Part One: Getting Ready
Rick Walker was not a patient man, and now he was being made to wait. His wife, Tiffany, was still primping in the bathroom. Rick’s friends, Sparky Jones and Pee Wee Burkett, would not wait on them forever at the bar. It was Friday night, and the three buddies always got together with their wives on the weekend. But they weren’t patient men either.
“Hurry up, God Damn it!,” Rick yelled. Sometimes that girl could really get on his nerves.
Big Rick, as his friends called him, was all of five feet four inches tall, and 140 lbs; not exactly what you’d call an imposing figure. Yet, Rick thought the world of himself. In his mind, he was the biggest, baddest, toughest mother fucker in town. He liked (no- loved) to tell tales of his ass-whipping adventures, and he always seemed to come out on the winning side. Though that was far from the truth, Rick would never let on; after all, a bad ass didn’t get that kind of rep by taking a beat down. Sparky and Pee Wee were all but sick of him telling and retelling his same old stories, but they put up with him none the less. To them, Rick was just a good laugh.
Yes, Rick toted his pot-gut with pride. Even though he was only thirty-five, he had lost a lot of hair, and what was left had gone gray. What he did have was hurt in a tired mullet. That really didn’t seem to both Rick. He acted almost proud of his thinning, gray locks. Rick’s ego and attitude surpassed that of all but he most conceited assholes.
No-one could imagine how Rick had landed such a beautiful wife in Tiffany. Truth be told, neither did Rick. Outwardly, he had the kind of dominant, bully personality that drew weaker minds to him, and Tiffany fit the category of a weak mind perfectly. She had Always had someone telling her what to do: Dad, Mom, brother, boyfriend, and now, Rick. She was perfectly happy with that arrangement. She never really had to worry about anything as long as she went along with whatever she was told. It never even occurred to Tiffany to doubt what others expected of her.
Deep in her soul, however, Tiffany felt a longing need for—something. She couldn’t put her finger on it, and she could never admit it to Rick, but something was lacking in her life. She forced those thoughts away, though. Rick was her husband, she his wife, and that’s the way it was. She would be loyal to him and love him till the end.
Tiffany was the picture of a knockout. Five feet four, 120 lbs. with a nice set of C-cup breasts that looked bigger on her small frame. However, her best feature was, by far, her ass. It was a nice, tight little package that was just so squeezeable, and very fuckable. That was the part Rick couldn’t get enough of. She kept her blond hair neatly styled at shoulder length, which set off her striking blue eyes perfectly. Any man would have given up a nut to be with her. “I said, anxious up, bitch!,” Rick called again.
”Okay, I’m ready,” she answered fInally. She stepped out of the bathroom so that Rick could see her. When she did, his mouth dropped a little and his mind went dumb for a second.
This night Tiffany had chosen to wear a white tank top that showed off her mid-drift, with no bra underneath. Below this was a second-skin tight leather skirt that came to just under her butt, and a lacy black thong that was visible if you looked the right way. Black thigh-high leather topped hose and black calm-length boots completed the ensemble. It was hard to take your eye off her.
“Do you like it?,” she asked Rick.
“Uhh, yeah. It’s perfect,” he replied dumbly. Still giving her rich glances, Rick retrieved a pair of leather biker jackets from the hall closet, gave Tiffany one, and opened the door. Rick went over to the Harley-Davidson look-alike motorcycle that he kept shined to a mirror finish, and fired it up. Tiffany walked over and climbed on behind him, her skirt giving her a bit of a fuss as she did.
In the cool autumn air, her nipples had gotten hard, and even through two leather coats, Rick could feel them poking him in the back. Tiffany sensed his excitement, and decided to have a little fun. Reaching her hand around his waist, she unzipped his jeans and slipped her hand inside. Freeing his dick, she began to massage Rick’s four-inch cock. Since Rick had been her first, Tiffany didn’t know any better that to believe him when he told her four inches was massive. Worse still, Rick believed this himself.
As they drove to the bar, Tiffany continued to give him a great hand-job; rubbing, stroking, tickling, and pumping. They both knew that as excited as he was, it would not take Rick long to come. His main concern was keeping the bike from falling over as he drove. Never the less, Rick took his time getting to the Alamo, and enjoyed his wife’s talents.
Across town, Nina Sanchez was also waiting for someone to finish preparing for a night out on the town. Her girlfriend, KaseyHale, was a perfectionist. Nina sat back on the couch and closed her eyes, trying to relax.
