(A True Story, the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent)
When we got to the cabin, I had no idea what was in store. My friend Grant had offered to take me up north to a cabin he had rented with his room mate Kevin and Kevin’s girlfriend Kara.
Grant and I had been buddies for almost four years. We met during our freshman year of college and while we never dated, we definitely had the best friends with benefits thing going on from time to time.
When we got to the cabin, it was late Thursday night. Each couple had a room and the cabin was stuck in the middle of nowhere. It was still pretty nice, but we were clearly going to need to make a run back to town for food and other essentials.
Once we got unpacked, Kevin and Kara volunteered for the duty, leaving the two of us alone.
“Hey, I want to show you something,” Grant said, pulling a heavy white canvas shirt out of his duffle bag. “I found this at a garage sale of all places. I thoought it looked about your size.” He held it up, showing me. It had strange arms, that were extra long, with no openings and buckles and straps all over it.
My jaw was hanging open when he showed it to me. “Cool!” I said.
“It is a straitjacket,” he said, casually, “the woman who sold it used to be a nurse or something. Wanna try it on?”
I had a t shirt and pair of jogging shorts on at the moment and I shrugged and figured why not. Might be fun.
I smiled and nodded. “OK, I’ll try it on.”
I slipped my arms into the long sleeves and then he pulled the heavy canvas body of it up over my head and down over my chest.
I flapped my arms playfully in the long sleeves, laughing a bit.
He crossed my arms in front of me and fed the straps Through loops in the side. He slowly pulled tighter and tighter until my arms were crossed and pressed flat against my chest, like I was giving myself a nice tight hug.
I bit my lip, squirming back and forth, givinghim a fun little smile.
The front had a kind of loop built in so I couldn’t raise or lower my arms at all.
He pinched my nose and smiled. “You look so cute,” he told me, causing me to blush.
I gave him my cute little look back.
The last part of it was a pair of straws that went in between my legs and came from behind and were buckled in front. Each strap was on the side of my pussy, causing the lips to part and play a little. He couldn’t see through my shorts, but I could feel it and suddenly I felt unbelievably vulnerable and exposed.
“OK,” I said, still blushing, “Your turn to try it on.”
He looked and me and smiled. “I think you are the only one it will fit. Kevin thought so too. And Kara.”
I grew very confused. “What? What are you talking about?”
He shrugged and walked out of the room grinning.
“Hey! This isn’t funny!” I protested.
He tilted his head and chuckled, “Actually it is.” He reached out and stroked my hair, “Ithink you look sexy like this and I bet Kevin and Kara will too.”
I panicked, twisting and squirming, trying to get free. “Let me out of this thing!”
“Now THAT was adorable!” he chuckled, watching me wrong and twist.
“Listen, you’ve told me you like this sort of thing over and over. And now that I am doing it, you want me to stop?”
I blushed, thinking of all the hints I had dropped over the years about my interests in bondage. I shook my head, looking down and blushing.
“If you really mean it, I will take it off and put it away. And we won’t talk about it, I’ll tell Kevin and Kara I chickened out.”
My eyes widened, “What! They know?” I suddenly was struck by a huge wave of embarrassment and at the same time a sensing in my stomach and between my legs that made me feel like I was about to orgasm. I gasped.
“Listen, it’s OK, really. They are totally cool with this. So just tell me you want it off and it comes off. But if you want to keep it on, it stays on until I say.”
I tugged and twisted. How long would that be? An hour, maybe two, maybe all night?
“How long?” I asked.
“I won’t tell you that, not until you have decided,” he said.
He gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, “I think you are going to enjoy this.”
I couldn’t speak. I just nodded.
“Is that a yes,” he asked.
I nodded again.
“I want to hear you say it. Do you want to keep the jacket on?”
I closed my eyes and whispered, “Yes.” I paused a few seconds and added in the softest whisper, “Please.”
He took out a medium sized padlock from his bag and I could hear him fumbling a bit with the straws as he turned me around. There was a small click and he laughed.
“Well, it isn’t up to either of us anymore.”
I tilted my head, looking at him, “What are you talking about?”
“The key to that lock is sitting on your dining room table. I left it there before we took off. So, it looks like you are wearing it until Sunday night. I guess we could cut you out if we need to, but I am not sure there is even anything up here that would do the job.”
He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “You are stuck, babydoll.”
I tried to struggle free in earnest, wanting out of the jacket now desperately, feeling so trapped and so helpless.
Then, I blushed horribly as I felt his hand, first caresing my cheek and then my neck and then, as he pulled me closer, patting between my legs, where the two crotch straps had made an obscene bulge making my lips stick out, so their outline was visible through the stretched fabric of my shorts.
“Cute camel toe you have, Ko,” he said, making me want to cover myself immediately.
He continued to run his hand back and forth along my pussy as I squirmed into his hand, getting past the embarrassment and starting to enjoy him touching me. As I started to let out soft little whimpers, he smiled and pulled his hand away.
