Part 19: Bethari
By Gortmundy.
Bethari sobbed and her breath hissed between her teeth as Susan applied the cold cream to the red wealth that decorated the poor girl’s bottom. The living red lines crisscrossed her ass in a glorious pattern and had clearly been laid on by someone who knew their business and who wasn’t messing about. None of They broke the skin and they would all fade and vanish in due course, but the girl’s poor ass almost glowed scarlet and must be absolutely singing thought the blonde.
Susan lifted the girl’s chin when she saw the red mark on the side of her face, “that’s going to leave a cracking bruise.”
Natassia looked on horrified, “You’ve barely been here a day, and she gave you a dozen. What in Hell happened?”
“I slapped Mistress Portia, I’m sooo sorry, I didn’t mean it!”
Susan gaped and even Natassia was stunned into silence.
“How in the hellDid you manage to accidentally slap her, and what in fuck happened to your face? I can see that mark from here.”
The girl whimpered, “It… It wasn’t an accident, but I didn’t mean it, I was just so angry.”
“And the mark?”
“She hit me back, knocked me out of my chair. She’s very quick.”
“No shit.”
Susan finished applying the cream and wiped her hands on a clothes before pushing the girl’s hair away from the living mark on the side of her face, “Nothing I can really do with that. But it’s just a bruise, should be fine.”
The blonde’s voice was gentle, “Tell me what happened.”
“I’d been sent for. We were talking and she was asking me about my home life, she was really nice. She had seen me in my burkini, by the pool and she asked me about my faith. So I told her. She said she didn’t really believe in religion and how she thought it was all a trick.”
Susan groaned, “You sure she said it like that?”.
“Not really, but… well, my mum and dad are religious, and I thought she was calling them fools, I got so angry that I just lost my temperature and slapped her. Next thing I knew she’d knocked me out of my seat. I don’t think she really means to hit me that hard.”
“Was she very angry?”
Bethari sobbed, “I think she was angry with herself. She hugged me and I started crying, I didn’t really hear what she said after that, I was too upset.”
Natassia just shook her head, “Holy fuck.”
Bethari wailed, “She must hate me. I really didn’t mean it. Do you think if I went to her, apologised, she would maybe forgive me?”
“I doubt there’s any need for that. What about your bum, I take it that was Mrs Beatrice?”
“Yes, she came to my room. She must have been soo mad at me. She checked my face but didn’t say anything. Then she had me bend over the couch and lift my dress. She pulled down my drawers and beat me with the cane. I tried not to scream, but it hurt so much.”
Natassia winced, “Yes, itcertainly does.”
“Mrs Beatrice, she said I was lucky she had done it in the privacy of my room, but that next time it would be in the kitchen in front of everyone.”
The girl buried her head in her pillow and sobbed in misery, “What will I do? They’ll think me such an idiot. Will I be fired do you think? I need this job.”
Natassia sat on the bed next to her and stroked her hair, “No, you won’t be fired. If that were the case you would already be gone and you wouldn’t have been thrashed like that.”
“But how do I look them in the eye after that?”
“Well, I think you might be surprised. Mrs Beatrice is a bit like a computer, or maybe a Vulcan. She’s so English it’s ridiculous. To her the punishment is done, the matter resolved, I doubt she’ll ever even mention it again.”
“Oh yes. Though I’m still going to have words with the old witch!”
Susan raised her eyes and gave the girl a warning look, “Now Natassia.”
Betharisnivelled, “What about the mistress? Won’t she hate me?”
“She won’t hate you; I can tell you that, but otherwise, I don’t actually know. She’s a deep one she is. I’d say it’s fifty-fifty she comes to apologise to you.”
Susan smiled sadly, “Yes, she’ll be thinking this is all her fault. She’ll be feeling very sorry for herself I imagine.”
Natassia stood, “Right! I’ll be back in a bit.”
Susan watched her march out the door, “Oh crap.”
The blonde continued to sit with the girl for a while. Eventually, Bethari turned her face from the pillow, “Are you and Natassia…”
The girl blushed and nodded.
Susan couldn’t help but chuckle, “Very much so.”
“But what about your parents? What do they think?”
“Oh, they like her. My dad thinks she’s great but he’s a dad, so no guy is ever going to be good enough for him. My mum took a bit longer to wrap her head around it, but she’s okay with it now.”
“Are you savingyourself for a husband? Is that why you’re with a girl?”
