The Games Pt. 02

Felicity woman next to Amy, the eighteen-year-old was still sleeping, her blonde hair still in braids and held in place with pink ribbons.

Amy’s sleeping face was mere inches from Felicity’s, her soft lips slightly parted, showing the slightest hint of her cute overbite. She looked adorable and Felicity moved her face a little closer, so tempted to kiss those wet soft lips, her breathing quickened a little and she felt her heart rate pick up.

Amy’s eyes flickered open, she smiled at Felicity, finding her their faces so close made her breath catch and she wanted to plant her lips firmly to Felicity’s, impulsively she closed the last inch between them and kissed her softly, she had been going for a quick kiss.

Felicity’s eyes opened wide in surprise at the move, but she needed no second invitation, she pulled Amy into her and responded by taking the kiss deeper, her tongue flickering over Amy’s and soon their jaws worked in unison, kissing passwordately, exploring eachOther’s mouths with their tongues while urgent hands roamed and caresed, fingers finding breasts, nipples, thighs and quivering wet pussy’s.

It wasn’t the first time they had fucked, but Felicity still wasn’t totally sure how Amy felt about her, Amy was in the same position, she knew she wanted this, she wanted Felicity more than she had ever wanted anything in her young life, but they had never discussed how they felt or what kind of relationship they were in, both a little frightened that the answers they got where not what they hoped for.

For now, they ignored those questions, they both knew they only had a few minutes before Tiffany came for them, urgently they rubbed their bodies together, fingers thrusting and mouths firmly attached in frenzied need.

Amy gasped and moaned as her climax washed over her, she clutched the soft warm curves of Felicity to her as she shuddered in pleasure, biting down softly on Felicity’s shoulder to stop a shout of ecstasy escaping.

Felicity feel the bite and let out a low moan, the pain increasing her pleasure as she ground her slick wet pussy against Amy’s, her own climax started and she bit down on Amy’s lower lip, sucking it into her mouth and then releasing it as she let out a long slow groan of pleasure. Her own body shook and she dug her nails into Amy’s buttocks, letting out a sight as she finished.

Giggling they nuzzled each other and kissed a few more times, revealing in the shared moment of password they had just enjoyed.

“That was fun to watch.” Said Joseph in a clearly amused voice.

Both girls let out a yelp of surprise, they had forgotten that he was sharing their room and had been sleeping in the bed next to them.

He was propped up on one elbow while struggling his massive black cock with his other hand, clearly, he was turned on by what he had just witnessed and his fully erect cock looked frighteningly large to the two girls.

Felicity and Amy had seen it for the first time yesterday, it had looked big when not fully hard, now it looked massive and since neither of the girls had any experience with a black man or any man so endowed, his flagrant display of it not only made them blush, it scared them both.

Amy swallowed auditibly and Joseph’s smile widened, he was sure they had never had a man like him before, their reactions were too pure and obvious to him.

It made him want to fuck them both, he couldn’t wait to see the tiny blonde impaled on his cock or watch the pale skinned redhead scream as he rammed in and out of her tight cunt.

Tiffany chose that moment to enter the room, all three of them Guiltly jumped out of bed at her entrance, she was clearly annoyed to find none of them ready for the day ahead.

Tiffany clapped her hands together sharply, “You lazy idiots!” she declared angrily and set about chivvying them into the shows and into their respective outfits for the days ‘games’.

An hour later they took tothe manicured laws of Sir David’s estate. Felicity stood next to the towering Joseph, he was saddled and ready to ride, she held his reins lightly in her right hand as they watched Amy and Tiffany take their places for the first event.

Amy was hitched to the large wheeled, extra light chariot that Tiffany rode in, just like the day before she wore a white crisscross leather harness, open toed siletto boots with a three-inch heel and a blinkered headdress from which the long reins were attached.

She looked tiny and delicate, her long blonde hair tied with pink ribbons made her young face and body look even younger, if it wasn’t for the fact she had to be eighteen to enter, everyone would have sworn she was about fifteen or sixteen.

She even had a light blush of embarrassment, unused to being so naked in public.

Amy took the bit in her mouth a little more firmly as the flag went up and she felt Tiffany’s hands ease up on the reins of her bridle, getting ready toflick them and send her into motion.

She might be one of the smallest ‘fillies’ in the race, but she was a farm girl and had grown up working hard on the family farm, she knew she was stronger and faster than she looked and against the older women she hoped to do well.

The flag went down and Amy surged forward into the harness, the single thin bit of leather that split her vaginal lips tightened but wasn’t excessively painful as most of the strain was on her shoulders and chest straps.

The light framed bugs moved off, slowly at first and then gaining speed as the ‘fillies’ got moving, their high heeled boots found firm footing on the compacted red earth of the race track that ran around the edge of the bright green laws.

Unlike a traditional racetrack, this one wasn’t an oval, it curved to the right and left, had a long straight, a sharp bend to the left and then another long straight before two more sharp curves and a shorter straight to the finish line.

