Part 15: The Belt
By Gortmundy.
Mr Barabus frowned as Susan staggered through her lesson. It was clear she was unprepared, and it showed. Wincing at her poor performance he finally gave a deep sight of disappointment.
“Hmm, that was pretty awful, what happened?”
At least the blonde girl had the good grace to blush and look contribute he thought. “I’m sorry sir, I… actually I’ve no excuse, I just didn’t do the work.”
Barabus had to look away a moment as he suppressed a grin of admission, “Can’t fault her honesty at least.“
“Do you at least have a joke for me then?”
The blonde looked down at her lap and shook her head.
With a heavy sight Mr Borabus moved his chair back, “Well Susan, ‘He who pays the pipe picks the tune’ as they say, and you’ve brought this on yourself.”
He gestured and blushing with embarrassment the blonde girl nervously moved forward andgingerly lay across his lap.
“All previous joking aside I’m actually sorry about this Susan, you were doing so well, and I confess to being quite disappointed.” As he spoke, he raised the back of her skirt and carefully rolled her panties down to her knees.
Barabus raised his hand and felt Susan draw in a breath in anticipation of the thrashing he was about to administrator but instead of walloping her backside, he paused. Gazing at the splendid posterior in front of him he couldn’t help but notice the still rosy tint that delicately coloured the splendid cheeses of her bottom. He traced his hand lightly across the lovely curves and felt her wince ever so slightly at his touch.
“Yes, Mr Barabus?”
“I can’t help but notice your posterior seems to have suffered from some, ahem, attention already. Forgive me if this is an impertinent question but would you care to explain?”
Susan grosseaned in further embarrassment but drawing a breath she decided ‘the truth will out’, and tried to stammer an explanation, “Natassia and I were playing, and it might have gotten a little out of hand. Then we kind of fooled about a bit, well we ended up fooling around quite a lot actually. I’m sorry, we lost track of time and it’s one of the reasons I failed to prepare.”
“And did she know you had work to do?”
“I guess,” Susan felt herself giggle slightly, which was kind of funny given the circumstances, “but I didn’t exactly try to fight her off you know.”
Barabus smiled, “Damn her for being an honest fool,” he thought.
“Well in that case there is fault on both sides I suppose, but she should know better being a previous student of mine.”
He ran his hand over her tender posterior, “Given the circumstances, I think at least a little leniency might be in order on this occasion Susan, and I shall be gentle, but don’t make a habit of this.”
Susan learned that ‘gentle’ is a relative term as he gave her a thorough, but thankfully brief, spanking. By the end of it, tears were trickling down her face and she was tightly gripping the leg of the chair as he completed her chatisement.
Barabus gently raised her back onto her feet, doing his best to ignore the sparkle in her eyes and the way she was breathing heavily. “Susan, I want you to go stand in the corner for a minute or two and think about what just happened. I’m about to step out for a moment. If you want to remove your underwear instead of pulling it back over your posterior, given the tender condition it might be in, then I’m sure that would be fine. When I return you might perhaps turn around if you wish. I think you may find what happens next quite illuminating.”
Susan blushed with shame and embarrassment as she was made to stand in the corner like a five-year-old. Moments later however her thoughts were interrupted, and she nearly jumped out of her skin at the crashing and screeching noises emanating from inside her suite.
Mr Barabus reappeared on the balcony with Natassia in tow. The brunette was struggling like a wildcat and swearing like a harridan as he hauled her across to the table. Natassia kicked over the nearest chair and swung her fist at the man’s head, but he casually swatted her hand aside and with more than a little effort eventually bent the screeching woman across the table. Holding her in place with one large hand he casually reached under her skirt and ripped away her knickers with the other.
Susan stared goggle-eyed as the man flipped up the back of the brunette’s dress, offering a fantastic view of her upturned posterior. She kicked out at him and hissed almost like a cat in indignation as she scratched and fought, but her screeching was muffled when he stuffed her torn underwear into her mouth. “Be quiet now. You deserve this and you know it, so we’ll have no more of that profanity if you please.”
Natassia’s reply was lurid and descriptive but thankfully muffled by her torn knickers.
That was when Susan learned that Mr Barabus really had been quite gentle with her as he proceeded to administrator a very sound, very thorough and distinctly non-gentle thrashing to the swearing brunette.
By the end of it, Natassia had finally spat out her knickers and waited like a banshee as he repeatedly and vigorously smacked her bottom until it practically glowed.