Susan burst out laughing and Bethari blushed even more.
“Saving myself! Oh Lord, if only you knew the shit I’ve been up to. That ship has long since sailed, got torpedoed, blew up and sank to the bottom of the sea.”
Susan stroked the girl’s face, “I’m with Natassia because I love her. You must promise not to tell her I said this but she’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. Now, how about you. No boys?”
“My father would have beaden me until I couldn’t sit for a month if he ever caught me with a boy.”
“So you’ve never…”
Bethari shook her head. “There was a girl I liked, she was my friend, and we kissed a couple of times and once we both took our clothes off and hugged, but that was all.”
“Where’s your friend now, would you like to visit her?”
“She’s married, I don’t think I should, but I do miss her.”
Susan turned at the girl, “Just hugged eh?”
Bethari blushed spectacularly, “Maybe we did some other things.”
The young woman smiled, but tears appeared in her eyes, “What will happen with this, have I spoiled things here?”
“No, it will be fine, maybe a bit embarrassing for you for a few days, but that’s normal. Otherwise, nothing has really changed, except you and Portia might have learned something about each other, and that’s a good thing.”
“Well, Portia is very kind, but deep down I think she likes it when someone sticks up for themselves. Unless I miss my guess, which is possible to be fair, I would bet that Portia will be at least a little bit pleased with you for defending your folks and not sitting there like a chump.”
“Oh yes.”
Susan stood up, turned, and shrieked.
“Jesus Gunter! You’re going to give me a fucking heart attack one day!”
The big man grinned, “Sorry.”
“No you’re not. I’m going to tell Helen on you.”
Bethari gave a cry of embarrassment and pulled her pants over her scarlet bottom with a hiss of disappoint.
The big man turned away a little.
“I’m here for the girl,” he rumbled.
“You’re not going to do anything horrible to her are you?”
The big man looked at Susan with those icy grey eyes, “It depends on one’s perspective I should think. Perhaps I’m going to change her life forever.”
“Come with us if you like.”
“You’re not going to hurt her, or anything are you?”
Gunter stared at the blonde for a moment, “Do you think I would?”
Susan blushed, “No, never, I’m sorry I said that. But you are a scary guy Gunter.”
The big man turned to the girl on the bed, “Miss Bethari, if you feel up to it, I would like you to come with me. Miss Susan will accompany us; you are quite safe.”
Bethari spoke in a timing voice, “I need to dress first.”
“I shall wait outside of course.”
The young girl turned to Susan, “What will he doto me? Will I get another thrashing?”
Susan watched as the big man closed the bedroom door behind him, “He won’t harm you. He’s terrifying, but he’s also the kind of guy who would probably die protecting you, or more likely, kill someone protecting you. I don’t think he would ever hurt you, not in a million years. Just please don’t tell him I said that. Come on now, let’s get you dressed.”
Presently both young women met Gunter in the sitting room. Without a word he led them through the house to a part of the villa Susan had not yet visited, it was quite near the gymnasium.
Pushing open a door the girls were assailed by loud noises and shouts, inside was a room bare of furniture, with mats on the floor and various weapons lined in racks along the walls. To Susan, it looked Like two men were on the mats trying to murder each other with sticks. They both moved about and screamed as the sticks blurred and cracked against each other. Eventually one of them did something too quick for Susan to catch and a stick flew across the room. The other man shook his arm in pain and stepped back. Susan was stunned when he pulled off his mask and she saw it was Sergio.
“Hey Susan,” he hissed as he massed the muscles on his left arm.
The other man pulled off his mask and Susan saw someone she didn’t recognize, he was older, about average height, but very lean, he had short black hair, tanned skin and his face was created in a broad smile, “Not bad Sergio, you almost got me that time.”
He turned to the visitors and rolled his eyes comically when he saw Gunter, “Oh no, not again. I’m still trying to recover from the last time we sparked. When was that, two years ago? I still have the bruises.”
Gunter shrugged, “You are far more skilled than I.”
“Yes, but I’m merely mortal, hitting you is like hitting a boulder, I have to get lucky to hurt you, but every time you hit me I’m eating canvass!”
“A fighter makes his own lucky.”
Thelittle man grinned, “Fair point. But who’s this? Is it Will Smith? Why no, It’s ‘Slapper Butari’ and her hands of death!”
