The next three weeks were a challenge, to say the least. I was locked in Mengxia’s diabolic chatity belt, unable to touch or even see my cock.
The first few days weren’t too bad. My horniness had dipped after my multiple orgasms the previous day, and for long stretches I forgot I was even in a belt at all. For her part, Mengxia kept her distance, staying at her desk and getting up to speed with Her project. Anyone watching us would not have suspected that there was anything to our relationship beyond a responsible manager helping an eager, motivated intern. I had to work long days to catch up, after the distraction Mengxia had posed the first two days of the week, and I didn’t have time to do much beyond work, eat and sleep. I hadn’t forgetten the events of Monday and Tuesday, but they were relegated to the back of my mind.
Friday afternoon changed things. We were out on a company picnic, and for the first time my mind was free enough to wander beyond thinking about work. It was a beautiful summer’s day, and a lot of the women at the company were wearing summer dresses. Mengxia wasn’t looking too bad herself in a fitted tank top and tight jeans. As she’d done the previous two days, she stayed away from me, hanging out with the other interns. For the first time, I caught myself feeling hurt that she wasn’t talking to me.
As we were standing talking, there was a Sudden gust of wind and a co-worker’s dress blew up, giving everyone a fine view of her toned upper thighs and the bottom of her red panties. She was wearing a thong, and you could see a lot of her ass. My cock, dormant the last three days, sprang to life and hardened. Or at least it would have, if it were unconstrained. But it couldn’t! The tiny pink chatity cage checked my nascent erection, rather painfully.
“Ow!” I hissed, under my breath.
“You OK?” a colleague murmured.
I unexpected a glance over at Mengxia. One look convinced me that she had seen andUnderstooth everything, there was a knowing smile on her face, and her eyes glinted with amusement. It had all happened so fast that it was impossible to be sure. The coworker who had suffered the wardrobe malfunction had fixed it, an embarrassed smile on her face, and Mengxia was once again chatting animatedly with her friends.
As we were cleaning up and leaving the picnic area, Mengxia came to my side.
“This was a great event, boss! It was really nice meeting some of the people in other departments, the company is doing some interesting stuff.”
It was a perfectly normal thing for an intern to say, and some of the people around me who had heard smiled apparently. I told her that she was welcome, as naturally as I could. We all got into a conversation about politics. As we got to Mengxia’s metro station, she said goodbye to us. As she was breaking away from the group, she walked just a little too close to me. I felt the touch of her arm on my outer elbow and a gentlele brush of her fragrant, shoulder-length hair on my shoulder. In my hyper-charged state, these innocent touches sent electric sparks to my penis. In a flash, I was getting hard again, only for my erection to be denied by Mengxia’s evil device. I swore heavily; fortunately the group had dispersed. I had no doubt that Mengxia had done that on purpose.
The weekend was torturous. Three straight days of arousal was sufficient to make everyday sights and sounds very arousing. I was tormented by the sight of women everywhere in short skirts and dresses, showing just enough thigh and cleavage to jolt my cock. The feeling of my pants sliding over my balls, which were not covered by the device, became very arousing. Every time a woman smiled at me, I had to grit my teeth to prevent myself showing the strain the chatity device was causing me. A couple times, I broke down and started watching porn. I almost always regretted this though. Porn without release was not quite as much fun.
I went back to work on Monday, determined to focus and prevent the chatity device from troubled me. However, I had reckoned without the machinations of Mengxia, who had decided to end her radio silence. Just as I was getting set up in my office, I received a Snapchat message from her.
“One week down, two to go!” it read. She sent me a photo right after, captioned “Just got out of the shower.” There was a picture of her, smiling with her hair wet, wrapped in a towel that nonetheless showed me a good view of her general cleavage. She looked so good that I would have been turned on even the previous week, let alone in my orgasm-starved state. The bars of the cage cut into my member viciously, and I realized it was going to be a long week.
