The Minuet

It was almost time, the dulcimer clock was clicking madly on Lucy’s mantle and she was dreading seeing him. He was such a prig, such an uptight bastard in his powdered wig and velvet coat! Why her father chose him as a suitable husband was clearly due to the lands and money he possessed, it certainly had nothing to do with taste. Perhaps it was her father’s way of punishing her for being such a willful, wild shrew! Perhaps after she was caught swimming naked in a river by her older sister, her father thought it best to marry her off in a hurry before she gave the family a bad name.

Although Graham was handsome in a very conventional boring way, he was also too serious, too straight and too demanding. She had only just arrived that day and he had set a long and boring schedule for her to keep in precision minutes and without any time to rest or bathe and assisted by just one serving girl.

No matter, she was almost ready to go, she eyed the powdered wig set aside for her wheren she unpacked and she cringed. She liked her beautiful blonde hair more and thought most people were much more attractive without those silly, frothy eyesores! “I am not wearing that rat’s nest to my own engagement party!” she said half to herself and half to the service girl who eyed it nervously.

Lucy took one last glance into the mirror and eyed her breasts with great pride. Full and round they billowed up over the icy blue brocade of her gown and threatened to spill over. To her wicked delight she noticed one perfect pink nipple was peeking through the thin lace border and she giggled as she tucked it back in. “Ooh, mustn’t let old dusty balls get a glance at that, he might have a heart attack!” she laughed. The servant girl would not laugh and would not meet her smile. Clearly she would have no allies here. The memory of her fingertip on her tender nipple created a small shock wave down her belly and in between her legs. “Delicious…” she thought, “that will have to wait until my bath this evening.”

The clock began to chime impatiently, pounding on Lucy’s nerves. She counted the chimes as they rang, one, two, three, four, five, six, and as the clock struck seven, Graham burst into the room.

“Are you ready? Everyone is arrive and… Where’s your wig? You can’t go to a formal engagement ball without your wig!” His faced turned bright red under his own white wig, his manner was calm but underneath he was burning.

“I hadn’t noticed there was conventionals on the whole wig wearing fashion. I prefer my own hair to whatever dog that came off of” her eyes laughed as she thought of the effect this was having on him. “What I am aware of, however, is that you didn’t knock before entering a lady’s quarters, and that I’m quite sure is a breach of etiquette.”

Graham took several moments to calm his self and smiled coldly, “I will not knock on any door in my own house as there is not a LADY who is resides here clearly. You WILL wear that wig and you will do it without as much as another word. This is your mask; use it to hide your shade for the way you’ve spoken to me tonight for it is without decorum or decency.” He throw the white feathered mask on her bed and turned on his heel to go. He stopped and without turning around grumbled, “I will not be attending this evening’s ball as I have business to attend to.”

Too flummoxed to Say anything out loud, Lucy’s face turned bright red and she picked up and throw the perfume bottle that sat on her vanity. The service girl quietly ran to pick it up and Lucy shouted, “Leave it there or I shall cut out your eyes with the shards!” The gall of that man to send her off to their engagement party to hostess the entire thing by herself. This was too much!


The music was already playing wildly as Lucy entered the great hall. People and servants intertwined in the chasm of happy celebration. There were masks of every size, shape and design, all beautifully decorated andassembled. Women kindly curtsied at her though she didn’t know for sure if they knew who she was, men graciously bowed. If this weren’t the party for what could only be a completely damned marriage, it would have been quite exciting for Lucy. Instead it made her feel melancholy. She slowly wandered outside to the veranda to take it the night air which always seemed to sooth her cares.

She stepped out into the moonlight, took in a great breath and screamed. Her wig was itchy on the back of her neck, the temptation was just too strong and she prepared to pluck it off her head and throw it. Just then a voice said coolly, “What a shame to throw that on some poor unsuspecting horse.”

Lucy started and then turned, “Please forgive me sir, I thought myself completely alone.” She noticed that he wasn’t wearing a wig. His hair was longer than the nape of his neck and was tied back in dark curls. “Finally a man with some sense!” she thought to herself.

“Here, would you like me tohelp you with that burden?” he asked as he gently lifted the wig slowly off her head. She shook her hair loose and it fell around her shoulders and back in blonde curls.

Lucy looked around nervously. “I’m afraid this is most unusual sir. I should put my self back together and rejoin the festivals.” She held her mask firmly in place in front of her face and blushed.