Nina was Colombian, with lightly browned skin, jet black hair that she kept cut short but sexy, and brown eyes. She was very well toned and in shape at five feet eight, 135 lbs. Although she wasn’t body-builder strong, Nina had some muscles and a nice six-pack.
Nina grew up as the daughter of a wealthy Colombian cocaine dealer. When her dear old Dad and Mom were killed by history, Nina and her brother, Horno, left their country and came to America. They had no worries concerning money; their father had set up many accounts in American and Swiss banks. The siblings drew off of them to live comfortable. Nina had even attended college for a couple of years, and that is where she had met Kasey.
In those days, Nina was regular at the sorority parties. Kasey had been a freshman, just arrived and free from Mom and Dad for the first time in her life. Nina was unquestionably lesbian, while Kasey considered herself bi-sexual. Nina played upon that to entic Kasey into becoming lovers. Nina had to be quite persuasive to get Kasey to become wholeheartedly lesbian, but then again, she was good at that.
Nina had always been a dominating, sadist type, which melded seamlessly with Kasey’s submissive, masochist side. The pair quickly entered into a sort of slave-mistress type of relationship, much to the shock of Kasey’s friends.
“Kasey, are you about ready?,” Nina inquired. “You know how I hate to be kept waiting!”
“Yes, I’m ready,” Kasey replied, walking out of the bedroom and into the living room where Nina was.
“Very nice,” Nina completed, eyeing Kasey from head to toe. She was wearing a tight, one-piece black dress that was almost too short to be decent. She naturally wore no underwear. Simple black pumps completed her outfit. For a five feet two, 110 lb girl, Kasey was very sexy. Her small B-cup breasts hung nicely and firmly, supported onlyby the fabric of the dress. Her dyed, magenta colored hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and secured with a very expensive pearl clasp.
“Thanks, Nina. You look good, too,” Kasey told her lover. Nina was wearing a pair of loose-fitting leather pants beneath a simple white cotton, button-down shirt. Appropriate undergarments were there, too, as well as a pair of expensive, name-brand biker boots.
“Well, let’s get a move on,” Nina said. Although she and Kasey were in a sub/Dom arrangement, they kept things casual. They only referred to each other as ‘mistress’ or ‘slave’ while in the middle of sexual role-play.
This night, the two were off to a place called the Alamo; the bar that Nina’s brother worked at. Horno was the bartender, and he also managed to keep out all the gay men who repeatedly thought the pseudo-biker bar was a fag hangout. It was well known, however, that bi girls and hot lesbians were welcome. The double standard reflected the fans of most of thebar’s regulars. They often liked to pick up a chick every now and then, and all the better if there was a chance of a threesome.
Most of the patrons were unaware that the Alamo was a front for the Colombian cartel. Many millions of dollars were laundered through that dive. The run-down appearance only served to throw off law enforcement as to the true nature of the owners. Horno had, apparently, befriended some of the Enemies of the people who had killed his and Nina’s parents. This would be just the second time that Nina had been to the bar.
With a quick kiss, Nina guided Kasey to her Lexus, and they headed off to throw a few back.
Part Two: The Assault
Rick swung the bike into a parking place in front of the Alamo. As he and Tiffany dismounted, he noticed she was holding her hand strangely, avoiding making contact with anything. It was the hand she had used to get him off, and it was covered in come.
Evilly, he smiled and told her to lick it clean. He knew Tiffany hated the taste of come. She scrunched up her face at the idea, but Rick had instructed her to do it, so she quickly compiled. She licked and swallowed fast so as not to let the come linger too long on her tongue.
When she was done, he pulled her close and kissed her deeply. Turning to go inside, Rick noticed that only three cars were in the parking lot, a Lexus and two pickups, and there were no other motorcycles. He figured that his friends had decided to leave already.
His anger rising, Rick swung open the door and ushered Tiffany inside. A thin wisp of cigarette smoke hung in the air, in stark contrast to the huge pall that usually rolled out of the door when it was opened. The apparent lack of a crowd had kept the smoke level down.
As his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, Rick pulled Tiffany along with him to the bar. The odor of stale beer and piss assaulted his nose. Usually the smoke was too thick to smell any of that.
“Horno,” he called out. “Where the hell is everybody?”
”They all down at the tractor pull, hombre. Mucho, much big deal, hermano.”
”Fuck! Have Sparky or Pee Wee come in yet?”
”Oh si, amigo,” Horno replied in his thick Latino accent. “They left about thirty minutes ago. Got tired of waiting on your sorry ass they said.”