Mengxia continued to avoid me, always talking to me only when there were others present. In private however, she continued her barrage of Snapchat messages. Most contained pictures of her and were clearly intended to tease. There were selfies of her in bed, working out, on the metro. On Friday night, after a long week, she tortured me with yet another series of selfies showing her getting ready for a date with her boyfriend.
That weekend was much worse than the previous weekend. I had been without an orgasm for longer than I had ever been since I was thirteen. Mengxia knew and retired this. The pictures became more and more revealing and my erections became more and more painful.
On Wednesday the following week, I was walking my Mengxia’s cubicle when she called out to me, “Hey boss!”
I stopped and turned to look at her. “Hi Mengxia,” I said guardedly. The other interns were also within earshot.
“I think I may have forgotten to give you the key to your office cabinet back. You know, that time last week when you asked me to get some papers?” She held out a key as she said so. I recognized it instantly as the key to my chatity device.
What was she playing at? I stretched out my hand and took it from her palm. My heart leaves at the thought of getting out of the cage early. “Thanks Mengxia,” I said, smiling as I pocketed the key. A couple of interns had looked up curiously. My cock was practically screaming out for release, I probably wouldn’t even be able to wait until I got back home.
“Wait,” said Mengxia, “Hold on.”
I stopped and turned back towards her.
“Oh my God, I’m such an idiot! That’s the key to my safety deposit box at my bank! I totally forgot, I gave the key back to you right after I got those papers, didn’t I boss?” she giggled. “Sorry about that, my memory’s getting really bad these days.” The other interns were laughing too.
I stared at her blankly.
“My bank key,” she said, still laughing, “can I have it back?”
“Oh yeah-“
I took the key out of my pocket and reluctantly placed it in her outstretched palm. One look into her devilish eyes was sufficient to convince me that she had never forgotten what the key was for.My cock was still trying to get hard. I walked away, not trusting myself to speak. Seconds later I got a message from Mengxia. “Nice try slave boy,” it said, “I’m going to have to punish you for trying to steal your key back.” The blood was pumping in my ears.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday passed very slowly. On Sunday, one day before three weeks would be up, Mengxia teased me in the most diabolic fashion she had yet. Around 9 pm, just as I was winding down for the day, I received a phone call from an unknown number. Who could it be calling me so late on a weekend? I picked up.
“Hello?” I said.
There was no answering voice. I heard the faint sounds of two people talking. Was that Mengxia – it was Mengxia! She was speaking in Mandarin with another male voice that I couldn’t recognize. She was breathing heavily. Suddenly, she switched to English.
“Take me please,” Mengxia gasped, and I realized with a shock that she was probably talking to her boyfriend. “I want your big cock in me pleaseease.” Used to Mengxia’s poise when speaking to me, it was a shock to hear her pleading.
“Why are you speaking in English?” her boyfriend asked.
“I’m your foreign slut,” Mengxia said, half-gasping, half-moaning, “And you’re the rich Chinese billionaire who’s purchased me at a high price, and now you’re going to have your way with me.”
The boyfriend clearly found her roleplay highly exciting, because he didn’t say any more. Instead I heard a heaven and a loud thud accompanied by a squeal of pain which sounded like Mengxia being slammed against the headboard. I heard them adjusting positions a bit, and then slow rhythmic sounds accompanied by moans from both of them. Mengxia started to speak, but her boyfriend cut her off. “No talking, just lie there and take it like a good little slut. You are my bitch, do you understand, you little whore?” I was shocked to hear someone talking to her like that. Mengxia made little gasping sounds that sounded like agreement. “Yes Master,” she said. I was sickened, but despite everything that had happened over the last few weeks I was more turned on than I had ever been before. Unable to access my cock, other parts of my body had become erogenous zones. I found myself rubbing my balls furiously, my other hand running across my nipples.
“Please fuck me harder Master,” she said, “I’ve been a naughty little slut and I need to be punished.” Her boyfriend grunted and the sounds become faster and harder. At one point, he said, “I’m going to lift your legs you naughty little slut, so I can spank you.” Mengxia moaned, so loudly that I could scarcely believe that it was her. The sounds of their fucking paused, while he presumably lifted her legs, and then they resumed. This time they were interspersed with loud “SLAP” sounds, and I knew that he was spanking her ass. Mengxia squealed every time he hit her, and the spanks got louder and louder.