“It’s such a lovely night, and you clearly are not having much fun inside. Why not stay out here with me and muse on the evening’s event?” She could see him smile in the moonlight and what a handsome smile it was, deep dimples punctuated his lips perfectly and she quickly imagined her mouth on his.

“It’s funny that you say “muse” sir. For it is surely amusing that a man would marry a woman he doesn’t love and truly can’t control.”

“I disagree. Maybe he will decide to love his bride; maybe she will decide to let him control her. That is yet to be seen, is it not?”

Lucy laughed as she knew thestory from the inside, but this man was so wonderful that she didn’t wish to disprove his theory and quickly changed the subject. “This is a beautiful estate, the gardens and laws are breathtaking.”

“So are you.” He whispered. She could feel his breath on her shoulder. His closeness made her want him but it would not be possible as she was to marry the prig in less than a week. As much as it would delight her to hurt Graham, she did not want to hurt her father or her family.

“Perhaps it’s time to go back inside and join in on the fun?” she asked nervously.

“This is fun.” He sniffed her hair.

“I, I, I do not know you sir.” She stammered as he stroked her shoulder and fingered one of her curls. He traced the outline of her bodyce and slowed over each curve of her breast.

“I want to know you Miss”. A shudder ran down her belly again and into her thighs.

For two minutes neither said a word, he was pressed up against her breathing into her hair and ears.The musicians started to play the Minuet and his face relaxed. “Would you like to dance Miss…”

She thought of her mask and whispered, “Feathers”.

“Miss Feathers, would you do me the honors?” He bowed formally and took her hand.

Around they whirled for what seemed like hours. He would whisper delightfully wicked things in her ears for which she should have taken her leave of him, but she didn’t. His words were inviting and they made her feel attractive and desired.

As the Minuet finished, instead of bowing to her he pushed her into the wall of the veranda and pressed his lips to hers. His tongue cracked and caressed the inside of her mouth and fluttered on her own tongue. First his fingers dipped down into the crevasse between her breasts and slid along the top of her dress until they landed on a hard nipple, he pinched it gently. Lucy gasped quietly. The other hand swam in the great folds and petticoats of her dress and tried to find her center. That deliciousous, sweet center from where she was absolutely dripping with pleasure. She felt his finger tips brush the top of her thigh and that sent her running.


Gasping with big exhilarated breaths she ran through the great hall and up to her chambers. She burst into the room and sent the service girl immediately from the room.

She fell onto her bed and cried and then lay in remembrane of his touch, of his tongue. She I wanted so much to finish what they had begun but would not endanger the good name of her family here where she had no friends and no one to turn to.

Late into the night she lay in the same place on the bed. Finally, long after the guests had surely left shrouded in curiosity about the bride and groom who never showed, Lucy poked her head out of her room and ordered the servant girl to get her a bath ready and then go to bed for the rest of the night. Dutifully the servant girl got the bath tub ready and helped Lucy into her bathing gown before she turnedin for evening.

Lucy sat down in the warm cented water and laid her head back against the high lip of the tub. The gauze of the bathing gown stuck to her breasts and arms and billowed beneath in the expansion of the water. Absent mindedly she slide her fingertip down her breast bone and then shyly slide it across an expected nipple. She remembered his finger did the same thing and she gasped again. Her other hand stroked at her belly and crept slowly down to the soft moon of hair between her legs. Deep inside of her something throbbed as it had before in her own room at her father’s house, in the woods when she knew no one was watching, and in the river.

She twirled a finger around her nipple and grabbed at her breast. With the other hand she rubbed lightly in between the wet, warm lips of her vagina. She began to grind with her hips against her fingers and lick her lips as the water sloshed and splashed with her gyrating. “Are you enjoying yourself?” Graham’s voice came from behind her.

She sat up quickly and pulled down the edges of her gown. “I’m bathing, surely you would have the decrease to give me my privacy here?!”

He ignored her question and continued, “How was the ball? I trust you found it to your liking?” Lucy blushed; all she could think of was the handsome man with the dimples.

“How did you find my mother, I trust she was well?”

“Your mother was there?” Lucy whispered.

In two giant steps he was there and he grabbed her out of the tub. He grabbed a handful of her wet hair and in one step had his boot up on the edge of the tub and her over his knee. He slapped her bottom and she cried out, “Stop!” He spanked her hard and several times before he let go of her. Her bottom was on fire and even though she was wetter than ever between her legs, she was also enraged.