Most of the onlookers where gathered on the main pavilion, but a few stood at the edges of the track itself with cameras at the ready to capture the action. Only a select few could take pictures or film, this was a private event and was never uploaded to the internet, privacy for the competitors was strictly enforced and Amy was grateful for that.

As they entered the first straight Amy and Tiffany were in third place, trailed by the Japanese and Welsh. The French were in the lead, their ‘filly’ being long legged, strong and in her late twentyties, while the Germans held firmly in second. The other two teams were English and had chosen not to compete in this event.

Amy was nearing her full stride, her small breast’s jiggled and her puffy nipples stood out proudly, the crowded clapped and shouted encouragement at her, most of them being English and wanting to see a good result from the only English team running.

She was breathing hard but with control, she knew her pace and keep to it, gaining slightly on the well-toned and tanned German woman. With only five of them in the race there was no price for third place, she would have to get second at least if she wanted any money from this event.

She took the bend well, her heels didn’t scrapble and her small size was an advantage, she strained harder into her harness, gaining a few more strides on the German girl as Tiffany Expertly leaned into the bend to help with the turn.

The second long straight loose ahead, Amy was tiring, but so were the other girls, Tiffany used her whip and it stung Amy’s buttocks painfully, leaving red lines on her exposed bum. Amy surged forward with suppressed yelps of pain, forcing her exhausted legs to keep going.

Tiffany wanted to win and used her whip with abandon, thrashing the small blonde all along the straight, urging her newest ‘pet’ to work harder.

Tears flowed freely down Amy’s cheats and she squealed in pain as she ran harder than she had ever done before, passing the flagging German girl and her master as they passed the last bend and ran down the short straight to the finish line.

The poor German woman was also being flogged mercilessly, but she had nothing left to give and had to watch with tearful eyes as she was passed. Her night of passwordate fucking with the big black English ‘stallion’ was costing her.

The French team romped home, easily taking First place without even one whip mark on their ‘filly’, Amy ran over the finish line to take second place and secure a medical and price, but her back and bum were on fire and she collapsed into the arms of a waiting Felicity.

Tiffany wasn’t a cruel person, she knew she had overdone it with the whip and raced forward to unhitch a sobbing Amy from the buggy.

They had Joseph pick her up and take her to Their rooms while Tiffany stayed to collect her medical and the administratives from the crowd, it wasn’t a win but they had placed well and plenty of peoplee had made a surprise profit from an outside bet. No one had expected the tiny blonde to do as well as she had.

Back in their room, Felicity gently helped Amy out of her harness, she made Joe leave the room, aware that his presence would only upset a naked Amy even more.

Salve was softly applied to Amy’s back and buttocks, she whimpered practically and hid her face in the pillow. Felicity wasn’t sure she would be able to compete again and worried for her.

With soft words and a few gentle kisses, she managed to get the tiny blonde to stop crying, she didn’t have much time and had to tell the poor girl that she was going to have to leave her for a while, Amy clutched at her hand, not wanting to be left alone and also worried about Felicity, Amy knew what the next event was and remembering the size of Joe’s erect cock was now truly frightened for her friend and lover.

Felicity gently disengaged her hand and assured Amy she would be fine, neither of them believed it,but they let go and Felicity left the room with a sad wave.


An impatient Tiffany waited at the starting position, she held Joe’s reins and rolled her eyes in exasperation as Felicity approached.

“You are late, I had to beg the judges for more time.” she said in a vexed tone as she helped Felicity mount her ‘stallion’.

“I wouldn’t have been late if you had not whipped the hell out of Amy.” Felicity retired angrily, she was in love with Tiffany and her ‘pet’, but unlike most couples in this kind of arrangement she was free to show her anger if she wished to.

Tiffany nodded in way of apology, it was accepted and Felicity knew not to push it any further, angry expressions were one thing, pushing it would lead to a very harsh spanking or worse.

Felicity settled herself in the saddle, the dildo on it parted her pussy lips and filled her with its seven-inch length. She was glad it was well lubricated as she had forgotten to lube herself due to her congern over Amy.

Her feet found the stirrups and she took the reins that Tiffany held out to her. Joseph moved forward to join the rest of the waiting ‘stallions’ and Felicity looked around at the angry glares from the other riders.

She gave them a shrug and small smile of apology for making them wait for her, some nodded, others didn’t, all faced forward and watched the Judge lift his flag in readiness.

The course was a difficult one, it was designed to make the riders fall off and challenge them all, there were jumps, running areas, a step slope, a water pit and a long straight run at the end.

Falling off sent you back to the last obstacle and you could not turn until your ‘stallion’ had cum inside you, for repeated falls there was the option of a stand in, no one expected the ‘stalions’ to be able to cum that many times, so worst case scenario was to fall too many times and end up being fucked by a whole series of men.