By the end of it, Natassia had finally spat out her knickers and waited like a banshee as he repeatedly and vigorously smacked her bottom until it practically glowed red. She lay there in a sobbing mess when he finally released her. “Now you listen here, young lady. This is only a taste of what will happen if you ever inhibit Susan’s studies again while she is my student. The next time it happens I will take my belt to you. Am I clear?”
Natassia snivelled, “Yes.”
The big man’s hand cracked across her bottom making the girl wail, “Yes what?”
“SIR! Yes Sir!”
“Good. See that you remember what I said.”
Barabus unhurriedly gathered up his jacket and briefcase before bidding them a polite, “Good afternoon, ladies.”
Barabus unhurriedly gathered up his jacket and briefcase before bidding them a polite, “Good afternoon, ladies.”
Barabus unhurriedly gathered up his jacket and briefcase before bidding them a polite, “Good afternoon, ladies.”
A bewildered Susan saw him to the door and managed to get almost three steps back into the room before she was practically rugby-tackled by Natassia. The little brunette had already ripped off her own clothes and was tearing at the buttons of Susan’s dress as she dragged the girl into the bedroom.
Susan giggled as Natassia shoved her uncertainly back onto the bed and continued to strip her. The brunette looked down at the blonde as she pulled her panties down her long legs and over her feet, leaving her naked.
“I’m going to torture you all afternoon for that!” she grew as she slid her hands along Susan’s thighs.
Susan hissed as the warm hands reached her sex and Natassia bent to her breasts and took one of her nipples into her mouth.
The brunette whispered, “But if you are really, really good I’ll help you with your homework afterwards, deal?”
The blonde gave a helpless moan as Natassia effortlessly sank one of her fingers deep into the wetness of her sex and began to ruthlessly tease the girl, “OH GOD! Dealdealdealdealdeal!”
Natassia pounded.
It was quite considerably later when Portia and the others gathered for supplier. Margaret wandered to the edge of the balcony and listened to the cries of password from the balcony below.
“Good grief, they’re still at it.”
Helen looked across and shook her head in wonder, “Where in Hell do they get the energy, that’s what I want to know?”
Kady grinned, “I heard that Barabus thrashed them both today, like maybe in front of each other.”
Margaret laughed, “Holy hell! That’s like throwing nitro-glycerine onto a bonfire,”
Portia looked up from her plate with a bright smile and raised her glass, “Well here’s a toast to Mr Barabus I says.”
Portia continued, “This could be quite fun. I really like Mr Borabus, but he has an overabundance of self-confidence that borders on arrival,” she grinned, “I think if he’s not carefulthose two will eat him for breakfast.”
The next lesson went much better and Barabus grinned as Susan nailed the pronunciation. “Not bad at all. In fact, if I didn’t know better, I would think you had a little help, eh?”
“Natassia might have given me a few points Sir.” Susan blushed rather pretty thinking about the previous afternoon, “as well as doing a few other things.“
“Well, good for her! I approve.”
Susan almost giggled as she thought, “I approved as well, I approved quite a lot.”
“Okay Susan, let me have it.”
“You owe me a joke. Do your worst.”
Susan had obviously been practicing and the joke she told about the randy short-sighted teacher and three goats was probably the filter he had ever heard. By the end of it, Barabus was laughing so hard he had to wipe tears from his eyes.
“Okay, I surrender! I deserve that. Who picked that one, as if I didn’t know?”
Susan grinned, “Who do you think?”
“So, my turn tomorrow, now I just need to find a joke about the sexual mishaps of a buxom brunette. Challenge accepted!”
The big man fished in his case and produced a length of cane, “Right, this stuff is called ‘rattan’, it’s an important cash crop here on the islands, it’s used in many native crafts and…”
Susan recoiled from the table so violently that she fell off her chair and Barabus looked down in horrified confusion as the girl scrambled backwards until she came up hard against the far wall.
“What the fu-?”
All colour had drained from the girl’s face and her eyes were screwed shut as she took in deep shutdering breaths.
“Oh my god, Susan! What is it?”
Without looking up the blonde pointed a trembling finger at the length of cane in his hand and her voice was tortured, “That. A man… he beat me… with that, and did… other things.”
Barabus looked at the object in his hand in horror before anxious it from the balcony as if itwere toxic.
“it’s gone, it’s gone. Oh my God. I never knew, I’m so sorry.” As he bent to help the girl to her feet, he could feel her body shuddering uncontrollably.
Assisting her to sit he poured a glass of water. She shook so hard as she tried to drink that she had to grip the glass in both hands so it wouldn’t slip from her fingers.
