The moment he walked through the door, she called. Alfred calmly walked towards the voice.
He does what is commanded of him. He knees at her feet, hands behind his head as she taught him on the ride to the house, and waits. Mistress Erica knew he would submit. She already held his ready-made harness in her hand. She fastens the shoulder straps on him. Then the chest, followed by hips, attaching to the ring just above his belly button. She goes on to strap the thighs and connecting them to the ring in his back. Finally, pulling out a butt plug, she pours some lube from a bottle.
“Stand, slave.”
He immediately stands. She pushes him to the T post in front of him, and proceeds to clip him to the post. She presses the plug, taking her time for his ass to swallow the whole 6 inches, and when his ass finally took it all, she puts on his hand cuffs and ankle cuffs, one for each hand and ankle.
Alfred was stunned by how fast things turned out to be. Fresh from basic slave training at the slave academic, audited off at the academic’s annual auction, and now this. His mistress unclipped him from his temporary bounds, and walks out of the room for a moment. Alfred immediately takes the chance to feel his harness. It was made of cool black leather. Checking how the locks of the harness, he finds they were seamless. “Damn, must be some interlocking system”, he says to himself. Mistress Erica walks into the room again holding a medium sized collar and something unfamiliar to him. Alfred only ever heard of a collar back at the academic… Chills went down his spine.
“This is your collar. You will wear this all the time, unless you go out into the public. And here, this is your rigging ring. See these engraved emblems? This is called a rigging. It will light up once every hour for 10 seconds, to remind you that you serve me, and me alone.” She smiled, noticing Alfred tremble, and proceeds to attach the collar with the same interlockingsystem on him. Alfred says nothing, except stare at her feet as she locks the collar in place. She then takes his balls and cock, feeling it for the first time, and locks the ring around his fair package, and straps the last strap from his ring to the harness.
He asks, “Mistress…”
“You are mine. Your everything belongs to me, and speaking of which, you do remember what you have been teach?”
“Yes mistress.”
“I expect you to be good at timings then, suppose. Your routine will be as follows from here on in.
6:30- Wake up and do your hygiene.
7:00- You will proceed to wake me up. I will then make you bend over to insert your plug back in. And before you ask me any more questions, no you are not going to have your butt plug in during the night. Don’t ask why, just accept it.
7:30- I will have finished my shower and cook breakfast. When I finish, you will go wash the dishes. Following that, we will have a little fun time before you leave for work. That will go until 8:30, and you will then clothe yourself over that harness and knee by the door in the bow position. I assume you remember that?
“Yes mistress” came the reply from the slave. “The bow position is a sitting knee, spread out making a v shape, and bending forward with arms straight out and head down.”
“Good, when you come back from work at 3:30, you will Immediately strip, put your clothes away, And put yourself in the sacrifice position, on the mat in front of my room. We will have another fun session before dinner, in which the breakfast rules will apply, and we will end the night with a training session or a punishment session. Alfred, you know what the sacrifice position is?”
Alfred, soaking up every word, says, “Yes mistress, the sacrifice position is again, the sitting knee in a v shape, with hands behind the head and head straight forward.”
“Good” came the only reply. She walks out of his room into her own, and begins the work she planned to do.
Alfred gets up from the floor, and looks around his new surroundings. The room was painted baby blue, with the bed by the window and a full closet across from it. On his nightstand was a book of the instructions his mistress had said, along with a dresser full of toys he was not allowed to touch. He walks over to the closet and looks at the clothes he would be wearing if he was going into public. On the collar of Every article of clothing were the small initials, e.h., his mistress’ initials. He had never thought about it but wondered if his mistress would allow him to fuck her in their first session, or soon. At first glance, she was very pretty and had a slight chaos of vanilla.
Alfred looked down at his harness and closed in on the ring. He found it cool to the touch, but the thought of it shocking him made him fear it. At precisely 3:30 that day, he went to the door of his mistress’ room and shuffled himself into the bow position. She opened to door to find him there, and smiled. “Get up, and make yourself go into the training room, it’s down the hall on the left.” So he got up and made his way there while his mistress grabbed a few things off the shelf. When Alfred got to the training room, he was astounded by the equipment his mistress had and would probably eventually use on him. He remembered the X post, the shelf with a selection of floggers, whips, plugs, shocking equipment, harnesses, the spread eagle table and more from his time in the academic. “Shocked, eh?” as his mistress walked into the room, “Get on your knees, and come here.” He does what he is told, though he didn’t like the idea of being treated like a dog, afterall, he is still human despite being a slave. Mistress Erica had plans to further train this project, and she smiled for a moment. He was definitely something. She ran her hand through his hair. Alfred looked up at her.
“Before we doing anything else, I’m going to explain the whole system we have here in tHis slave town. You slaves have a rank system, that will determine your level of servitude. To rank up, you have to obey all the slave rules. Your behavior will determine your rank. Understand?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Good, now go into sacrifice position on the mat over there.”
“Yes Mistress.”
She picks up a flogger from the shelf and walks over to him. She clips his hand cuffs to the spreader bar above him and ankles to another spreader bar. “Don’t you dare make a sound or move from your place. And count.”
“1, Mistress.”
By what Alfred thought was probably the 30th time she had flogged him, she released his bounds, causing him to crash to the floor.
“Bend over the table.” He does What he is told, he didn’t want any shocks from his rigging. She clips him over the table, and puts on her strap on. She walks back over and twists his current plug out, slowing at where the plug stretched him, and then rubbing lube over the hole once more. Then she inserts herself into his ass. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh”, Thank you Mistress. “Don’t you dare come during these sessions, slave, you will only come on my permission.”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Please Mistress.” He tries to hold it in as much as possible, but he cries out as he came.
“Bad slave.”
She unclips him and marches him over to the wall. “Sacrifice position.”
She clips his hands to the post and his ankles together. Then she takes out a small black remote and presses a button.
“If you move, even the slightest inch, your rigging will light up and will continue to do so until you go back into your original position.”
Alfred meekly held up his head as his mistress walked out the door and locked it behind her. “Ugh, this is going to be a long night.”
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