Felicity nervously watched theflag being raised, she was tense and already ashamed by the watching crowd seeing her split by the dildo, unlike most of the competitors she wasn’t an exhibitionist and like Amy, found being exposed humiliating and degrading.

The idea of ​​having to let numerous men fuck her before the crowd had her a little freaked, but the prize money for this event was one of the largest and she was desperate to win a place. With luck, she would only have to have Joe’s huge dick inside her, but even that scared her, it was far larger than any man’s cock that she had experienced in her short sexual past.

The flag went down, Joe pounded forward and if it hadn’t been for the practice runs, she would have fallen right there and then, as it was the dildo jammed up inside her painfully and she gritted her teeth as she held her seat with determination.

The muscled German ran past but his rider fell off him with a painful yelp as they hit the first jump, it was a low bar, but imagine ridingpiggy back as your mount jumps and all you have to hold you in place is your tights and stirrups, add the painful jerk of a dildo leaving your insides and you have a harsh experience.

The German ‘stallion’, mounted his rider and fucked her mercilessly as Felicity and Joe successfully made the jump to take the lead.

Joe pounded up the step slope, his well-muscled and toned body working perfectly, Felicity rode well, keeping her balance and ending the jostling dildo that rammed about inside her already bruised vaginal walls.

They hit the edge of the slope at a run and she let out a yelp as he jumped off the edge, it was a two foot drop and they hit the ground hard, Joe bent his knees to take the impact but it was too much for Felicity, she tumbled out of the saddle and hit the ground with a loud and painful thumb.

She was dizzied from the fall as she felt Joe grab her hips and pull her into a doggy style position for fucking, there was a seizing pain as he rammed into her and her eyes bulged. Her mouth released a scream as he entered her and took his pleasure.

Joseph had wanted this since he had first laid eyes on the pale skinned redhead, her cunt was tight, even with the lube from the dildo she had been riding she was tight and her lips stretched painfully around his massive cock.

He grunted and forced himself all the way in, he didn’t care if she hated it, all he cared about was that he was finally getting to fuck the little slut.

Her painfilled squeals turned him on and he worked fast, he wanted her but he also wanted to win, so he worked fast and hard, ramming in and out of her until he felt the pressure build within him, a final few thrusts and then he spurted into her.

He witnessed in satisfaction, she looked well fucked and more than a little exhausted as he raised his hand for an umpirre.

One of the umpires ran forward, he wasn’t gentle as he pulled Felicity’s lips apart and pushed two fingers inside her to check the cum. He nodded and held up a green card.

Humiliated and disgusted with herself, Felicity groggily let Joe help her to her feet, still slightly dazed from her fall and harsh fucking, she looked around, Joe took a knee for her to mount, but she was in no state to do so, her brain was misfiring from what had happened and the baying crowd wasn’t helping, they only made her more aware of what they had all Just seen her do.

She gripped the saddle, her eyes were full of tears as she looked at the other riders being treated just as she had been, their ‘stallions’ viciously fucking them from the same fall, only the Japanese girl had kept her seat and that was what brought her back to her senses.

The small Japanese couple had done better than everyone else, they had not fallen yet and were already heading to the water hazard.

Swallowing her shame and giving herself a mental shake, Felicity put a foot into the stirrup and re-mounted, she slammed herself down onthe dildo and screamed at Joe to go.

“GO, GO, GO.” She urged, her pain and humiliation suppressed by the need to win and get the prize money.

Joseph surged forward, his feet practically flew over the ground as he ran at full tilt towards the water hazard, Felicity whimpered and clutched her thighs tight, holding her place and concentrating on what lay ahead.

The Japanese couple were in trouble, the water was over his waist and splashed up onto the saddle, Felicity reined in Joe.

“take it slow.” She commanded

He wanted to go fast, but Tiffany had told him to obey Felicity in the races, so he dutifully slowed his pace and took to the water carefully, it was a good call.

He was tall enough to wade through without splashing the saddle or making the crossing difficult for his rider.

The Japanese ‘stallion’ had tried to ignore the laws of physics and fell due to his rush, while Joe waded past him and managed to climb out the other side with his rider still in place.

Unfortunately for the small Asian girl, the water had washed away any lube she had applied and Felicity heard her anguished cries as she was fucked without any lubrication.

Felicity winced in sympathy as she urged her mount on, they were close to the finish and she was getting excited with the prospect of winning.

The pounding of feet close to her left made her glace back, the French team were right there, only a pace behind as they raced towards the finish line.

She yelled loudly, screaming at the top of her lungs for Joe to go faster.

She no longer felt what was happening inside her as she bent forward and gave Joe his head, she was numb and would deal with her ruined pussy later.

The French girl whipped her riding crop on Felicity’s exposed buttocks, hoping to distract her.

Felicity yelped but keep her seat as Joe put on a final sprint of speed, they crossed the finish line in first place and she slammed her fist into the air in triumph.

“woohoo.” She yelled as she heard the crowd erupt into applause.


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