Buthari blushed and hung her head as the man approached, peering at the red mark on her face. “Meh, seen worse. If it makes you feel better, I kicked Portia’s ass from one end of the selle to the other for about an hour earlier on. She’s going to have a few bruises of her own tomorrow.”
Gunter didn’t move, he just seemed to loom.
“Easy there big guy. She just let an untrained eighteen-year-old kid surprise her and hit her on the face. She doesn’t know this kid; she could be anyone. Hey, no offence there Butari. She deserved every damned bruise I gave her.”
The big man received, “Fair point.”
Buthari looked at Gunter and spoke nervously, “Why am I here, do I have to clean this place?”
The little man throw back his head with a laugh, “Er, no. Though I have no doubt the place could do with a dusting. Actually, Portia thought that if you feel the need to go around hitting folks it might help if you know how. Interested?”
“You think I could learn this?”
“Portia thinks it might do you good, build confidence maybe, who knows, I just punch things. But it’s up to you, I’m willing if you are.”
“What would I have to do?”
“Nothing, except show up and keep trying. Hey Gunter, if it makes you feel better Portia keep getting up, keep coming back for more. There’s no quit in that one, bit of a temperature though.”
So Bethani, you just turn up here, every day at eight in the morning and we can get going. Not today though,” he grinned, “from what I hear there are parts of you that might just be a little sensitive today.”
Subconsciously Bethari rubbed her bottom with one hand.
Natassia stormed into Mrs Beatrice’s office without knocking. The older woman looked up with a bright smile,
“Why Natassia, how unexpected,” she said dryly.
“Why did you beat that kid like that?”
“Close the door.”
Taken aback slightly Natassia did as she was bid before turning back to the older woman with an angry expression on her face.”
Mrs Beatrice looked back unblinking, apparently entirely untroubled by the young woman’s obvious outtrage.
“Firstly Natassia, she’s not a ‘kid’, she’s a young woman and I suggest you start treating her as such.”
“Even so!”
“Secondly, she slapped her employer, who despite being a bit of a kindly soul, is a wealthy, and powerful individual who has significant influence. Now had she been saying, a malicious or vindictive person what do you think would happen?”
“Bethari would have been fired?”
“Indeed, but not only that, what would happen if a rich and influential woman were to go to the authorities with a complaint of Assault perhaps?”
“She’d have been arrested.”
“What then?”
Natassia slumped into a chair unbidden, and her voice was led, “There’s no way she could beat the rap, no one would take her word over some rich person, she would have been sentenced to a public flogging at the least and maybe even kept in prison for a while.”
“She’s a young and not unattractive woman, very naïve, almost innocent even. How would she fare in prison, even if there for only a short time?”
“Badly, things could happen to her.”
“Indeed. Just because we are fortunate and our employer is very much the exception, there is still a world out there Natassia, and it’s not always a kindly one.”
“I know.”
Mrs Beatrice came round, put her hand on the young woman’s shoulder and speak gently, “I know you do.”
“Natassia, there is the saying that you sometimes hear, that you ‘have to be cruel to be kind’, it’s a bit simplistic for my tastes but I’m afraid that’s very much the case here. Other than dealing with the matter the way I did what other options did I have? It seems a simple, ‘telling off’ would have been woefully inadequate. MyOnly other official response would be dismissal.”
The young woman witnessed deeply, “I know, and I’m sorry, but it’s just so galling. She just seems to be so vulnerable and lost. I can’t help but feel protective.”
“Oh, she’s quite adorable, and your feelings do you nothing but credit, but she’s not a pet. She’s a grown woman who must learn that her actions have consequences, some of which may be very unpleasant.”
Natassia looked up, “I’m sorry for barging in here.”
“Perfectly understandable given the circumstances, but Natassia, if you are ever to replace me here you will need to adopt a cooler temperature and a broader perspective.”
The young woman gaped, “I could never replace you.”
“Close your mouth dear, it’s quite an unseemly expression. You’re very kind to say so Natassia, but I won’t last forever you know, and I have been grooming you and Helen as possible replacements for quite some time. Kady has both the wit and the heart for it, but I doubtshe would ever have the temperature.”
“But why me.”
“I believe I told you that just the other day. You are a kindly soul, courageous after a fashion, you have a sense of humour, and God knows you would need one in this job, plus you are quick-witted and intelligent and there’s not a cruel bone in your body. Though I think you might need to toughen up just a tad.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
The older woman smiled brightly, “Then say nothing, my dear, that’s usually for the best, and besides, I don’t plan to leave this mortal coil just yet, I might still have a year or two left in me.”