“This is goingto be so much fun,” he said.
I wanted to grab him, pull him close, kiss him, anything to continue the sensings, but I couldn’t do a thing. I looked at him with such desperation and such longing.
“So much fun,” he repeated.
I felt my heart pounding as I really began to feel trapped and helpless. I bit my lip and arched my back a bit, offering myself to him, wanting him to touch me again, they way he had been. I parted my knees a little bit and looked at him, pleading with my eyes, blushing terribly, but overwhelmed with a feeling of need.
His hand ran up my right thigh, then my left. “Come on,” I pleaded, “cut it out,” starting to grow more and more frustrated. He didn’t say a word, his hands just running up and down my thighs, so gently, so tenderly. I squirmed and looked into his eyes. “Please,” I whispered.
“Oh, come on, Keiko,” he said unsympathetically, “You know this isn’t going to work. Remember our conversation last weekend?”
I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself and nodded slowly.
“And what did you tell me about being teased?” he asked.
“Oh God,” I whispered softly, “that I like it.”
“No, Keiko,” he said, almost patronizing me, “You said you love it. And I didn’t believe you, remember?”
I nodded.
“So you tried to convince me, didn’t you?”
I nodded again, blushing more.
“Remember, I kept pushing and pushing and you kept swearing to me that you meant it,” his hand was now tracing over my crotch, gently teasing me, making me squirm more.
I squirmed in the jacket, “Please don’t do this, Grant, not now, please.”
He chuckled. I wanted to pull away so bad, but the sensing felt so good and I began to grow more and more desperate and needy. And then he stopped, pulling his hand back away from me, no more than an inch, so close I could sense it but not feel it. He said nothing, for what seemed like forever.
My stomach was swimming with butterflies and deep inside I felt an overwhelming need to be touched. I tugged at my arms, trying to get free, to no avail and then, closing my eyes, I did what I knew he wanted. I pressed myself into his hand. He let me feel it, for just a second, before pulling it back and laughing. He took a step back and smiled, his hand still lowered, but now a foot or so away.
I took a step forward, trying to reach him, but as I did he would just pull his hand back barely out of reach.
“Oh, this is fun!” he laughed, as I grew more and more embarrassed. The more I needed it the more excited I grew and the more he teased me and pulled away, the more embarrassed I became. I could feel myself getting so excited, so wet. The way the straps were positioned, my shorts and panties were pressed tight against my lips and with each step I could feel them sticking to me, tugging at my lips as I moved.
Finally, he stopped and patted between my legs, so gently. I lowered myself a bit, spreading my knees, moaning as his hand gently tapped against my aching sex. My heart started to race.
“Remember,” he added, “I said that if I teased you, I’d make you miserable.”
“No,” I lied, sounding a bit petulant.
“And you said, ‘Maybe I like that kind of misery?’” he added, imitating my voice.
I shook my head, whispering “No, no, no,” over and over again.
He started to laugh again, his hands now returning to my inner thighs. Every time they got close to my pussy, I’d squirm and press and try to make contact, to no avail.
He touched my cheek and smiled. “I know you want this and that you need it. And I am going to enjoy doing it.”
All I could say was “Oh God.”
“You can’t stop it,” he said, smiling wickedly. “Bu deep down, you don’t want to, do you?”
I blushed and shook my head. I could feel my insides tighten at my admission.
“We have been planning this for a very long and this is just the start of it.” He stepped back around behind me and yanked a couple of straws. I felt the jacket tighten on me more, my arms now completely immobilized, any squirming now would involve my whole upper body, which is exactly what I did, much to Grant’s amusement.
His hand cupped me, between my legs, and I let out a soft involuntary moan. “You are going to be our tease toy, Keiko.”
I swallowed, “Our?”
He nodded. “Yes, mine, Kevin’s and Kara’s.”
I blushed looking into his eyes now.
“They don’t know me like you do, this is too much, too embarrassing!” I protested.
“Oh, they know everything I know. We’ve been talking about you for months. And I am sure it is going to be highly embarrassing. That is the point. You should have never told me those things if you didn’t want them to happen.”
My head was swimming. I didn’t know what to say. My mind was screaming “No,” while my body was begging “Yes.”
“We are going to tease and humiliate you. And I should warn you, Kara is especially looking forward to the humiliationpart and she is very, very good at it.”
“But, oh God,I stammered, squirming, not knowing what to say,” blushing more. “But I thought you were my friends?”
Grant smiled. “We are. We are doing this because for almost two years you have been confessing all your secret fans to me, hoping I’d act on them, trying to get me to Dom you. You’ve known all along that it was what I am, what I do, even without me telling you. And once you thought I wouldn’t you really started to let go, to trust me with your deepest and darkest secrets and feelings. Because you knew it was safe. Well, guess what. It wasn’t. I knew right away I was going to do something like this to you. But I needed you to let your guard down, to confess to me, to tell me everything. And now that you have, you are going to feel it and live it. We are doing this to you because we are your friends, because we care about you, because we know what you need. We love you Keiko,” he told me, brushing my hair back out of my face, “That is why we are doing this to you.”
