Captain Carly was the scourge of the airways until the fateful day she ran into the Imperial skyship. Although being larger and more heavily gunned the Empire’s ship was also faster and Captain Carly’s ship was boarded.
Despite putting up a spiritual struggle Captain Carly’s men were overmatched and the marines who swarmed aboard were soon in control of her ship. Captain Carly herself kept fighting until the last, surrounded by the smoke of her pistols and the falling bodies of her pirate crew. As she turned from firing to find a new target she met the butt of a rifle coming the other way and dropped into blackness.
She came to in the corridor of a different skyship, the smooth and poisoned wood was a far cry from the wound decks of her own boat. She also noticed that she was in chains, and being dragged along by two burly merchants towards a cabin door. While one guard kept hold of her the other knocked on the door and opened it.
Inside was a broad cabin filled with a large table surrounded by several chairs and cabinets around the walls. At the back of the room an open door led through to another cabin, this one with great windows reaching at least 8 feet from floor to ceiling and sweeping across the width of the room.
Led through the door by her guards, Captain Carly found herself standing before a dark wooden desk. Behind it sat the Admiral. As she stood there in chains he slowly looked her over, lingering on the substantial breasts straining her leather flight suit, eventually coming to the blood drying at the corner of her mouth.
He sipped from the teacup in his hand while he continued to stare at her body and the red leather encasing it.
“So the dread Captain Carly. I see you decided to resist, hopefully you’ve already learned how futile that is now, but I would guess not. That is something we will address.”
Captain Carly looked the Admiral in the eye and then spat at him. The bloody spottle fell short and splattered across the papers on his desk top. Her guards grabbed her arms and started to pull her back but the Admiral raised his hand and smiled.
“Oh now this will be fun.” He said. “Sergeant, put her on the hook up there and then advise the Captain that I will see him in my day cabin.”
“Yes sir.” The guards lifted her arms as Captain Carly struggled and tried to fight them but whilst she was no Hardened from her years in the air she was no match for the marines and found her arms hoisted in the air and the chains joining her wrist cuffs slung over a hook mounted in the ceiling.
The hook was high enough that Captain Carly found herself on tiptoe and as she fought to free herself she almost toppled. Their prisoner immobilised the marines saluted and left, the Admiral rose from behind his desk and followed them. As he walked past the struggle captain his fingers reached out and traced across her hip. Captain Carly thrashed to get away from and almost came off her feet again. As heWalked past she heard the Admiral chuckle and anger exploded inside her.
Captain Carly heard the Admiral leave the room and close the door behind him. It made an ominously heavy sound but that was the last thing on her mind. She was in chains and hanging from a roof but she knew she was determined to get free. There were other doors, one on each side of the room, and if she could just get her arms down she was sure she could find a way to escape. After all, she was Captain Carly!
Try as she might however she could not get the chain off the hook. The damn hook had a stupidly deep bight which stopped her getting the chain off it by pushing and with the height of the hook keeping her on tiptoe she couldn’t get any purchase to try and flick it out either. She wasn’t even able to get her hands close enough together to try and work on the manacle locks. It looked like she was stuck here for the time being and she was going to have to try and find a different means of escape.
Captain Carly couldn’t tell how long the Admiral was out of the room but by the time she heard the door open and close behind her the menacles were biting into her wrists and her shoulders had started to ache. She stopped planning how she would escape from the cells on the ship and got ready to deal with the Admiral’s questioning.
The Admiral crossed the room at a leisurely pace and stopped behind her. He stood silently for a minute and anger flashed through Captain Carly that she had no idea what he was doing.
“I must say Captain, this leather attire is very flattering to you, but it really will not do for our plans. It is a dreadful shame though.” The Admiral ran his hand over the Captain’s hip as he spoke, following the curve up her side and stopping just below her heavy breasts.
“If you let me down I’d be happy to take it off.” purred Captain Carly, if he wanted to be a letch she was more than happy to use that in her escape plan.
“Oh dear Captain. How foolish do you think I am? No I have a perfectly acceptable method of removing it while you stay where you are. You will want to stay still however, otherwise this could become quite unfortunate.”