”God Damn it! I told you to anxious up, slut,” Rick hollered at Tiffany. She backed away a few steps, but Rick still managed to land a good backhand to her face. Her head jerked to the side. She was instantly shocked and humiliated, and she began to cry softly. Rick got this way frequently when he was mad. “Shit! Get me a goddam beer, you wet back,” he barked at Horno. He had seen Rick act this way before, and he let it go. He just hoped Rick didn’t take it any further.
Over at the pool tables, Nina saw the exchange take place at the bar. Kasey put a hand on her arm to hold her back, and Nina looked over at her. Kasey shook her head. Nina caught Horno’s eye,and he, too, gave her a slight shake of the head. Nina just clenched her teeth and slammed her cue into a ball.
Even without his friends there to egg him on, Rick proceeded to get quite drunk and loud. This did not take long, since he was terrible at holding his liquor. He yelled at the television, cussed at Horno, and generally made an ass of himself. Tiffany kept her head down, and tried to stay out of His way. She also stayed sober, since she anticipated having to wrestle with the bike to get them home. After a couple of hours, she spoke up.
Inching a little closer to her man, she reached for his crotch and whispered in his ear. “Remember earlier,” she asked. “This time I want to use my mouth. Let’s go home.”
Even with the offer of sex on the table, Rick refused to leave, and seemed to be enraged by the suggestion. “What! I’m not even half-way drunk yet,” he slurred. Tiffany again tried to get out of arms’ reach, realizing that Rick was not going to be persuaded to leave yet. Rick would not let it rest.
“Come here bitch,” he said. “You can blow me right here!” He grabbed her arm and jerked her to his chest. He forced a kiss on her, impelling Tiffany to pull back. This really set Rick off, and he slapped her again, harder this time. But it didn’t stop there; he punched her in the stomach, double her over. He then pushed her to her knees in front of him. He began to unfasten his pants.
Horno came from behind the bar and told him to stop. “I no have no sex going on in my bar, Rick,” he said.
Rick was on a roll now, and when Horno drew close enough, he throw an uppercut at the bartender. Rick put a lot into the blow, and Horno fell backward into the bar, dazed.
Nina could not be persisted to hold back now that her brother had gotten involved. She came quickly to his aid. But before she could make her way across the room, Rick gave Tiffany a series of little slapses across the face in an effort to make her open her mouth.
“Leave her alone!,” Nina called out. Turning to his side, Rick saw the woman bearing down on him. He moved to punch her, too, but Nina was too fast. Drunk as he was, Rick seemed to be in slow motion, and Nina easily ducked to the right of his swing. Rick stumbled when he failed to make contact, and Nina took advantage of his exposed posture. She pummeled him with a series of vicious kidney shots. Rick went down on all fours.
Suddenly, Tiffany left to her feet. “Get away from him,” she said. Surprised that Tiffany would be defending him, Nina left herself defendless to Tiffany’s punch. Nina hardly registered the hit, but it shocked her never the less. Kasey tried to wrap her arms around Tiffany to subdue her, but Tiffany was stronger, and gave her an elbow to the gut.
“What are you doing?,” Nina asked. She was bewildered by Tiffany’s actions.
“Nobody hits my man!”
Nina stood there for a moment. “If you like getting hit so much then, whore,” she said finally,” then take this!” Nina swung on Tiffany, and landed a clean blow on the other woman’s jaw. Tiffany was nearly knocked out. Kasey came back over and dragged her to the pool tables.
Turning her attention back to Rick, Nina found him regaining his feet. “No one hits her but me, you cunt,” he said.
Rick was even more sluggish this time, and Nina used her superior athleticism to outmaneuver the inebriated Rick. A few swift punches had him down. Nina finished him off with an evil kick to the face.
Nina went over to Horno. He was leaning on the bar. “You all right?,” she asked.
”Si, soy bueno,” he replied.
The other four bar patrons had watched these events unfold without interfering. They now began to return to their conversations and activities.
”Get Some rope from behind the bar,” Nina told Horno. He compiled quickly, returning with three lengths of strong parachute cord. Following Nina’s lead, he helped her put Rick into a chair. They then proceeded to tie his wrists to the arms of the chair, and his ankles to one another.
“There. He shouldn’t be a problem anymore,” Nina said. Just to make sure, Horno retrieved his saw-off, double-barreled shotgun from behind the bar. He stood over the unconscious man.
Nina headed over to Tiffany next. Kasey was still keeping watch over her at the pool table. “Now what do we do with you,” Nina wanted to know. Tiffany looked back over her should groggily, and said nothing. “Kasey, go get some more rope,” she instructed.