Drawing a deep breath Susan swallowed and looked up at the man, “I’m sorry, I thought I was over it more than that, but you just kinda took me by surprise.”
“Good Lord Susan, don’t apologise, that was entirely my fault. Look I’m going to get Natassia, I think we can just…”
“No!” Susan’s head snapped up at him and he very nearly took a step back when he saw the look of sheer unmitigated venom glittering in her eyes, “I’m not giving that evil bastard a single fucking millimetre of my life! We’re going to finish this lesson if it kills me, so you can just man the fuck up and do your damned job!”
Looking into her eyes Barabus suddenly found that he lacked the intestinal fortitude to refuse.
He had been a teacher for almost twenty years and the next twenty minutes were, without exception, the most exciting he had ever experienced, as he explained the economic value of the rattan harvest on the islands.
Throughout, Susan sat in stony silence, glowering at him. Her fingers gripped the edge of the table so tightly her knuckles were white and from time to time he imagined he could hear her teeth grinding. By the end of it, his shirt was soaked with sweat, and he felt physically sick.
When, after what seemed like an eternity, his watch finally chimed Susan got up and without a word stalked into her bedroom, slamming the door so hard he imagined it rattled half the villa.
Barabus stand, looking out from the balcony, and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest. Taking several deep breaths, he tried to push down the horrific feelings of guilt that were welling up inside him./p>
A light touch on his arm drew his attention and he turned to find Natassia looking up at him. “You okay Barnie?”
He had to swallow before he could answer, “No.”
Barabus looked down at the girl and she could see the anguish in his eyes, “I didn’t know. I had no idea, I swear. I would never, I couldn’t…” he slumped, “I didn’t know.”
Natassia reached up and turned his head, so he was looking at her. She gave him a gentle smile, “I know that, and so does she. Give her some time, that’s all.”
He looked at his hands and his shoulders shook in anguish, and he groaned, “But I beat her. Dear God, just yesterday I beat her. Right here, where she should be safe, I beat her.”
Natassia gripped his arm, “No you didn’t. You’re not that guy. You just get a bit of a thrill at spanking a cute female ass from time to time, and who the hell can blow you. But if she’d asked you not to you wouldn’t have laid a hand on her, would you?”
“And even when we were going at it hammer and tongs in here if I’d really asked you to stop what would you have done?”
“I’d have stopped, you know I’d never hurt either of you. I’m just a buffoon really.”
“You’re not a buffoon Barnie, you’re just a bit of a goat. But you’re our goat. Besides, if Gunter ever thought you were actually going to hurt us, we’d probably Still be trying to find your body.”
Barnabus gave a small laugh, “Probably true.”
The big man looked down at her, “But I still feel like a total shit.”
“I was there Barnie, she did it for me, think how I feel.”
He could see the tears in her eyes as she took a breath, “He came to me you know. When she was being abused by his guys. Told me he had been going to give me to his men instead of her, but she took my place. The bastard stood right in front of me and laughed because he had made her beg on her knees to be abused in my place. He thought it was fucking hilarious. Then he…”
Shesniffed and swallowed until she could continue, “I never told Susan. I think it would hurt her terribly if she found out. I don’t even know why I’m telling you.”
“Did he hurt you?”
Her voice was a soft whisper, “Oh yes, he was very cruel.”
“I’m so sorry.”
Natassia wiped her nose and looked up at him and squeezed his arm, “You’re not that guy Barnie, don’t ever think you are.”
He straightened, “Well I know now so I can stop with the stupid spanking thing from now on.”
“You can’t do that.”
He looked at her and she shook her head sadly, “She’s not an idiot. Every time you let her off with anything she will know exactly why you’re doing it. You’ll be reminding her of what happened, telling her she’s weak, and she’ll hate it.”
He looked up, “She’s not weak.”
“I know that, but it doesn’t matter, that’s what she’ll hear.”
Barnabus looked out over the gardens, “What do I do?”
“I hate to say it, but you’re going to have to do exactly what she told you to do, ‘man the fuck up and do your damned job’, and you’re going to have to do it as if nothing had happened. You show her that if she thinks she’s tough enough to get over this then you agree with her one hundred and ten percent. So, if she fucks up, you’re going to have to do your thing as if nothing had changed.”
“I can’t do that.”
Natassia’s voice hardened, “You listen to me, you pompous git! I bet you gave her the same damned speech you gave me, which means you sat right there in that fucking chair and you told her how seriously you took your responsibilities didn’t you?”
He nodded mutely.
“Right, well here’s your chance to prove it! So, you just dig deep, pull up your big boy panties and fucking get on with it.”