He looked into my eyes, looking for a show of understanding. I gave it to him. I looked back, deep into his eyes. Without saying a word, I communicated what was deep inside, yearning to get out, two simple words that I couldn’t speak, but which I knew he understand, “Thank you.”
“We are going to make all your dreams come true,” he said reassuringly. “And your nightmares too.” He leaned forward and kissed me gently on the forehead. I wanted him at that moment so desperately, to hold me, to touch me, to make love to me.
He knew it too. He stepped back and watched, not saying a word. I started to feel very aware of my helplessness once again, blowing out the side of my mouth, trying to get a few strands of hair that were covering my eye away from my face.
He smiled.
“So many things you can’t do for yourself. Have you even thought about that yet?”
I blushed and shook my head.
He put his arm around myShoulder and turned me, walking me to the closet. He opened the door and gently directed me inside. As I turned around, I watched as the door swung shut. I could hear him laughing. Suddenly I was very aware of the fact that I couldn’t use a door knob, especially a round one like this. I tried to push against it and roll it open with my body, but found it surprisingly difficult.
“OK, OK, You made your point, let me out!” I called.
There was no response.
It was hot in the closet and I was starting to sweat in the jacket. I banged against the door with my body and called out over and over.
“Not funny!” I protested. But I couldn’t deny that something as basic as this was exciting me more. I wanted his attention, to be in his arms and here I was locked in a closet, unable to even work the doorknob.
It seemed like an eternity before it was opened again. The cool breeze felt good as I stood up, standing from a slightly slumped position.
He led me out of thecloset and lowered me to the ground in a sitting position.
“See, even standing up is going to be tricky,” he said amused.
I rolled back and forth, trying to get some leverage to stand and managed after several attempts to get on my knees and then awkwardly stand from there.
He seemed to enjoy watching me struggle.
“Very nice,” he said, approving of my performance.
He returned now to caressing my cheek, looking into my eyes while his other hand rubbed my belly through the straitjacket and found its way slowly down between my legs. This time, though, he pulled my shorts waistband down and ran his hand inside my short and under my panties. My back arched and I moaned desperately, his gently touch sending shivers throughout my body. It made the jacket seems tighter. My belly and tights tingled.
Like a slow boil I could feel it building, his finger brushing my clip ever so gently, I let out a series of short whimpers. So close to cumming and then it stoped. His fingers tracing my swollen lips. “Moooore,” I moaned, “back where you were.”
“Here,” he asked, barely brushing my clip and sending me to the very edge of climax.
“Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, oh God,” I cried out, stamping my feet and grinding into him, desperate for his touch, “One more, just a little, I am so close, God, please!”
“Nooooo,” I protested and pleased as his hand slipped out of my panties. I squirmed and thrashed, looking for any way to get stimulation. “You don’t know what this is doing to me!”
I felt an enormous wave of frustration, I could feel an enormous gulf, a hole deep inside me, longing to be filled. Desperation, need, ache.
“Please, Grant, I will do anything, please?” I looked at him with the most desperate expression I could manage.
“Close your eyes,” he whispered, “I am going to let you cum, I am going to give you a beautiful, mind blowing orgasm.”
His hands ran over my belly and tights again, and then over my panties and lips, carefully avoiding my clip, and then under and around, touching everywhere except the one spot I needed. I tried to squirm and guide him, but I couldn’t manage to get the one sensing I needed. Everything was getting worse now, much worse. I could feel my eyes tearing up. If I didn’t cum soon, I would burst!
“Pleeeeeeeeeease!” I begged.
He laughed.
“Poor little Keiko,” he said very patronizingly. I was thrusting and thrashing wildly as his hand pulled away again.
I looked at his as tears rolled down my cheeks, “You promised! You said you’d make me cum!”
He nodded. “But I didn’t say when. Did I?”
I grew furious and for the first time, I really, truly and honestly wanted the jacket off. And I tried. I tried everything to get out. And the more I struggled and the more I hated it, the wetter I got.
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” I said, sobbing and crying.
Grant held me close and brushed my hair away from my eyes. “Yes you do.”
With those words and a single touch, I would have cum. But there was no touch, the words just making it worse.
“Don’t you?” he asked, much more firmly now.
I nodded, feeling ashamed of my own need.
He wiped my tears away. Tell me, “I want to be your tease toy.”
I sniffled, feeling something inside me break down, “I want to be your tease toy,” I repeated in almost a whisper.
“Good girl,” he said, struggling my hair and smiling.
Our moment was interrupted by the opening of the door.
“We’re back,” Kevin called out.
My eyes widened and I looked into Grant’s. My belly filled with butterflies again.
He smiled and helped me to my feet, his firm hands, guiding me out into the main room, red-faced and trapped in the crisp white canvas jacket.
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