Before the Captain could ask what he was talking about she felt a knife blade bite into the lacing on her left leg. Loathe to follow his instruction but all too aware that she needed to avoid injury she Stayed still as he cut. He moved to the other side and her and as he reached the bottom her trousers fell, revealing curved and muscled legs with black lace knickers at the top.
“Very nice Captain, not what I had expected from a pirate. Those can stay for now I think.”
“I’m glad you approve.” She snapped.
She heard the admiral tutting then a sharp slap landed on her buttocks. She inhaled and then the next one landed.
“You will quickly learn, Captain, that respect is to be shown to your betters. That tone of voice is entirely unacceptable.” As he spoke he continued to firmly spank her through the negligible protection of her underwear. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Fuck you!”
“I’m glad to see you’re a slow learner. Why don’t we move along and we can come back to this in a moment.”
He landed one more singing spank and then his hand reached round, resting on her leather jerkin just where it ended. Captain Carly felt the knife start to cut up the jerkin’s lacing and swallowed. She was proud of her body and had no problem in enjoying it but she was the one in control of it and this should not be happening.
Again both sides lacing was cut and then he moved up to the final pieces across her shoulders. As the lacing gave way her final protection fell away to reveal the basque beneath. Her heavy breasts strained at the cups and she felt the admiral’s hand slide up her stomach to cup one.
“Oh we are going to have a lot of fun captain, an awful lot of fun indeed. First however, we need to deal with your inappropriate language from before.”
His hand fell away and for the first time since coming back into the room he stepped in front of her.
She looked him over as he stood in front of her. He wasn’t ugly, she wouldn’t say handsome but not ugly either. He was very tall and had broad shoulders but he was slender with it and she didn’t see much muscle, not that it had stopped those slapses stinging on her arse.
She focused on his face as he started speaking.
“I intend to spend the time we have before reaching port and turning you over to the courts doing something to try and educate you on proper behavior. To that end inappropriate actions or speech will result in you being punished. Not that a lack of these will stop it, you have been committing piracy after all, but there will be specific punishments attached to any misdeeds. Do I make myself clear?”
Captain Carly judged the distance between them and then tried to through her knee into his crotch. His hand shot down and grabbed her leg as he jumped backwards. Although not getting the physical contact she was trying for Captain Carly was pleased to see him scowl.
“So now we have another issue to deal with. You really do seem to like pain my dear. Still,” his frown turned into a small smile and his eyes flashed darkly, “it gives me plenty of reasons to play.”
Infuriated by his reaction Captain Carly hit on one sure fire strategy to get back at him. The glob of spit landed squarely on his white shirt, running slowly down the crisp front of it. He looked down at it and then back to her, his face was hard as he looked into her eyes.
He walked away from her towards one of the doors at the side of the cabin and she smiled as she watched him go. If he had to change every time she did that he was going to need to do a lot of laundry. He went through into the other room and she tried to adjust her wrists to stop the managers biting so much as her arms were pinned overhead.
“So.”, he said as he came back into the room, much too quickly to have changed, “We need to deal with spitting, insurance and trying to attack me. I think this selection will do to be going on with.”
Captain Carly looked back down from her hands to see what he was talking about and stared in disbelieve and the association of things he carried from the room. In his hands he carried some form of leg restraints with a metal bar between each ankle cuff, a heavy looking leather strap, what looked like a wooden ruler and some kind of ball with leather fastings running from it.
“We’ll deal with the legs first I think.” He put the items down on the floor to her side and knelt down. He grabbed her ankle with one hand and put the ankle cuff on it. It was metal and after he closed it with his free hand he placed a locking pin through to trap her ankle.
She tried to figure out how to kick him but before she could settle on a plan he pulled the locked ankle off the ground, leaving her balanced on only one leg. Holding the ankle he clipped the other ankle cuff on and locked it in place as he let her first ankle go. The metal bar between them pinned Captain Carly’s legs apart and left her balanced at the very limit of her height. If her legs were spread any further she’d be hanging purely from her wrists and so she was careful to try and hold her balance.