”Yes, Ma’am,” she said with a smile. The two women used the rope to tie Tiffany face down onto the pool table. She resisted little, until Nina came around to her face.
”I guess we’re just going to have to teach you and your bastard man a little lesson. Kasey, go to the car and get my toy.” A huge grin came across Kasey’s face as she sprinted out of the door. Tiffany began pulling at her restraints. Nina went over to Rick and throw a glass of water in his face. He came around, and looked into Nina’s eyes. “My girl and I are going to show you why you shouldn’t fuck with the wrong people,” Nina said.
Before he could say anything, Nina grabbed a nasty bar rag and shoved it down Rick’s throat. Horno looked on approvedly. “Oh, ho, you are really fucked now, amigo!”
“Please don’t hurt us,” Tiffany pleaded. “We’ll pay you whatever you want!”
Nina stormed over to her and got right in her face. “Shut up, cunt! I don’t want your fucking money! I’m already richer than you’ll ever be! Now, I don’t want to have to hear your mouth!”
Nina acquired another bar rag, and tied it around Tiffany’s mouth. Then, she unfasted the girl’s skirt and pulled it free, leaving Tiffany’s ass and thong exposed. Nina pulled her belt off of her waist, and showed it to Tiffany.
“Let’s give you a little lashing with this!” Tiffany tried to talk against her gag, but it was no use. Nina moved behind her and applied the belt to Tiffany’s supplementass. At the first lash, she yelped; after the next twenty or so, she was sobbing openly. Her ass cheeks turned brighter and brighter with each stroke. By the time Nina stopped, both of her buns were glowing crisis. Tiffany felt as if her ass had been set on fire.
Kasey finally returned with Nina’s ‘toy’, and asked,” I hope I haven’t missed anything good.”
“Just a good flogging,” Nina replied, smiling. “Actually, you’re just in time for the main event.”
Nina looked over at Horno, and indicated the other four patrons. Her brother nodded, and went over to them. He ushered them on outside, and none were willing to argue with an angry Hispanic man carrying a shotgun. After they were gone, he bolted the doors, and turned off the neon signs outside.
“Now we won’t be disturbed,” Nina said. Tiffany witnessed. Her last hope had been that one of those people would stand up for her. Now they were gone.
Nina leaned over and grabbed the pool cue she had been playing with. Tiffany could see what she had picked up out of the corner of her eye, and cried out in protest to what she feared was about to happen. Nina saw her cringe, and laughed. She drew back her arm, cue in hand.
The first blow landed squarely against Tiffany’s ass where it meets hip. The second and third followed suit. Tiffany was screaming into the gag, squirming to get away from the vile cue. Kasey did her best to hold her in place, and Nina switched her attention to Tiffany’s back, beating it savagely with the cue. Tiffany arched her back with each rap of the stick. She was in pain beyond belief when Nina finally broke the cue in half with one particularly inhuman swing.
Nina stopped to catch her breath. Bruises were already beginning to rise on Tiffany’s back, and it was generally reddish purple all over. Her ass Was about the same color, and hurt at least as much. Tiffany could scarcely move without sending fire waves of pain through her body. She prayed this would all be over soon.
“Now what, Nina?,” Kasey inquired.
“Now—we fuck!” Nina found the fat end of the pool cue and, with Kasey’s help, spread Tiffany’s ass cheats. Even this was painful, but her shamen pussy was ripe for penetration. Sensing what they were doing, Tiffany compromised against them with all she had left. Kasey used a couple of remaining ropes to tie Tiffany’s legs apart, one to each leg of the table. She had no way to protect herself now.
Unobstructed, Nina pushed the stick into the girl’s pussy. Tiffany began to scream again, but Nina took no notice. She just pumped and pumped the tight snatch repeatedly with the cue until she had tired of it. Then, quickly, and in one smooth move, she shoved it into Tiffany’s ass, violating her virgin brown hole. Shocked at first by the new sensing, Tiffany let out her loudest and most blood-curdling scream yet. She tried to clench her butt muscles together to stop the painful invasion, but to no avail. Nina continued to sodomize her at leisure.
After a few minutes, Nina seemed to have had enough. She dropped the broken pool cue and backed away. Glancing over at Horno, she saw that her brother was quite excited, and that Rick was very mad. His fists were clenched in rage, and sweat mingled with blood as it ran down his face. He was breathing hard as he stared at Nina with pure hatred.
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