think about her, the more I thought of her. I ran out of bed to the shower and turned the cold water on.
After a few moments, my erection went down. I got out of the shower and dried myself off; I then went back to my bed and tried to work things out.
After hours of thinking I came to the conclusion I had came to before: I was screwed both ways.
Looking at my watch told me it was 4am and I hadn’t gotten any sleep. For the first time in my life I took a gamble and started to pack my bags.
I carried my bags out to my car and then came back into my apartment to see if I had missed anything, I hadn’t. I took one last look back and closed the door behind me.
I arrived at Natasha’s house a little after 8am. The front door opened and this time Katrina came out. “I see you made the correct decision slave. Come in now.” I followed her into the house. “Take all your clothes off and leave them here.” I followed her instructions. “Come with me now slave.”
I followed Katrina across the room; she opened a door and walked through it and then down a flight on stairs. I followed her down the stairs and then a long a long well lit hall. She opened a door and motioned for me to go in first.
The room was lined with solid brick walls and tiled floors. There was a desk to the back of the room and one chair. There were closed hooks at various intervals on all the walls. 2 chains were bolted to the floor aboutt a metre apart, another 2 chains hung from the ceiling in the same position of the floor chains.
“Stand between the chains slave.” Katrina ordered. I walked over and stood between the chains. Katrina locked my wrists to the chains hanging from the ceiling and locked my ankles to the chains bolted to the floor.
“You are not to speak unless spoken to. Do you understand slave?” Ask Katrina.
“Yes.” I replied.
Samantha came in and setup a tripod and camera; she pointed the camera towards my restrained body. The she left, she returned 2 minutes later pushing a trolley containing various objects, which I couldn’t make out from my position.
A moment later Natasha and Jessica came in.
“You may activate the camera Samantha.” Said Natasha.
“Yes Lady Natasha.” Replied Samantha. She walked over and press record on the camera.
“You will call me Lady Natasha while in this house and the property it sits on. You will call me Natasha while at work and inpublic. Do you understand?”
“Yes Lady Natasha” I replied.
“Good you learn quickly. From today, the 30th of March 2003 you will be my slave and property until the day you say you are not.”
“Yes Lady Natasha”
“Katrina and Jessica are also your mistresses, however Katrina will be training you under my guidance. You will refer to both of them as Mistress Jessica or Katrina; you will do what they say as if I ordered it. They are my submissives, and you are our slave”
“Yes Lady Natasha”
“Samantha is a slave like you. However she is still above you and as a female will always will be. You will still call her Samantha.”
“Yes Lady Natasha”
“While on this property you will be dressed in a White shirt, white pants, white socks and white shoes. These are provided for you, like everything else in this house.”
“Yes Lady Natasha”
“Since everything is provided for you. You will be expected to do chores with Samantha, before and after work andon weekends. Failure to do chores to a satisfaction level will be punished.”
“Yes Lady Natasha”
“You will be kept in chatity always, and will be let out only when a punishment or scene requires it. While wearing the chatity belt you will maintain proper hygiene by washing it as best you can everyday. Baths should be taken every 2nd day to help hygiene in the belt.”
“Yes Lady Natasha”
“Katrina, the slave is now yours to do with what you please.” Natasha said while handing Katrina a key.
“Yes Lady Natasha” Replied Katrina and took the key from Natasha. Katrina put the key into the lock of my chatity cage and opened it. She removed the cage and ring and gave it to Samantha. “Go scrub this clean.”
“Yes Mistress Katrina.” Samantha replied and left the room.
My penis suddenly became erect, freed from its prison.
“Did I give you permission to have an erection slave?” Katrina screamed at me. Her hands suddenly grasped my penis and balls as tight as she could until my erection went down.
“No Mistress Katrina.” I said with a lump in my throat.
“You will be trained to control that.” Katrina’s voice returned to normal. “You will now be measured for a proper metal chatity belt. This will be specially made to fit you and will completely cover your penis and balls. You will continue to wear the plastic cage until the metal one is made and delivered.”
Jessica took the measuring tape from the trolley and started measuring, my wait, penis and various other things, sometimes 3 or 4 times. Katrina took the measurements down on a piece of paper.
A few minutes later Samantha came back into the room and handed the cage and ring back to Katrina.
“About time slave.” Katrina said to Samantha.
“I am sorry Mistress, It was hard to clean.” Samantha apologized.
“I didn’t ask for you pathetic excuses slave.”
Jessica stared at Samantha. Intimidated Samantha stepped back against the wall.
Katrina placed the ring around my penis and balls and slide the cage on, not really caring if I was comfortable or not. Then the lock was locked shut, Katrina pulled on the cage to make sure it was secure. The key was then given back to Natasha.
“Very good Katrina” Lady Natasha congratulated her. “Samantha please turn the camera off and clean everything up.” She then left the room.
Katrina watched Natasha leave the room and waited until she heard Natasha went up the stairs and closed the door behind her. Katrina swiftly turned around and focused all her attention upon her slave. “I am going to make this clear. I am not going to accept any begging or whining.”
Samantha packed up the camera and tripod and walked out while pushing the trolley.
Katrina continued. “I may pretend to be nice to you at work for the benefit of everyone else, but remember this – step out of line and you will be punished, don’t test me. This isn’t about sex, don’t expect any for the entire time you are here, if I do require your service and if Natasha allows it, it isn’t going to be enjoyable to you.”
“The same goes for me.” Jessica spoke up. “If you speak out against us with Samantha, she will tell me, but at the same time I expect you to tell us what Samantha says about us.”
Samantha returned into the room and waited near the door.
“Go do Your chores Samantha”
“What do you say slave?” Katrina asked.
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