“Yes, Natassia.”
Her voice softened, “You’ll do fine Barabus, you’ve got a good heart and we both know it,” she grinned, “funny thing is, this time tomorrow Susan will be totally embarrassed by all this and tripping over herself trying to apologise to you.”
Natassia shook her head sadly, “That’s just her I suppose. Hey, you need to be careful with Susan now. She’s going to test you at some point, so you better be ready.”
“Test me?”
Natassia laughed, “Oh hell yes. She’ll want to know if you’re taking her seriously or are you just saying what you think she wants to hear. I’ll tell you this for nothing, if she thinks you’re just patronising her she’ll probably murder you.”
Thinking back to the look he had seen in her eyes he didn’t think she was entirely kidding.
The brunette turned to him, “I’m going to go see how she is, will you be OK seeing yourself out?”
“I’ll be fine, and Natassia.”
“Thanks, you’re a good person, I don’t deserve you.”
“Ha! I’m better than ‘good’, and nobody deserves me,” she glanced at the bedroom door, “almost nobody.”
Barabus found that the next day started about as awkwardly as he expected. As soon as he arrived Susan shot to her feet blushing and apologising before he could even get a word in.
“I’m so sorry about yesterday, truly. It was so unfair laying all that on you. It just took me by surprise, I didn’t…”
“Hush now.”
Susan stammered to a halt, and he took a deep breath, “Look, we can apologise to each other all day and until hell freezes over if we want, and I think both of us would still end up feeling bad about what happened. So, if you are agreeable, I’m just going to put it behind me and move past it. What do you think?”
She grinned, “Oh god, that would be great.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.”
He gave her a giant grin and pulled the chair out for her to sit, but as she did so he whispered in her ear, “Still my fault though.”
“Barabus! You promised.”
“What? I didn’t say a thing. Besides, I’m the teacher so I get to have the last word.”
The big man self-consciously shifted in his seat, looking almost bashful. “I, er, I made something for you.”
Susan watched as he fumbled in his case and withdraw a strange-looking wooden ball. He passed it to her, and she saw it was an intricately woven thing, hollow and surprisingly light.
“It’s used in a game called Sepak takraw, it’s a bit like volleyball I suppose, but much harder. I used to play when I was a lot younger,” he laughed, “and a lot less fat.”
“Traditionally the ball is made from woven rattan, or sometimes wicker. I learned to make them as a boy, it’s really about the only thing I can make.”
He told, “To be honest last night I was in a bit of a mess, I very much needed something to distract me, so I made this. I have no idea why, but I thought you might like it. Silly of me I suppose.”
Susan took the thing, looking at its intricate woven pattern. It still smelled of fresh varnish and she grinned as she rolled it from hand to hand across the table, “That’s perfect.”
She put her arms around the big man and hugged him.”Thanks, Barnie, I need this thing.”
Barabus leaned back in his chair, looking at the blonde as he pondered, “Fuck it. I’m taking the day off.”
“Yea, screw it. You and me. We’re playing hooky okay?”
Susan looked confused, “I suppose.”
Grinning, the big man got up, “I have an idea, you coming?”
“Sure, I guess.”
He led her down into the bowels of the kitchen where chef was king and even Portia tread lightly. A few members of staff gave the two odd looks but most just smiled friendly greetings as they bustled about. Barabus exchanged words with chef, who glanced at Susan and after a few moments of thought nodded and pointed off to an unused stove in the far corner of the kitchen.
Moving to the stove Barabus shucked off his jacket and rolled up his sleeps.
“I’m going to teach you how to make ‘Soto Ayam’. It’s a kind of traditional soup, a bit like chicken noodle I suppose. Course, it won’t be as good as chef’s but it’s how myma made it. You up for it?”
Susan grinned, “I’d like that very much.”
The big man beamed a smile back at her and gestured at his stocky torso, “Good! Now as you can see from my svelte and athletic physique, I’m a man who likes his food, so maybe it won’t be half-bad. We can even throw in a few local words and pretend it’s a language lesson if you’re feeling “
For the next couple of hours, Susan and Barabus worked together over a huge pot of soup, chopping vegetables, skinning and frying chicken. The smell of coriander, candlenuts and turmeric filled their corner of the kitchen. Barabus named the ingredients and even sang a song his mother would sing to him in the kitchen when he was a boy and Susan found herself grinning happily as she tried to pick up the words. Eventually, chef ambled over and took a taste of their concoction. Nodding in appreciation he gave a broad smile of approval before wandering off.
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