“What’s going to happen to Bethari?”
“Why nothing, the matter is closed as far as I am concerned.”
Natassia looked at the woman with a chagrined expression, “Thank you Mrs Beatrice, I’m sorry I barged in here the way I did.”
The brunette rose and turned to leave only to be halted by the voice behind her, “Just one moment though.”
Turning she saw that Mrs Beatrice still had a smile on her face but had picked up her cane, “I said I understand your outrage and your impertinence, I did not say I forgive it.”
She casually pointed at the desk with the cane, “I believe you know what to do.”
Natassia groaned as she moved to the desk, “Well, I asked for it I suppose.”
The young woman leaned over the desk and stretched her hands out to grap the far edge. Moments later she quivered as she felt the older woman raise her skirt and roll her knickers down to her knees.
“My, what charming undergarments, French fashion I believe?”
Natassia gritted her teeth but, perhaps wisely, chose to remain silent. She twitched again as she felt the tip of the cane lightly touch her naked buttons. “I think you can straighten your legs a touch more my dear, and perhaps raise that posterior somewhat, yes?”
Natassia compiled.
“That’s quite lovely.”
The brunette took a breath and braced herself.
“Natassia, what would you do here in my place?”
“Er, kiss it better and let me go.”
Mrs Beatrice laughed, “Adorable, well that’s one extra for you, though it was pretty funny I have to admit. But seriously, if you are going to replace me one day you might very well find yourself standing exactly where I am now with a young woman you very much admire in exactly Your position, so what would you do?”
Natassia surprised, “I really hate to say it, especially given where I am now, but I’d say, ‘Lay on Macduff’.”
“How many strokes?”
“Natassia blew out a breath. “Well, her heart was in the right place, and she did apologise, so I’d probably be inclined to leniency, say six?”
“Seems fair. Are you ready?”
The brunette mentally braced herself, “Yes Ma’am.”
The first stroke hissed through the air and landed dead centre across the middle of the young woman’s posterior with a loud ‘CRACK’, Nastassia drew a sharp breath and nearlygrabbed her buttocks in reflex as it felt like her ass had been set on fire.
The second hit landed slightly higher and just as hard, the sound of the report and Natassia’s shriek filled the room.
The third landed a moment later sizzling across both buttocks slightly lower than the first. Natassia gasped, she’d been able before, but nothing like this! It feel like her poor bum was going to burst into flames.
The next blow landed higher up, a cracking strike that left the young woman breathless and weeping.
“You’ve passed the halfway mark, only three more to go young lady.”
Natassia groaned in misery.
The cane cut through the air and landed on the now scarlet bottom with another loud ‘CRACK’ and Natassia howled, leaping to her feet and bouncing up and down as she tried to control the burning pain.
Mrs Beatrice simply waited patiently.
Eventually, the sobbing young woman managed to reassume her position with obvious dread.
The cane whipped through in a merciless arc with no warning at all and slashed across both chefs of the young woman’s bottom. Natassia cried out in misery and her breath hisssed between her teeth. Tears flowed down her face as she lay across the desk snivelling pinously.
“Last one my dear, brace yourself.”
It was an absolute howler! The cane hissed through the air and landed at an angle. Crossing all the other strokes that had been meticulously laid across her poor bum. Natassia gave a deafening shriek and repeatedly pounded her fist against the surface of the table as her feet stamped against the floor, “FUCK! Oh, Jesus fuck that hurt!”
“It certainly looked like it from here my dear.”
Natassia looked up and was a little surprised to see the flush on Mrs Beatrice’s cheats. The older woman seemed slightly out of breath and wiped her browser with a handkerchief.”
Concern made her dismiss the pain and Natassia asked, “Are you okay?”
“It’s very kind of you to ask, but I’m just getting a little old for this sort of thing. In fact, that’s about as much effort as I can put into it these days.”
Natassia grinned and couldn’t help herself, “Well gee! Thanks for that.”
Mrs Beatrice smiled, “Now for the hard part.”
Natassia swallowed nervously, “Hard part?”
“Oh yes, I’m not done torturing you yet. This will be a lesson you will never forget I can assure you. Now stand over there and compose yourself. Actually, you may wish to do something about your face and underwear first, please use my facilities, but be quick about it.”
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