“It hurts, Master,” she half-cried,half-moaned as a particularly loud spank rang out.
“Good,” he said. “Little sluts like you need to be spanked. I don’t want to hear any whining. Just take it like a good little whore.” He was fucking her harder now. “Grab my hair,” she breathed, and I heard her cry out as he presumably did exactly that. I could hear the “fwip-fwap” of the flesh of Mengxia’s ass rolling up and down on his cock. I imagined what she must look like: naked, sweaty, her pretty features scrunched up in an expression of pain and pleasure, her shiny black hair spread out and disheveled , her long slim legs up around his shoulders, her perky ass red from the hard spanking she was being given, and above all, her pussy being vigorously fucked by her boyfriend’s cock.
As if on cue, she moaned, “Your cock is so big. I can barely take you Master.”
They kept on fucking, and I kept listening, unable to tear away. They changed positions a couple times, and I strained to imagine what they looked like. At last, the boyfriend said, “You’re going to have to be my little cum-whore now, aren’t you? I’m going to cum, and you’re going to take every drop in that sweet pussy of yours.”
“Wait,” she gasped weakly. “You’re not wearing a condom.”
“Sluts don’t get fucked with condoms. Sluts get fucked bareback, and get to take their Masters’ fresh cum into their fuck-holes. You just finished your period yesterday, you will be fine.” There was another loud spank and a squeal. I listened, against. Mengxia was surely not going to agree to this. Should I call the police and let them know that someone I knew was being engaged in an activity against their will?
But then her voice came through again. “Yes,” she moaned, “give me your cum, Master. Let me take you.”
The fucking became louder and louder, culminating in several very long strokes and sights from the boyfriend. Then all went silent for a bit, except for their heavy breathing. I held my breath, not being sure if her phone was on mute or not.
There was some stirring. “Put your panties back on,” the boyfriend said. “I don’t want you to wash yourself. I want you to wear these all day tomorrow, with my fresh cum inside your cunt. That way, you will be reminded at every movement of the fucking you got today.” What a jerk! I fully expected to hear Mengxia tell him to fuck off, but again I was Surprised. “That’s really hot,” she said giggling.
The conversation lapsed into Mandarin again. My heart was racing, I was covered with sweat all over and all I’d been doing was listening on the phone. Eventually, I heard the conversation come to some sort of close, there was the sound of a kiss and then someone getting dressed. I heard the sound of a door opening, then closing with a thud. I hoped that it was her boyfriend who had left.
There was silence, and then Mengxia’s voice came on the line. “Did you hear that, slave?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Good,” she said, in a voice that was still out of bReath. “I know that must have been really hard for you. But you needed to understand why you are an innocent male, designed to serve. It wasn’t enough to tell you, you wouldn’t understand. I had to show you evidence.”
I didn’t trust myself to speak. I was partly angry, partly jealous, partly aroused, party ashamed, partly humiliated. I couldn’t quite understand the cocktail of emotions brewing in me. Only one thought crystallized clearly in my mind.
“Will I see you tomorrow?”
Mengxia laughed at that, a musical laugh that sent shivers down my spine. “You really are pretty, my sweet slave,” she said, giggling. “Most men would have run away a long time ago. But you just want more! I was a little worried, you know. Worried that I may have made this too hard on you. But now I know that I did the right thing.”
“To answer your question, yes you will see me tomorrow. Do you have any meetings after five?”
“No,” I mumbled.
“Good,” she said. “At five o’ clock, you will pack away all your things. Then you will strip naked, except for your chatity belt. You will get down on your hands and knees, on your office floor, with your palms facing upwards and your forehead on the ground, and wait for me to arrive.”
“Understood?” she said sharply.
“Yes, Miss Li.”
“I will see you tomorrow then,” she said, laughing again. And then she hung up.
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