The Northmen's Ponies

“Let me show you my new pony,” Calumn said. We walked down the hill to the little stone building.

The mare was a thing of beauty. Each title had a little bell that jingled softly as she moved; Calumn gently caressed her backside and the underside of her breasts as she turned slowly. When her backside was facing him, she bent over very slowly, glancing up at me from between her legs with an interested but unrevealing gaze. Calumn pulled aside her to show off her ass and pussy; the woman moved her tights slightly apart, letting me see the whole of her lips and asshole.

Calumn brought her back to the rail where she had been confined. The woman apparently stayed there all day, just the slightest bit of light filtering in through the barred windows, the hay beneath her hoofboots reeking of her own piss. Her ass was raised just above the level of her head, as her collar was connected by a very short chain to a round steel ring that encircled the low wood rail and slid backand forth across it. In front of the rail were two wooden boxes – one was filled with water, the other was filed with little grey pellets, some sort of foodstuff. If she leaned forward, the little chain gave her enough slack that she could lap at the top of the water or pick up pellets with her lips, though she had to eat around the bit that curved back into her mouth and pinched at the edges of her mouth.

Before we left, Calumn took a little spring-loaded metal clip from his pocket and bent down behind the woman. I could see that he had moved her thong to one side and clipped it onto one to her pussy lips. She shifted her legs, but otherwise went on trying to pick up the pellets with her lips.

“What did you do that for?” I asked, more intrigued than concerned. “You know she won’t be able to take it off, tied up as she is.”

“Helps her remember she has a master,” said Calumn. “C’mon.”

The back room was far narrower and smaller, and didn’t have a window; it was lit only with the light that came through the doorway to the other room. I could not believe what I saw. There were six more women, three on either side of the narrow closet, their heads facing the walls and their butts sticking out behind them at me. They were all chained at rails with troughs just like the woman in the other room. Two were blonde, three were brunette – at the end of the left row, there was a redhead with very big breasts and a massive butt, tenderly trying to lift the little grey pellets with her lips. One of the brunettes was urinating as we walked in, the pee sort of spraying out and running down her thigh, where it would apparently dry and start to smell until somebody bothered to clean her. The big-bottomed redhead had rings in her pussy lips, and a little metal weight that dangled from a chain from one of the lips, pulling it downward so that it looked stretched-out. I wondered what she had done to deserve that.

“You can get a pretty decent one from the auction for 300 quid,” he said. “And the feeding and maintenance is cheap as hell.” Apparently Calumn, encouraged by the low cost of maintaining ponies and the stables, was building up a little collection. Given his income, he could have a hundred ponies without really thinking, I thought to myself.

When we stepped out of the stable, I had the great pleasure of seeing one of Calum’s ponies in action.

She had the huffy, exasperated look that would normally put a man in fear if it came across the face of his woman, but, in contrast, she was trusted up in front of a ponycart, breasts thrust forward, pussy on display and bound up in the three leather straps of her harness. She shook her head to the side angrily when she saw me, but the man in the cart simply struck her with his whip, and she went on with her high, exaggerated trot into the stable, the man’s hands firmly holding the reins, her breasts bouncing from side to side with her steps.

“She’s one we’ll bring to the races at the market soon,” said Calumn. “Helps keep them strong and from getting fat.”

The pony was now down in the dirt, her little bum up in the air and her breasts squeezed against the ground, her trainer clapping a collar around her neck.


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