Lucy whipped around and spat at him, “I hate you! This marriage is a sham and if I had any choice at all I would leave and never return. I don’t like balls and schedules and these idiotic wigs! She grabbed his wig and throw it into the tub. She was astonished to see the man who danced with her earlier. All she could say is, “Why?” and she failed.


Lucy awoke to a strange sensing. She was still wet and laying on her bed. She was completely naked and she felt someone kissing her leg. She looked down and saw Graham he was gently kissing her calm and her knee and was working his way up her leg. She kicked at him and he held her leg firmly to the bed, “Now now, you seemed perfectly willing for this earlier this evening.”

Those dimples that she so coveted on the veranda had returned, but now in a much more foreboding way. He continued his long ascent up her inner thigh licking, kissing and sucking on her leg until he arrived at her sweet pussy. He breathed heavily into the folds of her labia and reached his tongue slowly towards her cloris, Lucy moved her hips in anticipation of what that would feel like and then Graham continued up to her stomach leaving her throbbing and helplessly wanting more. He licked and sucked each nipple only once and then tried to kiss Lucy’s lips. She tried to turn away, but he stuck his fingers inside her and that left her unable to resist.

He licked her lips and he stuck his tongue in her mouth and flicked it over her teeth as he flicked her clip gently. She whimpered and found herself wholeheartedly kissing him back. He put a finger inside of her vagina and she gasped. “I’m going to fuck you Lucy; will you give yourself to me?”

She couldn’t answer, her body was quivering and her pussy was on fire, she felt wetness dripping down her legs as he pushed his finger in and out of her. Then suddenly he stopped. “Lucy, I asked you a question?”

“I, I…” is all she could utter.

Graham licked and then bit at her neck. He slide his tongue down her soft neck and across each bone in her clavicle. He licked and sucked his way to each white full breast andThen swirled his tongue around her nipple and sucked hard on each tip. He grabbed two hands of her bottom and squeezed, she lifted and lowered her hips, fucking the air and moaning frantically. He continued down her stomach and then when she came to her pussy he opened the outer lips wide with his fingers. He stuck his tongue in and out of her vagina, he licked and swirled his tongue around her clip and anus. She sucked in her breath. He slide his tongue up the tiny trail from her anus to her vagina and again stuck his tongue inside of her. She could not stand it any longer, “Oh My God! Please just do it?!”

“And do you give yourself to me? When you are my wife, will you do what I ask of you when I ask it?

Lucy was quiet.

Graham stood up and started to walk away.

Then quietly Lucy surrendered. “I will try. I may not do everything as you ask it of me when you ask it of me but I will try.” Then she added sensitively, “and I will relish the punishment if I do not.Now come back and finish what you started?” She put her own finger inside of her pussy and humped it with delight.

Graham came back to the side of the bed. “Finished what I started ————?”

“Please!” she while, she was getting wetter by the second.

He took off his shirt slowly and then slip out of his velvet breeches. He stood there naked in front of her strong and tall with his erect cock swinging in rigid ecstasy, and it was more than she could stand. She started moving her finger in and out faster and faster…

“Stop! That’s my job Lucy.” He lay on top of her; he kissed her forehead and her nose and kissed her mouth passwordately. He stuck two fingers inside of her soaking pussy and then three, he felt her hymen break, she cried out a little and when he was sure that she was ready he slowly slip his aching cock inside of her warm body. At first he was gentle and slow but she responded with abandon and slammed her own body against his faster and faster. He flipped her over onto her hands and knees and rammed his cock inside of her. He slapped her bottom hard and this time she yelled, “Yes!”

His body was quivering with a building cacophony of sensings: Her wet pussy sliding over his cock, his hand slamming down onto her bottom, her bottom slamming into his pelvis as she rammed against his thrusting, the way she smelled, the way she looked with her tits bouncing back and forth, her long curly blonde hair swinging across her back and over her shoulders. “She will never again where a wig” he thought to himself as he pounded his cock against her cervix.

Lucy felt something tighten deep inside her pelvis, and all of a sudden a warm, bursting release exploded from her pussy. Feeling her cum excited Graham beyond belief, he keep spanking and thrusting until with a bombastic shout he came too, deep and long inside of her where no man had ever done so before. They fell together into the bed and lay quietly for several hours, embracing and knowing one another finally. Graham had gotten to know her in a way he might never have by being the exciting stranger, Lucy got what she wanted, a good fucking.

They lived happily ever after, Graham loved and had some control over his willful wife (though she often needed a good spanking) and Lucy loved Graham…eventually. They especially loved to dance the Minuet…it made Lucy….


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