It was 5:30 when he heard her walk into the room. She looked at him up and down, staring at the pain in his grggy eyes. She proceeds to walk out of the room and gestures him to follow. Shit, he thought. Last night was painful. The rigging lit up every time he moved, let alone staying in the exact position to sleep wasn’t exactly the most comfortable.
“Hurry up”, she calls.
“Yes mistress.”
“Today we’re going to practice some more before heading to Regencé Manor tonight,” she said when he sat down at the kitchen table.
Alfred’s face went gaunt. He had read about the horrors of Regencé Manor. Located deep in Hale Ridge, it was fantasised by most of the slaves at the Academy to ever step foot into the Manor. Remembering what he had learned at the Academy, he knew that the Manor was where he would receive his permanent collar.
“Mistress?” He looks up at her.
“If you’re wondering what your collar will look like, I’ve already customized it for you. The only thing missing will be your ranking pin that you will choose. You have the choice of becoming a personal slave or one of the manor slaves. If you choose to be my personal slave, your pin will have my crest and initials.”
Apparently, she knew what he was about to say. Alfred was slightly surprised by this but Shook off the thought quickly. He quickly ate, showed and knelt down at his mistress’ feet. She looked down at him. My god, he was handsome. The first she saw him at the academic, she knew he was hers. Innocent hazel eyes, defined chin and muscles.
“We’ll take it easy today, so you can save up energy for tonight ok?”
He nods, and she smiles. Ever since her voice called out his name at the academic, he was intrigued. Her petite yet confident frame, Though only about 5 foot 5 in height. Those black eyes that stared right through him. He sights at the thought.
“I- I’m sorry Mistress.”
Up until lunch, they practiced moreposition drills with the occasional spank from behind when Alfred was too slow to get to the next position.
He was good, fairly well trained from the academic, but he could be better. She expected more from him, and he knew it. He wanted her prayer, more importantly, be hers. When she was satisfied with his progress, she told him what a good slave he was.
From noon til 4, they worked at the kitchen table, laptops open and focused on their own jobs. They were both working from home, just the way she likes it. Alfred was originally working at the largest business complex in town, but after a few arrangements with his boss, he was able to arrange to work from home from Wednesday’s to Friday’s, giving him time to be at the Academy, and now with his mistress.
She was definitely impressed When they got ready to walk out to the car later that day. He had no complaints when she had him bend over the shoe rack to clip his hand restraints behind him. He did, however, groan whenhe noticed her pack a few extra toys into her pursuit though. The collared chauffeur opened the door of the car for them as they got in.
“When we get there, I expect you to be on your best behaviour. Don’t look at other people, eyes on the ground only. I will have to put you on a leash, that’s the rules. We will enter the main room where you will follow my instructions. You will then choose your pin, and then we will begin the night.”
He nodded. Looking up only for his mistress to clip the leather lean on him. He had the feeling she didn’t like the leash, just by the tinge of her voice when she said he would have to have one inside the Manor.
His eyes glowed up in awe as he stepped out of the car. The Regencé Manor was stunning. He quickly followed His mistress through the fairly crowded foyer of the manor into the main room. Inside, there were already several people seated. He followed his mistress to her chair and immediately knelt down beside her, matching the other men in the room. She unclipped his hands and ran her fingers through his hair. “Good boy.”
Approximately 10 minutes later, a woman walks into the room and take her seat at the throne in front of him. His mistress bends down from her seat to whisper, “That’s Head Mistress Laura.”
“It seems we have an inauguration to do today,” booms the woman.
His mistress gently pushes him. “That’s your cue.”
Alfred walked to the centre of the room. He was slightly nervous. He shuffles into the sacrifice positon.
“Your name slave.”
“And your mistress is Mistress Erica, correct?”
He nods. His mistress stands up from her place.
“Slave, what kind of slave have you chosen to be?”
It was automatic. “Personal.”
Mistress Laura excels, “Mistress Erica, do you accept this slave to be your own?”
“Yes,” she said calmly.
Mistress Laura takes out a box from the shelf behind her, opens it, take out thecustomized collar with his mistress’ initials, and walks back to her throne. “Then you will wear this collar forever, do you understand the terms that come with it?”
“Yes Mistress.’
She walks over to him, unlocks the interlocking collar from him, and locks the customized one in its place.
She nods to his mistress, and she walks over to him. She puts the pin on the right of the ring on his collar.
Both mistresses walk back to their place.
“Stand, slave,” boomed Mistress Laura.
“In the world of slaves, under the 3 facts: Aerus, Jerius, and Herius, you are part of the Aerus fact. Mistress Erica, you are promoted to the 2nd in line for the Aerus throne since you have obtained your personal slave.
“Thank you Madame.”
The ceremony of sorts ends with generous bows from all the Aerus fact mistresses and masters to the head mistress.
Alfred followed his mistress out of the main room. She was proud of him. Very proud. He was on his best behaviour, better than she thought.
“Let’s have some fun now,” she said.
He nods in approval. She clips the lean to his new collar. He touches it for the first time. It feel cool to the touch. He runs his fingers over the pin, feeling the engraved emblems. She drags him over to a separate room, empty, reserved just for them. She puts down her purse on the table and walks back to close the door, locking it for safe measure. Walking back over to her purse, she takes out an expandable spreader bar and clips it to his ankle cuffs. “Hands behind.”
He does so as she clips his hand cuffs to the chain hanging from the ceiling.
“You do not get to come tonight, more like never, now that you are my personal slave. I will be whipping you tonight. If you need a break, say red and we will stop for a break. I will not stop unless I hear that safeword, understanding?”
“Yes mistress.”
And so it began. She takes out a cane, and starts whacking athis thighs.
“Youch!” He cries out as she continuously whacks him.
“Break, Break!”
She smiled, his thighs bright red by the time he said break. She walks over, putting her hand to his cheese, “Good boy.”
“Thank you Mistress.”
She smiled as she watches him squirming from behind. This is only the beginning, only the beginning.. he mutters to himself.
Thanks for Reading! More will come soon.
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