“Now I think the gag next. Open wide”
The Admiral picked the ball up off the ground and stepped towards her. Captain Carly clenched her jaw.
“Still trying to be the daring pirate. Well Captain Carly what you need to understand is that in the end you will do what I say. Your only choice, if you have one, is how much pain you will take first.”
He stepped back to her side and picked up the piece of wood. Standing in front of her again. He placed the ball against her lips. Knowing he wouldn’t get it in Captain Carly smiled at him.
Smiling back the Admiral flicked his other wrist up and Captain Carly’s crotch flared with pain. He’d scratched the wooden thing into her pussy and it burned. She let out a yell without thinking but before she could properly vocalise it she found her mouth filled with the ball. The wood clattered against the rod between her legs as the hand holding it fastened the strap behind her head and she found herself gagged.
Her pussy throbbed from the blow but Captain Carly found herself most focused on her nipples. Fortunately they were hidden inside her basque but for some reason they were almost painfully hard. She was certainly not aroused by this treatment, but for some reason her body didn’t seem to have gotten the message.
Standing back from her the Admiral smiled.
“You look remarkably good now you’ve been properly restrained and I have to say, you seem to be having quite the impact on me.”
Captain Carly glanced down and noticed an impressive bulge in the admiral’s breeches. She pulled her eyes away hoping he hadn’t noticed. At least that explained her nipples, she’d seen his response and that had triggered her, it certainly wasn’t the pain only now dying now.
“It’s alright to look Captain, you’ll be doing a lot more than that I can assure you.”
Captain Carly felt the heat rising through her as she blushed, and tried to yell at him through her gaga. Unfortunately it was very effective and nothing intelligent came out. She did however feel the ball getting wet near her lips and swallowed quickly.
“Shall we began with the inappropriate language then? I brought through a nice stick which I think will be perfect for now.”
He stepped over to the last item on the floor and picked it up. It seemed to have a sculpted handle that flared into a thick length of leather and appreciation filled her as he moved behind her and she Felt him cares her buttocks with it.
“Later there will be counting young lady, but for now we shall just go with the impacts.” With that he swung the leather away from her and Captain Carly tensed for the blow.
It erupted through her arse, slamming into both buttocks simply and setting them both on fire. She’d barely processed the first one before the second landed and the pain intensified. She yelled into her gag as the third one hit home. Then there was a pause.
“Now it is important to remember that this is entirely, your, fault.” He landed blows on the last three words and Captain Carly yelled again. The beating continued at a steady pace as he went on, “If you use inappropriate language, this will happen. If you continue to use inappropriate languae, there will be additional punishments added, do you understand?”
Captain Carly nodded her head, hoping to make him stop as her poor bottom felt like it was on fire.
“Good, at least my effort isn’t wasted then.”
Unfortunately for the Captain her agreement didn’t seem to have any affect and the admiral continued laying in to her rapidly bruising bottom. What was much worse howeverr, was that her earlier explanation for her now rock hard nipples seemed to be entirely wrong. As the pain in her behind grew her treacherous pussy was getting wet, and not just a little either.
As the strapping continued Captain Carly tried to move her bottom away but with her les pinned apart she had no real room to wriggle and she found herself stuck in front of this worsening onslaught.
This can’t be happening, she thought to herself, I am Captain Carly, I do not get captured, I do not get beaten and punished by arrogant men and I most certainly do not get turned on by it. As she thought this her yells continued, driven on by the leather strap lashing painfully against her arse. I will not give in to this man, I will endure and escape and then
Suddenly she was snapped out of her thoughts by a cold, wet sensing and looked down to see she had drooled down onto her cleavage. It ran down between her heaving breasts and the wetness was matched by a trick staring tocreep down her thigh. Captain Carly’s head dropped and her shoulders slumped.
Standing behind her the Admiral had no ideas what had tipped her over, but he smiled viciously as he saw her give in to her fate.
Captain Carly had no idea how long the straw spent tenderising her bottom, even when the blows suddenly stopped her cheeses felt like they were twice their usual size and burned fiercely.
She looked up with wert eyes as she heard the admiral step back around in front of her.
“Now, for trying to knee me I think we’ll use this nice piece of wood here.” He picked up the wood that he’d used on her pussy and settled it into his hand.
Fearing another assault between her legs, and fearing even more him finding out quite how wet she was there now, she started shaking her head frantically.
“Oh don’t worry Carly, the punishment should fit the crime so it’s your tights that are going to suffer now.”
With that he swiped the flat edge across into her right thigh and a new front opened up in the assault of pain. Her eyes went wide and she cried out then felt it strike across on the other thigh. Back and forth the stick went, moving slightly up or down each time and turning her thighs into bright red hurt.
As the wooden implement swished back and forth the Admiral looked into her eyes.
“I’d guess you’re regretting your little attack now, aren’t you Carly?”
Captain Carly was lost in a world of pain mixed with burning desire and was trying desperately to understand why her body was trying to drive her to orgasm while she endured this abuse but the question made its way through. Her defiance wilding under the barrier of sensing Captain Carly nodded.
“Good girl.” she heard.
After ten strikes to each thigh Carly started to find herself having issues balancing. As the next one landed she grasped the chains above her head and fight to stay on her toes. After the twelfth and thirteenth ones she knew she couldn’t take much more and she was greatly relieved when they stopped after the fifteenth.
She looked up at the Admiral as her legs and arse burned and she drooled onto her breasts. As she stared at him holding the cause of her pain she noticed that his erection had grown to a quite impressive stage and she was shocked at herself when she realized quite how badly she wanted to cum.
“So that leaves us with the spitting, doesn’t it Carly? Where is going to suffer for that little escapade?”
Trying to distract herself from the wrong-headed responses of her body Carly tried swearing at the Admiral but still couldn’t get anything intelligent past the gag. She did manage to get yet more drool sliding down into her cleavage however, and as the humiliation of this slide through her she felt her nipples unbelievably harden further, now pushing painfully against the basque holding them.
“I agree, Carly, those beautiful breasts of yours are going to have to bear some of the responsesibility for your arrogant insolence. Let’s get them out and see how they like our wooden friend here.”
Knowing he would see the extent of her arousal Carly Shock her head as if possessed, almost toppling as she did so. The Admiral’s left hand slide round her side as his right went into the cup of her basque.
“No no Carly, you did it and now you have to pay… Oh my.” He pulled out her huge breast and saw the nipple leaping out of it in arousal. “Oh my Carly.”
He tweaked the nipple with his thumb and Carly groaned and stiffened at the sensing of pleasure it sent course through her sore body. The Admiral looked into her eyes as he ran his thumb gently over the tip of the nipple and she was unable to stop a second groan escaping.
“Now I had no idea that you enjoyed this sort of thing. This adds a whole new aspect and some interesting questions for later. But for now we have to deal with earlier. If only you’d behaved.”
He let go of her breast and pulled out the other one. They sat heavy on her chest, the full round shape sitting proudly while her stiffened nipples jutted obscenely forward. He stared at them as the setting sun played through the windows behind him and caught in the drying drool she’d spread across them.
“Those really are impressive Carly.” He paused, staring at them. “So, spitting.”
Her eyes widened as he picked up the wood again and slapped it down onto the top of her right breast. Again pain flared through her but at the same time a wave of pleasure spread from her groin as well.
She cried out as the blows descended, struggling each of her breasts, sometimes catching both together. As the pain grow she found her hips moving as her drenched pussy tried to get some form of contact.
Noticing her gyrations as they grew more pronounced the Admiral smiled and the blows stopped.
“Oh you really like this.” He said as he put his free hand down the front of her knickers and cupped her wetness. “Oh now that is one needy little cunt.” He slide a finger in and Carly thrust her hips towards his hand and groaned.
“Oh no Carly. That is not an option right now, we’re still dealing with punishment.”
With that he pulled his hand out and Carly screamed in frustration. The admiral laughed out loud and then suddenly swung the stick across her breasts catching both of her nipples. Carly’s scream turned into a howl of pain that went on as a second blow landed.
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